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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 106

He was going to a foreign land and tried to chop up the red king

Yu Yutian, this is one of the nine heavens with the same name as Wuliangtian, Dachitian, etc. This piece of heaven and earth is also an extremely powerful ancient world, with the immortal force of immortality sitting in its seat.

On this day, Ye Qing entered this ancient world and came to an ancient battlefield

This is a relic left over from the Immortal Ancient Era. There are countless corpses, large and small, all exuding a powerful breath. Some corpses still emit immortal mist, but they are immortal-level corpses.

It can be seen how tragic that battle was back then, and even the immortal real fairy fell.

Ye Qing came to this ruins. With the memory in his mind, he came to an underground ruins and opened an ancient magic circle.

This is a passage left over from the Immortal Ancient Era, or even more distant eras, only an old antique like the Lord of the Restricted Area knows about it.

Ye Qing opened the magic circle and opened a space channel, which was a black crack, filled with a terrifying aura.

Although it is a space channel, it is not very stable. Ordinary true immortals cannot set foot in it, and will fall at every turn. Even the quasi-immortal king will frown and be extremely jealous.

7 In the original book, which number 1 became the Red Dust Immortal, when they passed through this space passage, they all paid a great price and almost suffered heavy damage, which shows the danger of this ancient road.

Ordinary real immortals set foot on it and die without a doubt

Even a quasi-immortal king is in danger of falling

However, Ye Qing is not afraid. He is an Immortal King, and his combat power is comparable to that of the Immortal King giants. Naturally, he can safely cross this ancient road and enter the foreign realm.

Different from the Immortal Realm, the Exotic Realm and the Nine Heavens are very far apart, and there was a battle of eradication between the two realms in the Immortal Ancient Era, which made the avenues of the two realms mutually exclusive. Boundary wall, come to enter the Nine Heavens Realm

Even if it can be done, it will have to pay a huge price, and there will be a huge disturbance, which will alarm the kings of foreign countries.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Qing did not directly tear the boundary wall and enter the foreign realm.

not to do, but not to

Not only the foreign land, but Jiutian’s repulsion is even more severe, especially the king of the foreign land, even if he can forcibly come, he will have to pay a heavy price. This is the rejection of the entire world.

Giants have to pay a huge price


The distance between the two realms is infinite. Even if there is a passage, Ye Qing took nearly half a month to come to the foreign realm.

“Is this alien?”

As soon as he entered the foreign land, Ye Qing restrained the breath of the whole body, making sure that he would not disturb the top powerhouses in the foreign land, and at the same time sense the avenues of the foreign land.

Different from the Nine Heavens Realm, the Dao of the Exotic Realm is filled with a domineering aura, and it is extremely powerful, far exceeding the Nine Heavens Realm by many times and comparable to the Immortal Realm.

In the ancient world where the avenues are perfect, it is easier for monks to break through, and it is also much easier to prove the Tao.

“Is it the territory of the Red King?”

Ye Qing looked at this ancient land and sensed a strong immortal energy. This is the same level of ancient energy, but the power of the immortal realm.

The immortality of this ancient land is so rich that it is so terrifying

Only the immortal king is qualified to occupy

At the same time, Ye Qing also sensed the strong aura of divine medicine. This is a place of medicine.

Combined with the original text, Ye Qing is almost certain that this is the territory of the Red King

“Hey, King Chi, here I come!”

Ye Qing showed a smile. He took one step and entered the depths of the mountain range. He quietly dissolved the ancient formation guarding this place and came to a volcano.

That volcano is extremely complex. The magma is red gold, filled with the energy of the sun, and in the magma, a grass is planted, like a stick, straight and strong, emitting a dazzling light.

Its whole body is golden, stronger than the sun, and it exudes a strong blazing sun! This is a sacred medicine

“Returning Sun Grass!”

This is also one of the goals of Ye Qing to come to the foreign land, in order to collect the sun-blooming grass

This great medicine, although it is not an elixir, is better than an elixir, and its value is not inferior to the elixir.

The value of this ancient medicine is astonishing, and its name fully explains its power

It is like a golden sun, emitting extremely splendid light, which is rare in the world. This grass is extremely sacred and extremely dazzling.

Anyone who sees this ancient medicine will know its preciousness

“I’m welcome!”

Ye Qing chuckled, he raised his hand and looked around, ignoring the ancient formation, he was about to grab the Sunflower Grass, the Sunflower Grass has a spirit, and its intelligence is no worse than that of a cultivator. He was about to scream, but there was no resistance The strength of the force was caught by Ye Qing

“It’s worth it!”

Looking at the Sun-Returning Grass in his hand, Ye Qing muttered to himself

With this Sun-Returning Grass, even if this trip can’t do anything to the Red King, it’s not worth his trip.

Put away the Sun-Returning Grass, Ye Qing left the magic circle and left this mountain range.

As soon as he came out of the mountain, Ye Qing showed a strange color. On the opposite side, there was an ancient cave, which proved that the immortal energy was gushing out. There were powerful creatures sitting there, breathing the immortal energy, filled with a terrifying aura.

“How did you come out of it, who are you who dare to enter the pure land of the Red King to raise great medicine, you are so daring!”

The creature in the cave shouted loudly, his voice was like thunder, and it was about to resound through the sky.

This is an immortal. Sitting cross-legged here is to protect this pure land, to be precise, to protect this sun-returning grass

Using an immortal to guard the Sun-Returning Grass shows the preciousness of this great medicine.

It should be noted that the existence of the immortal level, even the immortal king, will not be too contemptuous, will give a certain respect, will not embarrass it, and allow an immortal person to take care of the big medicine, which shows the preciousness of the sun-healing grass.

Now, when he saw Ye Qing walking out of the mountain range, this immortal was instantly angry, and a strong breath filled the air, as if the sky was falling apart, pressing towards Ye Qing.

If it is a supreme, at this moment, he has been pressed to the ground, and his whole body is trembling.


Ye Qing frowned, his mind moved, an invisible force enveloped the territory, isolating all movement, and immediately, he raised his hand and grabbed the immortal.

“how is this possible”

The immortal shouted, he was terrifying

Before he could make a move, an unparalleled mighty force struck him, absorbing him into the palm of the person who came, without even the strength to resist, like a grand monkey in the palm of his hand, which made him terrified

“Which king are you! You actually trespassed on the territory of the Red King!”

This immortal roared, he knew Ye Qing’s strength, the existence that can capture him so easily is definitely a king

You know, he’s a top immortal

A mysterious king broke into the Red King’s territory. This is definitely a big thing. It made this immortal heart tremble, and he suddenly thought of a lot of things.

Could it be that someone wants to take the opportunity to assassinate the Red King. There are too many legends about the Red King. Some people say that he used the Red King Furnace to refine the immortal king giant of nine days to death, but he was also seriously injured and dying. He has been in retreat for an entire era. , were not born

This has to be thought provoking

Even though most of the immortal kings in the foreign land have a good relationship, there is no guarantee that there will be no kings who want to take the opportunity to assassinate the red king.

After all, when the Red King was strong back then, he was oppressive, and he offended many kings, and some immortal kings were also suppressed by the Red King.

Now, the Red King cannot retreat, and he is suspected of being seriously injured, which will inevitably affect the hearts of some opponents! “Which king are you, you know the power of the Red King!”

This immortal roared, struggling frantically, the powerful immortal power burst out, and it could be torn into a large universe, but unfortunately, Ye Qing’s palm was slightly squeezed, which directly crushed his whole body.

An immortal, comparable to the existence of a top-level true immortal, in Ye Qing’s hands not even an ant

“What about the Red King? Maybe he was really powerful when he was brilliant, but now that he is sunset, he can’t protect himself. This seat is also an immortal king, so why be afraid of him!”

Ye Qing sneered, pretending

He is trying to disguise himself as an immortal king

Although he didn’t realize this at first, now that he has the opportunity, he will not be polite.

If you can use this to stir up the grudges of some immortal kings, this will be a wonderful thing.

“You will regret this!”

Hearing this, this immortal was terrified and roared again and again.

“You don’t need to worry about it!”

Ye Qing said lightly, holding the palm slightly, directly pinched the immortal to death, and at the same time absorbed its memory, and wanted to obtain some exotic secrets. After obtaining some memories, he refined it with immortal fire.

Soon, a mass of origin appeared, filled with a powerful immortal aura

This is a completely different power from the source of immortality

“Well, I still need to disguise!”

Ye Qing whispered, refining this source into the body, feeling the immortal aura, and immediately began to run the mana, and began to simulate the immortal king’s breath

About half an hour later, Ye Qing’s aura suddenly changed, turning into a king filled with immortal aura, just like an immortal king coming into the world, amazing.

“That’s right”

After sensing his state, Ye Qing smiled with satisfaction

In his current state, even an immortal king can’t see through his true body, he will only regard him as an immortal king, even if the red king comes, it is impossible to see through him for a while

“That’s enough!”

After doing everything well, Ye Qing took one step, left here, and entered the imperial clan where the Red King was located.

The foreign imperial clan is not… the emperor of the nine heavens, this is the family of the immortal king, and any imperial clan has the potential to achieve immortality

Given enough time, they are

In the era of covering the sky, each and every one of them is the arrogance of the emperor, and it is not an exaggeration to call it an emperor.

The ancient land occupied by the Chiwang Emperor is extremely large

The author said that the entire Scarlet King Domain is the territory of the Scarlet King, including the infinite universe, and it is the territory ruled by the Scarlet King.

It’s just that this is the ancestral land of the Red King’s imperial clan, the center, the place where the emperor’s clan lives, and the place where the Red King has to retreat.

Along the way, Ye Qing saw more than one giant city, all of which were extremely huge, built of star corpses, towering into the boundless universe, so huge that it was so vast that it was bigger than a star field.

Ye Qing has encountered many similar cities.

Other cities are made of various precious divine gold, suspended in the sky, shrouded in chaotic energy, suppressing an ancient land, so that the immortal energy cannot be leaked, and at the same time, it brings together the infinite essence of the eight wastes of the universe.

Ye Qing even saw a super giant city. It was built with emperor stars. It was so huge that it was unimaginable. It was surrounded by countless galaxies.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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