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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 107

This is Imperial City

“This is the territory of the Red King, far from being comparable to the Nine Heavens Realm!”

Ye Qing was amazed, even he was amazed by such a solid background. This is far from being comparable to the Nine Heavens Realm. Even the Immortal Ancient at the peak period is too much inferior to the exotic realm.

This is the difference in foundation

However, although Ye Qing was amazed, he did not pay too much attention, but went straight ahead. According to the memory of the immortal, he came to the ancestral land of the clan, which was also the retreat of the Red King.

It’s too quiet here, there are no giant cities, and there are no supreme cave dwellings dug out. There is only a small earthen city built on the mountain. If it weren’t for the immortality there, it would be hard to imagine that this was the place where the Red King retreated.

There are few guards in this small town, only a few people

In fact, there is no need for guards here at all

This is the place where the Red King retreats

If you want to get here, even immortals can’t do it. You need to go through too many fierce places along the way, not to mention that there are many immortals patrolling. Those who can safely break into this place are at least quasi-immortal kings.

In the face of such existence, no one can resist

Moreover, no one thinks that someone dares to break in here, not even the immortal king.

Red King’s prestige, no matter what

Whether it is in a foreign realm or in a fairy realm, it is universally recognized as powerful, but it is a supreme giant, no weaker than the ordinary sea giants.

Such an existence, even if it is a foreign land, few people can compare

Who dares to break into his retreat Therefore, there is no strong guard here

Approaching this small town, Ye Qing’s expression was a little dignified. He sensed an incomparably depressing aura, as if there was an unparalleled savage in a deep sleep, faintly filled with shocking arrogance.

This is the breath that only the king can sense

The red king is here

Ye Qing secretly said in his heart, and then without hesitation, he quietly entered the small town and came to a land of stone mountains.

Here, there is endless immortal aura surrounding it, which is extremely rich, and even more unparalleled in the world.

“Red King Furnace!”

Ye Qing’s eyes narrowed slightly

In front, there is a fiery red stove ups and downs, the whole body is filled with terrifying mist, as if it is burning, there is a terrifying aura passing through

This is the red king furnace, the weapon of the red king

“Where is the Red King”

Ye Qing muttered to himself, he did not see the existence of the Red King, and immediately opened his fairy eyes, trying to find out where the Red King was.

Soon, Ye Qing’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he found the existence of the Red King

Inside the Scarlet King Furnace, there was a red ancient beast struggling, with a painful expression on its face. The aura permeating its body fluctuated from strength to weakness. When it was strong, Ye Qing was a little scared. very strange state

The red king is transforming

In an instant, Ye Qing judged the state of the Red King.

In the Great Scarlet King Furnace, a red ancient beast is transforming

Its whole body is crimson, with the head of a flood dragon and the body of a lion, but instead of fur and scales, it is covered with red bone spurs, hard and flashing with a cold luster.

beast of time

This is the body of the Red King, and it is also one of the most terrifying races in history! The beast of time controls time and is invincible! Since ancient times, there has been no particularly effective way to deal with this race. This race is also called The invincible race! The race that controls time can imagine how terrifying it is

And the Red King is also a giant in the king’s realm. In terms of time, almost no one in the heavens and the world can match him, even the cricket ancestors are weaker than one grade.

Only the immortal king without end can compare with one

In the way of time, the red king almost reached “three zero seven”

reached a peak

“This is to transform into a new divine body!”

Ye Qing said to herself

The transformation of the red king is precisely to differentiate into a new god, and cultivate to the realm of the immortal king, and then merge with the old body and merge the cultivation of the two kings, so as to break through the realm.

Once successful, he will be a quasi-immortal emperor

Although this road is very slim, it is almost impossible to succeed, but it is also a hope of success, and the red king has the Dao fruit of a giant immortal king as nourishment. , and hit the supreme giant

At that time, the two bodies of the old and the new are both supreme giants. Once the two kings are successfully merged, even if they cannot break through, their strength will skyrocket, ranking the top of the king in one fell swoop.

This is the ambition of the Red King

Ye Qing knew that if the Red King succeeded, he would definitely be an unparalleled powerhouse that was no weaker than the butchers.

“Go and kill him!”

There is a cold light in Ye Qing’s eyes, this is a good opportunity

In the original book, the new body of the Red King, the cultivation base is the Supreme Realm, and the result was just chopped in half by No. 1, which directly caused a serious injury to the vitality, and had to merge with the old body in advance, announcing that the transformation failed.

If he was hit when he was dividing the body of the god, I’m afraid it would not be directly hit, or even fall.

‘You can’t use the magical powers of immortality!’ Ye Qing’s eyes flickered slightly, and she made a decision in her heart. Although it is safer to use the magical powers of the immortal way, Ye Qing is also afraid that the Red King will escape and reveal her true identity.

Moreover, at the realm of Ye Qing, even if it is just an ordinary supernatural power, he can burst out the mighty power to kill the Immortal King.

‘Let’s advance to the Scarlet King Stove!’ The Scarlet King is transforming in the Scarlet King Stove. With Ye Qing’s strength, although he can forcibly break through, he will have to use his full strength. If the movement is too big, it will definitely alarm the Scarlet King, and even Shake the entire Scarlet Kingdom

That’s not worth it

Only the advanced red king furnace can

Thinking like this, Ye Qing opened her fairy eyes and opened the gap of the Scarlet King Stove. She wanted to use this to enter the Scarlet King Stove. Unfortunately, the Scarlet King Stove was completely sealed and it was difficult to find a space to enter.

‘Do you want to break through violently?’ Ye Qing frowned, such a movement was too loud, and it was difficult to kill Chi


After a long time, Ye Qing, who still couldn’t find the entrance, was about to break through violently when he suddenly saw the Chiwang Furnace open wide, and was frantically pumping out a huge amount of immortal energy, and he couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

‘So that’s the case!’ Ye Qing’s heart was slightly clear, the Chiwang Furnace was spitting out the immortal energy, which was used to supply the Chi Wang. king swallowed

So many immortal auras have also made the transformation of the Red King reach a new level. Its back is slightly broken, and a new body is breaking out of the shell.


The Scarlet King Furnace vibrated and breathed out nine hundred and ninety-nine times in an instant, and every time it breathed out a massive amount of immortal energy, any one immortal energy could provide ten immortals with a lifetime of cultivation.

Such a massive amount of immortal energy is only enough for one stage of Chi King’s cultivation.

Fortunately, the immortal energy in this place is endless. In other places, the entire sea of ​​​​cosmos has been drained, and I am afraid that it is not enough for an instant throughput.

After ten ten moments, the Chiwang Furnace wants to re-merge

Ye Qing saw this, his figure flashed, and he rushed into the Red King Furnace at a very fast speed, and the Red King Furnace also merged, unaware that someone took the opportunity to enter it.

Even if the Scarlet King Stove has a spirit, it is impossible to sense a giant immortal king who has the intention to hide it, let alone that the Scarlet King is transforming at the moment. Under the chaotic atmosphere, it also disturbs the induction of the Scarlet King Stove. Once it enters the Scarlet King Stove, Ye Qing. You can sense the terrifying power that is filled with it, and there are countless flames churning, which is far beyond the power of the immortal.

The Scarlet King Furnace looks small, only about a mountain, but its interior is so vast that it can be called endless, even if it swallows a big world, there is no problem.

This is the scary red king furnace

And the red king, is located in the center of the red king furnace

‘Red King!’ Ye Qing approached quietly, and saw a huge red ancient beast floating in the center of the red king furnace, surrounded by a huge amount of immortal energy, and on its back, a new body was slowly moving. out of the shell

Pain on his face

It’s been a difficult and slow transition

It takes at least hundreds of years and 100 years

If no one bothers, maybe after hundreds of years, the red king will be able to transform into a new body and start the road of cultivation, until he meets the tenth who becomes immortal after more than a thousand years.

‘It’s a pity, you don’t have a chance!’ Ye Qing flashed a hint of coldness in his eyes, and immediately shot

This time, Ye Qing made his move with almost all his strength, covering up his own fluctuations with immortal aura, using the extraordinary supernatural powers belonging to the foreign realm, and delivering a shocking blow

This blow combines the unparalleled supernatural powers of the nine immortal kings 5

4 The power displayed by it will make even the supreme king lose color. If Ao Sheng is here, he will definitely turn around and run away.

This blow is enough to destroy the supreme king.


The transforming Red King sensed the danger of death, opened his eyes involuntarily, shouted sharply, and at the same time, the Red King’s furnace vibrated, and a terrifying mighty power surged to protect the Red King.

But it’s too late

Boom! The terrifying blow hit the Red King directly, and hit the Red King Furnace without changing his momentum, almost piercing the King’s Armament.

Outside, there are also terrifying disasters

A terrifying mighty force swept the entire ancient land, and it was unknown how many giant cities were destroyed along the way, which directly alerted the immortals of the Red King Imperial Clan.

Boom! The sky is cracking, the whole ancient land is cracking, and I don’t know how many giant cities have been destroyed

Even the immortal imperial city was violently turbulent at the moment, and it received a terrible impact. I don’t know how many star fields were shattered.

Such a huge movement naturally alarmed the immortals guarding this ancient land.

A total of ten terrifying auras rose into the air, each exuding an immortal aura, all of them were old immortals, and three were extremely powerful, more than ten times stronger than the rest of the immortals.

this is immortal

The strongest under the quasi-immortal king

These are all immortals of the Red King Imperial Clan, and they are only part of the ancient land. In the rest of the territory, there are more immortals, which are the number accumulated over several epochs.

In which era only more than ten immortals were born, and in several eras, there were as many as dozens of ten immortals.

This is the power of the emperor

Boom! Numerous immortals vacated the sky, jointly suppressing the terrible aftermath and preventing the continuation of the disaster. At the same time, their eyes were like electricity, and they swept towards the center of the clan, which is the place where the Red King retreated.

“These fluctuations are the retreat of the ancestors of the Red King!”

“Could it be that there was a problem with the practice of the ancestor of the Red King, which caused the 08 backlash”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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