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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 110

At the very least, the current foreign kings cannot know that he is the king of the Nine Heavens Realm.

Otherwise, this will be a catastrophe for the Nine Heavens Realm

“Those who recite my real name will see eternal life in reincarnation”

Boom! At this time, a powerful immortal king came first

Sky dome

There is a grand dharma appearing, which is incomparably sacred and filled with unparalleled divine might.

This is a mighty immortal king

“It’s Lord Anlan!”

Outside, several immortals shook, and they all showed surprise, accompanied by joy at the same time.

An Lan, this is one of the top kings in the foreign realm. He is a top immortal king with strong strength.

His appearance undoubtedly made the immortals of the Red King Imperial Clan feel at ease.

An Lan descended, the image of the law lifted up to the sky, surrounded by mist, golden light flickering, unable to see its specific appearance, only could sense its incomparable terrifying aura

“What happened!”

He looked at the immortals and asked indifferently

At the same time, he looked at the Chiwang Furnace, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The aura of the Red King seems to have weakened a lot. “Lord Anlan, a strong man attacked the ancestor of the Red King!”

An extremely immortal person replied respectfully, causing An Lan’s expression to change slightly, and he couldn’t help but dignified.

There is a strong person attacking and killing the red king. This is a big thing, and it is enough to shock the kings of all parties.

Who is so daring! “Where is the Red King!”

An Lan opened his mouth and said, his voice was extremely loud, resounding throughout the ancient land, calling for the Red King, at the same time, he raised his hand and grabbed the mark of the Great Dao in this place, wanting to find out what happened.

It’s a pity that Ye Qing’s departure has wiped out all the information, and An Lan can’t help frowning when she can’t get any useful information.

Boom! At this time, another immortal king came

“An Lan, I didn’t expect you to be one step ahead of me!!”

This immortal king chuckled lightly, his body was surrounded by divine light, without the appearance of the supreme law, it was just a human body, but still exuded an incomparably terrifying aura

Yu Tuo! “I have seen Mr. Yu Tuo!”

The immortals looked shocked, recognized the identity of this immortal king, and quickly greeted respectfully.

An Lan , Yu Tuo

These two immortal kings are all kings who have made good friends with the red king.

“Well, someone attacked the Red King!”

An Lan nodded and said

Hearing this, Yu Tuo showed a strange color.

“Who is it that the Immortal King of the Immortal Domain sneaked in, or the giant of the Realm Sea, or?”

In the end, Yu Tuo did not say

That is the king of the foreign land shot against the red king

Although it was not stated clearly, the people present were not ordinary beings, so how could they not understand what Yu Tuo meant?

The immortals of the Red King Imperial Clan are even more frightened

When it comes to the battle of the immortal kings, even if they are immortals, they can get started.

“Not clear so far!”

An Lan shook his head. The Red King did not appear. He also had specific circumstances.

“Where is the Red King!”

Yu Tuo also spoke, calling out to the Red King

“I am here!”

At this time, a weak voice appeared, a light appeared, and the red king appeared. At this moment, it showed the body of the beast of time, and there were shocking scars on the body, which were the original wounds.

He is very weak, and his breath has fallen to the king’s realm, just equivalent to an ordinary immortal

Obviously, escaping from Ye Qing’s hands also cost Chi King a small price. The original serious injury is now even more serious.

Such a serious injury made An Lan and Yu Tuo look solemn. Obviously, things were more serious than they imagined.


A group of immortals are approaching, and their eyes are full of sadness. They can all see the tragic state of the Red King. It can be said that their vitality is greatly damaged. Whether they can survive or not are two different things

“King Chi, let’s help you stabilize your injury first!”

Seeing this, An Lan said, and immediately shot with Yu Tuo to stabilize the Chi King’s injury, and at the same time replenished his vitality and repaired some serious origin injuries.

Soon, Chi Wang’s breath initially stabilized. Although it was still very weak, there was no candle left in the wind.

“King Chi, who attacked you!”

An Lan asked with a serious face, if it is the king of the Immortal Domain or the Realm Sea, then they should be vigilant.

It’s not a good thing for such a powerful king to break into a foreign land. God knows what kind of terrible damage it will cause. They can’t help but pay attention to it.

And if it is a foreign king, then they will hold a meeting of the kings to stand up for the red king.

“I don’t know, his strength is very strong, he is a giant, and he is well hidden, so he can’t tell his identity!”

Chi Wang shook his head, he couldn’t see Ye Qing’s true identity either.

“However, although he uses immortal energy, he is very similar to the king of our realm, but I suspect that he should be an immortal king or a giant in the realm of the sea.”

The red king said solemnly

Flowers he does not think will be the king of the exotic

“Well, when your injury stabilizes, I will join forces to deduce your identity for you!”

An Lan Road

Boom! Boom! Boom! While speaking, a terrifying aura descended one after another, and the rest of the kings also arrived. There were seven or eight people in total, all of whom were the kings who were closer to the Red King.

For a time, more than ten immortal kings gathered in this ancient land, and their terrifying aura caused changes in the sky, and the entire Scarlet King Territory was affected.

“What! Someone dares to attack and kill fellow Daoist Red King!”

“Who dares to be so bold! Is this going to start a war with our world!”

“Even Xianyu can’t do this!”

Hearing what happened to King Chi, all the kings showed anger

When is it time for someone else to sneak attack on their kings in the foreign realm, they always take the initiative to attack, destroy one side of the world, and suppress the kings from all walks of life. Even in the immortal realm, they must be extremely jealous of them. Don’t dare to invade foreign realms easily. Now, there are kings who dare to take action against giants in foreign realms. How can they not be angry! “I will join forces and deduce their identity!”

an immortal king proposed

“it is good!”

The kings took action and wanted to deduce Ye Qing’s identity together

“Hmm! Such a big handwriting!”

At this moment, Ye Qing, who was far away from the Scarlet King Territory, raised his brows slightly and looked at the Scarlet King Territory, revealing a strange color.

He could sense that there were more than ten immortal kings gathered there

Such a terrifying lineup can almost kill a supreme immortal king

Ordinary supreme giants can never stop

It’s a pity that Ye Qing is far away from the Scarlet Kingdom, and his secrets are blocked by chat groups, and no one can deduce it. Even if all the kings of the whole foreign land join forces, even the immortal emperor can’t deduce it.

“Well, in this way, I can patronize the lair of these immortal kings!”

The corners of Ye Qing’s mouth raised, revealing a smile

This is a good opportunity to hunt for the bottom! Just when the kings were deducing Ye Qing’s secret, they never imagined that Ye Qing had already visited their lair.

Losing the seat of the Immortal King, other kingdoms can’t stop the invasion of a giant

Corpse Boom! In the ancient land of the Red King, all the kings joined forces, causing the world to change in an instant, all the avenues appeared, the long river of time loomed, boiling, the waves of time churning, you can see the scene of countless history ups and downs in it amazing

There are other kings in the distant exotic places, looking at them, revealing a strange color, this kind of terrifying aura, almost the entire foreign land can sense it

Too strong, more than ten immortal kings shot together, the power is too terrifying

However, after a long time, all the kings stopped their hands and their eyes were extremely gloomy.

“No, it can’t be deduced!”

A king shook his head, a little helpless

Although they join forces, they can deduce almost any existence, even the supreme immortal king, but for some reason, they can’t deduce the slightest message of this king.

“Why is this, does he have the supreme “[-]”

The treasure can cover its secrets”

There is another king

“What kind of treasure can obscure the deductions of the kings?”

An Lan sneered.

“Maybe it involves the treasure of the ‘Emperor’!”

Yu Tuo whispered softly, his tone was a little uncertain, but it made the kings breathe a little, and his eyes showed a fiery color

Emperor! This is the goal of the kings and their pursuit. The reason why the Nine Heavens Realm was destroyed back then was just to find a key

For a possible opportunity, they did not hesitate to destroy Xiangu

Now there is a king who is suspected of possessing the emperor-level treasure, how can this not make them excited, if Ye Qing is here at this moment, it is estimated that he will be torn apart by the excited kings

A word of the emperor, crushing the eternity


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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