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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 112

With this king speaking, the rest of the immortal kings also agreed.

Seeing this, An Lan and Yu Tuo both showed a little joy.

With the contributions of the kings, the recovery of the red king is just around the corner.

It may still take a lot of time, but it is no longer as long as it used to take an epoch or two to recover

It’s a good thing for them

“Well, it’s good that you can understand!”

Kundi nodded in satisfaction

“Everyone, I seem to be a little late!”

At this moment, a dull voice came, and a figure walked in, surrounded by chaotic energy, unable to see its specific appearance, but the terrifying aura it exuded made the expressions of the kings present solemn.

King Wushang! With the talent of mana immunity, he can be immune to all Taoist magical powers and make all mana invalid. He is a terrifying figure that causes headaches for all giants.

This is a giant more terrifying than the Red King

“I have seen King Wushang!”

A group of immortal kings all stood up, with a respectful attitude, only a few did not get up, these are giant-level powerhouses, and they are not afraid of the Wushang king, but they also nodded and smiled kindly.

“You kid is getting more and more crazy!”

Kundi said without raising his head, his tone was a little cold.

“Hahaha, I was only delayed by a little thing!”

Wushang laughed, he came to the opposite of Kundi, sat down, glanced at everyone, and said slowly

“I don’t know, where are you talking about?”

“King Wushang, we all listen to Senior Kundi’s call and plan to work together to restore King Chi’s injury!”

An Lan explained

“Well, it’s the Red King, this guy has fallen hard this time, but it’s okay, compared to the Pu Demon King, he’s already pretty good, at least he’s not dead yet”

Wushang teased, he didn’t care about the meaning of the red king at all, and what he said made the kings look slightly stern.

Pu Mowang

This is also an extremely terrifying giant, stronger than King Chi, no weaker than Wushang, and King Wushang, Chiwang is a king who rose in the same period, and he can be regarded as a peer.

It’s a pity, this… Demon King Pu is too crazy

In the battle of Xiangu, he has been looking for the strongest to fight, first with the real dragon, then with the Six Paths Immortal King, and then with the Endless Immortal King

In the end, because he challenged too many powerhouses and consumed too much, he was finally killed by the Immortal King Without End when he found an opportunity.

The fall of this supreme giant is also a huge loss to the foreign realm, which is a pity for the kings

“Wushang, what do you mean!”

At this time, Kundi opened his mouth with a cold tone.

“I agree, my world really needs the power of the Red King!”

Wushang nodded, not intending to interfere with Kundi’s decision.

“By the way, this meeting of the kings, won’t we just talk about this, there are other things? Do you know the identity of the person who attacked the red king?”

Wushang asked again

The mistake of face operation resulted in the posting of three chapters in a row. I apologize to the readers who accidentally subscribed. I am sorry! There are two chapters about the multiple posting. The author has deleted them. Please forgive me

“I don’t know!”

An Lan shook his head, and he continued, “King Chi can’t see his true body, he only knows that it is likely to be a giant or an immortal king from the sea, and his combat power is probably at the level of a giant, not even a supreme giant!”

“How could a mere giant push the Red King to such a level!”

Wushang is a little surprised

That is the red king. Although his strength is not as strong as him, he is not much weaker. He is a real supreme giant. The ruthless man who once killed the immortal king giant was forced to the point of almost falling by a mere giant. Others do not understand The immortal king of the situation is also a little curious

How did a giant push the Chi King to such a situation, even if Chi King is in retreat, it wouldn’t be like this!””

Hearing this, An Lan was a little silent.

“The Red King was in Nirvana at the time and was in the most critical state. Once he succeeded, he would transform into a new body, and he would have the confidence to hit a higher level. It is precisely because of this that the Red King was attacked by that person and was attacked by his originality. smashing”

Yu Tuo explained

The Red King had already told the two of them, “So it is!”

Wushang nodded and understood why

Being attacked and killed by a giant in a state of nirvana, and caught off guard, even the supreme giant can’t stand it and will be directly beheaded. The red king can still survive, it can only show that he is really powerful

No regrets can understand

“The identity of that person is a mere giant, and it shouldn’t be able to stop your joint deduction. Which side is the strong one?”

Wushang asked again

“The old man also wants to know, which force is so bold and dares to take action against the giants of our world!”

Kundi raised his eyebrows, looked at An Lan, and asked in a cold voice

Hearing this, not only An Lan and Yu Tuo, but also some immortal kings who were present at the time were also a little embarrassed.

“Why, didn’t you deduce the identity of the person who came?”

Wushang raised his eyebrows and asked jokingly.

He doesn’t think that more than ten immortal kings, including many supreme kings, and even a giant, can’t deduce the identity of a giant.

Under such circumstances, even him, it is impossible to resist

King realm powerhouses are already the strongest in the world. Without the emperor, as long as there are enough kings, they can completely surround and kill any immortal king powerhouse.

Even an existence like a butcher will be killed once he is besieged by too many kings.

The chicken raising in the original book was cursed and killed by a number of fallen kings

As long as you don’t get out of the king’s realm, you may be hunted by the kings.

Kundi said nothing, but his eyes were brighter, looking at everyone with a terrifying sense of oppression

“It can’t be deduced!”

Alan shook his head helplessly

“how is this possible!”

“How can the alliance of more than ten immortal kings fail to deduce the identity of a giant?”

“Could it be that the giant hides his strength and his true strength is more than that”

“Impossible, if his strength is really

Afraid, how could the Red King escape!”

The kings began to discuss one after another, and their tone was inconceivable.

They are also unbelievable

“I think that’s why you held the meeting of the kings.”

Wushang’s eyes flickered slightly, although he was a little surprised, calmly, he looked at An Lan and the others indifferently.

‘As expected of King Wushang!’ Seeing Wushang so keenly aware of the key points, An Lan couldn’t help but sigh.

“Yes, I suspect that he holds the treasure of the emperor level!”

“It’s probably a treasure left by the ‘Emperor’!”

Anlan’s heavy road

Emperor! The word “Emperor” made the hearts of the kings speed up frantically, and their breathing was a little short.

emperor, the heavens are supreme

Even if the kings still cannot understand this level, it does not prevent them from pursuing this realm

From ancient times to the present, almost all kings have been chasing this realm, even far away from their hometowns and deep into the end of the sea of ​​​​world, just to follow the trace of the emperor.

And all of this is due to that line of faint footprints

And, the legend of Emperor Luo era

All of this proves that the emperor really exists in the heavens

There really is this realm, it’s not illusory

It is precisely because of this that generations of kings have followed one after another, heading to the end of the sea of ​​​​boundary.

Even if it is a foreign land, there are some good things, and even kings stronger than Kundi enter the sea to explore the secrets at the end of the sea.

The emperor is so charming

Even the destruction of Xiangu only originated from the war caused by Xiangu possibly holding a key.

It’s just a possibility, the foreign world will not hesitate to cause a war of world extinction

Now, a king who is suspected of holding an emperor-level treasure appears, how can he not make the kings heartbeat, even King Wushang and Kundi can’t calm down

Staring at An Lan and the others, the terrifying aura oppressed An Lan in shock.

“An Lan, is this news accurate!”

Kundi’s very serious Dao, even more serious than before, can be said to be an unprecedented attention

so do kings

“I dare not say 56%, but at least fifty or sixty percent, [-],!”

Although she was a little shocked, An Lan still replied.

“I, etc., the kings joined forces, there are more than ten people in total. There is almost no one in the world who can cover our deductions, but that person is different. I can’t even deduce a bit of information. This is not in line with common sense!”

Yu Tuo also said

“Yes, there are only two possibilities. Either the other party is too strong and has surpassed the king’s realm, or the other party holds the emperor-level treasure. I think it is the latter!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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