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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 113

A giant also spoke, and it was one of the kings who shot at that time

The only giant

With this… giant speaking, the accuracy of the news can basically be confirmed, and the king’s breathing is quickened.

Pursuing the goal of eternity is now in sight. How can this not make them excited? Although the emperor-level treasure does not mean the emperor’s realm, it does not mean that they can break through the immortal emperor, but this is always a goal, maybe they can take this from This emperor-level treasure reveals a little about the realm of the immortal emperor. Even if it is only a skin, it is a great improvement for the kings.

That’s what the kings are for

“This man must be taken, no matter who he is, no matter who he is

Which force does he come from, he must be suppressed and taken down, even if he goes to war with Immortal Realm!”

Kundi’s tone is solemn and the road is finalized

Exotics have always been belligerent. If it comes to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, they will even go to war with the Immortal Territory, and the Immortal Territory who cherishes feathers will never die against the Exotic Territory.

This is the foundation of Xianyu

“I agree!”

Open without regret

“Fellow Daoist, how about I wait to join hands and play it again?”

At this time, Kundi looked at a king who had been silent all the time, and asked

It was an old man with withered hair and a withered face. He looked very ordinary, like an old farmer in the countryside.

But whether it is Kundi or Wushang, neither dare to underestimate

Because this is also an extremely terrifying supreme giant

king of chaos

There will be the first Sichuan king

This is also an extremely terrifying giant, no weaker than Wushang and Kundi, one of the strongest giants in the foreign land

“it is good!”

The King of Chaos said with a smile, like an ordinary old man, making it hard to imagine that this is a supreme giant

With the title of “Hundred Heaven”, the first impression to people is that of a young or middle-aged man with arrogance, rather than a country old man like the old man in front of him.

But none of the kings present dared to underestimate him.

This is a real ruthless man. He personally killed two giants of the world and a giant of the fairy king in Xianyu. He is an invincible person who has been killed.

“Let the kings take action together, this is about the treasure of the emperor!”

Wushang suggested

“Okay, I will listen to the words of King Wushang!”

The kings said in unison

Boom! Soon, terrifying fluctuations broke out here. More than [-] immortal kings shot together, and the power was terrifying to the extreme.

There is an immortal king formation to suppress the Emperor Palace, I am afraid that it has spread throughout the foreign land.

This terrifying lineup is enough to attack the fairyland

The kings joined hands together, the aura of the Great Dao was surging, ten thousand Dao emerged, and the long river of time rolled in, running through this universe, appearing in the imperial palace, the waves of time were churning, and there were countless scenes within it.

It’s a vision of the past and the future

Under the deduction of the kings, this moment appears, representing a corner of the past and the future

In a trance, you can see a terrible battle

It was a battle of kings that happened in the distant past and broke out in a foreign land. In the faint, you can see the shadow of the red king.

Just when the kings joined forces, Ye Qing had quietly descended into the realm of an immortal king.

With Ye Qing’s strength, quietly suppressing several immortals, and then extracting their memories, this is not too easy.

With the memories of a few immortals, Ye Qing knows all about the foreign realm. At the very least, the distribution of the major royal realms is still clear.

And this royal realm is the realm ruled by an immortal king.

This… Immortal King is obviously not as good as Ao Sheng and Chi King. The weather in his kingdom is much worse than that of the two. He is obviously just an ordinary Immortal King.

But even so, after Ye Qing visited the treasure house of this… Immortal King, he still found a lot of good things.

A plant of longevity medicine, several pieces of immortal gold the size of a person, as well as all kinds of rare treasures, and even all kinds of classics, just a part of its external treasure house, has far surpassed the countless times treasured by the various forces in the Nine Heavens Realm. span

This is the collection of a king

The Nine Heavens Realm, which is not destroyed at all, can be compared

Even Ye Qing has found a lot of things that are useful to him

After a long time, Ye Qing left this royal realm and went to the next royal realm. As for the treasure house here, Ye Qing had already looted it.

However, in the deepest part of it, Ye Qing cannot open the treasure house of the king that is under seal. It is the treasure house that the Immortal King really treasures, and it contains the treasures that the Immortal King attaches great importance to.

It’s not that Ye Qing can’t open it. If he wants to, he can completely break the seal of the treasure house, but then…that will undoubtedly alert the immortal king, which will also lead to Ye Qing’s whereabouts being exposed, hunting, and this Not what Ye Qing wanted to see

Although Ye Qing is powerful, he is not conceited yet.

He was able to single out the entire foreign realm, so he chose to retreat and set off for the next realm

In this way, Ye Qing turned around all the way, visited the thirty or so Immortal King Realms, and visited almost all the royal realms of the Immortal Kings who had left.

Even King Wushang and Kundi are no exception

Their external treasure house was almost dug up by Ye Qing

There are countless treasures in it

Just from the Immortal King-level True Feather, Ye Qing got six or seven pieces. This is the most precious material that can refine the Immortal King-level magic weapon, the Five Animal Fans. Even the Immortal King does not have many treasures.

A five-bird fan, the magic weapon of the Immortal King, is enough to make a supreme king sacrificial for a lifetime

Some ordinary kings may not be able to have a magic weapon of the fairy king in their lifetime.

This is the preciousness of the fairy king’s instruments

And Ye Qing came down this trip, and the materials he obtained were enough for him to refine four or five, and the magic tools of the Immortal King, the rest of the elixir, treasures, magic tools, etc., were countless.

The longevity medicine alone has more than [-] plants.

After this battle, Ye Qing’s worth has skyrocketed, and no one in the world can be richer than Ye Qing.

Who would have thought that the dignified and exotic land would be invaded by an immortal king from outside, and how could they have thought that someone would dare to steal their treasure house and longevity medicine because they were too confident

That’s why Ye Qing’s actions went so smoothly

“I don’t know if the kings see their treasure house empty, I don’t know if they will be so angry that they vomit blood!”

In a cosmic starry sky, Ye Qing stepped on the galaxy and looked at the center of the exotic land, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He was expecting the kings to be in a state of despair.

When he thought that the kings tried so hard to deduce his trace, but he copied and hollowed out their old nests, Ye Qing felt a burst of joy in his heart. Sure enough, this kind of happiness built on the pain of others made him a little bit. Happy

He understands Niang Twinkle’s pleasure.

“By the way, I remember that there is also an ancient enlightenment tea tree in Enlightenment Mountain. This is also a longevity medicine. I will take it away together!”

Ye Qing is not too addicted to the state of pleasure, and thinking of the existence of the ancient tea of ​​enlightenment, she can’t help showing the color of contemplation

The ancient tea tree of enlightenment, this is an extremely precious immortal tea tree, the tea leaves in it are of great help to monks, and can help people to realize the Tao.

Although it is useless to Ye Qing, this is also a longevity medicine. If possible, Ye Qing does not want to let it go.

There are not many immortal medicines such as longevity medicines, even the Immortal Kings. Generally, they only have one plant. Some powerful giants only have two or three plants. Even if they sell fake medicines, they only have six plants. longevity medicine

One of the most precious elixir in the world

Only immortal kings are qualified to have longevity medicines, ordinary true immortals are not even qualified to stop them, they only follow the strongest

And Ye Qing already owns more than [-] longevity medicines.

This is the amount that can make all the heavenly kings jealous

The longevity medicine doesn’t have much effect on the Immortal King, but… it depends on the situation. More than [-] longevity medicines, even if they are hard plugged, can be of great benefit.

Thinking of this, Ye Qing walked towards Wudao Mountain

Wudao Mountain

It is the place where the ancient tea tree of enlightenment was planted. This fairy tea tree will be full of tea leaves every once in a while.

When Ye Qing came, the ancient tea tree of enlightenment was obviously not yet mature, although it was already five years old.

7 It is full of tea leaves, but not mature enough, it will take some time

about twenty years

“Well, if I take this ancient tea tree, will it affect No. 1 No. [-]?”

When he came to Wudao Mountain, looking at the ancient Wudao tea tree in front of him, Ye Qing started to think.

“With me here, why should Ten No. 1 repeat the mistakes of the past? Even if it needs to be tempered, it is not in this humiliating way!”

Ye Qing shook his head, with a cold look in his eyes

He is very dissatisfied with the episode in which No. 1 [-] will fall into an exotic land in the future, and naturally he will not let it happen.

“Just take it away!”

Ye Qing took action and took away the ancient tea tree of enlightenment planted here

This ancient tree has a spirit and wanted to escape, but was ruthlessly taken away by Ye Qing

“who is it!”

a loud shout

Ye Qing’s actions alarmed the immortal who guarded the ancient tea tree.

Boom! The breath of immortality blooms, and an immortal is revived, and its powerful breath surges out, submerging the entire Enlightenment Mountain, and will spread to the eight wastes of the universe.

The immortal is angry

Under his nose, someone dared to steal the ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree he was guarding. It was really daring. If the Enlightenment Ancient Tea Tree made a mistake, then ten lives would not be enough for him to die.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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