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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 114

The ancient tea tree of Enlightenment has no owner, but an ancient invincible giant planted here to cultivate foreign talents. This is the consensus of the kings.

Under normal circumstances, no one dares to covet this fairy tree, not even the immortal king.

Because by doing so, you are fighting against the kings

But I didn’t expect that someone would dare to steal the ancient tea tree of enlightenment.

Such courage, I’m afraid even the immortal king can’t compare

“Little ants dare to stop me”

Ye Qing said indifferently, and slapped it directly, covering the immortal, pressing down with his big hand, and the boundless energy surged, making him look terrified.

Immortal King! This immortal is a thriller, and as soon as this idea arises in his heart, he is killed on the spot.

A small immortal, in Ye Qing’s eyes, is just an ant, and it can be killed by turning the palm of your hand.

“Well, it’s time to leave 18!”

After killing this immortal, Ye Qing looked at the center of the foreign realm, his eyes flashed with strange colors, he could sense that the fluctuations there were gradually subsiding.

Obviously, the kings have stopped playing

It is estimated that soon, they will leave and return to their own kingdom

In this way, the looting of the royal treasure house will undoubtedly be exposed, which will undoubtedly cause the anger of the kings. At that time, the entire foreign land will be affected by the anger of the kings.

At such a time, it would be unwise to continue to stay in a foreign land.

The kings’ means are sky-high, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will not have any means to find Ye Qing.

Leaving is the best policy

“time to go!”

Ye Qing waved his sleeves, he came to Yu Yutian’s passage again, but this time he did not leave directly, but took action to erase all the information about him without leaving a trace

This is to prevent the kings from discovering


When Ye Qing returned to Yu Yutian again, Ye Qing took action, destroyed this space passage, destroyed the magic circle altar here, and then mobilized the law of ten thousand Taos in the entire great world, started to mend the hole here, and blocked this space passage. ,,

The avenue waterfall fell, submerging this space channel. Soon, this loophole was repaired, the space channel disappeared, and the boundary wall was covered, which will be filled here.

In this case, even the kings of foreign realms can never enter the Nine Heavens Realm from here, unless it is to forcefully break the barriers of the Nine Heavens Realm, but…that will cause the entire Great Realm to reject

Once a big world of the level of the Nine Heavens Realm is rejected, even the immortal king will have to pay a huge price. Now that the dark turmoil is coming, no immortal king is willing to pay such a price.

that’s too dangerous

After doing all this, Ye Qing left Yu Yutian and returned to the Three Thousand Dao Realm. He wanted to take Cailing away, find a sacred ancient land for her, and help her complete her final transformation.

Cailing’s transformation is not complete, and her origin is flawed, which also causes her to not have a complete immortal fruit. Although she still has the combat power of a near immortal, she is not as good as a true immortal.

What Ye Qing has to do is to complement the source

But as soon as he came to the Three Thousand Dao Region, Ye Qing noticed something strange.

“Have you heard that someone in the legendary fairyland has come down!”

“Isn’t Xianyu a legend? Does it really exist?”

“It’s true, there are people from Immortal Realm who have already come down from the Nine Heavens, it is said that it is to investigate something!”

“Hey, there is a realm of immortality. I wonder if the monks there are all immortals and can live forever!”

“How is it possible, the real immortals must be extremely limited in the immortal realm, it is impossible for everyone to be immortals!”

Discussions similar to this are everywhere in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, and countless monks are discussing it, and they are full of yearning and longing for the Immortal Realm.

“The Immortal Realm is Coming”

Ye Qing was a little surprised. He raised his head and looked towards the sky above Jiutian. He really saw that several gates of the Immortal Domain were opened, exuding a strong immortal aura from them.

There is no doubt that it is the breath of the fairyland, and the people and horses of the fairyland come to the Nine Heavens Realm

“Could it be because of Ao Sheng?”

Ye Qing thought about it

“Forget it, I’ll take a look later”

Ye Qing shook his head and went to the Heaven-Mending Sect to take away Cailing. During this period, he did not disturb Yuechan. Then he took Cailing to a sacred ancient land above the nine heavens, and set up a supreme magic formation to lead the world to the eight wastes of the universe. Essence

Even the Law of Ten Thousand Paths, to nourish Cailing

In this way, in just a few decades, Cailing can be transformed into a real fairy with true fairy-level combat power.

After doing all this, Ye Qing went to Boundless Heaven.

At the same time, in the major forbidden areas of Jiutian, there have been movements one after another. People from Xianyu sent messengers to each of the forbidden areas of life, and they wanted to negotiate with the creatures in the forbidden area.

Meteorite Ridge

This is a forbidden area of ​​life in Dachitian. It is said that even if the true immortals come to attack, they will also perish. Therefore, this huge mountain has the name of perishing immortals.

Death Immortal Ridge, as high as the sky, gray, without any vegetation, loneliness, and quietness are its eternal themes, it is so vast, and several mountains are scattered, forming a forbidden area of ​​life, which is very terrifying

Over the long years, I don’t know how many creatures have fallen here, among them there is no shortage of unparalleled talents, as well as gods, and even supreme

Between the first mountains, there is a thick layer of white bones, piled up like a mountain, extremely terrifying

This is life 250 restricted area, no one can break through

Not even a fairy

On this day, a celestial light descended, a true immortal appeared, surrounded by immortal energy, and the breath was incomparably vast, as if a big universe had descended, and its powerful aura even alarmed the creatures of the Meteorite Mountain.

“Who is coming!”

The shouts from the depths of the Meteorite Ridge, with a hint of caution, were the creatures of the Meteorite Ridge, alarmed by this immortal aura.

True immortals, such existences are not many even in the restricted area of ​​life, they are one of the few great masters

If it is just a pure true immortal, the creatures of the Falling Immortal Ridge will not be taken seriously. After all, there are not only true immortals in the restricted area of ​​life, but also immortal kings.

Although Daoguo has flaws and is not comparable to the flawless Immortal King, it is barely able to be regarded as an Immortal King. He still has the strength to look down on all true immortals, enough to push the Nine Heavens Realm horizontally. This is the confidence of the restricted area of ​​life.

But this time is different, the gate of the immortal realm is wide open, and the creatures in the immortal realm are in the lower realm. This is not only the nine days, but also the major restricted areas. It is no longer a secret.

At such a tense moment, a true immortal descends to the restricted area, no matter what you think, it is all from the immortal realm.

The true immortals of the Immortal Domain are not comparable to ordinary true immortals. It is likely to involve a certain immortal king. Therefore, the creatures as strong as the Falling Immortal Ridge are a little nervous at the moment.

“Pan Wang’s lineage, please see the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge!”

This true immortal’s peaceful way

Watch the underlined version of Xiaoyunxianling shaking

Pan Wang, this is the supreme immortal king. He is famous in the immortal realm. He is as famous as Ao Sheng, Taishi and other immortal kings. When there are no giants, Pan Wang and others are the strongest immortal kings on the bright side.

At the very least, the Lord of the Meteorite Ridge cannot compare at all.

The true immortals of Panwang’s lineage, even the Meteorite Ridge, would not dare to underestimate them at this moment.

Boom! A terrifying aura emerged from the Falling Immortal Ridge. It was extremely terrifying and filled with gray fog. A creature wearing a gray robe appeared, surrounded by immortal energy and immortal power.

This is a real fairy

“Fellow Daoist please come in!”

The true immortals of the Yunxian Mountain are very polite, and they have no domineering attitude at all.

Inside the Meteorite Ridge, in a grand palace, chaotic energy lingered, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, a terrifying aura loomed, silently watching the true immortal of Panwang’s lineage.

“I have seen the Immortal King!”

The true immortal salute of Panwang’s lineage

Although the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge is not the Immortal King of Immortal Flawless, and he is far inferior to King Pan, he still needs to salute if he can be regarded as the Immortal King after all.

“what’s the matter”

The Lord of the Meteorite Mountain asked, very calm

Although Pan Wang is far stronger than him, facing a true immortal, he is not too timid.

“King Pan asked me to come this time for two reasons. One is to find out the reason for the Nine Heavens Variation, and the other is to know the identity of the mysterious Immortal King. I wonder if the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge knows it!”

The true immortal of Panwang’s lineage said politely, and he was not arrogant either.

In other words, in the face of an immortal king, if you dare to be arrogant, then you are really impatient to live.

Hearing this, the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge did not have many surprises.

He has long guessed that the purpose of the people from the Immortal Domain is nothing more than the movement caused by the Immortal King.

Although there is grievance against the kings of the Immortal Realm, but in order not to offend the King Pan, the Lord of the Meteor Immortal Ridge still opened his mouth and said, “I think you should be able to see the changes in the Nine Heavens Realm. Yes, it is the Immortal King. Feeding back the Nine Heavens Realm and repairing a part of the ten thousand ways and ten thousand laws of the Nine Heavens Realm, this is the reason for the changes in the Nine Heavens Realm”

The true immortal of Panwang’s lineage is shocked in the heart

Although he had already guessed, he was still shocked by the confirmation from the Lord of the Meteorite Ridge.

Feeding back a world with one’s own strength, and restoring the broken myriad ways and myriad methods to the point where it can shake the fairyland, this is not something that ordinary fairy kings can do.

Even Pan Wang, the ancestor of his lineage, couldn’t do the same.

But thinking about the immortal king’s generosity, he couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Tear apart the barriers of the Immortal Realm from the Nine Heavens Realm, shattered part of the avenues of Ao Sheng’s Immortal King’s Realm, and defeated Ao Sheng’s Immortal King in the air. It is normal for such a terrifying existence to be able to do this. Now, the whole immortal realm is spreading the…

And the kings of the immortal realm also roughly speculated that this…

giant level

This kind of strength, even in the Immortal Domain, is a top-level Immortal King powerhouse. Now this level of powerhouse appears again in the Nine Heavens Realm, which also makes the cultivators in the Immortal Domain not dare to underestimate the Nine Heavens.

Even Ao Sheng was defeated, who else would dare to say “So it is!”

The true immortal of Pan Wang’s lineage nodded, indicating that he understood, and then he opened his mouth and said, “Lord Immortal King, Pan Wang still wants to know the identity of that one.”


The Lord of the Meteorite Ridge frowned. He remained silent, but there was an invisible aura that filled the air, like the appearance of an unparalleled murderer.

This is the fairy king


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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