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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 115

Even if it is not a flawless fairy king, it is not a true fairy.

This… True Immortal was shocked in his heart, and a trace of contempt in his heart also completely disappeared. It is not unreasonable that such existences can be called Immortal Kings.

“Master Pan Wang also asked me to bring a divine sense!”

This… the true immortal gritted his teeth and spat out these words with some difficulty. Under the power of the immortal king, he can still speak, which is already commendable.

This sentence made the expression of the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge suddenly changed, a terrifying divine light appeared in his eyes, and his heart was not at peace.

Pan Wang was so shocked that the Lord of the Meteorite Ridge attached so much importance to his heart.

Om! Immediately, this… True Immortal crushed a jade talisman, the immortal light shone, and a phantom appeared, lingering around the immortal light, filled with the breath of ten thousand Taos, like the embodiment of the Great Dao


The pupil of the Lord of the Meteorite Ridge shrank, recognizing the identity of this phantom.

It is Pan Wang, one of the top immortal kings in the immortal realm.

Although it is only a ray of spiritual sense, but a drop of blood essence is poured into it, the power that bursts out in a short time can fully reach the level of the fairy king, which makes the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge dare not be careless

“I’ve seen King Pan!”

The Lord of the Meteorite Ridge said with a serious expression

“Fellow Daoist, don’t embarrass my subordinates!”

Pan Wang glanced at the true immortal, understood the cause and effect, and said lightly, with a hint of warning

Dare not!”

The Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge smiled bitterly, and he dared not ignore King Pan’s accountability.

After all, he is still not strong enough, and his strength is still not comparable to the kings of the Immortal Realm, so he dare not offend King Pan.

“I don’t know what the King Pan has to do”

The Lord of the Meteorite Mountain asked cautiously

“I’m here for that Immortal King, I’m curious about his identity and want to know his identity!”

Pan Wang said

As early as Ye Qing’s shot, Pan Wang was keenly aware of Ye Qing’s familiarity, but he couldn’t remember who it was. In order to find out the truth, he would call a true immortal from the lower realm to ask questions in the forbidden area of ​​life.

In Pan Wang’s view, the major life restricted areas that have survived for an era in nine days should know the identity of this… Immortal King. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, he even used a drop of blood essence to let people take a ray of his spirit. take it down

Although it is only a ray of spiritual sense, if it is combined with the blood of the Immortal King Denuo Zhao Di, it is enough to make his spiritual sense burst into the battle power of the Immortal King in a short time.

Not to mention that it can suppress the masters of these restricted areas, but it is no problem to make them jealous

“Pan Wang, I’m sorry, I don’t know the identity of that person. He appeared out of nowhere. At first, he was only a quasi-immortal king, but after a short period of time, he quickly arrived at the realm of immortal kings. And it’s still a giant!”

The Lord of the Meteorite Ridge smiled bitterly, he didn’t know Ye Qing’s identity, he just felt a little familiar.

“I’m a little familiar with that person’s breath, but I can’t remember which fellow Daoist is. I guess, it is very likely that a certain immortal king from Xiangu survived!”

“The Giant of Xiangu”

Pan Wang thought about it

In the Immortal Ancient Era, although the Nine Heavens were extremely powerful, there were only a few who could really be considered giants.

Which one will it be? Is it Wuwu or Liudao? “Pan Wang, if you want to know, why don’t you go to find that Immortal King, based on your friendship with the Nine Heavens Kings, you shouldn’t need to worry about it!”

Seeing Pan Wang meditating, the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge reminded

“Well, I’ll think about it!”

Pan Wang nodded, he also had this idea

“Since that’s the case, I won’t bother fellow Daoists!”

After that, Pan Wang’s spiritual phantom dissipated, re-condensed into a jade talisman, and fell into the hands of the true immortal.

“Lord Immortal King, retire first!”

Putting away the jade talisman, the true immortal of Panwang’s lineage saluted, the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge nodded and watched the other party leave.

Soon, in the entire palace, only the Lord of the Falling Immortal Ridge was left.

“Nine days, it’s going to be chaos!”

The Lord of the Meteorite Mountain muttered to himself, with a serious expression, and had a premonition that a terrible storm was coming.

Maybe it won’t take a few years, maybe hundreds of years, maybe tens of millions, years

But the storm will come

At that time, not only the Nine Heavens, but also the Immortal Realm, and even the Heavens and Myriad Realms will be affected, and the impact will be far-reaching.

At that time, even the Immortal King may not be able to protect himself.

“Only a self-proclaimed world, not contaminated with cause and effect, can hope to survive!”

The Lord of the Meteorite Mountain sighed.

But, is it really possible? At the same time, in other restricted areas, there are also true immortals who have sought them out and negotiated with the masters of the 750 restricted areas in an attempt to find out Ye Qing’s identity.

But it is a pity that the masters of the major restricted areas do not know, and everyone can only leave in disappointment

In the Three Thousand Dao Region, at the Immortal Hall, a true immortal had a gloomy face, and a terrifying aura filled the air, making the Immortal Hall Supreme beside him tremble.

“You said it was the one who killed him”

This… Zhenxian asked coldly

“Yes, it was the Immortal King who cut off the first ancestor and said that he wanted to give Kunpeng a head!”

Immortal Hall Supreme Trembling Dao

Under the pressure of the real immortal, he couldn’t even stand up, and the whole person was extremely frightened, for fear of being pinched to death.

The power of a true immortal is simply beyond the reach of the Supreme Being, and he can be killed with just a single finger.

“Kunpeng should be the Immortal King of the Immortal Ancient Period, I don’t know which giant it is!”

This… True Immortal muttered to himself

“in spite of

Which Immortal King, but dare to kill the descendants of Taiyi Immortal King, even if it is a giant, there is a price to pay!”

This… True Immortal’s eyes flashed fiercely

Taiyi’s lineage is notoriously domineering in Xianyu

In particular, Immortal King Taiyi, a giant of a generation, not only acts domineering, but his strength is also incomparably powerful. According to reports, Immortal King Taiyi has been in retreat since the end of Immortal Ancient.

Once the level is successfully cleared, the strength of the Taiyi Immortal King will also rise to a new level.

The Taiyi Immortal King, who was originally a giant, has successfully transformed, how powerful will it be? Even if he can’t be ranked among the strongest Immortal Kings, at least he is a supreme giant.

It is precisely because of this that in the Immortal Domain, Taiyi’s line of conduct is also known. Even if he knew that Ye Qing was a giant of a generation, he never had any fears, and even asked Ye Qing to pay more.

“As for you, if you are timid and afraid, even if you don’t kill it, I have to teach you a lesson!”

This… the true immortal looked at the Supreme Immortal Palace again, the indifferent way, and the words made the Immortal Palace tremble.

Boom! This… The true immortal waved his sleeves, and a terrifying force roared out, smashing the Immortal Palace Supreme, like a meteor, smashing into the distant territory, and finally smashed into an ancient on the star


Immortal Palace Supreme spit out a mouthful of true blood, his face was extremely pale, and his body was almost cracked.

What hurts him the most is that his cultivation has plummeted, almost falling from the Supreme Realm.

Although he has not completely fallen, he can no longer be considered a supreme, only a quasi-supreme

Undeliberate disaster! The Supreme Being of the Immortal Palace wants to cry but has no tears, but it is also a kind of luck to be alive

In the next few days, all the people in Xianyu learned the main reason for the nine-day mutation, but none of them found Ye Qing’s true identity, so they began to return to Xianyu.

Although the environment of the Nine Heavens Realm has improved a lot, and the ten thousand ways and ten thousand methods have not only been repaired, but even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been enriched many times, but in the eyes of the people of the immortal realm, it is still extremely bad, like a mass grave, making them reluctant to do more. treat

Therefore, after completing the task, they quickly returned to the Immortal Realm and did not want to stay longer.

“So that’s the case, you all went to great lengths to find out my identity!”

In Boundless Heaven, Ye Qing was sitting in a place among the white clouds. In front of him was a table made of immortal wood. There was a pair of teapots on it.

“I didn’t expect it to be you!”

Opposite Ye Qing, a phantom showed a wry smile, and there was an undisguised shock in his eyes.

This man is King Pan

Before he could find Ye Qing, Ye Qing was the first to find him

Pan Wang has a very deep friendship with the owner of the forbidden area. Pan Wang still owes the owner of the forbidden area a big cause and effect. In the original book, Pan Wang gave three drops of the blood of the Immortal King to be considered two clear.

And this is also the reason why Pan Wang feels that Ye Qing’s breath is very familiar, but he can’t remember it.

Because the lord of the forbidden area has fallen a long time ago, it belongs to the kind of situation that it is impossible to resurrect. This is also a situation that Pan Wang feels familiar with, but he does not think that… the powerful immortal king giant will be the lord of the forbidden area.

However, the fact actually hit Pan Wang in the face

“is it weird”

Ye Qing asked in surprise, and at the same time poured a cup of fairy tea for Pan Wang

Well, it is still ancient tea of ​​enlightenment

“It’s really strange, you haven’t fallen long ago!”

When he said this, Pan Wang’s expression was very strange. As an Immortal King, he has not experienced this kind of feeling of wanting to lie in a trough for a long time.

Who would have thought that an old monster who had fallen for more than one epoch and could no longer die would be resurrected against the sky

Even King Pan asks himself that he has never seen or heard of this kind of thing. Even the legendary anti-sky elixir can never do this kind of thing. things

His old friend, what happened to Pan Wang is a little tangled

“very curious”

Seeing King Pan like this, Ye Qing showed a smile.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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