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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 118

Before you even get close, you will be crushed by the breath

The original White Night King “It’s us, and it can’t help!”

Bai Yasha was also helpless for a while. With her strength, even if she returned to the peak state and tried her best, she could only barely hold back an ancient supreme, and she was still in a state of never recovering. A slap will knock her out

Even Bai Yasha wants to help the Void Emperor, but he is powerless.

The oldest queen “Have you forgotten my lord?”

It’s not Mary Su, “At this time, only the Immortal King can solve it!”

The words of Niang Twinkle and Lin Xi instantly cheered everyone up

Yes, how did they forget the Immortal King

The Lord of the Restricted Area “Well, I have encountered a lot of trouble in coming to the Void Emperor!”

At this time, Ye Qing also appeared.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, the Immortal King appeared!”

It’s not Mary Sue, “Lord Wang, the Void Emperor is in danger!”

The owner of the restricted area “Well, I already know that this time the launch is also to solve this matter!”

Absolutely right, at a time like Yukinoshita, the Immortal King is the most reassuring!”

Immortal Chiyuan: “Well, if Lord Wang takes action, the ancient Supremes of the mere mere do not have to worry about it!”

Seeing Ye Qing appearing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief

In this chat group, Ye Qing has become everyone’s support without knowing it.

The original White Night King “Do you want to leave immediately?”

The Lord of the Restricted Area, “The situation of the Void Emperor is unknown, so I will not waste time. Who do you want to participate in this mission?”

Eternal Princess “Although the concubine really wants to participate, but this level of battle, let’s forget it, the concubine still wants to continue to live!”

Monster idler “So do we! We don’t want to die!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man hahaha, so do I, this is not the last time, I won’t go looking for death for my small arms and legs”

God-killing Demon King “I’m not going to be old anymore”

Immortal Chiyuan “Me too!”

The others also refused. Although they could participate and then follow Ye Qing to get points, Ye Qing could solve the problem by himself, but this was not what they wanted.

Everyone has their own pride and will never accept this situation

The Lord of the Restricted Area “Since this is the case, then I will accept it myself!”

Ding, the master of the restricted area has received the group quest

“System, open the passage to the sky!”

After receiving the group task, Ye Qing said indifferently, that he did not cross the long river of time to cover the sky, it is not realistic

Although the Immortal King can traverse the long river of time, the long river of time runs through the heavens and the world. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to accurately find the era of the Void Emperor.

Don’t you see, when the Three Heavenly Emperor was in the Immortal King, he never found the right time because of this

Ye Qing is too lazy to waste energy, it is better to use the power of the chat group to directly descend into the era of shading the sky.

Om! As soon as Ye Qing’s words came out, a passage that surrounded the aperture appeared. It was still a familiar scene. breath

Any brilliance has the power to easily kill the quasi-supreme, smashing half of the universe, and countless brilliance surges, enough to kill all the true immortals and powerhouses, even the quasi-immortal king, it is impossible to support it for long.

But to Ye Qing at this time, it was nothing, the place that once made him feel the chill can now be completely flat.


! “

Ye Qing let out a sigh of relief and ignored it. He took a step forward and entered the passage. After passing through the dazzling scene, Ye Qing descended to cover the universe.

Boom! As soon as he entered the universe that covered the sky, an invisible wave spread out from Ye Qing’s body and spread to the entire universe, making all the ways and laws show signs of activity.

The will of the big universe seems to be in “The level has dropped, is this the reason why the source is exhausted!”

Regardless of

Whether it’s the level, the strength, or the world, the Nine Heavens has dropped by more than one level.

To put it bluntly, it is from the infinite to the limited, from the multiple to the super-single

From an infinitely vast big world, it has become a big universe. Although it is still vast, it is equivalent to a collection of cosmic seas, but it is far from being a big world.

only the universe

There are many reasons for the Nine Heavens Realm to fall to this level. The two biggest factors are because the Immortal Realm drained the origin of the Nine Heavens Realm. During the period of darkness and turmoil, the kings once again destroyed the Nine Heavens Realm.

These two major reasons have led to the drop in the level of the Nine Heavens Realm.

However, this is already doomed. Although Ye Qing sighed, he did not intend to stop it.

This is the catastrophe that the Nine Heavens Realm should have, it is inevitable

Boom! At this time, in the distant universe, several terrifying breaths erupted, sweeping the entire universe, surging, as if it could destroy the world, causing hundreds of millions of stars to tremble.

This is a great wave

And there are five full strands, which are located in their respective areas, as if the five great universes are colliding, and the aura of the avenue is turbulent, which makes the creatures of the entire universe terrified.

“Void Emperor, today is your day of death!”

An indifferent voice resounded, and it could be heard all over the universe. You could see that there was a figure standing in the sky. It was located in a cosmic starry sky. billions of galaxies

He is like a god who opened up the world, and like the center of the universe, just standing there, he exudes a supreme aura

This is an extremely sublimated ancient supreme

The ancient emperor, who has returned to its peak state, is comparable to a large universe, and it is so strong that it is far from being comparable to the supreme.

In addition to this ancient supreme, in the other directions, there are three figures that are not weak in the slightest, each of which is the most sublimated ancient supreme, surrounded by the shadow of the emperor

The one in the middle is undoubtedly the Void Emperor

The other four, 4, are the ancient supreme beings in the restricted area, and all of them have been sublimated to the best of their ability to restore the status of the emperor. It is obvious that they want to quickly kill the Void Emperor, take his origin, and the blood of the emperor.

It’s a doom

It looks like it’s still enough!”

Seeing this scene, Ye Qing relaxed on the contrary. This battle looked quite scary, but to Ye Qing it was nothing, as long as the Void Emperor hadn’t died.

“Turn on the live broadcast”

Ye Qing murmured, and immediately opened the live broadcast of the chat group, intending to broadcast the battle to everyone.

The battle of the emperor level, although it was nothing to Ye Qing, it was amazing for the other group members. They had never seen this level of battle in their entire lives.

This time, it will be regarded as an eye-opener for Li Dezhao and the others

Ding, the master of the restricted area has started the live broadcast

Soon, everyone in the chat group also saw the live broadcast, and they clicked in excitedly, and then their spirits entered a void of cosmic starry sky.

“Is this the world that covers the sky? This is the first time I’ve come in besides watching the drama video!”

Looking at the cosmic starry sky in front of him, Tony Stark was a little excited.

“Cough, I don’t think you should get excited anymore, take a look into the distance!”

Aside, Yakumo Zi was sweating coldly and coughing a few times, reminding Tony Stark.

“Isn’t that the universe in the distance? What else could there be?”

Hearing this, Tony Stark muttered, turned his head to look in the direction of Yakumo Zizhi, and was instantly stunned.

Before he could say the whole thing, he stuttered directly, his face full of shock.

“Oh my God!”

Tony Stark moaned

“Oh my God!”

“The concubine was frightened, is this the ancient supreme being too exaggerated!”

“The power of the ten-star level, such power, is far above us!”

Not only Tony Stark, but other members of the group also saw several ancient emperors outside the distant universe. Everyone was horrified, and cold sweat could not help but break out.

Even Shiroyasha is a little trembling at the moment

This kind of existence is too exaggerated, far beyond their imagination

If it is placed in an ordinary universe, it does not require any action, and its existence alone is enough to crush a universe, and the ordinary monomer level is not enough to describe it.

When you really face it, you can clearly understand that this is completely different from the plot video.

“As long as you persevere, one day you will also have such power!”

Ye Qing walked from the side, came to Chiyuan’s side, and said lightly.

“Lord Immortal King!”

Chi Yuan saw Ye Qing next to her, and her face showed joy.

Unlike Ye Qing, who entered the world of covering the sky with his real body, the other members of the group entered the live broadcast room in the form of spiritual bodies, and because of this, they were able to watch the whole universe from the corner of God and peep at the real body of the ancient supreme.

Otherwise, according to their original strength, it is not enough to even enter the cosmos starry sky, let alone see the true body of the ancient supreme.

“If I have such power, even if it is Thanos with infinite gloves, I will not be afraid!”

Tony Stark is envious

The power of a single unit is unattainable for him now.

Even if it can be strengthened with the help of the points of the chat group, I don’t know how many years it will take to reach this level.

“The old man thinks that you have no hope in your life!”

The Marquis of Vauban glanced at him and said lightly sarcastically.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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