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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 120

The Void Emperor said calmly, not at all afraid of the threat of Xianling Supreme. In his eyes, Xianling Supreme is already a dead person. As long as he is a little bit targeted, he will die.


The Supreme Being of Xianling was furious, so he wanted to do it

“Fellow Daoist Yong Ye, don’t worry, your condition is very bad, let’s replenish your vitality first!”

At this time, the Supreme of the Undead Mountain opened his mouth, he stopped the impulse of Xianling Supreme, and reminded him.

He doesn’t want Eternal Night Supreme to die

Eternal Night, this is the title of the supreme emperor of Xianling

This is not because the Supreme of the Undying Mountain has a kind heart, it is just because he is the caller this time. If the Supreme Eternal Night dies, he will inevitably be held accountable by the Xianling, and at the same time, the other Supremes will respect him and stay away.

“Four Zero Three”

Therefore, he reminded the Eternal Night Supreme

“I’m impulsive!”

Evernight Supreme was slightly startled, and the anger that was soaring to the sky gradually subsided. He is an ancient emperor after all. Although he was a little irrational before, he has calmed down and is no longer so impulsive.

In his current state, if he continues to fight, he will almost certainly die. Even if he can kill the Void Emperor, he will be dragged away, which is not worth it.

“Just in time, the three of you will besiege the Void Emperor first, and I will devour all living beings to replenish my vitality!”

Eternal Night Supreme said coldly, he looked at the Void Emperor coldly, with a cruel smile

“I will focus on taking care of Emperor Burial!”

The meaning of this sentence could not be clearer

“you dare!”

The face of the Void Emperor instantly became extremely cold. He looked at the Eternal Night Sovereign coldly, and the terrifying killing intent swept out.

Burying Emperor Star, but his family exists, and his parents and children are also Burying Emperor Star

Eternal Night Supreme, this is to destroy his bloodline

“There is nothing that the emperor dares not!”

Yongye Supreme sneered, and then he turned around, took one step, and walked towards the Emperor Burial Star.

Although they are far away from the center of the universe at this moment, they are in a remote area with no signs of life on the edge of the universe, and they are far away from the Emperor Burial Star by hundreds of millions of light-years.

But for the Great Emperor, it is only a step or two away, and it can be reached in a few steps.

“you wanna die!”

Seeing Yongye Supreme going to Burial Emperor Star, the Void Emperor said angrily, he shot again, the Void Mirror bloomed with brilliance, and the terrifying Emperor Dao’s mighty power surged out, trying to stop Yongye Supreme

Boom! At this time, three terrifying forces came and blocked this force. At the same time, three stalwart figures appeared, blocking the Void Emperor.

It was the other three supreme beings. They joined forces to stop the Void Emperor.

“Void Emperor, your opponent is us!”

The Supreme of the Undead Mountain sneered and said, an ancient, suspended above his head, made of zodiac gold, falling down the avenue waterfall, condensed by the laws of the emperor, protecting him

“Emperor Void, I want to know, I can’t do one against three!”

With golden double horns born on the first, the ancient supreme being dressed in imperial robes also opened his mouth and said, holding the imperial staff, with a terrifying aura

Firmly lock the Void Emperor

Whenever he has the slightest change, he will meet his thunderbolt

No one dared to ignore the thunderbolt of an ancient emperor, not even the Void Emperor.

For a time, the Void Emperor was intercepted and could not make a move at all. He could only watch Eternal Night Supreme leave.

“Despicable, do you still have a trace of pride as a powerful emperor!”

The Void Emperor roared, he was extremely angry


The Supreme of the Undead Mountain was slightly startled, and there was a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

“Maybe, but that’s all in the past. Now this emperor just wants to live, and then log in to the Immortal Realm and achieve Immortal Dao!”

The supreme and cold way of the Undead Mountain is full of ruthlessness

The other two Supremes remained silent, blocking the Void Emperor

As early as the moment they cut off the throne of the emperor, they abandoned the excess humanity.

“Let’s fight, Void Emperor!”

A supremely indifferent Tao

“It’s despicable,!”

On the other side, where everyone was, seeing this scene, Yukinoshita Yukino was angry, and the others were also filled with righteous indignation, and their hearts were full of anger.

At first, they were happy when they saw the Great Emperor of the Void blow up an ancient emperor, but then the sudden change made them all worried.

Everyone knows what kind of terrifying destruction an ancient supreme being who is unchecked can cause. It is rude to say that if the ancient supreme is willing and unchecked, he can even destroy the entire universe.

This is the destructive power of the ancient supreme

Now, the Void Emperor has been stopped. Once the Supreme Emperor of the Night arrives at the Emperor Burying Star, the fate of all beings on the Emperor Burying Star can be imagined.

must be swallowed up

“Lord Immortal King, please take action!”

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Ye Qing and asked for help. The delicate and cute little face was full of hope, and the others also looked at Ye Qing.

At this time, only Ye Qing can stop all this.

“Don’t worry, I will stop that… Eternal Night Supreme!”

Ye Qing said with a smile, and then he sent a voice transmission to the Void Emperor, informing him of his arrival, and at the same time telling him that he would stop Evernight Supreme and let him do his best.

The reason for not directly suppressing the Supreme Beings is naturally to see the strength of the Void Emperor

On the other side, the Void Emperor, who received Ye Qing’s voice transmission, showed obvious joy, nodded slightly, and then looked at the three supreme beings with cold eyes.

“Come on, let’s fight!”

The cold words of the Void Emperor

The three supreme beings were slightly startled, and did not understand why the Void Emperor had a sudden fighting spirit, but they were all supreme, invincible and unparalleled powerhouses of an era, and naturally they would not be afraid.

“Go to the mythical battlefield!”

The Void Emperor said plainly, and the rest of the Supremes also agreed. He 4

5 They soared into the sky, far away from this universe, and quickly came to a vast and boundless starry sky.

Mythical battlefield, this is an empty, deadly battlefield, there are few completed stars here

It’s all broken, there are meteorites everywhere, there are star corpses everywhere, this is a crippled universe

The most astonishing thing is that you will occasionally see huge corpses here, straddling the cosmic starry sky, always immortal, but their blood essence has already been drained away.

This is the mythical battlefield

As soon as everyone came here, a war broke out in an instant, and the terrifying imperial aura was surging, sweeping the entire mythical battlefield, and even spreading to the big universe.

The Void Emperor is extremely powerful. With one enemy and three, he can barely fight and achieve undefeated.

This scene shocked the Supremes in the major restricted areas

Just ask the world, who can match one against three, and at the same time match the ancient emperor in the state of extreme sublimation to look at the ancient times, and even the age of mythology.

One is the Emperor, the second is the Immortal Emperor, and the third is the Underworld Emperor

Some of the Supremes who have experienced the era of these two great powerhouses vaguely know the strength of these three, and can rival many Supremes of the Imperial Way. Other than that, no one can do it.

Regardless of

Is it the unruly fighting holy emperor, or the amazing, ancient god emperor, and even the two emperors of the yin and the sun, they have not been able to fight with one against three.

In the final analysis, being able to become the existence of the emperor’s path, any one is the invincible superpower of an era, and has reached the pinnacle in various fields. After entering the emperor’s realm, the combat power is almost the same, it is difficult separate highs and lows

But now, the Void Emperor has truly shown his world-shattering and unparalleled combat power. He is able to fight against three ancient emperors with one enemy and three ancient emperors at the same time. Although the situation is very difficult, he can only barely remain undefeated, but this is already very amazing.

Boom! The ancient emperor with golden double horns and wearing imperial robes attacked, waving the imperial staff in his hand, and bombarded heavily. Power, at this moment, is in full swing, like a big universe is crushed, and the suffocating power is manifesting

Heaven and Earth are trembling, and at this moment, there is an “Emperor” that is above the Myriad Ways and can even suppress the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Tao appears

One overwhelms ten thousand, that is “the emperor”


The road of the ancient emperor

This power is accompanied by the emperor’s staff, and it blasts towards the Void Emperor from a distance.

At the same time, the Supreme Being of the Undead Mountain also shot, and the golden pagoda of Huangdaoxian above his head was vacated, turned into a boundless and magnificent imperial pagoda, and was suppressed towards the Void Emperor.

Om! The Void Mirror glowed and rose into the night, blocking the Golden Pagoda of the Yellow Dao Immortal. At the same time, the Great Void Emperor squeezed the seal, and instantly displayed an Unparalleled Emperor Technique, which was comprehended from the brand-new Void Immortal Sutra. , contains a trace of immortal-level power

With this blow, the entire mythical battlefield was in turmoil, and the fairy light shone, as if a real fairy had come to the world, and the shocking light even overwhelmed the ancient emperor’s imperial way.

Boom! The two collided, and in the horrified eyes of many restricted areas, the ancient emperor’s blow was not only blown away by this blow, but even the emperor’s way was suppressed, as if he had encountered a higher level of power.

“How is it possible! There is actually power to suppress the emperor’s way!”

The ancient emperor in the imperial robe lost his voice

That is the imperial way, the most powerful avenue between heaven and earth, what else can surpass it? Is it the immortal way? “You have mastered the power of the immortal way!”

The Supreme of the Undead Mountain stared at the Void Emperor, his eyes full of unbelief and jealousy

They did not hesitate to cut themselves to the throne of the Emperor’s Dao and lurked the power they craved for millions of years. He was very reluctant to believe that it was mastered by the Void Emperor, but it was just right. The power of the Void Emperor will soar for no reason

“You can guess!”

The indifferent way of the Void Emperor

“No need to guess, kill you and get it!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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