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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 124

The Three Supremes, All Extinct

This scene made all the Supremes silent

For the first time, a sense of insignificance rose in their hearts

In front of this Immortal King, they were just ants, and it was ridiculous that they thought that the other party wanted to defeat them individually.

In the face of such an existence, it is necessary to defeat “Go away, go back to where you should be!”

After killing the three supreme beings, Ye Qing looked at the other resurgent supreme beings and shouted coldly.

This is drinking supreme

“Thank you Immortal King!”

One of the Supremes hesitated for a while, finally said a word, and then returned to his restricted area. The rest of the Supremes also said the same thing and retreated one after another.

Although they really want to know the exact news of the Immortal Realm, whether the Immortal King can live forever, and the secret of becoming immortal, they still dare not ask questions in the face of Ye Qing’s terrifying existence.

In the end, except for the fallen spirit emperor, all the Supremes returned to their respective restricted areas, once again sealed themselves, and put themselves into a long slumber.

This time in deep sleep, it is likely to be hundreds of thousands of years

After all, no matter

Whether it was the appearance of the Immortal King, or the fall of the five Supremes, they all shocked the Supremes of the major restricted areas. In a short period of time, they did not dare to make trouble.

The dark age will pass

In the next golden age, even if there is a new Tianjiao testimonial, the Supreme Beings in the major restricted areas will not dare to take any action casually.

No one knows what the attitude of this mysterious Immortal King is. If Ye Qing is accidentally angered, he is afraid that he will be killed at will. The Supreme Beings in the restricted area have been lurking for millions of years in order to become immortals, so they will naturally be extremely careful.

“Thank you, Immortal King for your help!”

The Void Emperor came to Ye Qing and thanked him again. He has recovered and is an ordinary middle-aged man.

If not for an indescribable majesty, it is hard to imagine that this would be a great emperor

“No need to be polite, as the deputy group owner, the group members have difficulties and should help, and I am not a white gang. This time there is a group task released, and I have all the points alone!”

Ye Qing chuckled lightly.

This time, he has gained a great deal. With a full [-] points, he can open the pool of good fortune again and restore his strength to a new level. If he gets the remaining [-] points, he can truly be resurrected and have his own body

In that case, he can start to create a new system and embark on the road of breaking five, Wang Chengdi.

“No matter what, it’s a fact that you helped me. If it wasn’t for you, this time I’d be afraid that I’d die, and all beings in the cosmos would also usher in a disaster. It was you who saved all beings!”

The sincere way of the Void Emperor

“I thank you on behalf of all sentient beings!”

With that said, the Void Emperor gave a deep salute, representing his gratitude, and Ye Qing accepted it calmly.

After all, he really saved all beings, not “Okay, thank you, I should go!”

Ye Qing smiled.

“Lord Immortal King, can you stay and let me entertain you once!”

Hearing the words, the Void Emperor was startled, and hurriedly retained the words.

“No, if you have time, organize a group member to have an offline party. As for this, forget it!”

Ye Qing said lightly

“Offline gatherings seem to be fun!”

Shiroyasha came over from the side, just when he heard this sentence, he suddenly showed an interesting color

Since they entered the live broadcast room with a spirit body, for everyone, the distance has no meaning, and they can change their positions at any time. Therefore, although the previous distance was very long, everyone quickly changed their positions to Ye Qing.

As soon as they approached, they heard Ye Qing’s words.

“Which world do you want to be in, the world of Immortals or the world of Void Emperor or Shiroyasha”

On the side, Tony Stark also asked curiously.

“It’s in my world!”

Ye Qing said lightly

“Exactly, I want to go to the world, the last time I saw it, I saw it through live broadcast!”

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but said with a look of anticipation on his face.

“If you have time, please invite me to your world too!”

Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino say that, Ye Qing looked at her and said softly.

“Ahhh good!”

Yukino Yukino was startled at first, then her pretty face turned slightly red, and she said shyly.

“Ala, Xiaoxue is embarrassed!”

Seeing this, Yakumo Zi on the side immediately teased


Yukino Yukino’s face turned pale and said calmly.

“I haven’t seen the world of the Immortal King, I don’t know what it will be like!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also spoke from the side.

“It will satisfy you!”

Ye Qing nodded, and then said, “Okay, it’s time to go, I also closed the live broadcast!”

Everyone nodded in agreement

Soon, Ye Qing closed the live broadcast, and he opened the channel and left in the respectful eyes of the Void Emperor.

“Ding, congratulations to the owner of the restricted area for completing the group task and getting [-] points!”

Just after returning to Perfect World, Ye Qing received a system notification from the chat group

A full [-] points were credited, making Ye Qing rich

As long as he collects enough [-] points, he will be able to return to his peak state. At that time, he will be a supreme giant, ranking among the top ranks in the world.

The old monster is basically invincible

“It would be nice if there were more missions like this.”

Ye Qing couldn’t help but sigh, he just squeezed a few Supreme Beings to death, and he earned [-] points without spending much effort. This kind of stable profit transaction is not too many times.

It’s a pity that such a task is impossible to meet

It’s not easy to meet

Even if there is, it won’t be his monopoly

This time, it can only be said that it is good luck

“Well, for the remaining [-] points, I can upload items and sell some items to get it together!”

Ye Qing thought of the benefits of the chat group again, and felt a little moved.

Soon, this movement was given practical action by Ye Qing, and everyone in the chat group ushered in a wave of benefits. By uploading items and selling some items to other group members, such as Tiancaidibao, etc., Ye Qing collected the remaining [-] points

[-] points, enough for Ye Qing to go through the pool of good fortune twice, and then return to the peak period

“This day will not be far away!”

The corner of Ye Qing’s mouth slightly hooked, showing a trace of expectation

However, Ye Qing did not directly use the Life and Creation Pool, but planned to search for the Indestructible Sutra first. After stepping through the mysterious ancient land of Beihai Stone Forest, Ye Qing entered an ancient battlefield. In the end, he found the Indestructible Sutra. In the first half, a whole immortal sutra was collected

Although the first half of the Indestructible Sutra requires a key to obtain it, Ye Qing forcibly destroyed it with absolute power and obtained the Indestructible Sutra.

Ye Qing got the hands of this top three body training exercises in ancient times.

“I really didn’t expect that there are still immortal kings like you in the Nine Heavens Realm today!”

A crow guarding the Inextinguishable Peak saw the mighty power of the Immortal King displayed by Ye Qing, and could not help but sigh.

An immortal king giant, which is rare in the immortal ancient era, is one of the overlords

The appearance of Ye Qing made it see the hope of fighting against the exotic

“In the future, there will be a boy and a horned ant who will come here. At that time, you will tell him how to get the immortal scriptures!”

Ye Qing instructed:

Of course he was referring to the number 1.

If nothing else, he’ll have a key

“I understand!”

The crow nodded solemnly, facing the immortal king’s instructions, it did not dare to be careless at all

“So good!”

Ye Qing nodded and turned to leave.

This time, it’s time to go back to the Eight Regions, he has been away for a while

“came back!”

In the wasteland, Ye Qing broke through the space and descended. He looked at this ancient land with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

He has been away from the Eight Regions for nearly a year. Although there is not much time, many things have happened during the period, and his strength and state have also recovered a lot.

Now, he is already a real fairy king! The contrast before and after made his mood a little uneasy for a while

“Well, the environment of the Eight Domains has changed a lot!”

Ye Qing looked around, he could clearly sense the changes in the Eight Domains, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was many times richer than before, almost catching up with the original Three Thousand Domains

This is an amazing improvement, and even the integrity of the law has been greatly improved. Although it is still not perfect, it is much more than before, and the realm is no longer so difficult to break through.

The most intuitive manifestation is that the breath of the powerhouses in the Eight Domains has obviously improved a rank. Not only has the venerable become more, but even a lot of sacredness has appeared. Some old venerables have used this to ignite the divine fire and advance to the divine fire realm. became a god

also known as sacred


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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