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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 128

“Nothing to come back”

Ye Qing raised his hand and poured an ancient tea for Liu Shen, and asked rhetorically.

Liu Shen is speechless

That’s not what she meant. It’s just that Ye Qing, as an Immortal King, shouldn’t have such a spare time. After all, there shouldn’t be many places worth remembering in the mere Eight Regions.

“There are my disciples here, and you… a fellow practitioner, I have to come back and see!”

Ye Qing blinked, showed a smile, and waved at the same time.

“Come on, have a cup of tea and talk about it!”

Liu Shen nodded, with a touch of emotion on his indifferent face, and then looked at the teacup in front of him, showing a hint of consternation.

“This is Enlightenment Ancient Tea!”

Liu Shen was a little surprised, immediately picked up the teacup, took a closer look, and then took a sip, sensing the mysterious feeling rising in the sea of ​​​​heart, there was an urge to enlightenment, and his heart suddenly moved

Really enlightened ancient tea

“It turned out to be an ancient tea of ​​enlightenment!”

Liu Shen was amazed, this is a longevity medicine, and it is a very privileged kind. After several times in the heavens, there are not many plants. She remembered that the ancient enlightenment tea tree in the Nine Heavens Realm had disappeared without a trace.

After the first battle in the last years of Xiangu, it has disappeared since then.

The only big world in the heavens and the world that can be sure that there is an ancient tea tree for enlightenment, there are only the two worlds of the fairyland and the exotic world.

“Fellow Daoist, have you found the ancient Taoist tea tree in the Nine Heavens Realm?”

Liu Shen asked, a little curious

Naturally, she would not think of the ancient tea tree of enlightenment in a foreign land, but only thought that it was Ye Qing who found this ancient tea tree somewhere in the Nine Heavens Realm after returning to the realm of the Immortal King.


Ye Qing shook his head, took a sip, and felt the faint fragrance from his taste buds, as if he was in a fairyland, he couldn’t help being a little intoxicated.

Although the ancient tea of ​​enlightenment has no effect on his realm, its taste is also first-class, which can make the immortal kings intoxicated.

“Then it must be that you got some tea by accident!”

Liu Shen nodded suddenly, this is not impossible

“No, this is what I plucked from a foreign land, and it is one of my trophies!”

Ye Qing shook his head in denial, and at the same time said it was really fragrant.


Liu Shen was stunned, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Although she has not fully recovered her memory, she still knows about some situations in the foreign land, and she knows very well what a terrifying place it is. Even the Immortal King would not dare to enter that world alone.

It is the fairyland, and it is extremely jealous of this world.

“Fellow Daoist, you have gone to a foreign land”

Liu Shen asked in a hasty tone.

“Well, I went to a foreign land, chopped up the red king, and pulled back the ancient tea tree of enlightenment by the way!”

Ye Qing nodded, his tone was indifferent, as if he was talking about an ordinary little thing

Chopped Chi Wang heard the words, Liu Shen was silent

Chi Wang, she still knows who it is, that is a supreme giant. In the ancient era, he once killed a giant immortal king on the side of the Nine Heavens Realm.

Regardless of

In the Nine Heavens Realm, or the Immortal Realm, the red king’s fierce name is extremely prominent

Such a terrible giant was chopped up by Ye Qing

If he hadn’t known that Ye Qing wouldn’t panic, Liu Shen would have thought Ye Qing was joking.

“Fellow Daoist, what you said is true”

In order to confirm the authenticity, Liu Shen asked again

“Really, I never lie!”

Ye Qing nodded calmly.

“As expected of you!”

Liu Shen sighed, chopped the red king, what a great achievement, even if it was spread to the fairyland, it was a big event that shook the kings

“Liu Shen, I’m back!”

At this time, a loud shout came from the front of the village.

When the two of them looked, they saw a young man striding forward, with black hair fluttering freely, and the sun shining on him, setting him off like a young god.

Exactly number 1

Ye Qing’s expression did not change, and there was a hint of relief in his eyes.

Because the strength of No. 1 is much stronger than that of the original book, it is only seven or eight years old now, but it is already in the cave realm, and the breath is not weak, obviously more than one cave has been opened up.

“Liu Shen, what happened!”

In a short distance, No. 1 crossed the past at once, and soon came to the entrance of the village, and said at the same time, but when he came under the willow tree, when he saw a familiar figure, No. 1 suddenly had round eyes. open, revealing the color of surprise

“Master, you are back”

No. 1 The Road of Surprise

“Little guy, long time no see!”

Ye Qing also showed a smile and nodded slightly.

“Well, Willow God!”

Ten No. 1 nodded, and when he saw Liu Shen next to him, he couldn’t help exclaiming. This was the first time he saw Liu Shen’s real body. The peerless wind capital is enough to make him dazzled


Liu Shen nodded lightly, she had not recovered from the previous shock

chopped up the red king

With such a shocking record, even she has not been able to calm down so far.

“Hao’er, you’re back”

The return of No. 1 on the [-]th also alerted the other villagers. The village chief and others came over and said with a smile on their faces.

“I have seen the Immortal King!”

However, after seeing Ye Qing, everyone’s faces turned solemn, and they said respectfully.

Even though Ye Qing has been gone for a year, they still haven’t forgotten Ye Qing’s kindness


Ye Qing nodded lightly, then said:

“This time back, I brought you some presents!”

Saying that, Ye Qing waved his sleeves, and three ferocious beasts filled with terrifying aura appeared. They were two Pixiu and one Qingluan. They were adult pure-blooded creatures.

These three pure-blooded creatures are not very large, only a few feet in size. Their divine power is sealed, and they have no resistance at all, like tigers without teeth.

“This is Pixiu, the legendary beast of heaven!”

“There is also a Qingluan!”

“My God, this is a legendary creature!”

Everyone was shocked, and a group of big men even had their eyes glowing, and their hearts were full of excitement

Heaven-rank beast, pure-blooded creature

In this endless wilderness, there are myths and legends that can be compared with gods, and now they see three heads in one breath, how can they not be shocked. “Master, the gifts you just mentioned don’t refer to them! “

Shiya swallowed his saliva and asked with excitement in his heart.

“Well, on the way back, I took it back. You keep two of the powerful beasts, and slaughter the other, just enough to extract the true blood of the beasts and baptize your body!”

Ye Qing said with a smile, the words that he said made everyone even more shocked.

How terrifying it is to slaughter a pure-blooded beast

This is more than ten times stronger than the scorpion relic they got before.

“Lord Immortal King, I really want to kill one head”

Village Chief Shi Yunfeng asked cautiously, without Ye Qing’s certainty, he wouldn’t dare to do anything casually.

“Well, I just want to eat Pixiu meat, so just kill that one!”

Ye Qing nodded, raised his hand and pointed at the Pixiu in the Venerable Realm, and said lightly.

Ye Qing wanted to stay in the remaining two divine fire realms to guard the gate of the divine village.

“My lord, forgive me!”

When they heard that Ye Qing was about to kill them, the three pure-blooded beasts panicked, begging for mercy, and now they are no longer as proud and powerful as before

“Are you willing to surrender and be the guardian of the village’s holy beast?”

Ye Qing looked at the two beasts in the divine fire realm, and asked lightly. Although his tone was calm, there was a terrifying sense of oppression.

“I do!”

Without any hesitation, the two of them bowed their heads and said, rather than being eaten by others, they would rather be guarded by others.

Yes, in their opinion, Ye Qing is a god


Ye Qing nodded, then flicked his fingers, killing the Pixiu in the Venerable Realm, and at the same time, he also placed a ban on the two beasts in the Divine Fire Realm, so that they could not betray

After all, it is impossible for him and Liu Shen to stay in the village of God all the time. They were fine when they were there. Naturally, the two beasts did not dare to betray them.

Therefore, the ban is naturally the safest thing


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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