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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 129

“This one, I’ll leave it to you to solve it!”

Ye Qing pointed to the dead Pixiu and said to everyone.


Everyone nodded with shock on their faces

A Pixiu was killed in front of them, it is impossible to say that it is not shocking, and it is also quite heartbreaking. What a pity

However, when they thought of being able to eat the legendary Pixiu meat, they swallowed again, excited in their hearts.

It’s a good thing you don’t see once in a lifetime

“I didn’t expect you to have such a handwriting!”

After Ye Qing had finished his instructions, Liu Shencai sighed and said, she was referring to a few pure-blooded beasts.

“Small idea, just do it!”

Ye Qing said lightly

“Next, I have to do a training session, which will take about half a year. After this training session, I will be able to return to my peak!”

“Congratulations, fellow Daoist!”

Liu Shen was moved, she naturally understood the meaning of restoring the peak, which meant that his true resurrection was no longer a mere obsession, and she couldn’t help saying from the bottom of her heart.


Ye Qing also showed a smile

In the next month, after enjoying the Pixiu feast, Ye Qing pointed out several cultivation directions of No.

This time he retreated, naturally, he opened the pool of life and good fortune, so that he could recover to the peak and be completely resurrected.

This time, it will take about half a year

Soon, time flies, half a year has passed

Inside the empty valley, Ye Qing opened his eyes

A faint but terrifying aura emanated from his body, as if it could crush the heavens.

“Finally back!”

Ye Qing sighed softly and said, he has been completely resurrected, and he has reached a new level to the realm of the supreme giant

Comparable to the prosperous Red King, even stronger

“Ding, congratulations to the deputy group owner for his complete recovery, the group leader task is now officially opened”

“As long as you complete the task of becoming an Immortal Emperor, you can officially become the owner of the chat group!”

At this moment, the chat group system suddenly made a sound, first congratulated, and then released a new group leader task, which made Ye Qing stunned.

“Group Leader Task”

Ye Qing was a little surprised

This is the first time he has seen this kind of task. Although it is rare, it is difficult to do it in a short period of time. As long as it is completed, he can directly become the group owner, not the deputy group owner.

Although I don’t know what privileges the group owner has, I know it’s definitely not easy when I think about it

After all, this has to be an Immortal Emperor to officially reach the standard.

This alone is not easy

Perhaps, when he is promoted to Immortal Emperor and becomes the owner of the chat group, then he will probably understand the real secrets of the chat group and really get in touch with the top level of the heavens and the world.

“Is there a deadline for this task?”

Ye Qing asked, it is not a simple matter to become an Immortal Emperor, even if Ye Qing has a chat group as the backing, he can’t guarantee the time when he will become an Immortal Emperor.

Maybe a thousand years, maybe a thousand years, maybe a million years

It’s all possible

“There is no time limit, as long as the agent group leader becomes the Immortal Emperor, no matter what

How many years 503 it takes to become a chat group owner!”

The system responds

“Okay, I understand!”

Ye Qing nodded slightly, in this case, he naturally has [-]% certainty to do it

“Can I ask about the privileges of the group owner?”

Ye Qing asked curiously

“Sorry, no comment!”

The system refused without hesitation, which did not disappoint Ye Qing. After all, he just gave it a try and didn’t care whether he could get the answer or not.

“Well, even if I don’t know, I have accepted this task, anyway, I will definitely become an Immortal Emperor!”

Become an Immortal Emperor, this is Ye Qing’s goal

In other words, only by becoming an Immortal Emperor can Ye Qing truly have the ability to survive in this cruel and perfect world.

If he is not an Immortal Emperor, he is just an ant after all, and he may be killed by the ultimate darkness at any time.

Even, even if it is to become an Immortal Emperor, it is not necessarily insurance.

After all, even immortal emperors will still fall and be killed

Immortal Emperor is his goal, but it is by no means the final goal, just a new starting point

His real goal is to have no fourteen stars

beyond everything

“Well, it’s time to join the group and have a look! Ye Qing cleared his mind, his eyes flashed, and he muttered to himself. He didn’t immediately return to the village of God, but wanted to join the group to have a look, and then Ye Qing sank a ray of consciousness into it. in chat group

As soon as he entered, Ye Qing showed a strange look and there was a newcomer in the group.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest newcomer, this is a chat group that spans the heavens and the world, these people in front of you, each of them are big bosses from their own world, you can understand”

The original White Night King “For example, we are a super powerful boss!”

God-killer Demon King “Cough, although the strength of this old man is not as good as that of Lord Shiroyasha, but in my world, he is also a first-class powerhouse. It should not be too much to say that he is a big man!”

The hero of the navy “Kuhaha, the Marquis is humble, your current strength should be invincible in your world.”

God-killing Demon King “Not sure, after all, there are gods in this old man’s world, and the only ones who come down are the gods who do not obey. It is inevitable that there will be no existence stronger than this old man.”

If it was the former Marquis of Woban, he might be very conceited and think that he is invincible, but after seeing Ye Qing’s strength and seeing the battle of the Void Emperor, he will naturally not have such stupid thoughts anymore.

The heavens and the world are huge, and his world is just a tiny speck of dust.

The hero of the navy “Oh yes! Listening to what you said, I have to put away my previous thoughts. Maybe I am not invincible in my own world!”

In the world of pirates, Garp himself is one of the top powerhouses. After several reinforcements in the chat group, he is so strong that even if the four emperors join forces, they can easily kill them in seconds.

I thought it should be invincible, but seeing the words of Marquis Vauban, Garp put away his thought again. Perhaps, in the world of pirates, he is not invincible, and there may be a stronger existence.

For example, the legendary king

It’s not Mary Sue “Don’t brag too much, don’t forget that there are new people, here!”

The monster idler “That’s right, and this newcomer has a familiar face!”

The eternal princess “Are you familiar with people in our world?”

Kaguya is curious

This is too coincidental, a group actually has three people from the same world to join

The Lord of Four Seasons Flowers “Interesting, across the world of the heavens and the world, it is no wonder that your strength has increased so quickly, Yakumo Zi, is this the secret of your great strength!”

The monster idler: “Ara didn’t expect you to come in too, Xiaoyouxiang, it’s really fate!”

Immortal Chiyuan “Miss Yakumo Zi, Lord of the Four Seasons Flowers, do you know her?”

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita seems to know each other, and most likely from the same world!”

It’s not Mary Su “The Lord of Jihuahua, whose real name is Feng Jian Youxiang, is a flower demon, indeed in the same world as Yakumo Zi, and the two are still enemies to each other”

It’s not Mary Sue, “It’s more inclined to love and kill each other than an enemy!”

Kasumi Hill Shiyu “That’s it, hello!”

The Lord of Four Seasons Flowers “See You Xiang, Meet for the First Time!”

Facing the chat group that spanned the heavens, even if they were arrogant and fragrant, they were cautious at this moment, not too indifferent, and responded proactively.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man and other newcomers, why doesn’t he say anything about the original princess, pure white half-elf, deep sea fat house, newcomer, come out and talk, and take a photo by the way!”

The princess of the root “I want to know if my prince is here!”

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita Prince-sama”

Kasumi Hill Shiyu “This is not your prince!”

Both are kind of weird

Deep sea fat house “what do you mean by burst photos”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man ahem, that’s your selfie of course!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, hurry up, don’t waste time, let me know what you guys look like!”

The original White Night King “We want to see it too!”

Absolutely right under the snow 1”

Scarlet Kitten Immortal “”

Everyone has turned on the long-lost repeat mode again

“Well, they are all familiar characters!”

Seeing these newcomers speaking, Ye Qing couldn’t help showing a strange look

Regardless of

Is it the Lord of Flowers of the Four Seasons, or the princess of the root, these are the two-dimensional characters that Ye Qing is familiar with, especially the princess of the root, Sha Tiao Aige, or his subordinate, one of the objects he will cultivate in the future.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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