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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 133

“It was you who killed me in the realm, and you were the first person who dared to kill my sword king’s subordinates. This time, I will use you to make fun of you, killing chickens and setting an example!”

“Heh, is the King of Swords waiting for you?”

Ye Qing responded by saying that his purpose in coming to Jiehai this time was one of Zhai Zhong and Dao Wang. Both of them were giant-level figures. This was Ye Qing’s main goal.

The King of Swords is a powerful giant in the sea of ​​​​world.

His sharp celestial saber is also known as the strongest celestial saber among the soldiers of the Immortal King. It is said that a giant once perished under this celestial saber, and this celestial saber absorbed all the blood essence and evolved into a celestial saber. The King of the Immortal Kings

The King of Swords held the Heavenly Sword horizontally, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and then he swung the sword, slicing out three slashes, and flew towards Ye Qing.

Ye Qing couldn’t help sighing. He sighed not because of anything else, but because other immortal kings had their own weapons, and as a giant, he didn’t even have a decent weapon.

But then Ye Qing was relieved. He originally planned to wait until the quasi-immortal emperor or the realm of immortal emperors, and then go to sacrifice and practice his weapons, and then feed them with the essence and blood of his own emperor, so as to achieve the unity of human and equipment.

Weapons that are fed with the blood of the emperor will naturally not be of ordinary quality, so Ye Qing no longer thinks that others have weapons and he does not have it.

Instead, he opened his mouth to scold, and the sound of the avenue burst out, shaking all the three Daoist training alive.

The King of Swords looked at Ye Qing in disbelief, and he opened his mouth to rebuke the sound of the avenue. This is something only a true Taoist can do. The young man in front of him did it.

You must know that the King of Swords has become a giant for many epochs, and he has stabilized his feet in the sea of ​​​​boundary. Even so, he still has not achieved the true sense of Dao.

The Dao of the Immortal King Realm is a demonstration of the Dao between every gesture and every move, and every word and deed are followed by words. This is the Immortal King’s Dao.

But now, the person in front of him has actually reached that level. Due to the immortal mist around Ye Qing and the isolation of chaotic air, the King of Swords can’t see Ye Qing’s appearance at all, but he can feel that the person in front of him has a vigorous vigor

There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, this person has just entered the Immortal King not long ago, otherwise he would not have this vigorous vitality, although the Immortal King is immortal, but the vitality is not, it will disappear with the retreat again and again. , eventually became the current state

The King of Swords did not move after he had cut out three daggers. The person in front of him was definitely a match for him. The tentative confrontation just now had already been judged.

There is another reason for not continuing to do it. Dao does not understand why this person in front of him can become a giant with such a vigorous vitality.

Ye Qing looked at the sword king who stopped and said lightly

“It turns out that the King of Swords is also afraid of death? I thought the King of Swords had been in the sea for many years, and he would be a desperado.”

The King of Swords just smiled

“The stronger a person is, the more things he fears, and the more he cherishes his life. We can see too many differences in this realm.”

Ye Qing naturally knows what the King of Swords said. He has been in the world for countless years. It is based on eras, and he knows a lot of secrets.

For such a long time, even if I haven’t seen the clues left by the quasi-immortal emperor, I will not have seen the butcher’s traces. After all, in the original book, the butcher already has a faint quasi-immortal emperor aura around him.

“Fellow Daoist, why don’t we stop here?”

“Just stop it, why stop it, didn’t you just kill me?”

Ye Qing said, his tone was light, and he could not hear any joy, anger, sorrow, or joy. After the King of Swords heard what Ye Qing said, his face became cold. He did not expect that he took the initiative to show weakness, but the other party did not appreciate it

“Just now my fellow Daoist said that I was waiting for me, so why should my fellow Daoist wait for me?”

“There may be a cause and effect between me and you, but I don’t want this cause and effect to happen, so I came to kill you”

The cause and effect mentioned by Ye Qing is the cause and effect of the King of Swords and the number 1 of the tenth in the future, and now Ye Qing is the teacher of the number 1 of the tenth, so the cause and effect lines of the two will be intertwined in the future.

“The karma friend who hasn’t happened yet will be killed. It’s a bit too overbearing.”

The voice of the King of Swords has completely cooled down. Although he is afraid of death, he is not without the determination to fight. After Ye Qing heard the words of the King of Swords, he thought for a while and said again.

“I came here this time to win the head of a giant. If you can provide me with the position of a giant, I can let you go and behead him!”

After hearing Ye Qing’s words, the King of Swords just thought for a moment, then decided directly, and gave Ye Qing a coordinate

“This is a fallen fairy king giant who came from the fairyland, but was contaminated by the black mist. He has become a dark fairy king giant. He had something to do with me, so I used your hand to kill him.”

The King of Swords did not hide it and told Ye Qing about it

Ye Qing nodded, this person agrees with the target conditions and can kill

“If I kill him, there will be cause and effect with you. I need your reward and understand the cause and effect before I can kill him.”

Ye Qing naturally wouldn’t do this kind of useless thing. As for the purpose of leaving the King of Swords, it was mainly for his disciples on the 1th and 1st.

The King of Swords was one of the main characters in the imperial calamity. Ye Qing guessed that if he wanted to cut him off, there would be many troubles in the future, so he would let the King of Swords go.

The coordinates given to him by the King of Swords were far away from where he was. At the speed of a giant, it took him a month to travel. When he arrived at the coordinates, Ye Qing saw a person sitting cross-legged on the island.

The person is surrounded by some black fog, and the number is not large, and the face is hazy and can’t see clearly.

After feeling Ye Qing’s aura, the people on the island stopped sitting cross-legged, stood up and looked at Ye Qing to prevent Ye Qing from sneaking up. This is the rule of survival in Jie Hai, and anyone will be your enemy.

“The King of Heaven and Dharma, I didn’t expect you to fall into darkness.”

Ye Qing said to the hazy figure in front of him, this is the information given to him by the King of Swords, and the… Fallen Immortal King in front of him is a monk in the immortal realm in the past, who was once the master of the fearless lion lineage.

In the memory of Ye Qing’s previous life, the Heavenly Law Monk King has disappeared for several epochs, which also led to no one in the fearless lion lineage to continue to suppress, so they surrendered to the foreign land in the war at the end of the last epoch, and fought against their own side. People shot, causing a lot of killings

“You are the seventh monk to call me that, this is the name of this body before, he is no longer there”

“It’s a pity that a highly respected monk has fallen into darkness forever.”

Ye Qing didn’t say anything, and shot in an instant, Kunpengfa rioted and slammed into Tianfa, Tianfa recited Buddhist scriptures, and a golden light appeared on his body.

After the six-character mantra consumed five words, the Kunpeng spell also disappeared, and the last word flew to Ye Qing. Behind Ye Qing, the sky plate appeared.

This is the ultimate effect of the six-path reincarnation. It is still the Kunpeng method. A feathered sword is formed, which floats around Ye Qing, and then flies to the king of heaven.

Facing the feather swords in the sky, the king of heaven and law felt that if he didn’t pay attention, those feather swords would penetrate his body.

The golden light of the body protects the body, and the golden body of Zhangliu is also perfected. The Buddha beads in his hand fly, and the six relics, each of which shoots a ray of light, to block the feather sword that fills the sky.

But the six golden lights only blocked two-thirds of the feather swords and disappeared, and the rest of the feather swords rushed straight to the king of heaven and monks, as if they were about to break five, their golden light, cut their golden bodies

The remaining feather sword poured out, breaking the golden light of the body protection of the king of heaven and the law, but it failed to break the golden body of Zhangliu.

“The body of the King of Heaven and Dharma is really hard!”

Ye Qing spit out that although the soul of the monk king of heaven and law is no longer there, his body is still there, and it is still the original body. Now this body is born after the monk king of heaven and law was robbed and the soul disappeared for countless years. new soul

This soul is nourished and born from the dark body, so after a period of confusion, they will embark on the road of eternal darkness

“The King of Heaven and Dharma, I will set you free.”

Ye Qing didn’t hold back any more and attacked with all his strength, but the Dark Monk King was not weak, even better than Tai Yi and the Sword King

Sure enough, the power of darkness can make a person stronger

Ye Qing took out Taishi’s Tiange in his own law pool, erased Taishi’s last spiritual imprint on it, and then took the Tiange and rushed to the dark monk king

The Dark Monk King also put away the Buddha beads and put the Buddha beads on his hands. A Zen staff appeared in his hand, and he waved it to fight with Ye Qing.

For a while, Ye Qing did not have the upper hand, but only gained a slight advantage, and the Dark Monk King’s style of play was also extremely fatal. Zen stick

Naturally, Ye Qing would not exchange injuries with him. He could feel that the King of Swords was nearby and did not leave. Ye Qing did not allow himself to be in any potential danger.

He didn’t even have to think about it, he knew that if he and Tian Fa were both defeated, the King of Swords would definitely bring people to encircle and suppress them. It would be inappropriate for Ye Qing to face the hunting of the kings.

But the King of Heavenly Law and Monk is surprisingly difficult to deal with. Although Ye Qing is a lot worse than Ye Qing, it is not easy for Ye Qing to kill him.

After 600 rounds of battle, Ye Qing found that the opponent didn’t seem to want to kill him, but just wanted to repel him, and Ye Qing didn’t feel any killing intent from beginning to end.

Suddenly, Ye Qingming realized, he remembered the situation of the dark willow god in the original book, now it seems that the king of heaven and law should be the same as the willow god, they are actively accepting the infestation of darkness, and left a certain backhand for the sake of it. The backhand prepared by the soul born from the body

Ye Qing stopped the power of the avenue in his hand, and the dark monk king opposite him also stopped the attack in his hand, but the golden body of Zhangliu was still on his body.

Ye Qing looked at the Dark Monk King. It seemed that his guess was correct. Now the soul in the Heavenly Law Monk King’s body is an uncarved soul, passively facing everyone. Ye Qing doesn’t understand

“Monk King, you are a highly respected senior in my fairyland”

“He’s gone”

The Dark Monk King interrupted Ye Qing’s words and said, Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, and continued to speak.

“One day, I will find him back, let the two of you fuse, or reshape a body for him”

Ye Qing thought of Huo Linger in the original work. After becoming the quasi-immortal emperor on No. 1, he reintegrated Huo Linger’s soul into the dark body. The soul and body were perfectly integrated, and the two souls were like the same One is the same, no gaps at all

Now, Ye Qing has also thought of this, he wants to bring back the dark monk king, this will be his greatest help, and now it seems that the monk king must be the same as Liu Shen, who is actively touching the darkness, So there will be some left behind

“He left me something, and he said that one day, someone will come to pick me up, is that you?”

After Ye Qing heard what he said, he understood something. This person should not be referring to him. After all, he has fallen. If he hadn’t crossed over to come here, the master of the restricted area would still remain in the restricted area.

“I shouldn’t be the person you’re waiting for, but I can take you to the person you’re waiting for. Do you want to come with me?”

Ye Qing did not hide it from him, but told the truth that the Dark Monk King stood there, looked at Ye Qing, and after a long time, he said

“I can sense that you are not malicious”

, Two months after Ye Qing entered Jiehai, he reappeared near Jiehai. Beside Jiehai, a dozen figures were still there waiting for Ye Qing’s return.

Ye Qing and the Dark Monk King both boarded the world one after the other, Ye Qing threw the two heads in front of the kings

“This is a fallen immortal king and an immortal king. There are two heads left. I will go to a foreign land to collect them.”

The kings looked at the two heads on the ground, and they were speechless for a while. I didn’t expect this… Lord to be so arrogant. One person rushed into the sea and cut off two heads.

Then the kings turned their attention to the dark monk behind him, and when the black mist dissipated from the dark monk, all the kings looked at the monk

“The King of Heaven”

The giant Qi Yu opened his mouth, and his words were full of consternation. You must know that the Monk King of Heaven has disappeared since several epochs ago, and there has been no news. In addition, the Monk King of Heaven is a giant belonging to the nine heavens and ten places. , so the giants of Xianyu did not pay too much attention

This also led to the defection of the fearless lion lineage in the war of the last era, and now seeing the monk king who disappeared for several epochs, he is naturally amazed.

And the black fog lingering around the monk king also shows the state of the monk king now, this is a fallen person, a fallen person who has fallen into darkness forever

“He is a fallen dark giant. Are we really going to bring him into the fairyland? This is tantamount to bringing a wolf into the room.”

Beside Qi Yu, an immortal dynasty communicated with other immortal kings, as well as Qi Yu’s giant sound transmission, but with Ye Qing’s current cultivation level, this kind of sound transmission can easily be captured

“You can rest assured, I will not let him enter the Immortal Realm, I will take him back to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths”

After Ye Qing finished speaking, he stopped and prepared to go to a foreign land, but this time, the Dark Monk King followed Ye Qing’s footsteps and wanted to go with Ye Qing to a foreign land.

On the way back, Ye Qing told him everything about the past, so the dark monk wanted to see the enemy’s world

“Pan Wang, these two heads will be given to you”

Ye Qing had already left, and the voice came from a distance. King Pan put away his two heads and followed Ye Qing’s footsteps with the kings. They were going to see what he could do in a foreign land. This time, Ye Qing still chose Yu Yutian. This is the back garden of the Chi King. After the last incident, this place will definitely become an important place to take care of.

But this time, Ye Qing is no longer alone, but with the Heavenly Dharma Monk King who is also a top giant, the two of them will be much safer together

After all, with the top figures of the two giants together, this lineup is really luxurious

“It’s Yu Yutian again, he almost chopped off the Red King last time. I don’t know what storms will be created this time.”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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