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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 135

Seeing Ye Qing’s arrival, he didn’t mean to open the city gate at all. Instead, they all found the city wall and looked at Ye Qing outside the city.

“Why stop me”

“Everyone has an order. People who are not from the Immortal Territory are not allowed to enter the Immortal Territory. Please forgive me at the beginning of the world. I just follow the order. Otherwise, the adults will punish us, and we will all lose our lives.”

A true immortal walked out of the immortal realm and said to Ye Qing with a calm attitude, and then said with a voice transmission.

“Master Qi Rui has instructed, if Master Taichu comes to Xianyu, let the villain take you to him”

“it is good”

Ye Qing nodded, it seems that Immortal King Qi Rui should have guessed what he was going to do.

In this way, that… True Immortal took Ye Qing to a teleportation platform, broke through the void, and after crossing, directly arrived in the area ruled by Immortal King Qi Rui

What Ye Qing did not expect was that when he came to the blessed land where Qi Rui lived, Qi Rui actually waited outside and came to greet Ye Qing, which made Ye Qing very surprised.

The two entered Qi Rui’s cave and sat opposite each other. Qi Rui spoke first.

“Daoist friend in the beginning, why did you come here? However, this forbidden technique is also limited, and it can only have an effect on people below the Immortal King. Even if a giant uses this forbidden technique, it can only be used on the king’s realm. Defective people use”

Qi Rui directly stated what Ye Qing wanted to know. Everyone is an immortal king, and he is the best among them. There are some things that he naturally understands.

“Thank you Immortal King Qi Rui, I still have something to ask”


“If I am strong enough, can I control real kings, even giants?”

“In principle, yes, if the butchers and the others come, it may be possible to control the king-level characters. If the king’s level is broken, controlling the giants will not be a problem.”

Qi Rui said something like this and told Ye Qing, “Thank you, my fellow Daoist, for guiding me.”

After Ye Qing said goodbye to Qi Rui, he went to the gate. There, there was something he had always wanted to get, the Three Lives Medicine! In the original book, the Three Lives Medicine is the most precious medicine, compared to the medicine of immortality. We should cherish it. From the beginning to the end, only one tree appeared.

Here, there are piles of stones. Within the stones, there are different opportunities and certain dangers. There will be ancient life living in it. This is a place of opportunity for Xianyu to be open to nine days and ten days.

But this time Ye Qinglai didn’t have much hope. After all, this is determined by personal luck, not if the strength is strong, otherwise the kings of the immortal realm would have taken Sansheng Medicine away and would not release it. it’s here

After coming here, it naturally alerted the guards here. Everyone came here. They did not expect that the Immortal King would come here to look for opportunities, and most of them had never seen the Immortal King. Come and see the style of the fairy king

Ye Qing closed her eyes and carefully felt it. She wanted to try and see if she could gain anything. Soon, a stone resonated with Ye Qing, and then another stone resonated with it, and then there were more stones. block resonates with

Seeing this situation, Ye Qing was also stunned. After all, there was no such situation in the original work. Sanzang and Shenming, including No. 1 and the others, only managed to move a few pieces. Green resonates, as many as 13 yuan

Without waiting for Ye Qing to speak, the guards nearby hurriedly put 13 stones in front of Ye Qing and let Ye Qing open it by himself.

Ye Qing opened them one by one, but he never saw the thing he wanted, until the last one opened, it still didn’t appear

Ye Qing sighed slightly, is this a chance, this is destined to be a big medicine that can only be taken away by the tenth number 1, at this time, Ye Qing turned his attention to the thing he opened, above it.

1 stone, each with an item, a total of 13 pieces, of which 3 are more special, namely a longbow, a tattered book, and a rune bone

Ye Qing waved his hand, put all these things into his storage ring, and then left directly

When he returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it was already three days later. He went to the place where No. 1 [-] once crossed the long river of time and space, a cave, a place of good fortune called Tongtian Tong enemies and ancient and modern times. See if you can get some useful information

This is an important place for the transformation of No. 1 No. 1. After more than half a million years of fighting, No. [-] No. [-] survived tenaciously and became the heart of red dust. Let his mind become incomparably firm, and made an indelible contribution for him to go to the realm of God

This time, Ye Qing did not resonate with Shishi, and at this time, Lei Di’s body had not come here, and the puppy had also not brought the blood of the Immortal King without Endless here.

After returning to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Ye Qing directly grabbed the quasi-immortal king who had been captured from a foreign land, and took him first. This is the parent and son of the Red King.

Ye Qing took him into a secret room, and then the secret room fell into silence

When he came out again, it was already three days later. Ye Qing had just left the customs, and the monk king and others came over.


Ye Qing nodded slightly

“Yes, if I have the strength… as much as I can, it will not be a problem to control the Immortal King.”

After the fearless lion heard Ye Qing’s words, his pupils instantly widened. Now the immortal realm and the hazy texture of his body have disappeared, and now he has become the main body again.

He is controlled by the Heavenly Law Monk King with this forbidden technique, and he naturally knows what it means to be able to control the immortal king. It means that the immortal king giant has come to an end. the imperial realm

The fearless lion also knew something about Ye Qing in front of him, but he never imagined that he was a character whose 680 was about to break five.

As for what Ye Qing said about his perfect strength, the chat group can fully meet his requirements.

“I’m going to retreat and improve my strength as soon as possible. King Sang, when I’m not here, I’ll ask you to help take care of me.”

“Don’t worry, fellow Daoist”

Ye Qing then entered the retreat, sinking his consciousness into the chat group

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest newcomer these days, the speed of joining the group is a bit fast

It’s not a monster sage, that’s right, it’s only been a few days, and there are new people, joining the group

Void Lord, are you only a few days away? We’ve all been here for months.

It’s not Mary Sue, this hasn’t been introduced like you, the flow of time in our respective worlds is different, this is for, that’s what, that’s why this happens

The Void Emperor turned out to be like this, what kind of power can he build this kind of thing, even the Immortal Emperor can’t do it?

It’s not Mary Su, the ancient god, the most handsome in the universe. Welcome two newcomers to the chat group

, Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man

It’s not a monster idle 1

absolutely correct snow under the 1

The repeater mode was turned on again in the group, and soon, one of the newcomers released his photo

The most handsome pictures in the universe of Galaxy Power

Ye Qing did the same. He opened it and looked at it. When he just looked at the name, Ye Qing had already guessed a rough idea. After seeing the picture, he immediately confirmed that this is Ge Xiaolun’s… Hanging silk? Four Seasons of Flowers Lord wow, I like this kind of masculine, clean up, but milk is a wolf

With the chat in the chat group, Kazami Yuka also learned some new words

, the power of the galaxy is the most handsome in the universe, hey, my buddies, that must be the best

, it’s not a monster idler, hello, respect me, okay? The power of the galaxy is the most handsome in the universe, I want to duel with you, I will give out points

, Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man. What is this sour taste? Who is jealous? Lord of Four Seasons Flowers, what are you doing here?

It’s not Mary Su, you show affection, I admit, I’m sour

absolutely correct snow under the 1

I am a naval hero and my husband is sour

, Everyone 10, the task group member Gu Shen Da Si Ming encounters a crisis, help the ancient god Da Si Ming get out of the crisis, reward points 5

Just when everyone was chatting, a task like this suddenly appeared. This newcomer just joined the chat group, but there was a danger, and the chat group also released a task. This is the first time.

Ye Qing was also a little surprised. After all, this is the first time that this has happened, and according to the name, it should be Da Siming, the king of life in “The Supreme Humanity”.

This is the innate god who can fight with the protagonist Zhong Yue in the Supreme Humanity. According to Ye Qing’s memory, Da Siming is in danger now, so there are only two situations. Da Siming, the second is that after becoming a Taoist god, he was beheaded by Taoism

The second situation is obviously unlikely. After all, things like Tian Zhan Dao Xin cannot be stopped by human power. If there is no accident, it should be the first situation.

The mission involved the level of God, so the members of the group did not act rashly, and they did not forget that when they were in the world of covering the sky, when several supreme ancient emperors were fighting with the Void Emperor, they would be smashed by the breath when they approached.

, Ye Qing accepted the task directly, and then opened the group live broadcast, 100 points, plus [-] was enough to open a life and good fortune pool

It’s not Lord Mary Su who is here, we don’t have to worry about it

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, Lord Xianwang, and this time he can see Lord Xianwang take action

Absolutely true, Yukinoshita, 1

,,, Ye Qing came to the world of Da Siming through the channel opened by the chat group. After entering here, you can clearly feel the strong spiritual energy surging in the air.

This is a place of nothingness. In the distance, it seems that someone is fighting, and there is a sense of Taoism. The energy in Chen Qingxin’s high school has actually reached the level of super 9 stars, which means that they have reached the level of true immortals. To the point of , the next step is the red dust fairy, which is 10 stars

“It seems that the world’s top combat power should be similar to that of the Void Emperor”

Ye Qing murmured to himself, this kind of battle would not pose any threat to him at all, and the Void Emperor, who was a member of the group, also chose to accept the mission and also came to this world.

After seeing Ye Qing, the Void Emperor smiled and greeted Ye Qing, and the two communicated through the air.

“Fellow Daoist, let’s complete the task first, and then discuss the Dao”

“so good”

The two rushed to the place of the battle together, and the members of the chat group also joined the group live broadcast one after another. After all, this kind of scene is rare. This level of battle is directly based on the power of the Dao. Fighting will not only increase their understanding of the power of the Great Dao, but also stimulate their competitiveness and make them work harder.

“Origin, what are you doing?”

A tall figure was fighting with blood and shouted.

“Brother, you are too pedantic, why did you create the Dao World This is the home of our innate gods, why should we give our home to those despicable acquired spirits, those monkeys!”

A person met that… tall figure and fought fiercely with him, but after a hundred strokes, he was repelled by that figure.

“Origin, I told you, the acquired souls are by no means despicable monkeys, they are like us, they are all raised in this world, they have advantages that we do not have”

“Enough! Brother, it has already reached this point, do you still have hope that I will stop?”

That… the tall figure continued to speak, but was interrupted by the person just now

The tall figure who is fighting with blood is naturally the protagonist of this mission, Da Si Ming, and these people besieging him are the Origin God King and other innate gods who are not satisfied with Da Si Ming’s rule.

And other innate gods who are loyal to Da Siming have been killed, and some people are waiting in their holy places. After killing an innate god, they will directly destroy his holy land without giving any chance of resurrection.

Now it is the Origin God King with other innate gods to besiege the Life God King Da Siming, but Da Siming is the first innate god in this world, and also the first living being, so even in the face of the siege of everyone, Still holding on, and killing some

The reason why Da Si Ming can persist for so long is that he is the king of life, and his vitality is extremely powerful. It is difficult to kill and can only be worn slowly. Chance

0. After Ye Qing and the Void Emperor rushed to the battlefield, they did not rush to do it. Ye Qing clearly remembered that Da Siming was crushed to death by the Taoist world he built himself, not by these half-hearted god kings. to kill

That is to say, the Origin God King is just holding on to Da Si Ming at this time. He is waiting for the final transformation of the Taoist world. After the transformation is completed, the founder, Da Si Ming, will bear the great cause and effect in this world.

,, this old man is a naval hero, the Immortal King and the Great Emperor, why didn’t they do it? The oldest and strongest godslayer looked at the old man with anger. There is such a younger brother, let the old man educate him well! Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man Marquis Vauban, just think about it, this kind of battle is not something you can participate in

The oldest and strongest god-killer is a big piece of shit. Are you itchy again? Do you want the old man to give you loose skin? It’s not the monster sage Marquis Vauban, I mean it too, why don’t we go together with the oldest The strongest godslayer, I think it’s ok, that’s the decision! It’s not Mary Su, the Immortal King is playing monsters live, please be quiet

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man

everyone hahaha

On the other side of the battlefield, Emperor Void and Ye Qing had already shot at this time. The two shot together. Emperor Void went to help Da Siming kill his opponent and prevent Da Siming from being besieged by everyone. Ye Qing appeared directly in the Below the Taoist realm where he had transformed himself, Ye Qing greeted the corpse as he looked at the Taoist realm that was smashed towards the Great Commander.

Looking at the underlined version, I looked at the two people who suddenly appeared, and the Origin God King was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted. After all, as the head of the innate gods, Da Siming has many loyal subordinates.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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