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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 136

But immediately, the Origin God King noticed something was wrong, because the person who joined the battlefield easily helped Da Siming to resolve a fatal attack, and after that person blocked, there was nothing at all, as if just now It’s not like he was hit

Because of his participation alone, the situation that had been crushed turned out to be reversed. Together, the two of them killed their people.

And the other master is even more terrifying. He actually met the Tao world that has been transformed. Others may not know it, but the origin knows that this is the punishment of heaven and earth for Da Siming, and it opens up a world, which is not accepted by heaven and earth.

“Hmph, actually trying to catch the impact of the Dao world, want to help Da Siming block this blow? Naive! Destroy it!”

The God King of Origin looked at Ye Qing, who was about to collide with the Dao world, and sneered, but the next moment, he was stunned, because the scene in front of him was really unbelievable.

That person actually asked to hold back the rapidly descending Dao Realm. You must know that even Da Siming had no chance of surviving this blow, but the innate god in front of him, who had never seen it before, actually caught it. A blow, this is tantamount to a head-on blow to the Origin God King

On Ye Qing’s palm, the runes of the indestructible scriptures flowed continuously, covering Ye Qing’s entire palm, firmly supporting the Dao world.

And as a ten-star Void Emperor, now among this group of people, it is simply killing, and the opponent’s strongest is only the Origin God King, only super 9 stars, plus Da Si Ming is also super 9 stars, And it is much stronger than the Origin God King

So soon, the battle below formed a one-sided situation again, but this time it was the Origin God King who were suppressed. After realizing that the situation was not right, the Origin God King immediately fled without making any stop.

Although Da Siming’s life was worry-free, he was also seriously injured and could not pursue the Origin God King.

And the Dao world supported by Ye Qing, the impact has also become smaller, Da Si Ming sat cross-legged, meditated to restore his own strength

After a while, Ye Qing re-entrusted the Taoist realm, which had been relegated to eternal silence, to the sky.

According to Ye Qing’s memory of the original work, although this world has been transformed, it is not the real Dao world.

That is to say, Da Si Ming did not succeed in creating Dao, even if the origin gods did not rebel, Da Si Ming would be killed by the backlash of the Dao world, but this time, fortunately there were two people, Ye Kong, which could help Da Si Ming save one. name

“Thank you two fellow Daoists for helping out. I didn’t expect that there is such a powerful innate god in my Dao world. It seems that my knowledge is really short, and I am ashamed to call myself the most commanding officer.”

After Da Siming simply repaired the injury, he came to Void and Ye Qing to express his gratitude.

“You don’t have to be humble”

Ye Qing and Void also responded politely

“Since there is no danger here, fellow Daoist, then we will stop bothering and retire.”

“Fellow Daoist, don’t say thank you for your kindness, if you need anything in the future, you will never give up your life.”

Ye Qing and Void returned to their respective worlds through the system, Ye Qing also closed the group live broadcast

“Congratulations to the Immortal King Chu and the Void Emperor for completing the task, and getting [-] points as a reward, and triggering the hidden task at the same time.”

Seeing this, Ye Qing is also a little confused. What is the situation of the hidden mission? This is the first time that this kind of situation has occurred.

“Hidden quests help the God of the Great Commander, open up the Taoist world, and help the great commander to improve his strength and become the God of Life.

The task reward is [-] points”

Ye Qing was a little moved when he saw the quest reward. The last quest was completed with the Void Emperor, that is to say, he only got [-] points, but the privilege of acting as a group owner, there are other group members. Complete the task, he can get [-]%

That is [-], plus [-], which is [-]. It’s not enough to enter the pool of good fortune. Now Ye Qing must get a little more points. After all, he is in urgent need of improving his strength.

After all, even the strongest among the immortal king giants is only a minor role in the reckoning of the most terrifying dark turmoil.

Even if it is the quasi-immortal emperor and the immortal emperor, there is no way to truly protect themselves, and they can only respond to the calamity.

So now Ye Qing must strengthen his own strength, not only himself, but also make the restricted area more and more powerful. Only in this way, in the future, the probability of surviving will be higher.

Otherwise, it will eventually become the object of liquidation in that big liquidation.

“This is the first time this has happened to the hidden mission.”

The corner of Ye Qing’s mouth raised a smile, this is a good thing, his group leader task has been opened, the chat group is more useful, and it is the group leader who is more energetic.

Accepting the task and rewarding [-] points, Ye Qing will not let it go in vain

In this way, Ye Qing, who had just left the world of the Supreme Humanity, came back. Da Siming still didn’t leave here, and he was a little surprised to see Ye Qing.

“Why is Daoist back again?”

Since Da Siming’s injury has not healed, he has not cared about the chat group, and when he just joined, he was attacked and killed by the Origin God King and the others, so he doesn’t know anything about the chat group.

“I’m here to help you and help you completely open up the Dao world”

Ye Qing said, Da Siming was a little puzzled

“How do you say this, fellow Daoist, the Dao world has not been transformed, has it not been completely transformed?”

“No, although the Dao world has been completely transformed, it is still incomplete. If you enter rashly now, you will lose your mind and be controlled by the Dao world.”

Ye Qing explained to Da Siming that in the original work, many innate gods entered the incomplete Taoist realm, which led to their minds being controlled by the Taoist realm and became the minions of the Taoist realm. Taoshen and others are the best among them

In the end, after Zhongyue became emperor, he joined forces with many powerful people, especially Feng Xiaozhong, a lunatic who was safe and sound in the Taoist world. This completed the Taoist world and made it a complete Taoist world.

And this time the hidden mission is like this, plus helping Da Siming become the Dao God of life, in fact, this is the same mission, because the reason for the incomplete Taoism is because Da Siming has not yet entered the realm of the Dao God, which leads to Taoism has lost control

That is to say, to help Dasiming rise to the level of the Taoist God of life, Dasiming is an innate spirit, it is much simpler to become a Taoist god, and it is not necessary to turn the acquired gods into innate spirits.

As long as the cultivation base is achieved, according to Ye Qing’s memory, the cultivation of the innate gods does not depend on absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, comprehending the Dao, because in this world, they are born innately, and they represent the Dao.

For example, Da Siming, he represents the avenue of life, so it is called the body of life, and the origin of the god king is the innate water spirit, and Da Siming named him the king.

There are also some more powerful god kings, such as the two black and white emperors, who represent darkness and light respectively. Another example is the two gods and demons, who represent the two acquired races of gods and demons, and there are many, many more, both of which are the great way. The level of transformation, so they don’t need to absorb the aura between heaven and earth

The Dao God is the result of the Dao level reaching the top level. Ye Qing had already thought of this when he accepted the hidden mission, so this time he accepted the mission, not only to help Da Siming, but also for himself.

The Dao level of this world is obviously lower than Ye Qing’s world. Although the Dao level is lower, some aspects are similar. The method of integrating the Dao’s power obtained in this world is also in Ye Qing’s own world. not necessarily usable

“Then how can we successfully open up the Taoist realm? Please also ask fellow Taoists to make it clear.”

Da Si Ming clasped his fists at Ye Qing and said

“As long as Da Si orders you to advance to the Taoist level and become the Taoist god of life, then you will be able to open up a perfect Taoist realm to accommodate congenital spirits.”

Ye Qing naturally wouldn’t hide it. He told the truth. After getting the answer, Da Siming was stunned for a while, thinking about something.

“Since fellow daoists know the method of opening up, they will definitely be able to make me advance to the level of Taoist gods. Please also clarify.”

“Your innate soul is the transformation of the power of the Dao, and the level of the god of the Dao is the result of the power of the Dao reaching the strongest state”

Ye Qing and Da Siming sat cross-legged against each other and began to discuss the Tao, and this discussion of the Tao lasted for a month. For a month, the two continued to discuss the Tao and deduce. Ye Qing relied on the memory of his previous life to succeed. brought Da Si Ming on the right track

And Da Si Ming was not stingy, and told Ye Qing the cultivation method of the innate soul. As a reward for Ye Qing, Ye Qing naturally would not be polite and accepted the gift of Da Si Ming.

Another month has passed, and it has been two months since Ye Qing accepted the task. According to the proportion of time flow, the chat group has now passed 4, which means that Ye Qing’s task will be refreshed in 3 days.

In the past two months, Da Siming’s cultivation base has improved rapidly, but he is still a certain distance from the Taoist God. It is completely nonsense. Without the blessings of other god kings, I am afraid that even this kind of Dao Realm cannot be opened, let alone a perfect Dao Realm.

Ye Qing’s strength has also improved rapidly in the past two months. Although there is no improvement in the cultivation base, his strength has increased significantly, because his understanding of the Dao has become clearer, and his control over the power of the Dao has become more and more handy

When the third month just passed, Da Siming stood up and bowed to Ye Qing

“I also ask fellow Daoists to protect the law for me!”

“Fellow Daoist but it’s okay to go”

After hearing Ye Qing’s words, Da Siming rushed to the sky in an instant. In the sky, he opened his hands, the avenue of life surged in his hands, and the power of life continued to churn. In an instant, the surrounding plants began to grow.

Even a person with cultivation like Ye Qing could feel that the force of life entered his body and had some impact on his body, which Ye Qing did not expect.

After all, after reaching the Immortal King, they are already immortal. Time is just a number to them, and life has reached the point of eternity. Now the power of Da Siming’s Dao can actually make him do this. It can be imagined to what extent the current Da Siming has control over the Great Dao of Life.

Ye Qing did not hesitate, immediately

Sink the meaning into the chat group, and in the chat group, there are several long-term active members who have been chatting

It’s been 6 days since Tony didn’t want to be the richest man, and the Immortal King hasn’t completed the task, so there won’t be any accident, Immortal Chiyuan won’t be, Immortal King is so powerful

How could the most ancient and strongest godslayer be possible, that is Lord Immortal King! Absolutely right and wrong under the snow, the Lord will be fine

It’s not Mary Su, don’t think about it, Lord Xianwang will be fine

Seeing that everyone in the chat group was paying attention to his progress, Ye Qing was also a little emotional for a while. They didn’t have any experience of life and death together, but they were able to sit and chat together like good friends. To care when time is not bubbling

All the members of the Lord of the Restricted Area, how can I have something, something

, I also brought you a great gift, come with me

Saying that, Ye Qing spent points and opened the door to the world of the Supreme Humanity. After everyone saw what Ye Qing said, they were all very curious and walked in. Even some people who didn’t bubble up in the group were also very curious. Called by all Ye Qing’s members, they entered the chat group one after another, and came to the humane world.

At this time, the Daosi Ming had already been lifted above his head, and he was dragged up with the power of the Dao. Every time it rose by one point, the Daosi would feel that the Daojie was a little heavier. This was because the Daojie had changed. For the perfect world

But the Dao in the Dao world is the Dao of this world. It is very difficult to strip the Dao of this world and push it out of this world.

However, this height is still very easy for Da Siming. The three months of talking with Ye Qing have made his strength improve a lot, and he was finally promoted to the top on the last day of the third month. Taoist level

After the successful promotion, Da Siming adjusted and immediately started his own actions.

And now, everyone is watching Da Si Ming’s feat, the life force overflowing from Da Si Ming’s palm spreads here, and is absorbed by everyone

“What’s the matter, the old man feels like he is back when he was young, and he feels very powerful”

After absorbing the power of life, Karp said in surprise, he has reached his prime and is about to enter old age, but after absorbing the power of life again, he has become even younger, and his white hair has changed again. Become black hair, soon, everyone opened their mouths, all got huge benefits

“I like this feeling very much. The majestic power of life not only increases my lifespan, but also makes my strength stronger.”

Feng Jian Youxiang also said happily, because she is a big monster of the plant system, and she is especially friendly to the power of life.

Even the Void Emperor is sitting cross-legged on the spot, surrounded by thick fairy mist, only one outline can be vaguely seen, and the others can’t be seen.

Soon, everyone ended the absorption. They had absorbed to the saturation level. Even if they continued to absorb, it would have no effect. The Void Emperor was already absorbing and did not stop like the others.

At this time, Da Siming had already lifted the Dao world to a place where everyone could not see it. Only Marquis Vauban, Niang Huan and a few others could see the Dao. As for Ye Qing, it goes without saying.

Daojie has been entrusted to the world’s Jie Bi by Da Si Ming, and this is the real difficulty. If you can’t successfully break through the Jie Bi, then everything you have done before will be meaningless.

Ye Qing also broke into a cold sweat for Da Siming, success or failure is here, Ye Qing also shot at a critical time

The power of the Great Dao is surging in the hand, this is the power of the Great Dao drawn by the Great Dao that communicates with Da Si Ming, and it is integrated into the Da Si Ming’s avenue of life.

The power of the pure avenue of life is surging in the commander’s command, and what Ye Qing drives is the power of the chaos avenue formed by the fusion of several different avenues.

With Ye Qing’s help, Da Siming successfully broke the Taoist realm and became a complete and independent one.

“Congratulations to Daoist friends, to enter the realm of Taoist gods, and to open up the realm of Taoism”

Ye Qing opened his mouth to congratulate, and other members of the group also opened their mouths.

“This time, I would like to thank the Daoist friends. If there are no Daoist friends, I am afraid that I will be directly crushed by the Daoist world.”

After that, Da Si Ming served as the host and entertained the group members who came here. The group members also informed the Da Si Ming chat group in detail, and the group was happy.

“Complete the hidden task and get [-] points”

“Benefit the group members, prolong the life of the group members, and get [-] points”

The second reward was something Ye Qing didn’t expect. There was no reward for helping the group members before. I think it was caused by the opening of the group leader quest.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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