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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 142

The little Tianjiao Ant was pinched by Ye Qing, constantly waving his little fist, wanting to hit Ye Qing, but he couldn’t reach it. Ye Qing put the Tianjiao Ant in his hand, and then imprisoned it in his hand.

“I’m here for the innate treasures of the Tianjiao Ant and Qilin Clan.”

Ye Qing told his purpose, several veterans reacted extremely violently, and pointed their spear at Ye Qing. Their duty was to guard here and protect the inheritance of the two adults.

Now that there are people who come to inherit the inheritance, they naturally won’t treat Yan Yuexiously. Their captain is not in a hurry to target Ye Qing, but carefully examines it.

After a while, the veteran suddenly opened his mouth and asked with some doubts

“Mrs. Beginning”

Ye Qing also looked at the old soldier and searched his memory. Regarding his figure, to the Immortal King, as long as it is not something that involves great cause and effect, he will remember it clearly even in the past millions of years.

Finally, I found the figure of this veteran in a scene. It was in the last years of Immortal Ancient, when the Immortal King of Absolute Beginning had fallen into the forbidden area of ​​life, and the Tianjiao Ant brought a few descendants who had escaped to ask some realms. things in the sea, and this captain is one of them

“I remember you, in the time of immortality, we met”

As soon as Ye Qing said these words, the veteran immediately

kneel down

“Master Taichu, Master Tianjiao Ant, Master Qilin, Master Samsara and Master Wuji all died in battle, and were besieged to death by foreign giants”

The old soldier roared in pain. For them, these Immortal Kings are like elders to protect them from growing up, how can they not feel heartache

“I was in a deep sleep at the time, can you tell me what happened back then?”

Ye Qing asked, at that time he, the obsession of the Immortal King in the early days, was in a deep sleep, so he woke up in this era.

“Back then, when the aliens raised their troops to attack us, the aliens basically dispatched the entire army. Several giants in the aliens, and more than [-] were attacked and killed by the immortal kings. giant”

Veterans tearfully narrated this most painful memory for them

“Master Zhenlong, Master Tianjiao Ant and Master Kunpeng also have more than one enemy, but our combat power here is not as many as the other side, plus more and more immortal kings in foreign countries have joined the battle, almost All the people have joined the battle, and they are afraid of Lord Wuji, they will counterattack, and they have also invited the giants in the realm to attack us together”

“Master Wuji, Master Samsara and Master Zhenlong, the three of them are real giants, but they still can’t stop the combined attack of the other six giants. They are really too strong. Kundi, Wushang, Pu Mo, Chi King, Sword King and Zhai Zhong, six of them besieged the three adults”

“And the other adults are also facing a situation where there are many enemies. Lord Nine Swords and Nine Leaves Sword Grass fights four people by himself, and Lord Tianjiao Ant is the main target of siege. He is besieged by six people and 4 people. Fortunately, with the help of Lord Qilin, the battle came out, and all fell into the war.”

“We still lost in the end, and we had to go to a foreign land to ask for help. At this time, the ancestors also joined the battle and helped the three adults to share a lot. Lord Zhenlong was able to escape and went to the fairyland to ask for support.


Speaking of this, the veteran was even more sobbing, and Ye Qing did not urge him. Although he had not experienced it himself, he could only imagine what kind of attack Wuji and Samsara were facing at that time just by listening to the description of the veteran. How terrible was the war

“Xianyu, they actually refused to support, and shut out Lord Zhenlong. Lord Zhenlong couldn’t leave the battlefield for a long time, so they killed them again, but when they came back, the giants of the foreign region were facing the three adults. The attack, Lord True Dragon desperately rescued”

“But when the immortal king without end was broken, his body was smashed by Wushang and Pu Mo together. Lord Samsara, Lord Zhenlong and Lord Jiling all went back to rescue, but there are not only six giants on the other side.

Instead, there are nine giants, even the giants who disappeared several epochs back. “In this way, the four adults fell into the encirclement of each other’s nine people. Ji Ling and Lord Zhenlong were seriously injured and hid, and successfully escaped with the help of the channel opened by Lord Samsara before he died.”

“Lord Skyhorn Ant and the others are far less than each other in number, but everyone is famous for each other. In the end, most of them escaped with the help of Lord Samsara. Moreover, the clan clan in another battlefield.

The blood phoenix among the true phoenixes, the fearless lion, they all defected, and all the way out of our world, they went to a foreign land to enjoy the glory and wealth.”

The veterans looked at the sky, the betrayers were the most intolerable, and in that war, a total of three clans betrayed, two clans were still the ten murderous clans, and the other clan was the mount of the disappearing Heavenly Dharma Monk King

“So Lord Stone King and Lord Fire King on the other battlefield were quickly defeated. Without the help of Lord Samsara, they were unable to escape and were killed on the battlefield. In this way, the entire alien race advanced.

However, although we are few, the strength of the foreign land has dropped by as much as half.”

“At the end of the battle, and the queen who disappeared for several epochs has also returned. She is not a giant, but she dares to challenge the opponent’s giant, and the two of them have a decisive battle. In the end, both of them die in the battle. We will kill the giant alone. There are four, Pu Mo, Mo Luo, and two I don’t know about”

“The immortal king of the other party was also cut off by us nearly twenty statues. It was at this time that Xianyu sent their so-called support. When they came to us, they forced the foreign land that had been crippled by us to retreat. They even brazenly said that they rescued us!”

“If they can support earlier, then Lord Samsara, Lord Wuji, Lord Jiujian and the others will not have to die in battle, and there will be no faults in this world killed by foreigners.”

When the old soldier said this, he was so choked that he could not speak. The death of these elders had a great impact on them, and it also caused the great world to be broken up, and the fight became nine days and ten places, and nine days and ten places. , and therefore broke with the fairyland

Ye Qing listened to the veteran’s words, and couldn’t help but get angry, Xianyu did a bit too much! See the underlined version of “Why Xianyu doesn’t support us”

Ye Qing asked, his tone full of undisguised killing intent

“Because the helms of Xianyu didn’t want to see us become stronger, our combat power at that time was not weaker than Xianyu, Lord Wuji, Lord Samsara, and Lord Monk, they were all the best among the giants. Lord True Dragon and Lord Sacrificial Spirit, they also have the strength to challenge giants without defeat.”

“Lord Stone King, Lord Fire King and several other adults are also the top powerhouses among the Immortal Kings, and they are all peerless powerhouses who can defeat many enemies with one, plus Lord Skyhorn Ant, Lord Lei Di and the others, although they are not the same. “Zero Five Zero”

It’s the Immortal King, but when he fights, he can suppress the Immortal King and kill him.”

“Because we are developing too fast, Xianyu is afraid that we will threaten them, so they deliberately do not support them, and use up our heritage to eliminate our threat to them!”

Veteran’s words are full of grief and anger

“Not only that, after they left, they also left a considerable group of people to look for and kill those adults who survived. Lord Kunpeng and the others were attacked and killed by the other party. They were not killed by the enemy, but died in the What an irony in the hands of one’s own allies!”

Ye Qing couldn’t help but have blue veins when he heard this. He had never heard of these before, and there was still such a secret.

“Xianyu, really have you”

Ye Qing said secretly

“At that time, not all people in Xianyu were opposed to support, but two of the helms of Xianyu were opposed to it, and most of the Immortal Kings also objected, Lord Qi Rui, Lord Pan Wang and Hun Yuan. Immortal King, they all agree, but they are always in the minority, and they still fail to support.”

In the mouth of the veteran, there are endless regrets, Ye Qing suppressed the anger in his heart and slowly opened his mouth

“Don’t worry, this cause and effect, I took it!”

When Ye Qing spoke, his words were full of murderous intent.

“I’m here because of the talent of the ant and the unicorn. I need some of the strongest magics in this world to help me.”

“The power of a hand, Lord Immortal King, you should be a giant now, can you help you?”

The veteran opened his mouth, looking at Ye Qing, he couldn’t believe it

“Yes, I’m about to take that step and need some help”

“You are the Immortal King of our world, and you can naturally use the innate treasures left by the Tianjiao ants, the Tianjiao ants, the Qilin adults, and the remnants of the soul. Sir, do you want to meet?”

After hearing this sentence, Ye Qing also remembered that in the trial site of the horned ant, there is still the slough of the horned ant, and there is also the spiritual consciousness of the horned ant.

“Okay, I’ll go see an old friend”

Ye Qing walked into the trial ground alone. Sure enough, there was a slaughtered body. Ye Qing walked over and awakened the Skyhorn Ant with the power of a gentle fairy king.

A middle-aged man with blond hair appeared on top of the slaughter, and between his eyes, all the fighting intent, even if it was just a piece of spiritual consciousness, even if he just stood there motionless, he could feel the ferocity of his power.

After seeing Ye Qing, Tianjiao Ant was obviously stunned. For a moment, he couldn’t understand why a person who had been dead for more than an era was standing here again, and after a long time, Tianjiao Ant slowly said ” Unexpectedly, this time I changed a role and became you to see me”

There is no sadness in the words of the horned ant, there is only endless regret

“Some adventures, luckily found a broken primordial spirit, so it was resurrected”

“In the beginning, you’re almost there.”

“Good, just made a breakthrough”

“Can you help me take care of the little horned ant?”

“You don’t have to ask your fellow Daoists, it’s your own matter”

“Thank you”

“Is the truth really like that?”


“We became the victims of the game in the fairyland”


“Also used as a vanguard”


After asking three times in a row, Ye Qing asked what he was confused about. Then, Ye Qing said the doubts in his heart one by one, and got the answer from the horned ant.

In the end, Ye Qing popped out a finger, and that finger carried a ray of quasi-immortal emperor brilliance, which maintained the ant’s spiritual consciousness, and then with boundless power, from the endless void, he found a trace of the ant’s fragmentation. sadness


This is what Ye Qing found after burning the brilliance of the quasi-immortal emperor. After the reinforcement of the primordial spirit, the residual thoughts of the horned ants have finally been fixed. Similar to the immortal king of the early days before Ye Qing came, they are all residual thoughts.

Unless the sky-horned ants are also thrown into the pool of life and creation, it would be too difficult to resurrect the sky-horned ants, or if they became an immortal emperor, they might be able to come back to life from the dead.

Ye Qing, who is from the perspective of God, naturally knows the existence of reincarnation. The descendant of the immortal king without end is the great emperor without beginning. There are many, many examples that can prove that reincarnation really exists.

In the end, Ye Qing told the Skyhorn Ants the purpose of coming here. The Skyhorn Ants naturally agreed and handed over the talents of the Skyhorn Ants to Ye Qing.

After that, Ye Qing said goodbye to the Sky Horned Ant, went to the unicorn next door, and obtained the unicorn treasure art. In this way, the only thing left for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is the Lei Di Fa and the True Phoenix Art.

The True Phoenix Technique was in the False God Realm, Ye Qing returned to the Three Thousand Dao State, and returned to the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm. In the Eight Realms, he entered the False God Realm.

Ye Qing still remembers the condition for obtaining the True Phoenix Art, which is to have 10 bronze shards, and bronze shards need to keep breaking records to achieve. One record, then go to search five, one record

In the end, he still collected enough 10 yuan and came to the two of them, Master Bird and Master Jingbi. No one in the world knew the origins of the two, but Ye Qing knew that they could be said to be the managers of the False God Realm, and their own strength was also very strong. Very strong, Bird Lord 12 is the second in the world in no-man’s land, and Jingbi Lord is the golden fairy gold Taoist

However, Ye Qing didn’t find the Sansheng Medicine last time, so there was no way to revive it. He could only save the two after finding the Sansheng Medicine on the 1th in the future.

In this way, Ye Qing took 10 bronze fragments and came to the end of the False God Realm. There are stone jars one after another, and stone figures one after another. Now, even Lord Bird and the other two are not there. I know who is inside, but Ye Qing knows

Here, is the Immortal King, who made mistakes in the Immortal Territory before, and was then jointly suppressed, but there is an Immortal King who is wrong and will not die, imprisoned here

After obtaining the True Phoenix Treasure, Ye Qing entered the foreign realm directly from Yu Yutian. This time, he did not hide anything, just broke in like this, and then stretched out his big hand to catch the quasi-immortal king who was guarding outside. Come in and ask where the fallen blood phoenix clan and clan are located

That… The quasi-immortal king is Yu Tuo’s parent and son, but when he faced Ye Qing again, he felt a pressure that he had never felt on his father. This pressure made him not have the courage to lie and told the truth about the fallen blood. The location of the phoenix clan and the clan clan

Ye Qing didn’t let him go. In the foreign realm, An Lan and Yu Tuo could be said to be the biggest executioners. There was a fault on the side of the nine heavens and ten places they once killed. Naturally, Ye Qing would not be merciful. Wang pinched the explosion, and then closed the place with the power of Time Avenue.

When the fallen blood phoenix king defected from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he was still in the realm of ten evils, but now he has become a character at the level of the Immortal King, and the clan, in the final battle of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, was promoted to the status of the Immortal King.

Played a play with the Stone King and the Fire King, and let the cricket ancestor successfully lead the clan to sneak into the foreign land, and survived the humiliation.

Where is the clan where Ye Qing went first? If you want to control the fallen blood phoenix with the forbidden technique, you absolutely cannot do without the help of the clan. Ye Qing sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the clan, came to the place where the clan retreated, and put his own A slight breath of air is released

Soon, the tightly closed stone gate in front of him was opened, the mantis ancestor was sitting inside, Ye Qing walked in, and then the stone gate was closed again. cry out

“In the beginning”

“It’s me, old friend, I’m here to see you”

“Long time no see, how many epochs?”

“It’s been a long time since I fell, until now, for a long time.”

He couldn’t hold back the tears in his eyes anymore. He met an old man in a foreign land, and he was an old man who used to be a good brother with him. How could he not be excited?

“Endless, Samsara, Stone King, they want me to endure humiliation to survive, until now, I don’t know the reason why I have endured humiliation and surviving, I sometimes wonder if it’s good to go on like this. of”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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