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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 145

Zuzu sighed and said

“Perhaps, you can really break through the king’s realm”

“The Immortal Emperor is not the end of your practice. In the future, I can also help you reach the Emperor Realm.”

After hearing Ye Qing’s words, Zuzu was stunned. For him, a giant should be the last realm, and it would be difficult to do any more… but Ye Qing actually told him now that he could take him into the emperor realm.

Zuzu didn’t speak, but smiled slightly. At that moment, he actually believed what the other party said, but he calmed down very quickly. After all, he is also a person who has been immersed in the king’s realm for many years, so he naturally knows the representative of the emperor’s realm. what

Ancestor Mantis removed the attached space, and then returned to the foreign land alone, preparing to relocate the entire clan. As for the fallen blood phoenix clan, he could bring the parents and sons of the fallen blood phoenix king, and nothing else would be considered. After all, the fallen blood phoenix king is the real one. mutiny

Ye Qing took the initiative to release his breath and rushed to another direction, preparing to buy some time for the mantis ancestor. At the same time, the dark monk king in the restricted area of ​​life also felt Ye Qing’s breath, and instantly rushed out of the restricted area of ​​life. And the fearless lion king went to the fairyland

In the Immortal Realm, now Ao Sheng and the other three are Ye Qing’s people. This kind of battle naturally wants them to end. At the same time, he also asked the fearless Lion King to invite Hunyuan Immortal King and Pan King to invite them again. Immortal King Qi Rui, otherwise this battle is not easy to fight, but as long as the support from Immortal Domain can arrive in time, then there will be no problem.

The other immortal kings and giants naturally sensed Ye Qing’s aura and rushed over to prepare for the kings to hunt and kill Ye Qing.

The direction Ye Qing went to was exactly where An Lan was. An Lan took Yu Tuo and another immortal king, and the other was the fallen blood phoenix king.

An Lan, Yu Tuo and another immortal king all rushed to Ye Qing, ready to entangle Ye Qing, waiting for support, other giants also arrived and joined the battle, and the immortal kings who came, also joined in battle

But fortunately, the support of the Dark Monk King was also very timely. The Buddha’s light filled the sky, attracting a lot of immortal kings and the siege of the two giants, which helped Ye Qing relieve a lot of pressure. The Dark Monk King himself is a supreme immortal king. Moreover, the Dark Monk King once fought Ye Qing without defeat, so naturally he will not be defeated easily.

On the other side, the fearless lion came to Xianyu, but was stopped by the people of Xianyu.

“Fearless Lion, at the end of the Xiangu Era, you betrayed us, and now you dare to come back without fear of the kings appearing and beheading you?”

A true immortal stood on the city wall and yelled at the bottom

“Today, the master, the king of the law and the monk, sent me here. In the early days, the immortal king was surrounded and hunted by the kings. Please let me go, and let me ask for reinforcements.”

The real immortal on the city wall was still the one who helped Ye Qing last time. After hearing the words of the fearless lion, he was obviously hesitant. Immortal King Qi Rui told him that if there was any news of the immortal king in the beginning, he would immediately

inform him

“It’s true”

“If there is a fake, heaven and man will kill it!”

As soon as the fearless lion said this, it seemed as if something appeared in the heaven and the earth, and there was something in the dark that was bound to him. After hearing the words of the fearless lion, that… the real immortal fell into thinking.

For immortal kings, the oath cannot be made casually, because immortal kings swear, there are many things involved, and for them, it will be contaminated with great cause and effect

That… the true immortal soon made a decision and brought the fearless lion into the foreign realm

“Come up and show me the way”

The real immortal did not hesitate and climbed onto the back of the fearless lion. The lion pointed the way. The fearless lion moved with all his strength and rushed towards the area where Ao Sheng and the others were, ready to let the three of them support him first.

Soon, he arrived at the first destination, the territory of the Taixianwang. The fearless lion was above the territory of Taishi, directly facing the sound transmission inside.

“Tai Shi, the Immortal King of Tai Chu was ambushed, hurry up to support”

After Tai Shi heard the voice transmission of the fearless lion, he did not hesitate, and immediately

He rushed out. For him, if Ye Qing died, then he would also die. In addition, Ye Qing promised that they would also enter the emperor realm. Naturally, he did not want Ye Qing to have an accident.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and Ao Sheng, the same was true. After receiving the notification from the fearless lion, they immediately

rush to the battlefield to support the fairyland

The fourth one came to Pan Wang’s territory. Pan Wang should be calmer and immediately

made a decision

“Fearless lion, go to Immortal King Qi Rui, ask Immortal King Qi Rui to lead his troops to support, I will ask Immortal King Hunyuan to support Immortal King Qi Rui first!”

Undoubtedly, King Pan made a better decision. The fearless lion also turned his head and rushed towards the territory of Immortal King Qi Rui. When he arrived at Immortal King Qi Rui’s territory, he found that there were more than one person in Immortal King Qi Rui’s territory. There were actually five people.

They seemed to be discussing something. After seeing the fearless lion, they all looked at him and wanted to make a move, but Immortal King Qi Rui saw the true immortal standing on the back of the fearless lion. It was the true immortal he sent out. So he stopped the fairy king who wanted to shoot

The fearless lion told them the reason, and he could feel that the five immortal kings in front of him were oppressing him faintly, that is to say, in front of him, there were five giants! , Each has his own thoughts, Immortal King Qi Rui got up and wanted to go to support, but was stopped by several other Immortal Kings, there were five people in total, only one stood with Immortal King Qi Rui, and the remaining three giants were standing Opposite to Immortal King Qi Rui

Immortal King Qi Rui looked at the three of them angrily 3

“what do you mean”

“With the help of a foreign hand, to cut off Taichu, what’s wrong with saving Taiyi?”

A giant standing on the opposite said that the fearless lion became extremely angry when he heard his words.

“At the end of the Xiangu Era, you betrayed our alliance, and there should be a few of you who are making trouble!”

Another giant turned his head and looked coldly at the fearless lion

“What is it, what is it not, what is it? In the historical records, you are the betrayal, and we are the saviors!”

“If you support us, why should we betray our hometown in order to protect our entire clan?”

Fearless lion with upside-down fur

“What’s the matter, even a little lion dares to do it with me, even if your master, King Tianfa and Monk, comes back, he will give me three points!”

The other two giants confronted Immortal King Qi Rui and another giant and did not let them go to support

“Since Immortal King Qi Rui is unwilling to make concessions, then we will follow the rules. How to vote? Taiyi is not there. There are only five people and five votes. We have three votes, and you only have two votes.”

The giant who confronted Immortal King Qi Rui said lightly, procrastinating for time, and kept putting pressure on Immortal King Qi Rui.

On the other hand, the battlefield that Ao Sheng and the three of them reached first attracted all the fighting forces except the giants, but due to the suppression of numbers, the three of them were also directly suppressed, pressed and beaten, and then they fought back. The support of Wang and Immortal King Hunyuan lightened the burden of several people

The descendants of the fallen blood phoenix king made a sneak attack, inflicting heavy damage on the two immortal kings, helping a few of them, and relieving the enormous pressure

Among them, the most dangerous is Ye Qing. He faces the siege of five 55 Immortal King giants alone, and he has to keep staring at the few people on the side. Anyone who is in danger must be rescued in time.

They have been insisting, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from Xianyu, but the reinforcements from Xianyu have been missing for a long time.

At the same time, Ye Qing, Pan Wang and Hunyuan Immortal King all had a bad idea in their minds. They were all insiders of the war at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, and they had a natural reaction to some things.

Ye Qing’s eyes were full of anger, and two hours had passed. They were no longer the opponents on the other side, and they began to gradually fall into the disadvantage. Ye Qing made a great move in his heart, swept the halberd in his hand, and destroyed the road. The force lingered, forcing the five giants around

Then, the quasi-immortal emperor’s brilliance burst out on his body, and the halberd of the Heavenly Dragon Breaking the City in his hand also lingered with the brilliance of the quasi-immortal emperor. Ye Qing waved the Heavenly Dragon Breaking the City halberd in his hand, and would surround the Dark Monk King, Pan King, their immortal king and giant attack retreat, and then block the five people chasing behind 5

“Go, go to Xianyu!”

Ao Sheng and the others still did not retreat, and the four of them also exerted their true strength. After all, if Ye Qing was killed, they would no longer exist. The Dark Monk King did not hesitate and directly involved Ao Sheng and the others in himself. In the sleeves of the robe, with a few of them to retreat

After seeing a few people retreat, the Heavenly Dragon Breaking the City Halberd in Ye Qing’s hand was driven to the extreme, and the quasi-immortal emperor’s brilliance kept pouring out, containing the power of the Chaos Dao, constantly piercing out, the tyrannical giant and the immortal king, but he The brilliance of the quasi-immortal emperor on his body is also disappearing

He hasn’t really been promoted to the quasi-immortal quasi-immortal emperor brilliance and can’t cultivate. After using it, he can only wait for him to condense. There is no other way.

Ye Qing also retreated while fighting, and used the brilliance of the quasi-immortal emperor to suppress the opponent’s pursuit, preventing them from getting close to him, and finally retreated safely to the immortal.

successfully entered the fairyland

This time, the foreign land dispatched eight giants and twenty-four immortal kings to launch the hunt for kings. Not only did it fail, but also a giant and several immortal kings entered.

“Fallen Blood Phoenix King! Do you know what you are doing, you can leave, can your clansmen leave?”

Kundi’s voice was full of hatred. He never thought that the fallen blood phoenix king would betray. Is this a mission impossibility? The fallen blood phoenix king gave Kundi a faint look, but did not answer , Ye Qing stood on the city wall, looking down at the giants and the immortal kings below, aiming the Heavenly Dragon Breaking the City Halberd at them

“You can’t kill me today, but tomorrow, I will pacify your alien realm!”

“Do you only speak big words? Have a fight!”

a blue-haired giant shouted

“Is it us one-on-one, or am I alone with your group”

The immortal kings outside the immortal realm were all questioned by Ye Qing. They are a nation who loves martial arts and battles, and the failure of this hunt for kings has caused them to suffer a blow.

“Why don’t I ask you to bring two giants, I will take three or An Lan, and I will take four.”

Ye Qing spoke forcefully, with great momentum. At this time, the quasi-immortal emperor’s brilliance on Ye Qing’s body had stopped burning. This time, nearly half of the quasi-immortal emperor’s brilliance was used up. Ye Qing did not know how long it would take for the voice to recover. This is the first time Ye Qing has used the quasi-immortal emperor’s brilliance like this.

Although the foreign kings were not reconciled, they still retreated. For them, it is obviously not a wise move to fight in a big battle outside the fairyland.

After seeing the retreat of the foreign kings, Ye Qing turned her head and looked coldly into the depths of the fairyland, her body exuding a thick chill, which was not worse than before.

Wang Pan and Immortal King Hunyuan shook their heads helplessly when they saw this scene. They had guessed something. If Ye Qing didn’t come back, then their conspiracy and tricks would have succeeded again.

But now that Ye Qing is back, according to Ye Qing’s behavior in the past, the Immortal Realm is probably going to change this time. Not only Ye Qing, King Pan and Immortal King Hunyuan are also very angry.

“If there really are you, I will come to meet you today, and see what else you can do except behind your back!”

After Ye Qing said he wanted to, he summoned the Fallen Blood Phoenix King beside him, sat on the head of the Fallen Blood Phoenix King, and spoke lightly.

“I let the mantis go to your clan’s land. If I take it all away, it is unlikely that some important tasks will be brought back.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Qing closed his eyes and began to adjust himself. The King of Heaven and Law and Monk also sat on the body of the Fallen Blood Phoenix King and began to recover. They were ready to face the next battle. The Fallen Blood Phoenix King flew towards The territory where Immortal King Qi Rui is located

On the other side, Qi Rui and the other five are still in a confrontation. One of the giants has already suppressed the fearless lion. Basically, they are still at a disadvantage.

“Do you want to repeat the events of the last year of the Xiangu Era?”

Immortal King Qi Rui roared, back then, he, next to him…the giant, King Pan, Immortal King Hunyuan, and other Immortal Kings who were close to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, all supported sending troops, and the rumors were spread without them.

However, the strength of the other party is far superior to them, and they are also powerless, and now, such a thing is going to happen again, they will naturally not compromise

“What about a repeat? In the very beginning, it was just the dead soul of the ancient era. Although it is resurrected now, it is mixed with dark creatures, and its heart can be punished!”

The giant who confronted Immortal King Qi Rui said coldly, Ye Qing’s actions against Taiyi and Ao Sheng were not pleasing to their eyes.

“If Taichu and the monk king come back, you should know the consequences!”

Another giant standing in the nine days and ten places opened his mouth and tried to dissuade them, but the other party gave a cold smile.

“Eight giants, twenty-four immortal kings, if he can escape, if he can escape, then I will kill him again”

“Kill me again, I’m here, kill me!”

The sound came from a distance, no one arrived, the sound

When the fearful lion king heard this sentence, he showed a ecstatic expression

The next moment, the fallen blood phoenix king came out of this void and fell on the blood phoenix king. It was Ye Qing, the monk king, and the king pan.

When the monk king saw the fearless lion being stepped on by the giant, he rose directly into the sky, the Buddha’s light surged in his hand, illuminating one side, and the six-character mantra of Buddhism revolved around the monk and flew to the giant to suppress it.

The other giants in Xianyu were also stunned. They didn’t expect that the comers would be so ill-tempered and take action directly. The other two giants did not move. Dark Monk

However, in the next instant, the two of them were attacked, and the one who attacked was Ye Qing who was standing beside him. Because of the war at the end of the Xiangu Era, Ye Qing had a bad impression of Xianyu, and now he still has a bad impression. Someone dared to put him on the line, if he didn’t stand up again, I’m afraid any cat or dog would dare to shoot at him

“Aren’t you going to kill me? Now I’m here”

Ye Qing did not keep his hand, the light of the Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd in his hand surged, the Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd itself communicated with the power of the Dao, and the quasi-immortal king brilliance of Ye Qing also lingered on the Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd, flashing constantly, breaking the Heavenly Dragon The increasingly sacred set off by the halberd

The other two giants shot at the same time, one held a large seal in his hand, the other held a measuring ruler, and one rushed towards Ye Qing


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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