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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 158

Ye Qing also sensed them, where basically all the kings of the foreign land gathered, only a few scattered ones did not go, Ye Qing went straight to the place where they gathered

Kun Di and the others sat together, quietly waiting for Ye Qing to arrive. When he saw Ye Qing entering the hall, Kun Di smiled coldly.

“In the beginning, you were really arrogant, did you think that being a quasi-immortal emperor would make you invincible? In our foreign land, some people left the realm a long time ago, and now there are people who become emperors, you will be punished!”

In fact, Kundi is also not sure, because since time immemorial, only scattered information has been passed back, they do not know the situation of the seniors who run away, they can only play the tiger’s skin as a banner

But Ye Qing was not afraid, but Ye Qing didn’t make a move rashly. He knew the extraordinaryness of the Origin Ancient Artifact. In the original book, No. 1 was almost killed by the Origin Ancient Artifact. Fortunately, the mantis ancestor shot at the critical moment, and only then did he save him. Ye Qing naturally won’t give the opponent the chance to use the ancient artifact

Ye Qing did not go any further and stood there to confront the foreign kings. Suddenly, among the foreign kings, a man with a bronze halberd jumped up and slashed towards No. 1.

On the 1th, the Heavenly Dragon Broken City Halberd appeared in his hand, and he faced the bronze halberd. With just one move, he coughed up blood from the opponent’s blow and knocked it back among the foreign kings.

The one who jumped up was none other than Wushang, the giant in the foreign land. He was one of the oldest giants in the foreign land. the gap between the two

“In the beginning, come and fight!”

Demon King Pu got up, catkins all over the sky, to fight Ye Qing

“How can you be an emperor even if you are so timid as a mouse, you can become an emperor hahaha, it’s ridiculous.”

Demon King Pu kept laughing and talking, trying to anger Ye Qing and let Ye Qing take action, so that Kundi had the opportunity to use the ancient artifact of origin, but let him say what he said, Ye Qing was not fooled at all.

After a long time, Ye Qing said

“Kundi, are you planning to hide here forever?”

“Hmph, in the beginning, are you going to block here forever?”

Kundi did not answer him, but instead asked

Ye Qing didn’t answer, got up and left, he couldn’t stay here forever, for the same reason, Kundi and the others wouldn’t stay here forever.

After watching Ye Qing leave, the faces of the foreign kings were not good-looking. When did they receive this kind of humiliation, they were blocked by others at the door of their house, and they were humiliated repeatedly by others, and they were still the same person.

This frustrates their pride, and everyone sits cross-legged, not leaving

Ye Qing, who left, went to the Immortal Realm. This time he had no one else, because in the depths of the no-man’s land in the Immortal Realm, there was a great possibility of the existence of the Emperor Realm. In that level of battle, bringing other people would be the opposite. is cumbersome

When he came to the original Jieyin Temple, which was the old lair of the original eight monsters, the Jieyin Ancient Temple was no longer there. It should have been taken away by someone else. Ye Qing went straight to the escape route of the original eight monsters.

Soon, Ye Qing came to the place where he met the black mist woman. He was watching the black mist woman here. He left, and moved towards the black mist woman. Where she left, Ye Qing rushed over, went deep, and walked. After about four hours, Ye Qing saw a scene that shocked him.

There is a row of ancient halls of reception and introduction, with fallen immortal kings going in and out, immortal kings enlightened, and those multi-headed monsters sitting cross-legged, the lowest realm is true immortals and immortals

Soon, Ye Qing saw an acquaintance, the woman who took away the eight-headed monster last time, this time, there was no black mist around her, she was wearing a dark green skirt, and the woman who followed her was the one from last time. eight headed monster

Ye Qing made a decisive shot and shot directly at the person over there. The opponent’s response was very fast. Immediately, a giant rushed out of the ancient reception hall and greeted Ye Qing, but once they fought, the opponent was directly shocked. I can’t last a round under Ye Qing

And one of the strongest giants has a total of nineteen heads, and a faint radiance of the quasi-immortal emperor has appeared on his body. If he continues to swallow it like this, he may be able to become an alternative emperor.

A group of giants collided with Ye Qing, and Ye Qing punched one at a time, without any hesitation. When she came up, the woman in the dark mist who talked to Ye Qing last time also stood behind, looking at Ye Qing with a playful look, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Ye Qing stood there alone, and the immortal king giants who rushed up were slapped away with a slap, and some of the weaker ones were killed by Ye Qing with one punch.


From the rear, an ethereal voice came, it was none other than the woman who had talked to Ye Qing before,

“We met again, I didn’t expect you to have reached this level”

The woman in the dark green dress is coming

“I let you go last time, not this time”

Ye Qing threw the head in his hand to the other’s crowd, the woman in the long skirt smiled lightly

“In fact, we are not enemies with you, on the contrary, we should be friends because we have a common enemy”

After she finished speaking, the woman looked at Ye Qing. The shock to Ye Qing was undoubtedly huge.

“I know it’s hard for you to believe, but we’ve been here for so long, but we’ve never been to Immortal Realm, and even the last time Xiao Ba went out, it was just on the edge of no-man’s land.”

“Who are you talking about, our common enemy?”

“Of course it’s the big enemy on the other side of the world. The people here all have a bloody feud with them. We tried our best to escape where we could, and how could we be used by them?”

When he heard this, Ye Qing had an idea in his heart.

“You escaped from a dark cage”

“Yes, not only me, but everyone here”

“Then how can I believe that you will not attack Xianyu?”

Ye Qing looked at the girl in the green skirt, he still had some doubts about the other party, he had already arrived at the quasi-immortal emperor, and naturally he wanted to go to the other side of the sea, and he must not let his own rear end in crisis. Once he’s gone, and the people here take action, everything will go haywire

“We can’t prove this to you, time can prove it, and it’s not that we don’t have people here who can compete with you. The quasi-immortal emperor is not invincible.”

The woman’s voice became a bit sharper, Ye Qing was slightly shocked after hearing this sentence, but it was never mentioned in the original book, there is still the existence of the quasi-immortal emperor here.

According to the original book, there should be four quasi-immortal emperors in this world, including Ye Qing who has just become a quasi-immortal emperor, there are five in total, and now listening to the words of the woman in the green skirt, do they also have a quasi-immortal emperor here? “I I never accept threats, and I am not afraid of the quasi-immortal emperor, what I want is a reason enough to make me feel at ease on the expedition.”

Ye Qing spoke coldly. Ye Qing had the confidence to kill Immortal Emperor Shang Zhun, and would not pose a threat to himself. The woman in the green skirt did not expect Ye Qing to be so strong.

“Young people, there are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, insolence will eventually pay the price”

The woman in the green dress is no longer as polite as before, but Ye Qing is not easy to mess with.

“If you want to fight, fight, if you don’t fight, show your sincerity!”

“Fellow Daoist, why are you so aggressive?”

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded, Ye Qing looked at the source of the voice, in the depths of the ancient palace

“Fellow Daoist, come and talk!”

Inviting Ye Qing to talk to the creatures in the ancient temple, and to discuss with Ye Qing, Ye Qing is naturally not afraid

Entering the depths of the ancient palace, there is a creature sitting cross-legged, with a shriveled body, two eyes shining in front like copper lamps, the creature sitting hunched on the altar

“Fellow Daoist, your life is not long.”

Ye Qing also sat on the altar, facing him, the person on the opposite side smiled miserably

“Yes, how long can this era last? How long can Xianyu continue to exist?”

The other party’s words are full of pessimism, and there is absolutely no magnificent momentum that a quasi-immortal emperor should have.

“I’m here and I won’t let this happen”

Ye Qing’s words were incomparably firm, but the other party just smiled and shook his head.

“Impossible, this is the darkest turmoil in history. Just like the era of emperors falling countless epochs ago, in this era, there will be emperors falling.”

When the other party said this, he stared at Ye Qing, and the meaning was self-evident.

“Yes, there will be emperors who fall, and more than one, I will wipe out the dark turmoil on the other side of the sea!”

“I used to set out with this kind of lofty aspirations, but in the end I ended up with a result that I almost died, and I survived by relying on the ancient temple to come here.”

Ye Qing was shocked by this sentence. He didn’t expect the other party to go there with the purpose of smoothing out the dark turmoil, but he failed and almost left his life there.

“Some time ago, I paid a huge price and saw some people, some things, a person fighting hard, no teammates who could fight alongside him, but he still broke the sky and ended the dark turmoil, is that you?”

The other party suddenly opened his mouth and said, telling the truth about what he saw.

Ye Qing was stunned when he heard the other party’s words. Isn’t the person the other party said exactly the number 1 in the original book? He went to war alone, no one could help him, but he still sat on the throne and solved the darkest problem in history alone. Eastern chaos

If in the past, Ye Qing would definitely think that the other party was talking about the number 1 number [-], but now it is different, many, many things are not developing according to the original track, and have shifted, just like here, there is no such thing as in the original work. exist

Not to mention the… quasi-immortal emperor in front of him, he didn’t even mention a word.

Before the other party’s words were finished, countless heavenly thunders descended, preventing the other party from continuing to speak, but he just took down the heavenly thunder and told what he saw, but the most important part was still unable to speak. Because he was directly silenced, and Tiandao also dropped a thunder penalty that was stronger than the calamity encountered by Emperor Ye Qingcheng, and hit him directly.

Ye Qing didn’t intervene rashly. If Ye Qing did rashly, I’m afraid it would lead to a stronger catastrophe and destroy the two together. In the end, the other party took it down, changed the topic, and did not continue talking.

“Fellow Daoist also said that I will die soon. You can rest assured that we will never invade Immortal Realm. On the contrary, if the other party attacks here while you are not here, we will also take action.”

Having said that, Ye Qing has no reason not to trust each other anymore. At their level, they no longer bother to lie, and they can indeed play an important role in Ye Qing’s absence.

After asking the other party for a few more questions, Ye Qing left without continuing this matter.

Afterwards, Ye Qing returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He migrated all the divine villages and the forbidden areas of life from the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm to the Immortal Domain. Now the energy of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is not stable, which is much worse than that of the Immortal Domain.

They didn’t do this before because they just wanted to find the key to unlock the ancient artifact. Now that’s not necessarily the case. Ye Qing has to make sure that everything is safe.

Soon, it was time for Ye Qing to set off. The giants of the immortal realm and the immortal kings watched Ye Qing on the dam. After Ye Qing passed by, another line of footprints was added on the dam, which was left by Ye Qing. , only the quasi-immortal emperor can leave traces on this dam

Ye Qing set off directly and started to cross the boundary sea. Ye Qing stood and looked at the boundary sea. It was completely different from before. Now Ye Qing has been able to penetrate the doorway, so that he can reach the other side faster.

And Alien has also been following Ye Qing’s movements. After Ye Qing left Xianyu and entered the sea of ​​​​boundary, the foreign army instantly assembled and launched an attack on the nine heavens and ten places, but fortunately Xianyu did not stand by and help them this time. Hold the most difficult to hold the boundless sky

At this time, No. 1 on the 1th has already embarked on the road to the Borderland Emperor City. With Ye Qing’s illustrious reputation, No. 1 on the tenth has been taken care of by various strengths along the way. It can be said that No. [-] on the [-]th is alone. The best mix

Next to him are the Taiyin Jade Rabbit, the pair of living treasures Cao Yusheng, the Longbow Yanlongnu, these ancient freaks who have won many championships, and the tenth number 1 who is standing in the center of the station pretending to be deep.

“Wow, the second generation of fairy is too comfortable, I have to say, there is nothing to do along the way, and people keep bringing food and wine, it’s great, I want to be the second generation of fairy too. !”

Taiyin Yutu said drunkenly, although she has always been a rabbit, but eating meat and drinking wine is no worse than Cao Yusheng.

And every time she drank too much, she would start shouting, saying that she was only vegetarian, did not eat meat, and did not touch alcohol. After sobering up, she was still the same. Only when she saw the food, she was the real herself.

In this way, No. 1 No. [-] quickly reached its destination. This is a magnificent barren city. Under the leadership of Ye Fan’s mother Qi Ding, he went down to a foreign land, and came on a dream trip. Finally, he was driven by the mother Qi Ding. return

But this time, they did not enter the Deity Academy, the Holy Court and the Immortal Court, but went directly to the frontier to participate in the war. At this time, No. 1 [-] had not yet entered the Deity Realm, it was still the Holy Sacrificial Realm, but the mana was not there. fluctuated, stuck in the strongest state

With the combat power of the tenth number 1, it is no problem to kill the gods. Even some sect masters can be killed with all the tenth number 1 means, but they have to pay a huge price.

And No. 1 also met the great elder Meng Tianzheng at this time, and successfully embarked on the road of taking the body as the seed. This is his road to the king. All these things happened within a month.

A full month before the departure, Ye Qing arrived at the end of the boundary sea. At Ye Qing’s speed and with clear coordinates, it still took nearly a month to arrive.

And during this month’s journey, Ye Qing’s only entertainment is to chat in the chat group

Looking at the underlined version, as for the battle, it was handed over to the fifth chakra within Ye Qing and the angels and demons summoned by the ninth chakra. These two battle phantoms are no less powerful than the top giants. The two are even more able to fit together. After they fit together, there is no problem with dealing with a more general quasi-immortal emperor.

The most powerful thing is that they can not only fuse, but also possess Ye Qing’s body, which greatly increases Ye Qing’s combat power, and this is Ye Qing’s most powerful ultimate move, which can hit a person. be caught off guard

After arriving at the ultimate place, here is the same as described in the original book, there is a foggy smoke, but black smoke fills the air, the atmosphere is tense and depressed, and continues to move forward, in front of a fire and a skull.

Ye Qing naturally knows who this is, this… it is the predecessor of the Emperor Falling Era, and that’s why their era was called the Emperor Falling Era, and very few creatures in that era survived. , and the butcher is exactly one of them. It is because of this that the butcher can cultivate the brilliance of the quasi-immortal emperor.

Going deeper, it was still a foggy scene, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. As soon as he turned the corner, Ye Qing saw a quasi-immortal emperor sitting on the throne.

If nothing else, this person is the weakest gray emperor among the four emperors in the original book.

“Come on, don’t kneel down quickly”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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