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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 16

Chi Yuan whispered in her heart, a little sad.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “The newcomer has seen the power of the Immortal King, right? Hmph, I didn’t believe it before!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Mr. Stark, it’s not you who is powerful, you seem to be a little carried away!”

Not a monster idler: “Hum!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Tony this guy deserves a bad beating, just find a chance to open a duel and beat him up!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “…”

Tony Stark said that he was so wronged, why was he inexplicably caught fire by everyone again.

Painful baby!

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “Goodbye, farewell!”


Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] The new function of chat group, earning points is easier? (Second more)

It’s not a monster idler: “Hey, you run really fast!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Cough cough, I always feel that Miss Yakumo Zi has been in trouble with Mr. Stark, and has been looking for him!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Isn’t this very good, to save this kid from jumping up and down all day!”

The old man is a navy hero: “Kuhahaha, Tony is a bit miserable, being targeted by two big guys!”

Not Mary Sue: “That’s what he deserves!”

It’s not Mary Su: “@Guardian of Shenzhou@Queen of the Ancient Clan, newcomer, the Immortal King has uploaded a basic exercise, if you are interested, you can take a look!”

The guardian of Shenzhou: “Master Xianwang’s exercises? I am very interested in this!”

Chi Yuan was a little moved. This is the practice method uploaded by the Immortal King. With such a powerful existence, any uploaded practice method can benefit people for life.

If she learns the cultivation technique of the Immortal King, perhaps her strength can be greatly increased.

At that time, it may become much easier to fight against the collapse and protect the land of Shenzhou.

The ancient emperor daughter: “The cultivation method of the fairy king?! Although it is only a basic cultivation technique, it may be stronger than the heaven-level cultivation technique!”

Gu Xun’er was also moved.

Although the ancients had many heaven-rank exercises, and even those left by Emperor Dou, these were nothing compared to those of the Immortal King.

Even if that’s just the basics.

The guardian of Shenzhou has received your exercises

The ancient emperor received your practice

“Ding, a total of nine people have received your exercises, and you will be rewarded with [-] points.”

“Ding, congratulations on your successful first live broadcast, a thousand points will be awarded!”

On the other side, Ye Qing, who was exiting the live broadcast room soon, received a message from the chat group.

“There are also points reward for uploading exercises?”

Ye Qing raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

It’s not surprising that there is a point reward for the live broadcast, because in the group task, there is this live broadcast reward.

But the reward for uploading the exercises made him a little strange.

When will this even be rewarded?

If so, why wasn’t it when the red envelopes were distributed before?In other words, the red envelopes are not counted?

“Ding, this is a function that is enabled when the number of chat groups reaches ten people. It is one of the ways for group members to obtain points. No matter who they are, as long as the uploaded items are beneficial to the group members and are approved by the group members, they can get points. , and as an agent group owner, you will receive an additional [-]% bonus points!”

“Ding, pay special attention, this function, ordinary group members can only upload once a week, and the proxy group owner has the privilege to upload three times!”

“At the same time, since the group members reach ten people, the cross-world function is also enabled simultaneously. Group members can spend ten points to open the world channel and come to the world of other group members!”

The cold voice kept coming, making Ye Qing a little surprised, and quickly understood the meaning of the chat group.

That is, uploading an item, whether it is a practice method or other, can be rewarded with points as long as it is beneficial to the group members and approved by them. The more people who receive it, the more points are rewarded.

The most important thing is that Ye Qing, as the agent group owner, can also get an additional [-]% bonus points.

Just as a group member uploads an item, is praised by the group member, and then gets [-] points, and Ye Qing, as the agent group owner, can get an additional [-] points.

This is a sure-fire deal.

“It seems that chat groups also encourage group members to help each other!” Ye Qing said thoughtfully.

After all, the strength gap between group members is too large, and it is not easy to obtain points, which is likely to lead to a huge difference in strength between group members, which may be a means of balance.

But for Ye Qing, it was a good thing.

At the beginning, there were not many group members, and the rewards were not obvious. When the number of group members increased, hundreds, or even hundreds, at that time, Ye Qing could get tens of thousands of points by uploading any item.

At that time, whether it is to regain strength or break through the realm, it will no longer be in the distant future.

“This way, not only will it make it easier for me to get points, but I will always be in the lead!”

“Furthermore, the cross-world function has also been activated. In this case, I can also come to other worlds!” Ye Qing was a little moved. For a former dead house, there was nothing more surprising than going to the anime world.

If there is, it is the paper man wife who falls in love with you and throws her arms away.

For example, the author’s wife of Chiyuan.

“Looks like it’s time to announce the news!”

Ye Qing said softly, he can only get points if the group members upload things to each other. In this case, he naturally has to vigorously promote the group members to upload items to each other.

The owner of the restricted area: “@All members, everyone, because the number of people has reached ten, the chat group has just updated two new functions, you can take a look!”

Ding, the master of the restricted area has issued a new announcement.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “New features? Then let this uncle come to Kangkang!”

Not a monster idler: “We are also very interested in the new function, I don’t know what kind of function it will be!”

The old man is a naval hero: “The new function should be good, otherwise the Immortal King will not make an announcement!”

At the same time, Lin Xi was also excited when she learned about the new features of the chat group update.


ps: This setting should be fine, right?Group friends help each other, and then get points, the protagonist can also get benefits, so it shouldn’t be a waste, right?

Cough, let me say it again here, Gu Xun’er is not the author’s typo, but a homophony to avoid suspicion, as long as everyone can understand it.By the way, ask for flowers and tickets for today!Pro, vote a little! QAQ

Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] Yukinoshita Yukino is the majority of the strategy?Gu Xun’er uploading fighting skills (third more)

“It’s great, not only do I get points for uploading items, but even after other group members upload them, I can get an additional [-]% of the points. This function is really great!”

Lin Xi clenched her pink fist heavily, and her delicate and beautiful face was full of excitement.

As an administrator, Lin Xi also has certain privileges. Although it is far inferior to Ye Qing, he can also get [-]% of the points, which is quite impressive.

“With points, my strength can quickly improve, breaking through the king realm, the emperor realm…even the emperor realm!”

“When the time comes, I can…”

Lin Xi muttered to herself, her eyes flashing with coldness and hatred.

Obviously, she also has an unspeakable past.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Oh oh oh!! This point reward function is really great!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “In this way, the speed of obtaining points can be much faster!”

It’s not a monster idler: “Indeed, with points, not only can you come to other worlds, but you can also quickly improve your strength. We can’t wait to hang Xiao Youxiang and fight!”

The old man is a naval hero: “Kuhahaha, the old man also has a lot of good things, maybe you can use this to get a wave of points!”

The ancient emperor daughter: “Are points useful?”

It’s not Mary Sue: “Points are the most important thing in a chat group. They can be transformed into ‘all-round’ power and can do almost anything, whether it’s improving strength or strengthening martial arts, etc., it can be done!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “Not only that, but the points can also be used to buy things in the mall, although there is nothing good in that mall so far, and the points can open the world channel and come to the world of other members!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “It can be said that points are the currency of the chat group, and they are hard currency!”

The ancient emperor daughter: “So that’s the case, then I can upload items to get points?”

Not Mary Sue: “Of course!”

Not Mary Sue: “Anything is fine!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “That…my world is very ordinary, and there may be no good things for everyone to like!”

Yukino Yukino couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

This is the distress of ordinary group members. Because the world is too ordinary, and they have no strength, it is difficult to come up with good things.

The owner of the restricted area: “Don’t worry about this. Depending on the value of the uploaded items, the reward points you get are different. Even if the bad things are uploaded, you can get points as long as you upload them. Of course, it may only be a dozen points!”

The owner of the restricted area: “However, this does not mean that members of the group can upload some garbage to earn points, at least they must have a certain value, even if it is food or the like!”

The owner of the restricted area: “So, Yukinoshita, you don’t have to worry that no one likes your stuff, even if it’s food, as long as it’s delicious, you’ll definitely get points!”

This kind of regulation is also to ensure that ordinary group members can also obtain points. Otherwise, the strength gap between group members will only widen.

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Thank you, Immortal King!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “That… if you don’t dislike it, you can call me Yukino, not by last name!”

“This is most of the strategy?”

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows slightly, a little surprised. In Japan, if you want to call a woman by her first name, you have to have a good degree of goodwill to call it, otherwise you can only call it by her surname.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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