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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 165

“Why should it be given to you? Shouldn’t it be whoever finds it?”

“Young people, don’t make mistakes!”

Lu Ming had already started to become impatient. Number 1 on the tenth stood there, looked up at Lu Ming, and said slowly.

“I don’t like talking to people with my head up”

,,,,,, No. 1 No. 1 stopped looking at him, turned around and walked away, Lu Ming snorted coldly and popped out a finger, No. 1 [-] suddenly looked back and threw the God-Smashing Stone, the finger hit the God-Slaying Stone , doesn’t have any effect, Ten No. [-] looks at each other coldly

“If you don’t agree with one word, you will take action, Immortal King Lu Ming, you are so powerful.”

Ten No. 1 took off the mask and looked at Lu Ming. When Lu Ming saw the face under the mask, his hands were trembling slightly.

Maybe Ten No. 1 is nothing, but the person behind him, the one who defeated the foreign world in a battle, is the source of his fear, and Lu Chen on the side still doesn’t know what the situation is. Seeing No. 1 [-] face after

start shouting

“It’s him, the ancestor, it’s him who robbed our territory, and I asked the ancestor to quickly take action and kill him!”


Lu Ming waved his hand and smashed Lu Chen into the wall, smashing it into the wall.

“It turned out to be a nephew, it really is a flood that rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and the family does not recognize the family.”

Lu Ming immediately

He opened his mouth and said, but Lu Chen, who was sent flying, was stunned.

What’s going on here? The ancestors of my own family have this attitude towards a young man, which makes No. 1 1 unable to figure out who the other party is. No. 1 on the [-]th didn’t speak, just looked at Lu Ming like this, Lu Ming had already accepted Raised the dharma, and stood opposite the tenth number [-]

“My nephew doesn’t dare to be, if I take off my mask later, I should die here”

After hearing the words of Number 1 on the 1th, Lu Ming was slightly taken aback. Obviously, he didn’t expect Number [-] on the [-]th to say such a thing. At this time, Dashenshi also ran back by himself. After seeing Dashenshi, Lu Ming said again. stunned

“Is this the stone of the gods?

One of the ten ancient villains, he is really powerful.”

Lu Ming tried to get off the topic, but he was pulled back by a word from the god stone.

“If it wasn’t strong enough, wouldn’t I have been killed by you just now?”

It has to be said that the God-Slaying Stone is unmatched in terms of communication. With just a few words, I don’t know how to say anything to the other party.

“It was all a misunderstanding just now. If I knew it was my nephew, I would never have taken action.”

“Hey, it’s thanks to me that I’m tough enough, or I’ve been blown away by you just now, I don’t know how much food I have to eat to make up for it.”

The hint of hitting the god stone can be said to be a naked hint, and the face is clear, if you can do me a favor, this matter can be solved

As a supreme immortal king, how could Lu Ming not understand what it means to hit the god stone, but he has nothing to do with these two people. After all, for him, he still has to rely on these two people to be able to touch Ye Qing.

Only then can it really be possible to get in touch with the Emperor Realm

As soon as the words of hitting the god stone fell, Lu Ming had already shaken out a pile of magic materials in the storage bag, and the god stone’s eyes glowed, and immediately

When he jumped up, he started to eat. Ten No. 1 couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

“Immortal King Lu Ming, what are you doing, put it away quickly, little nephew is not hurt”

No. 1 [-] hurriedly declined, how sincere and sincere the expression was, and the god-destroying stone, who was eating frantically there, couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Hey, nephew, you can’t say that. Even if I invested in you, you will have to pay it back when you get married.”

On the surface of Lu Ming, he looked like he didn’t care, but his heart was dripping blood. This is the treasure of an immortal king. , go out now

It’s okay, it’s okay, if the treasure of this immortal king can be linked with Ye Qing, it will be worth it, Lu Mingze comforted himself in his heart, he must make himself feel better.

“Hey, then thank you Immortal King Lu Ming, we have something to do, so we won’t stay here anymore”

Speaking of No. 1, he picked up the entire storage bag, then tied the god-beating stone between his hair, and then left without looking back, boarded the altar, and began to teleport further afield. There are more than [-] immortal kings in the foreign realm. Some command the territory, some sit in the academy, some create the Taoism, and some hide in the mountains and forests.

That is to say, the place worth visiting is far more than the immortal king’s cave. At the very least, some Taoist treasures will never be worse than the immortal king’s cave, and now, the place where the two of them come to is a Taoist

This is the place of preaching created by the two immortal kings. It is also called Shuangwang Mountain. The treasures here will never be less than the treasures of some immortal kings, and there is no trace of the immortal king here. Ten No. 0 and Da Shenshi rushed up like this

Now the strongest person in Shuangwang Mountain is only the quasi-immortal king level, or because the distance is too far, the immortal king has not settled here, and the two walked in carelessly from the mountain gate

Number 1 [-] The two of them made it to the top of the mountain unimpeded, and they didn’t meet a single person along the way. They are exotic and have a small chance of escaping, so the only place they can stay is the top of the mountain.

The two entered the hall, and what caught their eyes were two huge futons, then a smaller futon underneath, and then a dense number of small futons.

At this time, the medium futons were already full of people, and the small futons were also full of people, but only a few.

After the tenth number 1 came in, they all got up and looked at the tenth number 1. They didn’t hide their killing intent at all, and the killing intent was the strongest and the breath was even stronger.

The top 8 is the old man in the front three, followed by the old man on his right and the young man on his left.

“It’s finally our turn, children, now the immortal realm is coming, pick up your weapons, and let’s face the enemy together!”

In an instant, all the auras erupted. The weakest auras were all in Escape, most of them were supreme, only a small part were immortals, and the three strongest auras were undoubtedly the quasi-immortal kings.

Ten No. 1 looked at each other and remembered the cruelty when they invaded the nine heavens and ten places, and the fighting spirit began to burn.

Watch the underlined version of the small “Kill!”

As they looked at the opening, the other party rushed towards No. 1 No. 1. Daluo Sword Embryo appeared in No. 1 No. [-]’s hand, and greeted the cultivators who rushed over. With the blessing of the formation, I want to trap the tenth number [-], and then the other immortals will take action

But what they didn’t know was that number 1 on the 1th had an array on everyone’s body. Number 1 [-] directly threw the magic stone, piercing a supreme being, and then it was useless to hit the magic stone for a while, so he directly gave the magic It was broken, and No. [-] also jumped directly and rushed towards the immortal in front.

Ten No. 1 is now a red dust fairy, and he is not at all cowardly against the immortal king. As soon as he met, Daluo Jianti cut off the weapon against the immortal of the 01 side and turned it into a pile of scrap iron. Then another sword cut off his head, and the head flew high, dyeing the Daluo sword fetus red

And the runes on the Daluo Sword Embryo flickered, absorbing all the blood and essence. The tenth and 1st fights were secretly opened. At the same time, the pacification was also motivated. Not only did they use the Daluo Sword Embryo to kill the enemy, but even Yuanshen turned The sword-born villains are killing

The opponent has less than 20 immortals in total

At this time, No. 1 1 has killed four people, and the other three quasi-immortal kings have also joined the battle. They can find that No. [-] No. [-] is not an ordinary True Immortal, so they take a ruthless shot.

“Hahaha, it’s not a loss to be able to keep a decisive genius of Xianyu here, you will die here today!”

The leader looked at it and said, and then his hands became claw-like, grabbing the number 1 number 1, number [-] number [-] to block it with the Daluo sword tire, the old man avoided the Daluo sword tire after seeing it.

“Monster Soldier!”

The old man said viciously, and then cooperated with the other two immortal kings to shoot, trying to kill the tenth number 1, but they still underestimated the tenth number 1. For the tenth number 1, the three people 3 did not matter to him at all. not a threat

But in the same way, it is not easy for No. 1 to kill three people. After all, there are still dozens of immortals on the other side. They are all attacking No.3 on the tenth, just like the kings are hunting. This is true Fairy-level hunting

Fortunately, No. 1 [-] has the secret of all characters and the magic of Liu Shen, which can ensure that he has always been energetic and can recover at the fastest speed when he is injured.

The two sides fought for a whole hour, and in the end, number 1 on the 1th beheaded all of the opponents. Killing the red-eyed number [-] on the [-]th did not spare the Supreme Being and those who escaped. They all participated in the frontier war without a doubt. keep them

Number 1 stood on the top of the hall and looked at the corpse below. In this battle, the god stone was also red-eyed. Both of them came from the nine heavens and ten places, so naturally they did not have a good impression of foreign countries.

“Let’s go and enter the treasure house”

Ten No. 1 turned around and walked to the back, there was a magic stone, even if it was hidden underground, Ten No. 1 and the others could still find it.

Soon, the two found the location of the treasure house in Shuangwang Mountain. The two broke the ban, rushed in and began to pack the storage bags. After a while, the entire treasure house was looted. When they were about to leave, they were beaten. God Stone stopped

“There’s still good stuff here, over there”

After hearing the words of hitting the god stone, number 1 on the [-]th immediately

Walking in the direction of the God-beating stone, if it can make the God-killing stone think it is a good thing, then it must not be something ordinary, or the God-killing stone will not look at it at all.

“Turn left, the breath of the baby is getting stronger and stronger, I can already smell the smell of the treasure”

The sound of Dashenshi became excited. After going around in circles, No. 1 and Dashenshi came to a pool of spring water. The spring water was so clear that they could see the bottom of the spring through the water surface.

“What is this”

Number 1 asked with some doubts, they can feel it, and they also have doubts about hitting the god stone.

“Although the spring water here is said to have extraordinary spirituality, it is not a treasure. How can this happen?”

Just when Shishenshi was thinking seriously, he suddenly smelled that fragrance again.

“Number 1, [-], behind, chase!”

3 Tenth 1 After hearing the words of hitting the god stone, immediately

They ran out and chased in the direction pointed by the Dashen Stone. Soon, they saw the treasure. It was a lotus-like plant, and now it was like a human being.

The two branches are tumbling upside down quickly

“Transcending the Tribulation God Lotus! Hurry, hurry up, that is the Godly Lotus of the Tribulation. When you are promoted to the Immortal King to accept the heavenly tribulation, taking him will have unimaginable benefits!”

The sound of hitting the god stone has been trembling again. There are not many plants of the transcending tribulation god lotus, which is much less than the elixir of life. It needs to go through nine tribulations before it can become a transcending tribulation god lotus. Divine Lotus

And it can’t be cultivated, that is to say, it is difficult to imagine how difficult it is to use a mortal body to cross the calamity.

After hearing the words of the god-beating stone, No. 1 on the tenth also accelerated his speed and chased forward quickly. Although he didn’t know what the god-destroying lotus was, it must be a treasure that can make the god-beating stone so crazy at that time. it makes sense

However, the speed of the transcending tribulation divine lotus is also very fast. It is not easy to catch up with the transcending tribulation divine lotus in a short period of time. After all, the transcending tribulation divine lotus is a divine object. If it is really easy to obtain, it is not called a god. thing

The tenth number 1 line is secretly urged, and the whole body feels lighter, and the speed is naturally a lot faster. In this way, the distance between the tenth number 1 and the transcending tribulation god lotus is getting smaller and smaller.

And No. 1 on the [-]th also got close to the Divine Tribulation Lotus, and immediately

The Willow God Law was released. The Willow God is an Immortal King cultivated from plants, so it is naturally similar to this magical medicine.

Not fleeing, but rushing over

When No. 1 [-] held the Divine Tribulation Lotus in his hand, the God-beating Stone exclaimed again.

“This, this is not the Divine Lotus of the Tribulation Transcendence”

As soon as this sentence came out, No. 1 on the tenth was also stunned, what is the situation, why is it not “This is the soul lotus!”

“Soul Lotus”

“Yes, the Divine Soul Lotus of Transcending Tribulation, absolutely can’t go wrong. It is a great medicine that is more advanced than the Divine Lotus of Transcending Tribulation, and it is comparable to the preciousness of the three life medicines!”

As he spoke, he began to swallow saliva unconsciously, and his eyes stared straight at the Divine Soul Lotus, without any cover up, the tenth number 1 immediately

Put away the Divine Soul Lotus of the Tribulation, this kind of thing must not be seen by the God-beating Stone, otherwise it will be ho-ho sooner or later.

“Just give me a taste, just one bite, I promise!”

The God-Slaying Stone wailed in Ye Qing’s hair. With this kind of big medicine, he could wash his tendons and cut his marrow with one bite, making himself stronger. Of course, if he ate it during the Immortal King Tribulation, The benefits are naturally greater

And No. 1 on the [-]th planned to take this Divine Soul Lotus when he was promoted to the Immortal King to lay a solid foundation for himself and pave the way for catching up with the master.

With Ye Qing, the master of becoming an emperor, the goal of No. 1 [-] has also changed from becoming an immortal king to becoming an immortal emperor. After all, the gap between the emperor’s realm and the king’s realm is really too big. How many kings are just to experience the emperor’s realm.

thus embarked on a road of no return


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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