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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 167

He punched the Dao Enlightenment Pillar, and the Dao Enlightenment Pillar that Ye Qing had not shaken for a long time, now the entire Dao Enlightenment Pillar is rustling and falling gravel, and when the gravel touches the altar, it becomes invisible To the untouchable Dao, but Ye Qing can clearly feel the existence of Dao

As the gravel gradually fell, the entire Dao Enlightenment Pillar collapsed suddenly, and then countless avenues erupted from it, pouring into Ye Qing’s body. The pores on Qing’s body opened, absorbing all the power of the Dao

Ye Qing’s black hair finally stopped fluttering and fell down. Ye Qing stood in the middle of the altar. With a flash of light, he left the power of enlightenment and returned to his cave.

Looking at his hands, Ye Qing felt the surging energy surging in his body, Ye Qing walked out of the cave, but the scene in front of him made him stunned. Originally his cave was in the restricted area, but now he came out After that, there is an endless void in front of you

There are still living beings around, there is nothingness, no living beings exist at all, Ye Qing rushes towards the direction in his memory, along the way, the eyes are full of devastation, there is no life at all.

Ye Qing did not encounter any living beings along the way, and did not see any living planets, as if this was a dead star field. After Ye Qing flew for more than a week, Ye Qing saw some living beings. fight with beasts

The beast is a Howling Moon Wolf in an array, and in the human camp, there are three teenagers in an array, who are fighting with the Howling Moon Wolf. Behind the three teenagers, there is a Venerable being guarding it. two people, keep them safe

Said to be teenagers, in fact, they are all in their 20s…, they are in their 20s…to reach the formation stage, this is really too slow, too slow, Ye Qing is a little puzzled, but after seeing the creatures, he accelerated and rushed forward. Along the way, Ye Qing saw more and more people

Soon, Ye Qing saw a small city area. Ye Qing restrained the light from his body and landed in front of the city gate. Ye Qing walked in like this, and the guards seemed to see nothing.

Ye Qing walked into the city, and there were quite a few souls in the city that had ignited the fire of God, but Ye Qing had not seen anyone above the Heavenly God Realm.

Divine Fire Realm is slightly more

Ye Qing walked up to a cultivator in the divine fire realm, pulled out his 907 spirit, and went directly into his spirit to investigate. This is not difficult for Ye Qing, and it can help ensure that his spirit is not will suffer any harm

In the soul of the other party, Ye Qing understood all the information of this era. This is a state capital of the Dayu Dynasty. The head of the state capital is one of the two gods that Ye Qing saw before. host

Looking at this cultivator of the God Fire Realm, his impression of him is more like the existence of the Void Dao Realm, or the Slashing Me Realm.

Ye Qing frowned, slashed my realm, and was able to dominate such a large territory, and according to the cultivator’s memory, in this vast universe, there are a total of three 3 dynasties, of which the Dayu Dynasty is the strongest existence, because They have the most powerhouses in the virtual realm, and the same emperor may also be a monk who cuts me

After putting the soul of that person back, Ye Qing set off and rushed to the imperial capital of the Dayu Dynasty. According to the cultivator’s memory, Ye Qing quickly rushed to the Dayu Dynasty.

Seeing the underlined version of Xiao Zhan Me Realm, you can be the head of the dynasty, and you are invincible in the world, which makes Ye Qing very confused. The palace is gone. The stronger the person, the more they know. Ye Qing’s goal is the emperor of the Dayu Dynasty.

Pity that emperor, it can be said that he has been invincible for most of his life, and now he is like fish on the same chopping board.

Ye Qing invaded into his consciousness and obtained more useful information. The Dayu Dynasty, the Tianyu Dynasty, and the Ksitigarbha Dynasty, a total of three dynasties, are the strongest in this universe, and among the three Above, there are also three sects, Yumen, Tianyu sect and three sects of Tibetan Buddhism.

These three sects are the real rulers, but only the most powerful people in each dynasty can reach them, and Ye Qing also learned the strength of the three sects, the strongest among them, There is actually some real fairyland strength, although it is only the weakest human fairy, but it can still achieve longevity

After Ye Qing got the news, he left immediately and came to Yumen, one of the three major sects. He also went directly to the lord of Yumen. Although the lord was strong, it was only for others. Just a fairy

Ye Qing can directly shock him to death with a single finger.

This time, Ye Qing was still using the old method. He went directly into his soul and checked the details of the world. Soon, Ye Qing had mastered all the information, but after mastering it, he couldn’t accept it.

In his memory, he had the experience of that battle. True immortals are immortal. During that battle, he was just a supreme being, not a true immortal, or he would be sent to the battlefield.

But Ye Qing found several places in his memory that touched him. One scene was a figure fighting four 44 figures alone, another scene was a willow tree fighting several people, and there was a monk who radiated Buddha light all over his body. , riding on a lion to fight, trying to break out of the siege

Looking at this scene, Ye Qing’s sturdy Dao heart almost collapsed. He only entered the land of Dao Enlightenment once. How long has it been outside? According to his memory, this is already The second era after the war

And that… Era is also known as the Dark Era. In that battle, the Immortal Territory was smashed, and the nine heavens and ten places that had been merged soon were also smashed again and broken into more pieces. Immortal King’s Powerhouse

It was also wiped out directly, Ye Qing was a little stunned.

What is this situation?

After Ye Qing read all his memories, he went to the Tianyu Sect and found their head. Following the same method, the basic information he got was similar to that of the head of Yumen. Then Ye Qing went to the Tibetan Sect again. , and this trip, naturally, there is not much gain

It’s not much different from the news he got before. Ye Qing was standing in the void, and he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. He entered the land of enlightenment once, and the world became like this. Ye Qing was two when he left. epoch time

However, Ye Qing quickly reacted, and immediately

Sinking into the chat group

The chat group is no longer as noisy as it used to be. The group owner is not Ye Qing, but Number 1 on the 1th. It seems that even if I don’t, Number [-] on the [-]th will be invited to join the group.

And number 1 on the 1th became the group owner, which means Ye Qing became the Immortal Emperor. After becoming the Immortal Emperor at first, did Number [-] on the [-]th still fail to defend the Immortal Domain or was the other party breached? Ye Qing flipped the chat record upwards. The last one is the news of the last era. It was said by Tai Siming, and he has also become the deputy group owner.

Did all the members of the ancient god Dasiming really survived? Why did God do this to us! Seeing this, Ye Qing quickly replied to Dasiming

The master of the restricted area, the ancient god, Da Siming, fellow Daoist, I am still here. What happened, but Ye Qing has not received a response for a long time. Ye Qing is a little puzzled. He has opened the channel of the same world of Da Siming, and he has just entered this world. , Ye Qing saw an extremely shocking scene, there were corpses everywhere.

The corpses are already piled higher than a mountain

And Ye Qing saw Nuo at a glance. Okay, the ancient god was in charge of life. At this time, he was sitting on a big tree. This big tree was his body, a tree of life. At this time, life The tree is also gradually withering, Ye Qing immediately

He rushed over, when Da Siming saw Ye Qing, he wanted to speak excitedly, but he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Da Siming grabbed Ye Qing’s hand tightly and said with difficulty.

“You, why did you come now? We persisted for a long time, waiting for you to come back, they are all!”

Before he could finish speaking, Da Si Ming spit out another mouthful of blood. He just held Ye Qing’s hand and stared into Ye Qing’s eyes.

Ye Qing watched Da Siming’s body slowly become illusory, and then completely disappeared into his hands, Ye Qing was completely stunned.

What is this situation? Da Siming has already reached the level of Taoist gods. As long as he keeps going all the way, he can reach the existence of twelve stars, and now he has also fallen.

Ten No. 1 became the Immortal Emperor and reached twelve stars, but was also attacked and killed.

Ye Qing quickly opened the world channel again. This time, he also came to the world where Ye Futian was. There was also a lot of smoke everywhere. At a glance, there was no one at all. When Ye Qing was about to go to the virtual world to find Ye Futian, suddenly I found that I couldn’t feel the existence of the virtual world.

Ye Qing’s heart skipped a beat, and then she went to the next world, the world of Lord Xue Ying. Lord Yuan and Luo Feng were both members of the group. After Ye Qing came to this world, she went directly to the place of nothingness. The mysterious place where Ye Qing still has a seat

The owner of the mysterious place was also at the level of the supreme immortal king. He was only one step away from reaching the quasi-immortal emperor, that is, the super-eleven star, but when Ye Qing came to the mysterious place, he found that there were five 933 Ancestor-level Chaotic Origin beings are sitting there, and they are not the five people Ye Qing saw last time.

After seeing someone come in, one of the ancestor-level Chaotic Origin beings was a little surprised

“There is still a human caught fish here”

“Jie Jie Jie, actually delivered it to your door by yourself”

“I haven’t eaten humans for a long time, lord-level humans, it should taste great.”

Ye Qing looked around at a few people, he didn’t feel the aura of the Lord of the Mysterious Land, and he must have been robbed. Ye Qing ignored the people and turned to leave, but the five 55 Lord-level Chaotic Origin Beings chased after them. , want to keep Ye Qing, but how can Ye Qing be shaken by them?

, The Sword of Destruction was formed in his hand, and without turning his head, he threw the sword at the one just now… clamoring to eat Ye Qing’s ancestor-level Chaotic Origin life, he directly nailed it to the mysterious place, and the other four 44 lords Level Chaotic Source beings looked at each other in dismay, they did not expect that Ye Qing would dare to do it directly

And being able to instantly kill an ancestor-level Chaotic Origin being, they are all old friends, and they naturally know each other’s strength. Since they can kill one, then the others can also be killed instantly. A few people retreat quickly, no longer entangled, but Ye How could Qing let them go?

The ice cones condensed behind them, and each ice cone was filled with a chilling air that made people shudder. Then the ice cones shot out in an instant, but they disappeared in a blink of an eye. The next moment, they appeared in front of them, dozens of ice cones. Directly killed three people 3, leaving only the last ancestor-level Chaotic Source life

Ye Qing walked back slowly. At this time, the… Ancestor-level Chaotic Origin being was stunned. Ye Qing didn’t ask him, but directly invaded his soul. This method is much easier to use than asking.

In his soul, Ye Qing saw a lot. After he disappeared, a black mist poured into this world. Soon, the born Chaotic Origin life defected and besieged the eight lords together with the creatures in the black mist. A level Chaotic Source being, and Dongbo Xueying, who has not yet grown up, naturally has no chance to grow up.

Basically, all the ancestor-level Chaotic Origin beings accepted the baptism of darkness and became the fallen ones. In the end, the eight lords were blocked into the mysterious place by them.

The creatures in the mysterious land also took action to help the eight lords, but at this moment, a creature walked out of the black fog, causing Ye Qing’s eyes to widen. Cang Emperor of the Dark Land, holding a white bone weapon, a beam of light rushed to the Lord of the Mysterious Land

The Lord of the Mysterious Land is just a giant at the level of an Immortal King. How could he be the opponent of the Immortal Emperor Cang Emperor? That ray of light enveloped the Mysterious Lord.

“The immortal king who has cultivated the breath of a quasi-immortal emperor is the best nourishment.”

As Emperor Cang spoke, the rays of light became more and more shining, trapping the Lord of Mysteries there. To refine him alive, the Lord of Mysteries resisted desperately, but still could not break free, and finally turned into a pool of pus.

Ye Qing watched this scene and clenched his fists

He couldn’t understand why this was because Emperor Cang was able to traverse the world. He couldn’t come here with his own strength. Even Immortal Emperor couldn’t do it, because this is something he couldn’t understand.

Now there is an existence that breaks the common sense

Ye Qing sat in the void, his mind was a little confused at the moment, constantly thinking about everything that happened before, looking for the details that he had missed, he felt more and more that something was wrong, if it was just the outbreak of darkness and turmoil, Then the slaughtered is nothing but a perfect world

And now, the world of Da Siming, Ye Futian’s world, and Yuan’s world server have been dealt a devastating blow

Looking at the underlined version, this made Ye Qing a little alert. In fact, he had already suspected it for a long time. After he came to this world, he shot and killed the ancestral chaotic source life that was infected by darkness and fell into darkness. A little point reward, their ancestor-level Chaotic Source life is equivalent to the level of a quasi-immortal king

Although this level gives relatively few points, it does not mean that there are none. Looking back, there is another point that Ye Qing did not spend any points when opening the world channel.

Based on all the circumstances, Ye Qing slowly came up with a guess in his heart. Ye Qing stood up again and threw a short sword at random, and then the short sword flew and cut off the head of that… Ancestor-level Chaotic Origin Life, and directly destroyed it. kill

Ye Qing opened the world channel and returned to his own world. Ye Qing went straight to the boundary sea, ready to cross the boundary sea. Now the boundary sea is even bigger. This huge dark turmoil has caused another batch of worlds to be destroyed and become the world part of the sea

Ye Qing, who has made a breakthrough in the land of enlightenment, has become even faster. Every time he takes a step, the galaxy reverses, the sun, moon and stars move. There is always an inexplicable power, and the whole person is integrated with the Dao.

Ye Qing rushed to the end of the Jiehai like this. After reaching the end of the Jiehai, the place was still covered with black fog, which was even stronger than when Ye Qing came before. This time, Ye Qing saw many people sitting cross-legged just now. The dead bones not far from the shore, those are the fairy kings who have landed on the other side

There are giants and supreme immortal kings. None of the immortal kings who can appear here are ordinary immortal kings.

There is no doubt that these kings came here with great ambitions, some to break Wu Wu, Wang Chengdi, and some to pacify the black disaster, but in the end they all became dead bones here, without even leaving a name, and disappeared in time. in the long river

Ye Qing continued to go deeper and saw that the black mist became more and more dense. On Ye Qing, the blazing radiance of the quasi-immortal emperor erupted, and the dazzling rays of light shot out, but they were soon engulfed by the black mist. There was nothing left, only the darkness remained. Existence, eternal, Ye Qing tried to dispel the black fog with the power of law

But once the power of the law leaves the body, it immediately

Infected by the divine chain of order in the black mist, assimilated, and finally turned into the source power of the black mist

What is the power of the Immortal Emperor? Ye Qing said silently in his heart, he knows this place, there are three quasi-immortal emperors and a corpse immortal emperor, the corpse immortal emperor is the source of black disaster, and the ultimate source of black disaster It was the jet-black liquid that flowed down from the upper realm, and it was that liquid that infected the corpse Immortal Emperor and turned it into his puppet.

Ye Qing no longer tried to disperse the black mist, but stopped breathing to prevent the black mist from entering his body. Even the pores were closed by Ye Qing, preventing the black mist from entering and avoiding being affected by the black mist.

After walking for a while, Ye Qing saw a mountain range made of corpses, and a vast sea of ​​bones. Even Ye Qing didn’t see the end of it at a glance. He couldn’t imagine how big this place was. At least people who have to slaughter several big worlds can reach this level.

There are also the piles of corpses piled up like mountains. There are not only white bones, but also golden and black bones that are still stained with blood. Those bones still exude the breath of the Great Dao to this day. how strong are these people

0.,, Ye Qing walked through the bone mountain, and then walked through the bone sea, and finally came to the place where he met Emperor Cang last time. It was here that Ye Qing fought against the three immortal emperors alone, severely injuring Emperor Cang and Emperor Yu. He Hongdi also suffered a lot of damage

Ye Qing did it all by himself

After seeing Emperor Cang, Ye Qing recalled the scene he had seen. Number 1 [-] fought against four quasi-immortal emperors alone, but not only four, but three others who crossed the river of time to assassinate Ye Qing. Quasi-Xiandi

Number 1 of ten is at 17

,,,,In the original work, there was the support of the Three Heavenly Emperors. The Three Heavenly Emperors helped them block the three people who had crossed the long river of time. Only on the 3th and 1st did they kill the four quasi-immortal emperors at the end of the boundary sea. , but after Ye Qing disappeared

Not just this world, the world that covers the sky has been purged by darkness and turmoil

The three emperors couldn’t go away at all, they were restrained by a great enemy, and they were besieged and hated by seven people on the tenth.

After returning to his senses, Ye Qing had walked into the heavenly court that Emperor Cang himself had established. There was still one person sitting on the seat of the Lord, who was Cang Emperor, one of the three quasi-immortal emperors.

Emperor Cang was surprised when he saw Ye Qing

“Aren’t you gone and never seen again?”

Cang Di asked with some doubts, and then he looked like he was suddenly enlightened.

“Are you trapped by someone or something, or maybe you went to an uncontrollable place and didn’t participate in the final battle, hahaha, it’s ridiculous and pathetic!”

As a quasi-immortal emperor, you can see a lot of things, but the quasi-immortal emperor has also been detached, so for the quasi-immortal emperor, you see much less

At that time, Emperor Cang still speculated some things from what he saw.

This time, Emperor Cang did not confront each other again, but got up and walked towards Ye Qing, and said slowly.

“In that battle, the Immortal Domain was shattered, and the great world is reincarnated now that you have nothing to worry about. Come on, join us, let the darkness melt into your body, and create the foundation of Emperor Wang Chengdi.”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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