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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 17

If an unfamiliar opposite sex calls a girl’s name directly, it will arouse the girl’s disgust.

Obviously, Xuenai’s favorability towards Ye Qing was not low.

This is probably due to his help. Of course, there are also bonus points for appearance. After all, he looks good and is popular everywhere, not to mention the sky-defying level of Ye Qing.

The initial favorability is not low, plus several times of help, it is normal for Yukinoshita Yukino to have a favorable impression of him.

“I’m just taking care of the group members normally!”

Ye Qing muttered to himself, and then secretly sighed, the charm is too high and there is no way, he can attack the girl unintentionally.

The owner of the restricted area: “No need to thank you, this is just a consideration for the group members, come on, Xuenai!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Yeah! Thank you, Lord Immortal King!”

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Wow, what did I find, Miss Yukinoshita was captured by the Immortal King?”

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “Huh?!”

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Cough, I didn’t say anything, I didn’t see anything, Lord Immortal King spare your life!”

In an instant, Tony immediately confessed.

Just kidding, you can’t mess with anyone, this great god!

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Hehe, Mr. Shi Dagu, I’m afraid you are floating! Even Lord Immortal King dares to make fun of it!”

Not a monster idler: “Tsk tsk, your courage is commendable!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “I dare not! QAQ”

Just then, a new sound came.

Ding, the ancient emperor daughter uploaded the low-level flying fighting skills, Thunder Eagle Wings!

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man to receive Gu Xun’er’s flying fighting skills.

The oldest and strongest godslayer received Gu Xun’er’s flying fighting skills.

It wasn’t that Mary Su received Gu Xun’er’s flying fighting skills


Soon, everyone received the fighting skills one after another. It only took less than a second before and after, and the speed of their hands was astonishing.


ps: May I ask, is there any debate about Honghuang and Xuanhuan in the book review area to be deleted?In line with the principle of not deleting comments, the author has not deleted comments, but this quarrel may affect readers. Do you want to delete them?If you want, just say it in the book review section.

Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] Everyone uploads items, Yukino Yukino’s moving (fourth more)

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Ms. Gu Xun’er is really fast. She uploaded things so quickly. In other words, is this similar to ancient oriental martial arts?”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “It’s a bit like the martial arts of that oriental monster, but it’s a little different!”

It’s not a monster idler: “It should be similar, just like the onmyoji’s onmyoji and the monster’s sorcery, it is a unique fighting skill in Miss Gu Xun’er’s world!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Can you fly if you learn this? It’s amazing!”

The guardian of Shenzhou: “What a profound fighting skill, condensing the Thunder Eagle’s wings, not only has an extremely terrifying speed, but also can control the thunder and temper the body, it is really powerful!”

The old man is a navy hero: “Kuhahaha, so after learning this fighting skill, the old man can fly? I used to envy the golden lion to fly, but I didn’t expect that I would be able to fly in the future.”

The old man is a naval hero: “If that guy in the Warring States period sees it, he will definitely be stunned!”

Although the moon step in the sixth form of the navy can also stay in the air for a short time, or even walk in the air for a long time, it is not a real flight after all, and it is far inferior to this flying fighting skill.

Moreover, as an earth-level fighting skill, Thunder Eagle Wing is not as simple as a simple flying fighting skill, but also possesses extremely powerful destructive power.

Even Garp was a little excited to have obtained such a flying fighting skill.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “Miss Gu Xun’er, how many points did you get?”

Ancient Clan Emperor Daughter: “A total of nine people received it, a total of [-] points!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “Wow, [-] points, it’s only a week’s task for my liver to achieve. I didn’t expect that Miss Gu Xun’er would be able to achieve it by sending a book of fighting skills. I’m envious.jpg”

The ancient emperor’s daughter: “It’s okay!”

“I got forty points, and I can get it!”

On the other side, Lin Xi looked at the forty points that had been credited, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Forty points, which is quite a lot, if it is used to improve her cultivation, it can even make her improve by a small rank.

“Looks like I’m going to upload something too!”

Lin Xi said to herself, only uploading items is the most points. If uploading is good, she can get hundreds of points.

At this time, another beep came.

Ding, Yakumo Zi uploaded a one-day experience of the power of the gap.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man to receive a one-day experience of Interstitial Power.

The oldest and strongest godslayer received a one-day experience of the power of the gap.

It’s absolutely true that Yukinoshita received the one-day experience of the power of the gap.

The Lord of the Restricted Area received a one-day experience of the power of the gap.


Soon, everyone received it one after another, and even Ye Qing couldn’t help but click to receive it.

Although it was only a one-day experience, Ye Qing was still very curious about the power between the gaps. This is the power of space, the ability to tear apart space and travel around the world.

Although it doesn’t have much effect on Ye Qing, it can be used for research.

Soon, after Gu Xun’er and Yakumo Zi, others also began to upload items, such as Garp’s two-color domineering, Marquis Vauban’s magic book, Tony’s Iron Man armor and so on.

Even Chiyuan uploaded a boxing technique book, recording all the boxing techniques she mastered.

Only Yukino Yukinoshita, as an ordinary person, currently has nothing good to upload.

“Would you like to help her!”

Seeing this scene, Ye Qing thought for a while, then clicked on the private chat, and casually deduced a spiritual meditation method and passed it to her.

After all, she was the paper-man wife that she liked in her previous life, so it wouldn’t matter if she helped a little.

The owner of the restricted area: “Xue Nai, just upload this!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Hey!!? Lord Immortal King, this is not good, this is your thing, how can I use your upload!”

The owner of the restricted area: “Why not? This is just a gadget for me, and everyone else has uploaded it, so it’s not good if you don’t have it? Besides, you have uploaded items, and I can also benefit from it!”

Absolutely right under the snow: “But…”

The owner of the restricted area: “Don’t do it, you should owe me a favor!”

The owner of the restricted area: “If you really want to thank me, after a while, you can invite me to visit your world!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Thank you, Lord Immortal King!”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes were a little red, and her heart was full of emotion. This was the first person other than her family to treat her so well.

No, it should be said that even family members may not be able to treat her so well.

Even her sister just teased her a lot. (I think)

Ding, absolutely correct Yukinoshita uploaded the primary spiritual meditation method!

Soon, everyone quickly received it again.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “Isn’t the world of Miss Yukinoshita an ordinary world? How can there be such a practice?”

Not a monster idler: “Mr. Shit, if you don’t want to be beaten, you’d better not bb.”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “???”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “Idiot!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man: “…I was wrong!”

Tony Stark, who was originally stunned, woke up after realizing it, his heart froze, and he was directly counseled.

He almost forgot about that one.

“Strange, why did Niang Twinkle still not appear, is it serious?” Ye Qing frowned slightly, only then did he realize that Niang Twinkle still didn’t bubbling.

With her character, she should come out to join in the fun at such a time, it is impossible to be so calm.

Did the Fourth World War happen by accident?


ps: The tearing comment is still deleted.

Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] The lovely Cang Xiaoxuan (the fifth)

ps: practice, you can practice

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man: “Strange, why hasn’t Niang Twink been bubbling? Is there something wrong?”

Just when Ye Qing was puzzled, some people in the group felt something was wrong, and Tony Stark was the first to speak.

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Listen to Mr. Stark, it seems to be the case, Miss Niangjing has not appeared for more than half an hour!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Well, she didn’t even show up when the Immortal King was broadcasting live.”

It’s not a monster idler: “Maybe she encountered an enemy? Isn’t Miss Niangjing in the middle of the fourth battle? It’s very likely that the battle has already begun, so Miss Niangjian didn’t appear!”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “It’s very possible, with that woman’s stinky temper, maybe she’s mocking other Servants at this moment just like the Four Wars!”

The ancient emperor’s daughter: “Mother Dazzling? Who is she?”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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