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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 170

“Thank you so much for the three nine-turn reincarnation pills left by my fellow Daoist. There were only two potions of this kind of pills in the Emperor Luo era. I didn’t expect to see you again in this era.”

This kind of medicine pill is too rare. Only with the big medicine of Sansheng Medicine, enough longevity medicine and some other precious medicinal materials, can such a furnace be refined.

“I didn’t expect this kind of medicinal pill to have such a good effect on Daoist friends. It was unexpected.”

“Don’t be afraid of my fellow Daoist jokes, my law power is already weakening, I can’t keep it in the realm of Quasi-immortal emperor, or it will speed up my death, but I still have confidence in pulling one away before I die.”

Emperor Yan was very impressive, he said to Ye Qing with a smile

The two of them set off from this, and went to the deeper part of the no-man’s land, that is, the no-man’s land of the foreign land. After more than two days, I came to the most stressful place

The pressure here can definitely make the immortal kings and even the giants smash their bones, and it is impossible to resist. The pressure on Ye Qing and the two here is also enormous. It was not until more than an hour later that the pressure gradually decreased.

“It should be in this area. Let’s look for it separately to see if there are any useful discoveries.”

Ye Qing said, then the two separated and began to search for the side, but the two searched for three consecutive days and found nothing, and Ye Qing also searched for the most stressful place for two hours. After two hours, Ye Qing can’t bear it anymore

The two of them didn’t find anything, but they could be sure that this place was definitely man-made, not naturally formed, and the person who made all this is as simple as the Immortal Emperor.

Soon, the two returned to the same path. Although the two discovered this time, they had a lot of conjectures, especially Ye Qing. After all, he has the perspective of God.

Ye Qing guessed that Immortal Domain and Exotic Domain were originally one world, and then they were separated between the two worlds with boundless force, leaving only that one road, and that road can basically be said to be a dead end, only the quasi-immortal emperor to pass

The other party regards this place as a place to raise Gu, and they are probably the Gu in it. Some people cultivate strong people in the lower realm, train warriors for the upper realm, or cultivate alliances, these are all possible.

And Emperor Yan’s conjecture is in the same direction as Ye Qing, but compared with Ye Qing who has the perspective of God, Emperor Yan’s analysis is a bit simple, but the two basically confirmed the same direction, and the other is likely to raise here. insanity

The upper realm here is called above the gods. There is more than one immortal emperor, and there are even people stronger than immortal emperors. It is the real place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

In the original book, No. 1 went to that world to fight in the end, but after going to that world, No. 1 began to be forgotten, and slowly faded out of the world’s memory, no one knows why this is

It seems that we still need to become an Immortal Emperor as soon as possible. If you don’t become an Immortal Emperor, it will only be dust to dust, and earth to earth. There is no way to last forever. Ye Qing sighed secretly. , did not expect to involve so many things

After Ye Qing said goodbye to Emperor Yan, he invested in his own plan to earn points. With his own strength and speed, Ye Qing began to search for the immortal king of the exotic realm and the fallen fairy king of the fairy realm in the sea of ​​​​the world.

This kind of large-scale hunting quickly attracted attention. After all, Ye Qing used to kill when he met him, and he would not kill when he didn’t meet him, but now he is simply hunting and hunting for the Immortal Emperor. They don’t even have a chance to escape or resist

And Ye Qing also found He Wushuang in the process of searching. He is the last seedling of the Kundi lineage. The Kundi lineage has been wiped out by Ye Qing. He Wushuang is the only one left, because the Kundi lineage is Fang He Wushuang. Nian presides over a family that advocates attacking nine heavens and ten places

He has made too many contributions to the attack on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and now the karma is coming. The Kundi family’s attack on the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is the cause, while Ye Qing’s action to clear it is the result. Nothing can escape the shackles of cause and effect.

Ye Qing did not kill He Wushuang, but imprisoned him. After all, there is a little guy in Xianyu who has a bloody feud with He Wushuang. That little guy’s father was kind to Ye Qing, and the two of them in their previous lives were also very kind. I know, so Ye Qing kept He Wushuang behind

Until the horned ant grows into an adult, breaks the fifth, and becomes the king of the mirror, Ye Qing will release the crane Wushuang and let the ant take revenge.

Ye Qing’s hunt lasted for half a month. Ye Qing killed too many kings, but the giants didn’t meet them, as if they knew Ye Qing was coming, they hid in advance.

In the past half month, Ye Qing hunted and killed a total of 32 and [-] strong kings, nineteen immortal kings from exotic realms, and thirteen fallen kings from immortal realms. The king of the world is not even less than the previous fairyland and exotic land combined

In the next three days, Ye Qing never saw any strong man in the king realm again, so he had no choice but to give up the hunt and return to the immortal realm.

Among the thirty-two and thirty-two kings that exist this time, there are two foreign kings who have not yet been stained with darkness, so there are thirty in total, that is, 32 points, but Ye Qing is not in a hurry to enter the land of enlightenment. , who knows what will happen in the land of enlightenment

Ye Qing is going to go in after a while. The way of asking questions directly in the Land of Enlightenment is too dangerous.

The next time you go in, you must be fully prepared, otherwise unpredictable things may happen.

After leaving the sea of ​​​​boundary, Ye Qing went straight to the immeasurable sky in the nine heavens and ten earths. This is the place where the Tianshen Academy in the original book is located, and it is also the place where the Tianjiao ants and the unicorns have inherited. The horned ant and the unicorn made a deal

The Tianjiao Ant and the Qilin exchanged the talent and treasures of their own clan for the brilliant future of the Tianjiao Ant and the Qilin. A person who died for an era must have an unimaginable adventure, and Ye Qing will be resurrected again. , so both Tianjiao Ant and Qilin chose to let Xiao Tianjiao and Xiao Qilin apprentice

Ye Qing came here this time, firstly to bring the two to the Immortal Realm, and secondly to let the little Tianjiao Ant see He Wushuang, so as to stimulate the little Tianjiao Ant’s talent

Sure enough, when the little Tianjiao ant saw He Wushuang, his eyes were red, and He Wushuang also knew that he would not live long, so he grabbed the little Tianjiao ant with his claws, and was about to meet the little Tianjiao ant. When Ye Qing bound He Wushuang, He Wushuang could not get rid of Ye Qing’s shackles no matter what.

Xiao Tianjiao clenched his fists, stared fiercely at He Wushuang, and sneered.

“Look at what, little one, if not, I can crush you with one finger!”

Ye Qing imprisoned He Wushuang again, and did not let him stimulate the little ant. The main reason is that the ant’s cultivation during this period of time was too careless. After catching He Wushuang, he thought of this method.

Since the little Tianjiao Ant met a crane Wushuang, he began to practice frantically, never slackening for a moment, and took the initiative to participate in some trials, and began to emerge. ,Following the small horned ant to fight together, the descendants of the three 3 ten villains came together, it was really terrifying

Ye Qing still has some things to do in the lower realm this time, that is, the cage of the False God Realm, which contains all fallen immortal kings, all of whom still have a trace of wisdom.

These fallen immortal kings are immortal, so they detained their primordial spirits here, and they don’t know where their bodies are. Ye Qing’s purpose in coming to the False God Realm this time is to turn them all into The power of the fairyland

Now there are too few kings in the fairyland. The ten-crowned emperor, the exiled immortal, and the eleven have not yet grown up, and there is no fresh blood at the level of the fairy king. When fighting against the dark turmoil, the fairyland’s The middle-level strength is far weaker than that of the army of darkness

So Ye Qing must use everything that can be used. Although these immortal kings have fallen into darkness, at least they still have a little bit of wisdom. Ye Qing can rely on this wisdom to awaken the other party’s wisdom and let them They have become Immortal Kings again. As for their loyalty, there are Soul Binding Techniques and Forbidden Techniques. I am not afraid that they will have two hearts.

Moreover, Ye Qing’s strength is displayed here. Even if other Immortal Kings disagree, Ye Qing can forcefully portray them with the Soul Binding Technique. In addition, there is the temptation of Emperor Cheng, and they all agreed quickly. Ye Qing also portrayed the Soul Binding Technique on them respectively.

However, the first attack of the dark army was much faster than Ye Qing expected. In the second month after Ye Qing returned to the fairyland, the dark turmoil broke out and the dark army attacked the fairyland.

Originally, the dark turmoil should have erupted after [-] years, but because of Ye Qing, he entered the dark source land at the end of the world, so the other party will choose to take action earlier and bury this era.

This time, the three quasi-immortal emperors came ashore with batches of dark armies, and the armies of the immortal realm have already been prepared. Lord wait, all appeared

This is the mainstay of the Xianyu Xianwang economy. The combination of Zhentian and Tiantian can be regarded as top-notch combat power. They are on par with the butcher, and even have some advantages.

The three quasi-immortal emperors at the end of the world have not yet landed with the dark army, and the immortal army has begun to counterattack. The weakest here are all in the supreme realm, because even the aftermath of the battle at the king realm can’t be stopped. , will be turned into powder, even the supreme can’t resist the aftermath of the war in the king’s realm

Ye Qing was also filled with thunder, and rushed into the army of darkness. The power of thunder exploded, covering some of the surrounding dark supreme, true immortals, and two fallen immortal kings.

The two fallen immortal kings saw a figure flying over, and then they lost consciousness in the next moment, and then their heads were raised high.

Ye Qing will not let go of such a great opportunity to earn points, but he mainly has to block the opponent’s three quasi-immortal emperors to ensure that the three of them cannot rush into the Xianyu army and start a massacre.

Seeing Ye Qing’s end, Cang Emperor and the other three also moved and killed Ye Qing at the same time. For them, they can kill as many immortal kings and giants as they have. The only real threat to them is Ye Qing. Qing is only one person, as long as Ye Qing falls, everything will become a certainty

Ye Qing held a halberd in the right hand and a sword in the left, and faced the three 3. Emperor Yu and the others also took out their weapons. Just when Emperor Yu took out his imperial slaying spear, number 1 on the [-]th, A group of imperial fire began to burn

Like resentment, but also like unwillingness, all kinds of emotions appeared on the flame, and then blessed on the tenth number 1, but the tenth number 1 is only the realm of the ordinary fairy king, although it has the strength of a giant, it is far away. Not relieved to the realm of God

Therefore, even with the blessing of the Emperor Fire, No. 1 [-] can’t beat the quasi-immortal emperor. That is not a level of power.

After seeing the group of Emperor Fire, the three of them were a little surprised, but they didn’t care at all.

“The so-called forerunner, after being cut off, a group of emperor fire escaped, and now it’s back, so what? I’ll cut it as usual.”

Yudi said coldly, the blood he slayed was not someone else’s, it was this… the forerunner, who was besieged by the three emperors, and unfortunately hated

At this time, under the influence of Emperor Huo, his mood also became excited, and he began to frantically slaughter the fallen kings of the other side. Some giants are not the enemies of the tenth and the first. In addition, the strength of the tenth 1 itself is not weak, and the tenth 1 is now like a tiger entering the flock


Ten No. 1 is now like a killing god

Regardless of

Wherever you rush, the dark army there will be slaughtered. A fallen king will be killed by the tenth in 1 second at the first sight. He has no ability to resist at all.

This situation did not continue until No. 1 3 was entangled by three people 1. No. [-] [-] fought against the three top dark giants alone, Zerzi Secret, Liu Shenfa was driven to the extreme, providing himself with a thriving life. force, keep fighting

In contrast, the limitations of the three giants in Jiehai are much larger, because there is not enough black mist here for them to supply themselves, while the tenth 1 can maintain itself by drawing on the power of the avenue of life.

Under the situation, Ten No. 1 quickly gained the upper hand. One person pressed three 3-top dark giants to fight, and the butcher, the king burial master, and the fake medicine seller were also very brave. There are many enemies, and there are four of them, and the army of darkness cannot advance an inch.

The three dark quasi-immortal emperors were blocked by Ye Qing, and they had no way to go off the field to support them. They provided enough space for them to display on the tenth. win more with less

Especially No. 1 No. 1, its own strength is strong enough, and now it has the blessing of Emperor Huo’s quasi-immortal emperor rules. Now No. 1 No. 1 God blocks killing gods, and demons block killing demons. Just now, two more people joined the target. In the battlefield of No. [-] No. [-], No. [-] No. [-] fought against the five dark giants by himself, without losing the slightest.

In the Immortal Realm, the ten crown king, the exiled immortal, the eleven and other geniuses who have not yet grown up stand on the city wall, clenching their fists and watching the battle ahead, the tenth number 1 of the same era as them has become a The king is fighting fiercely ahead, and the strongest among them is only the supreme realm.

Ban Xian is still dressed in white, and looks like an ordinary immortal who has fallen into the mortal world. Looking at the battle ahead, Ban Xian said with a smile.

“in spite of

Wherever he went, he was still so dazzling”

“After becoming king, fight again”

The ten crown prince said, full of fighting spirit

In the battlefield ahead, the war is still going on, the army of darkness is not afraid of death, and the number is far more than the army of Xianyu. At a critical time, another group of people was killed in Xianyu. Receiving the group of people in the ancient temple

However, Emperor Yan was not among them. It is not yet the last moment. Emperor Yan does not need to end. He must retain a certain amount of strength.

The leader is the disciple of Emperor Yan, that is… the woman in the black mist, her name is charming, she is the youngest disciple of Emperor Yan, and the only one who is alive. She has reached the level of a giant, and she has a faint radiance of a quasi-immortal emperor on her body.

With their participation, the originally balanced situation began to reverse directly. Under the leadership of the tenth and 1st people, they launched a counterattack towards the army of darkness.

When Emperor Yu, who was holding the Emperor Killing Spear, saw this large army, he was a little surprised, but then he had an epiphany.

“In the era of Emperor Luo, the team that escaped, their Emperor was beaten in the heart by my palm. He was so badly injured that it should have turned into pus.”

Emperor Yu opened his mouth lightly, and he didn’t care in his tone. He was the strongest among the three emperors, and he was also the oldest. He had always held the head of Emperor Hong and Emperor Cang. The war spear pierced, and Emperor Yan was also injured by Emperor Yu

“They used to be huddled in the Immortal Territory. Since they are here, let’s accompany the Immortal Territory and destroy it together!”

Emperor Cang also said coldly, looking at the army, in the next moment, he was almost cut in the waist by Ye Qing… Although he avoided the cut…, but Ye Qing’s palm to his eyebrows was unavoidable, Cang On the emperor’s body, the body-protecting divine light lit up, but it was penetrated in an instant.

Ye Qing slapped Emperor Cang between the eyebrows, knocked Emperor Cang flying into the distance, and left the battlefield.

This palm hit Emperor Cang’s forehead firmly, and Emperor Cang was severely injured even his primordial spirit. With Emperor Cang’s injury, Ye Qing’s pressure became less.

The siege of Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu on Ye Qing became even more violent. None of the three of them could take Ye Qing. Now there are only two of them left, which is naturally even more difficult.

Ye Qing swung the halberd and sword in his hand quickly, one person against two people defended without leakage, and he was able to launch counterattacks from time to time, which also caused inconvenience to Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu.

At this moment, Emperor Yu’s back wings were already open, and the Emperor Slaughtering Spear in his hand was dripping. As long as they persisted until Emperor Cang returned, all three of them would do their best.

If so, it is still possible to take Ye Qing, as long as you take down Ye Qing, everything else is not a problem

But they don’t know what kind of damage that Cang Emperor has caused. The strength of that chapter is not great, but it has the most mysterious technique, the technique of time, which is the technique of time of the left hand of the innate treasure of mantis ancestors.

The technique of time directly hit Emperor Cang’s Primordial Spirit. At this time, in Emperor Cang’s Primordial Spirit space, a villain looking like Ye Qing was fighting against Emperor Cang’s Primordial Spirit. , which also prevented Emperor Cang from returning to the battlefield quickly.

That… Ye Qing-like villain is the incarnation of Ye Qing’s time technique. It can last for about fifteen breaths in total. After fifteen breaths, the villain will dissipate.

This is Ye Qing using the power of time to pull Emperor Cang into a reincarnation, this reincarnation can only last for fifteen breaths of time

But this fifteen breaths of time can decide too many things. When the power of time elapses, when Emperor Cang comes out, Emperor Hong has already been injured by Ye Qing, Ye Qing is also pressing Yu Emperor to fight, Cang Emperor Temporarily leave, causing the original equilibrium situation to get out of control

During the fifteen breaths during which Emperor Cang was restrained, Ye Qing made a full effort, the power of time was pushed to the extreme, and he released the secret technique of time. First, he seized the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on Emperor Hong, and then began to attack Emperor Yu.

In less than twenty breaths, Emperor Cang, and then Emperor Hong, suffered heavy losses one after another. Emperor Yu alone could not resist Ye Qing’s fierce attack, and he also suffered trauma. All three emperors were injured and immediately retreated without any attack. Hesitating, and the army of darkness, it is very natural to be abandoned

Ye Qing kept walking through the void, chasing and killing the three emperors.

And the dark army without the support of the quasi-immortal emperor fell into a panic in an instant, especially those dark giants with spiritual wisdom, who are ready to retreat, no longer fearlessly charge


Facing the joint attack of the five people 1, the tenth number 5 can only passively defend, but the five people 5 directly crossed the tenth number 1 and fled towards the sea.

Ten No. 1 did not continue to pursue, but went to other places to relieve the pressure


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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