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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 181

The three of them were completely suppressed when facing Ye Qing, Ye Qing became stronger, and the old man did not have the courage to fight to the death, so at this time, he was still talking. Kung Fu

“You are afraid of death”

Ye Qing asked indifferently. At the same time, he retracted the halberd he threw. One halberd stabbed at the old man of the world, pierced the palm of the old man, and absorbed the essence of the old man.

“In the beginning, don’t be ignorant, the big deal is that we will die here together! Our primordial spirit can also be reincarnated with the darkness, but you are different, you will never be reincarnated!”

“you are scaring me”

Ye Qing said coldly, and at the same time, the movements of his hands did not stop. He slashed at the old man of the world with a halberd. There was also a hint of determination in the eyes of the old man of the world. After the time has passed, the old man who destroyed the world no longer has… that arrogance, but he still endures the provocation.

“If that’s the case, let’s die together!”

The old man who destroyed the world let out a loud roar, and his body changed to the appearance of a dry old man, but turned into a guqin beast standing upright in the sky. horrified, but also a little sad

The old man who was forced to destroy the world turned into the original and fought against each other, which is enough to show that Ye Qing is strong now, and Emperor Yu has also transformed into his original shape, but hidden in the black mist, it is impossible to see it clearly, only a faint glimpse. It can be seen that it is a creature with four 44 arms on its back

From this point of view, Emperor Yu should not be from the Immortal Realm, but from a foreign realm or another big world. Ye Qing has never seen such a creature.

On the other hand, Emperor Hong has never revealed his original shape, so he doesn’t know what kind of creature it is, or maybe Emperor Hong is a human being.

After the old man who destroyed the world turned into a nine secluded scorpion, his body was about to collapse this side of the world, nine tails fluttered in the void, and the dragon head on the tail was also constantly attacking, opening his bloody mouth, trying to swallow the leaves. green

And Yudi also rushed out of the black fog, no longer hidden in the black fog, this is a very strange creature, with eyes on the chest, mouth and nose on the stomach, no head, no ears, no back. The upper wings and the four arms on the side are very strange

“Hey, ugly, change back, don’t scare me!”

After Ye Qing saw the appearance of Emperor Yu, he immediately

Abandoned the old man and Emperor Hong, and killed Emperor Yu

“Dark creatures are damned, you ugly dark creatures are even more damned!”

Ye Qing continued to speak, provoking Emperor Yu. Emperor Yu ignored Ye Qing’s provocation and fought with Ye Qing. The old man who destroyed the world also joined the battlefield. Two huge creatures were besieging Ye Qing, but although the two were relatively tall Big, but there was no way to suppress Ye Qing. Finally, Emperor Hong revealed his true form. He was a god silkworm, not big, but his power was unpredictable.

“I’ll go, you’re more disgusting than him, he’s still a humanoid at least, but you’re a maggot, still such an ugly maggot, kill you first!”

Ye Qing said, a halberd forced the old man to retreat, facing Yudi who was attacking, and then took advantage of his strength to fly to Hongdi, and a halberd stabbed Hongdi, but Hongdi did not dodge, just in When Ye Qing’s halberd was about to arrive, a shield appeared, blocking Ye Qing’s halberd.

This made Ye Qing a little puzzled. What kind of halberd could actually block his attack?

“Can actually block my attack”

Ye Qing looked at the shield carefully, and saw that inside the shield, there were strands of silk intertwined

That is the silk produced by Hongdi himself. He has made a shield by himself, which is enough to resist many attacks, and can easily block attacks of the same level.

The fact is that Ye Qing’s real strength has far surpassed the quasi-immortal emperor, and he can’t even break his shield.

“I’m going, these silks you pull are really hard, you can even stop the power of Chaos Avenue”

Ye Qing couldn’t help but complain, he has now completely turned on the mouth gun mode, the output on the mouth, the attack on the hands are all non-stop, double attack

Emperor Hong was blushed by Ye Qingqi’s face, and he didn’t speak. He was just desperately attacking. Soon, Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu both burned up, and their auras became stronger. This is burning their emperor blood and life force

At the same time, on the other side of the boundary sea, the dark army is fighting fiercely with the army in the immortal realm, but suddenly there are many dark giants who are fighting fiercely in an instant, as if they have been drained, and there is such a phenomenon. It’s all about some of the strongest

Because of this, the army of darkness instantly became a weaker party. Under the leadership of some giants in Xianyu, the army of Xianyu launched a counterattack against the army of darkness. Without those top dark giants, the army of darkness would not belong to Xianyu at all. Opponents who were beaten and retreated frequently

And those blood essence returned to the end of the sea through the ancient temple, and merged into the bodies of Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu to help them fight.

However, this does not determine the outcome of this war. Even with the help of those blood essences, they are still not Ye Qing’s opponents.

On the wolf claws, there is a dark light condensing, exuding a terrifying power of destruction, shrouded in Ye Qing, Ye Qing turned back fiercely, and looked at the old man of the world, with a terrifying light in his eyes

For a while, the old man who destroyed the world actually stopped the movement of his hand, was actually shocked by Ye Qing, caught by the purple light in Ye Qing’s eyes, and at this moment Ye Qing shot again, condensed nine in his hand ray of light, forming a short thorn

It directly pierced the old man’s chest, smashed it, hit its head with a palm, and sent the old man flying out. back

The faces of the three of them became more and more ugly. Even though he was all out, he was still suppressed by Ye Qing alone. If this continued, the final result would be that the three of them were beheaded by Ye Qing one by one.

Besides, on the tenth number 1 side, the tenth number 1 used the quasi-immortal emperor rule of Emperor Huo to forcefully challenge Cang Emperor, the weakest among the three emperors. Fucking shit, he hit the Cang Emperor several times, which also made the old people of the world even more desperate.

It was originally planned that Emperor Cang would be able to rush back after the other party was quickly resolved. Four of four besieged Ye Qing. Even if they still could not be suppressed, the situation would be much better than now. To be able to beat the Immortal Emperor! This is undoubtedly very surprising. Of course, if they knew that Ye Qing could fight the Immortal Emperor, they would be shocked and their jaws would fall to the ground.

The battle between the quasi-immortal emperors is very dangerous. If they lose one move, they will lose the whole game. This also causes their power to be damaged very quickly. Throw to the threesome 3

“This is a good Didan, it can help you recover quickly, let’s kill him together!”

After saying that, he jumped to Ye Qing first, opened his bloody mouth, and wanted to swallow Ye Qing. The nine tails behind him were also flying in the void, constantly blocking the space, trying to cut Ye Qing’s back path, thus Can kill Ye Qing

But Ye Qing didn’t plan to escape at all, but punched the opponent with a punch, wanting to directly break the attack of the old man, just when the two were about to collide, the old man rolled in the air a few times and then fell. Being behind Ye Qing, he had no information to confront Ye Qing head on, so he avoided

On the other hand, Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu, who had taken the Didan, also rejoined the battle, and their strength was indeed improved, and they were slightly stronger than when they were at their peak.

“Is that so? If you are just like that, then this farce can be over!”

Ye Qing once again drove Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu back with a halberd, and after punching the old man of the world, he said in a cold voice, and the threat in his tone was self-evident.

“Hmph, in the beginning, don’t think that you are truly invincible in the world, let’s not say whether you can break my silk shield, just say my ancestor, if he comes out, what will be the consequences?”

Hongdi responded in a cold voice, he is the incarnation of the god silkworm, and the god silkworm once had a real immortal emperor in the ancient times! This is also one of Hongdi’s cards.

Emperor Hong can be sure that the ancestor of his family is still alive. If Ye Qing really kills him, it will definitely attract the pursuit of his ancestor.

Ye Qing sneered at him and shook his head

“I really don’t understand. It’s time like this. Why do you think these things can threaten me. You’re a 3-year-old [-]-year-old kid.”

When Emperor Hong was uttered by Ye Qing, his ironic old face flushed red.

“If anything happens to me today, even if you enter that place in the future, there will be no place for you!”

“I never accept threats!”

Ye Qing threw the words of Ao Sheng in the past to Emperor Hong

“It’s been so long, or your… the so-called ancestor has been buried by the enemy family long ago, but you are still complacent here!”

Then, when Ye Qing just finished saying this, suddenly from the void, a boundless sea of ​​thunder appeared. It was Ye Qing. Ye Qing was stunned. Could it be that the ancestor of the God Silkworm Clan is still alive?

“Did you see that this is the price you pay for insulting the ancestors, the ancestors will come and kill you!”

“An old monster before the ages?”

Ye Qing said in a low voice while fighting against the robbery, her eyes were extremely tough.

“Give me another three years, no, one year is enough, I will go to the sky and slaughter you. Before that, I will kill a small one to add to the fun!”

Ye Qing gritted his teeth and thought, this immortal robbery level is not enough to threaten him now, but the other party can control the immortal emperor robbery to attack him, which makes him very helpless, but also shocked. , The Immortal Emperor was able to manipulate the Heavenly Tribulation, this was something Ye Qing had never known before.

The robbery quickly receded, because the ancestor was not in this world, and there was Jie Bi blocking him, the real body could not come, and he could only launch some attacks, and these attacks were to Ye Qing, unless the other party’s real body came, Otherwise, Ye Qing can’t do anything at all.

After the calamity receded, the old man was no longer here, but was besieging No. 1 No. 1, No. [-] No. [-] was holding on hard, Liu Shenfa and Ji Zi Mi were pushed to the extreme, and this temporarily resisted the opponent’s attack. attack

Seeing this scene, Ye Qing was not angry, he tore open the void directly and came to the encirclement of four people, with the halberd in his hand, blocking the grasp of the old man and Emperor Yu’s slaughtering spear, the sword in his left hand stabbed at Hong Emperor Hongdi lifts his shield to block

However, the divine silkworm shield, which used to be indestructible, was now stabbed in by a sword. When Emperor Hong saw this scene, he was stunned for a while, and was shaken away by Ye Qing’s sword. 1 blocked

Ten No. 1, relying on the powerful vitality of Liu Shenfa and Ji Zibi, insisted hard and faced four people alone. 4, he was not defeated and was not killed by the opponent.

Ye Qing’s return saved No. 1 on the 1th, and No. [-] on the [-]th was under such pressure. The power of the Great Dao in his body began to violently impact the pass of the Quasi-Imperial Emperor.

Seeing this scene, the old man’s eyes were split. If the number 1 became emperor, there would be no chance for them to escape in the end. They had no plans to kill Ye Qing. They now clearly understand that Ye Qing Qing is invincible! And Ye Qing naturally saw this scene, and made a decisive move, pulling Emperor Cang into the battle, one person suppressing the other four quasi-immortal emperors

“Break through the barrier of the beginning, and kill Huang! There can never be another quasi-immortal emperor!”

The old man who destroyed the world roared wildly and tried his best to prevent No. 1 from entering the Emperor Realm. They spent a lot of energy to kill the Butcher and Emperor Yan. Naturally, no other Immortal Emperor will be allowed to come out! Ye Qing Looking at the few people who wanted to break out of the siege and attack No. 1, he gently shook his head, his thin lips parted lightly.

“Originally, this trick was reserved for the one in the depths… Immortal Emperor used it, and now it’s used on you, it’s really a bit overkill! Alien World!”

As Ye Qing’s voice fell, the surrounding void suddenly began to change, and the original scene could no longer be seen. The darkness disappeared, replaced by a dazzling light, with the sound of the great avenue emanating.

“Welcome to my world!”

Ye Qing’s voice echoed in this space, and the old man who destroyed the world finally saw the scene here clearly. It was like a real world. There were mountains, rivers, and even living beings. The old man saw the nearby After the sight, the eyes are full of longing

“You, this is the world you created a complete big world”

The old man’s voice is trembling. If he can merge with this world, he will be able to successfully reach the Immortal Emperor. At that time, if this world is not destroyed, he will not be destroyed.

“Kill him! This is our chance to become emperor”

The old man’s eyes are bloodshot and he has lost his mind

!, “In my world, if you want to kill me, should I say that you are arrogant, or that you are overthinking your abilities?”

Ye Qing shook his head and looked at several people like a fool, his eyes were full of pity, this is Ye Qing’s world, all the rules are made by Ye Qing, even the Immortal Emperor, in this world, There are also many things that have to follow the rules set by Ye Qing

And this world, nothing else, is the picture that Ye Qing painted when he was in the land of enlightenment, all beings! When Ye Qing entered the illusion, he had already discovered this, knowing that this was a different space, But once, after Ye Qing entered here, he found out that he was still in the quasi-immortal emperor realm, and therefore had doubts about the outside world, otherwise Ye Qing might have been trapped there.

The old man of the world has already jumped to Ye Qing at this time, and they want to kill Ye Qing. The old man of the world is in the last position, Emperor Cang is in the first place, and Emperor Hongdi is next.

Facing the culling of the four-man 4, Ye Qing just waved his hand, and the four-man 4 stopped in the air as if being controlled.

“I said it all, I am the master!”

Before Ye Qing finished speaking, the bodies of the four of them were as if they were being pulled by thousands of horses, and they were about to be divided by five horses! They resisted desperately, and finally when this feeling was about to disappear, countless willow branches appeared between heaven and earth. Like the divine chain of order, keep attacking four people 4

Soon, Emperor Cang was wounded for the first time, and was nailed through his chest and calf by two willow branches.

It didn’t take long for Emperor Yu to be injured, and the four 44 arms around it couldn’t resist the fierce attack of the divine chain of order. It is normal for the Immortal Emperor to be unable to hold on under this kind of attack.

They also discovered that something was wrong. They will never be Ye Qing’s opponents in this world. If they want to defeat Ye Qing, or if they want to survive, the only way is to break this world and return to the end of the world. of the dark places, fighting in their home

But their wishful thinking didn’t work out, because four of them, it is very difficult to break through the blockade of Ye Qing’s world, and it can be said that there is basically no hope.

But they still don’t have any loose

Because it’s the only way they can escape

“It’s time for this farce to end!”

Ye Qing’s voice is like the sound of the Dao Sanskrit – rippling in this world, the old man who destroyed the world and the others were all affected by different degrees of images

“It’s time for you to close your eyes if you can die in the alien world. This is a gift I left to the… Dark Immortal Emperor!”

Originally, it was absolutely unnecessary for them to use Xenoverse World to kill the old man of the world, but because of the temporary breakthrough of No. 1, they used this trump card.

However, Ye Qing is confident that even if he does not use this alien world, he is [-]% sure that he can kill the corpse Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, the two important parts of the Immortal Emperor Corpse are the ancient artifacts of the origin of the foreign land and the burial earth.

The ancient artifact of foreign origin was in Ye Qing’s hands, and it had already been placed in other worlds. No matter how strong he was, it was impossible to summon the ancient artifact across the world.

It is the ancient artifact of the origin of the burial ground, and the corpse emperor should be able to summon it, but even so, Ye Qing has absolute confidence to defeat the opponent.

Besides, the old people who were tortured and died, each showed their own body, and reduced the body of the law to avoid unnecessary harm.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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