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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 184

After seeing the Immortal King Hunyuan, the man in white robe couldn’t help but smile contemptuously and said nothing.

“Low-end monks from the barbarian land, dare to call themselves friends with me.”

The other party’s words were full of undisguised contempt.


“What are you, leave here within three breaths, or don’t blame me for being rude!”

Behind Lishen, just now… the immortal king giant who grabbed the dragon’s blood grass said coldly, the Hunyuan Immortal King naturally found that the opponent was invincible, and immediately turned his head away, the Hunyuan Immortal King did not lack blood, but Not that kind of… Courage

This level of the other party, coupled with the fact that the other party is a new face, there is only one explanation, that is, they come from other monks who are tired.

This kind of thing is not… a trivial matter, so Hunyuan has no impulse, but returned to the Immortal Realm. He can no longer participate in this level of battle, but the Immortal King of Hunyuan will not just be knocked out and put in his stomach. pharynx

However, the white-robed man just behind Immortal King Hunyuan turned around and spoke again.

“Who told you to go like this, we let you go, but we didn’t let you go like this!”

The other party said coldly, Immortal King Hunyuan’s fighting strength was there, and he clenched his fists, but in the end he didn’t shoot.

“Leave all the treasures behind!”

Lei Mo opened the folding fan in his hand, like a handsome young man, but the words he said were not similar at all. Although the Immortal King Hunyuan was unwilling in his heart, he still gave all the treasures he carried to the other party, even The Primordial Furnace that Ye Qing used to make alchemy was taken away

After waiting until there was nothing to loot on the Hunyuan Immortal King, the other party released the Hunyuan Immortal King, and the Hunyuan Immortal King left without looking back. sound

“Whoever told you to leave like this, they took all your treasures and exchanged gifts, so of course you have to take all their treasures”

After hearing this, the group of people from God were obviously a little unhappy. They looked at him, dressed in white, and their long black hair was draped over their shoulders like a waterfall.

Immortal King Hunyuan was a little excited. They didn’t know each other, but Immortal King Hunyuan did. Isn’t that Ye Qing?

It is also a coincidence that they are in the deepest part of the foreign land, and Ye Qing just planned to come to the foreign land to see, and they met like this, and they were considered unlucky.

Ye Qing’s aura is introverted, and outsiders look like ordinary people, but how can ordinary people have such a temperament, so the other party’s entire group is like a big enemy, and often people like this can’t see through are the real ruthless people

“Are you out of your mind? Say it again!”

Compared with Thunder Demon, Lishen’s temper is much more violent. After hearing Ye Qing’s words, he actually wanted to do it directly, but was stopped by the immortal king giant beside him.

“Daoist, what do you mean?”

An immortal king giant said coldly, his tone was full of indifference

“It’s ridiculous that you deserve me to be called a Taoist friend, quickly take out your treasures, or you won’t want to leave.”

After Ye Qing’s words fell, a strong breath burst out, which was the breath of the Quasi-immortal emperor, which shocked the people next to him. In a world where there is no quasi-immortal emperor rule, there is still a quasi-immortal emperor

Although they have some guesses, it is still a little surprising that they have been verified.

This also means that they are unable to compete with the other party now, and it is not difficult to see that the other party has no plans to reconcile, nor does he plan to let this matter pass.

“You must know that the Immortal Emperor is not invincible. If you really dare to do it, you will be hunted and killed endlessly!”

Li Shen said with a dark face, as soon as these words came out, the people around them all supported their foreheads, how can this old man have no heart at all?

Ye Qing looked at him with interest

“You scared me so much, aren’t you afraid that I will change my mind and choose to kill you?”

Before Ye Qing finished speaking, the surrounding aura instantly became tense, the sword was drawn, and it was on the verge of attack! “Don’t worry, since I said I won’t kill you, I won’t shoot, since you haven’t hurt my friends, then I will naturally It won’t hurt you either, hurry up and take out the treasure and get out of here.”

After saying these words, Ye Qing raised his hand in disgust and motioned to the other party to hurry up.

When the other party gave Ye Qing all the treasures on his body, when he was about to leave, he was stopped by Ye Qing.

“Who let you go like this, I let you go, but I didn’t let you go like this!”

It is exactly the same as what the other party said when he called the Hunyuan Immortal King just now, so the trick is repeated.

Although the other party is angry, but there is no way to do it, just like Amen treated Hunyuan Immortal King just now, that’s it

“Leave your four 44 true immortals, and you go to the people behind you to redeem them, otherwise, I will tear up the votes!”

After Ye Qing finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand to grab the other party. Several immortal king giants next to him wanted to stop them, but they were deterred by the mental attack in Ye Qing’s eyes.

“Remember, my name is number 1 on the tenth, and I came to Xianyu to find me. If I can’t see anything within a week, I will tear up the ticket immediately.”

At this time, Ye Qing had left with the Immortal King Hunyuan and the four of them. Only the voice echoed here, and the rest of the people quickly sent out a signal, wanting to let their quasi-immortal emperor come.

The four people who were imprisoned at this time said it was impossible not to be afraid. It is not fun to be imprisoned by a quasi-immortal emperor. At this time, they didn’t know that Ye Qing was the one who… But they don’t know Ye Qing, but Ye Qing knows them

This is also Ye Qing’s purpose of kidnapping them away. With such a big rivalry and a big family, maybe he can get some good things out of it.

After Ye Qing and the others returned to the Immortal Domain, they temporarily put aside the matter. As for the four of them, they were thrown into the prison, and then no one cared about them.

And the four of them are eager to save

Finally came on the fifth day, the four quasi-immortal emperors came, and the tenth one stood at the entrance of the restricted area of ​​life, staring coldly at a few people, and now with his strength, it is still difficult to have more than one enemy. , but one-to-one is basically able to stabilize

“My lord, I’m number 1. What do you want to fight?”

Number 1 [-] looked around at the other four quasi-immortal emperors, while the other immortal king giant was facing Liu Shen and the monk king.

“You are not the number 1 of ten, let the number 1 of the ten come out and die!”

“I’ll go to your sister! I’m No. 1, I can’t change my name, I can’t change my surname!”

Then, Ye Qing came out as soon as the voice of No. 1 on the [-]th fell, and the immortal king giants below saw Ye Qing and immediately

start yelling

“It’s him, he’s number 1 on the tenth!”

Ten No. 1 looked at Ye Qing in astonishment, Ye Qing coughed twice in embarrassment.

“What are you talking about, what are you talking about, I will slap you to death if you believe it or not”

Ye Qing glared at each other, then looked at the four quasi-immortal emperors

“I don’t know the ransom, did you guys… bring it?”

After hearing this sentence, Ten No. 1 can be considered to understand that they are inseparable from ten, this is not a typical “human trafficker”

Well, then it’s the kind that sells real immortals, it can be said to be the first time

“Fellow Daoist, it’s been a while.”

A quasi-immortal emperor spoke in a very bad tone, and he could feel that he was full of anger, but he was restraining, but Ye Qing would not eat this kind of thing.

“Take money to eliminate disasters, hurry up”

Ye Qing yawned indifferently

“If you think you can grab it hard, just shoot it, number 1 on the tenth, remember, the first one who shoots, kill it directly, don’t be merciful”

After speaking, Ye Qing slumped into the void, and No. 1 on the tenth stood at the front.

“Did you hear what you said, take money to eliminate disasters! Or take people away”


Among the immortal king giants, one person shot directly and attacked No. 1 on the [-]th, but was stopped by the willow god, two willow branches tied the opponent, and then the monk king shot, and the king of Ming’s diamond seal was printed on the opponent’s chest, The opponent coughed up blood

Then the branches of the willow god pierced his body, and at the same time, the other willow branches pierced the other’s primordial spirit directly, killing them completely. extraordinary

The other person’s face is a little cold

“Daoist thinks, how to solve this?”

“How to solve what? Didn’t you hear what my master said? The first one to shoot, die!”

1th [-]st reply is extremely tough

“If that’s the case, let’s fight! How about our ring battle?”

One of the quasi-immortal emperors on the other side said slowly.

“Same level to same level, true immortals, quasi-immortal emperors, we each send four people 4, immortal kings we send ten people 10, we are not allowed to send the same people, how once they are on the ring, it doesn’t matter if they live or die!”

It can be seen that the other party is also angry

“Okay, who’s afraid of who? You don’t have a true immortal. Have you already lost four games at the true immortal level?”

Number 1 on the [-]th said in a cheap manner, Tang Tang, a quasi-immortal emperor, actually looks like this, which makes the other party a little speechless.

“Of course not, you can release those four people and let them participate in the battle of the true immortal level”

At this time, another quasi-immortal emperor said, because talking to Ye Qing was really annoying.

“Yes, but we also have to make a request, that is, the ring battle, you can play the same person”

After hearing Ye Qing’s words, the other party all laughed. They guessed right. This should be the most powerful group of people in this world, but no matter how strong they are, how can they be stronger? Believe your guess, they don’t have many strong

After the two sides reached a consensus, the lineup was quickly prepared. The four 44 True Immortals were also lost to each other, four True Immortals, ten Immortal King Giants, and four Quasi Immortal Emperors, a total of [-] games. The arena, life and death! The battle starts from the level of the immortal king giant. A immortal king giant jumped directly into the arena, and then a long spear appeared in his hand, pointing directly at Ye Qing and the others.

“Liu Shen, are you sure?”

Ten No. 1 asked in a low voice, while Liu Shen answered Ye Qing with practical actions, Liu Shen jumped directly onto the ring, facing the opponent.

That… the fairy king giant holding a spear showed a disgusted expression after seeing Liu Shen, and his eyes were different when he saw Liu Shen.

“Poor people who have fallen into darkness, need darkness to achieve this state, and today I will come to save you!”

The immortal king giant on the other side had cold eyes, the spear in his hand was aimed at Ye Qing, and above the spear, thunder flashed, and there was an astonishing force that was restless, it was the power of surging thunder and lightning

Behind the Willow God, a huge willow tree phantom appeared, covering the Willow God. Around the Willow God, there were three thousand worlds, and the creatures in that world were all paying homage to Ye Qing.

After seeing this scene, there was a trace of surprise in the other party’s eyes at first, and then replaced by a more disgusting expression

“I didn’t expect that, as an ancestor of the great world, he was willing to accept the invasion of darkness, and he was willing to fall into the darkness. It is really sad. This world should have been saturated with darkness, so if you kill you, there will be nothing. problem”

Liu Shen didn’t answer the other party, he shot directly, the sky full of wicker fluttering in the air, at the same time, a fairyland filled the air, blocking the sight outside, in the fairy fog, Liu Shen ordinary, a killing god, attacked the other side like a madman

The opponent radiated thunder, but he still lost to Liushen. Just when the opponent was about to use the power of the robbery, he suddenly found that he couldn’t use the thunder to attack the opponent, which made him pale in shock.

The family he belongs to is known for the power of thunder, and now he actually finds that he can’t provoke thunder, and his attack power is greatly reduced. In addition, Liu Shen’s attack is extremely sharp, so it is extremely difficult for the opponent to block. The power could not be used, so he was directly suppressed by Liu Shen.

When the fight reached more than [-] moves, the golden willow branch of the willow god pierced his head, smashed the primordial spirit in it, and then killed him directly.

As the fairy mist dissipated, everyone saw the scene on the arena. That… the giant fairy king who came from the sky was carried by the two willow branches of the willow god, and he was lifted in the air. He was completely dead and could no longer be able to. Reappearance and the world, Liu Shen threw the corpse at each other

“Only the weak can chatter”

This sentence was given to that… the immortal king giant holding a long spear, but he… can’t hear it anymore. Seeing this scene, the faces of the group of people above the gods are not so good-looking, they are all gloomy. Soon, another immortal king giant jumped onto the ring

This is a woman who is from the same sect as the succubus. Most of their sects are female disciples, and only a very small number of male disciples, and they mainly cultivate, and most of them are spiritual attacks. and charm, etc., but their fighting ability is definitely not weak, and no one wants to face them


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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