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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 187

Ye Qing can get 100% of the points for any consumption made by members of the chat group. That is to say, if a group member buys something with 80 points, Ye Qing will get [-] points, which makes Ye Qing get [-] points. fascinated

In this way, Ye Qing’s accumulation of points will be very fast, and there will be some main quests from time to time.

Ye Qing’s points will continue to grow like a rising tide. In addition, there are other various benefits, and Ye Qing has experienced the thrill of a management level.

However, Ye Qing did not sink into it, but quickly returned to Yukinoshita Yukino’s world, and instantly appeared beside Yukinoshita Yukino. For Yukinoshita Yukino, Ye Qing just left for a little while. will only

After seeing Ye Qing’s return, Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression of joy was beyond words. Ye Qing walked to Xuenai’s side. Ye Qing’s breakthrough this time was thanks to Xuenai. I don’t know how much time I need to be able to successfully become an Immortal Emperor

But now, naturally, he became the Quasi-immortal Emperor, naturally the best, Ye Qing and Xuenai sat under the cherry tree, quietly watching the fireworks fall, and sat quietly like this for two hours 2

It was not until the beginning of the lantern that Ye Qing got up and Ye Qing stretched contentedly. This was the first time since his reincarnation that he had spent two hours so easily.

When he was about to leave, Xuenai squeezed the corner of his clothes nervously, looking like he was hesitant to say anything. Ye Qing naturally saw Xuenai’s intentions, but he had never been in love for two lifetimes. That’s a real noob level in that regard

The two said goodbye downstairs to Xuenai’s house. Just when Ye Qing was about to enter the world passage, Xuenai leaned up and kissed Ye Qing, while Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, then turned around, hugged him and wanted to go back Yukino

Although Ye Qing is a novice, Ye Qing can be said to have read a lot of books before his death. Regarding love, although he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running.

Xuenai hugged Ye Qing tightly. When she opened her eyes again, everything around her changed. Ye Qing took Xuenai to the sea.

Ye Qing stepped on the water surface, waved his hand gently, a house was located on the sea surface, Ye Qing walked into the house with Xuenai in his arms, and then everything was no longer visible.

When I saw Ye Qing again the next day, Ye Qing had returned to the perfect world and was chatting in the chat group.

The owner of the restricted area, everyone is ready, the second wave of red envelopes is about to start! Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man! Long live the group leader! Lord of the atmosphere! Long live the Lord! Soon, everyone started the repeater mode, and they were all waiting for Ye’s red envelopes with red leaves and green hair. It’s not… like a red envelope, but the source of heaven and earth, which can be turned into a divine source.

The source liquid can be solidified into a divine source crystal

This kind of spar can seal living creatures inside, and then keep their life essence from flowing away, which can ensure the survival of life, but this method is only aimed at the supreme people, because after reaching the supreme realm, even the divine source crystal It is also impossible to seal the essence of life

Hey Ye Futian, no, Huangtian Emperor, you have to grab red envelopes with us, you can condense it yourself

The Lord of Flowers of the Four Seasons is right, you can make it yourself, Emperor Huangtian, don’t rob us.

Cough cough, isn’t this a part of human beings, hehe

Daozu is right, everyone has a share, everyone has a share

Deep sea fat house, I think what we said is right, that is, everyone should have a share, this is only fair.

Desolate and deep sea fat house, Lala, I love you! Daozu adds me

Ye Qing has also condensed the divine source liquid, and the divine source liquid will be fused into the divine source crystal independently, so it can be sent directly.

The Lord of the Restricted Area [Fighting Hands Red Envelope]

Huang received the red envelope you sent

Daozu received the red envelope you sent

The Lord of Four Seasons Flowers has received the red envelope you sent

Absolutely right, Yukinoshita received the red envelope you sent

Absolutely right, Yukinoshita is the king of luck

Xuenai was the last to receive the red envelope, but she was the king of luck and received the most divine essence

In one of the thousands of worlds, on an azure planet, a woman in the island country above is sitting at the head of the bed and smiling, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, it can be seen that she is in a good mood now. It’s Snow

Xue Nai looked at the red envelope she received, 52 drops of divine essence, a number full of artistic conception, which made Xue Nai’s mood stir, and she couldn’t help but think of that night, that… “battle”

all night long

Thinking of this, Yukino couldn’t help blushing

Soon, the third wave of red envelope rain started in the group, and the king of luck was naturally Xuenai again, this time it was 131 Divine Origin Liquid, which made Xuenai blush again.

Next, Huang, Daozu, Da Siming and Yuan sent red envelopes one after another. Among them, the elders had the least hair.

The old man distributed a total of 300 drops of Divine Origin Liquid, and then he stole 37 drops and became the king of luck. In comparison, their red envelopes on the 1th and [-]st were much larger.

In the end, the old man couldn’t save his face, so he sent another 700 red envelope, and then he made a decisive move. He took away 63 drops by himself. In addition, he sent a total of 100 drops last time, and he took away one tenth of it. 10

However, no one cared about it. They all understood the old man’s temperament, and he regarded wealth as his life.

It’s not easy to be able to send out so much.

Then everyone came to Ye Qing’s world through the world channel, and held a grand banquet here to congratulate Ye Qing on becoming the group leader.

Xuenai naturally also came. After seeing Ye Qing, Xuenai couldn’t help blushing, turned her face away, and stood with Chiyuan and the others. Without looking at Ye Qing, Ye Qing couldn’t help but smile slightly, and turned to go to Dasi order them there

The people were roughly divided into two groups, Ye Qing, number 1, and people of their level were one group.

Others are a wave

Soon, the banquet came to the last moment, and everyone took out the gifts prepared for Ye Qing to celebrate Ye Qing’s becoming the group leader, and also congratulate Ye Qing on becoming the Immortal Emperor.

There are all kinds of gifts that everyone gave, each with its own characteristics, and Xuenai gave Ye Qing a red rope, and helped Ye Qing to bring it to her hand. unwoven rope

After everyone was separated, Ye Qing and Xuenai also returned to the cave, and Xuenai tied the red rope to Ye Qing’s hand.

“I’m sorry, I can only give you a gift like this”

Xuenai’s voice was very low, and other people gave better gifts than her. Ye Qing picked up Xuenai, put it on the futon, attached it to Xuenai’s ear, and said softly.

“Isn’t the most precious gift given to me the day I became the group owner?”

Xuenai was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, her face flushed with shame, and she shyly hit Ye Qing, Ye Qing saw this scene, how could she bear it, and directly pressed Xuenai under her body. Inside, spring is full of gardens

After the party, everyone said goodbye and left. They stayed here overnight, and then went back the next day.

The next morning, Ye Qing was woken up by a loud noise, Xuenai was still there, Ye Qing got dressed and walked out

Outside, No. 1 on the [-]th, Zhuge Qingfeng and the others are running around to socialize. These are the kings of the Immortal Realm. After hearing the news that Ye Qing became the Immortal Emperor, everyone rushed over to congratulate Ye Qing.

Even some immortal kings who were in retreat immediately heard the news.

Exit, after all, this is a real living Immortal Emperor, they have never seen Immortal Emperor, naturally want to see Immortal Emperor’s style

After seeing Ye Qing, the surrounding kings congratulated each other. Ye Qing became the Immortal Emperor, which means that the Immortal Realm will no longer be in danger of being destroyed, which made everyone feel at ease.

After all, the previous visitors from the gods still had a lot of influence on everyone, but fortunately, Ye Qing successfully cut them off, which did not make things worse, but the kings also guessed that their world may not be the supreme world

However, at the banquet to congratulate Ye Qing, everyone was very tacit and did not mention this matter. When the banquet was about to start, Xuenai walked out of the secret room, surrounded by some immortal kings, all feeling In the breath of snow

Ye Qing hurriedly took action and cut off his breath. His eyes could see it, but he couldn’t perceive his breath. If these people knew that Xuenai was from another world, what kind of guesses would they have?

After seeing so many people, Xuenuo immediately

Turning his head and going into the house, Ye Qing’s cave can be isolated from the consciousness of the quasi-immortal emperor, not to mention the immortal king’s.

The immortal kings didn’t care about it either. They continued to drink and talk, and Ye Qing also entered the house. After Qing came in, Xuenuo asked nervously.

“Just now, are you alright?”

Ye Qing smiled slightly, did not answer her, bowed her head and kissed Xuenai, then picked her up

“I still have something to do, I’ll take you back first”

Xuenai hugged Ye Qing’s neck and lay quietly in Ye Qing’s arms. When passing through the world passage, Ye Qing spoke very loudly and his voice was very low. Xuenai couldn’t hear what Ye Qing said at all.

After putting Xuenai down, Ye Qing smiled and waved his hand, turned around and walked into the world passage, Ye Qing still likes Xuenai, but Ye Qing’s future is not here, but above the gods, which is more expansive the world

Ye Qing needs to become a creature above the Immortal Emperor in a short period of time, only then can the two truly be together

After all the trivial things were done, Ye Qing was ready to leave, ready to cross the sea and resolve the final dark turmoil. This time, Ye Qing planned to go alone. Last time, Ye Qing went there without letting the corpse go. Immortal Emperor Awakens

This time, Ye Qing is ready to shake it directly. He is also in the Immortal Emperor Realm. Ye Qing is confident that the Immortal Emperor Realm is invincible! Facing a corpse Immortal Emperor who is not in his peak state, Ye Qing has absolute confidence.

Moreover, Ye Qing also wanted to check what level his combat power was in the Immortal Emperor level. Therefore, this time, Ye Qing not only went to the end of the sea, but also brought the ancient artifacts of the origin of the foreign land and the burial ground. And the rotten wooden box

These three three boxes are all part of the corpse of the Immortal Emperor. They were previously hidden by Ye Qing and entered into other worlds. Now, Ye Qing takes these three three boxes and crosses the boundary sea.

After Ye Qing became the Immortal Emperor, his speed had already reached an extreme. Many kinds of mystical techniques had been cultivated by Ye Qing to Mahayana. In addition, Ye Qing also mastered the wind element and the power of various avenues. Therefore, for Ye Qing Qing said, his current speed can be said to have broken through the extreme

The journey that originally took more than a month, Ye Qing now only took less than half a month. This shows that the speed has improved greatly. After reaching the end of the sea of ​​​​boundary, Ye Qing did not stop, and went straight through the sea of ​​bones, the dark heaven, and then again. Pass through the darkest foggy area, and finally come to the source land

The black liquid was still dripping, Ye Qing threw out the two ancient artifacts and the rotten wooden box. After Ye Qing threw the ancient artifacts and the rotten wooden box, Ye Qing suddenly started to get restless.

Then I saw the corpse on the bone chair, the Immortal Emperor began to shake, and finally opened his eyes, but the eye sockets were empty, without eyeballs, looking extremely terrifying

Afterwards, Immortal Emperor Corpse got up and faced Ye Qing.

“Come here with my soul and body, wake me up, are you a new pilgrim?”

The corpse Immortal Emperor opened his mouth, and the words he said were obscure and difficult to understand, which was different from the ancient language spoken by Ye Qing and the others, but at their level, every word and deed was a great way, so Ye Qing could still understand it.

“I came here today and brought your wreckage to help you regain your peak, and then kill you!”

Ye Qing did not hide too much, and informed his purpose. After the Corpse Emperor heard Ye Qing’s words, he was slightly stunned, and then waved his hand. Light and so on, they all gathered around the corpse Immortal Emperor

Then the black mist started to cover the corpse Immortal Emperor in an instant, and then when the black mist dissipated, the light of the primordial spirit and the wreckage of those bodies all merged into the body of the corpse Immortal Emperor.

The corpse Immortal Emperor’s eyes also appeared, and there was a trace of wisdom in it. It was no longer like the chaos in the ancient artifact without wisdom. It can be said that the current corpse Immortal Emperor is the real Immortal Emperor, but with him There is still a gap in the peak state of

“It’s not you, the person I saw in my sleep was not you, but you came here again, did I miss him? He has gone there by other means”

The corpse immortal emperor murmured, looking at Ye Qing suspiciously. Ye Qing naturally knew what the other party was talking about. The other party was waiting for number 1. Originally, there were only two emperors in this world, and they The winner of the two will go to the sky

But now, Ye Qing first reached the level of the Immortal Emperor in one step on the 1th, and came here first to face the corpse Immortal Emperor.

“You have to wait for that person, it’s my apprentice. You have already selected him with the Daluo sword, and you want to kill him and use him to achieve you, but now, I’m here first and kill you!”

In Ye Qing’s hand, the halberd of the avenue appeared and pointed to the corpse emperor. After the corpse immortal emperor heard Ye Qing’s words, he was stunned for a moment, and then the cricket responded, and then laughed.

“You came here thinking that you can cut me off and help your disciple clear the obstacles? Naive, so innocent and cute! Hahaha”

The Corpse Immortal Emperor looked at Ye Qing, and the ancient staff suddenly threw it at Ye Qing. Ye Qing’s figure flickered, avoiding the Corpse Immortal Emperor’s bone staff, but after Ye Qing’s figure re-condensed, the bone staff once again Appeared in front of Ye Qing, as if he had never avoided it.

Ye Qing shook his head slightly, this was exactly what Immortal Emperor Corpse used to deal with No. 1 [-] in the original book, but Ye Qing was not afraid, the halberd of the Great Dao in his hand slashed horizontally towards the bone staff, directly knocking it into the air, Then, an indescribably strong aura burst out.

It was the aura that belonged to the Immortal Emperor. It was tyrannical and extremely sharp. Ye Qing raised the halberd and aimed at the corpse Immortal Emperor.

“Don’t try to use this method to kill me, the only way you can hope to defeat me is to confront me head-on!”

Ye Qing’s breath made the Immortal Corpse Emperor shudder slightly and felt the pressure. In the hands of Immortal Corpse Corpse, the Bone Staff reappeared, his huge body moved with difficulty, and several chains bound him. His movement pulled all the chains. are shaking

“Kill you, I can go to the sky, I don’t need to wait for that child.

kill you, kill you”

In the mouth of the Corpse Immortal Emperor, he muttered to himself, Ye Qing looked at the other party with a hint of pity in his eyes, if before, Ye Qing would definitely kill the Corpse Immortal Emperor without hesitation, but now it is different, he is in the sky Among the people above, know the ins and outs of the whole thing

This is the corpse Immortal Emperor, it is the one… A long time ago, he killed the Immortal Emperor above the gods, but after all, he was still weak and was pulled by the three Immortal Emperors above the gods and went to the reincarnation together.

However, the final result was that none of the four of them died. One was left here as a medium of darkness, spreading and infecting the whole world, causing internal friction, and no more peerless powerhouses would appear.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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