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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 188

Then, the three immortal emperors above the gods, some people shot and banned this world, some people shot, took the darkness, and sent it down here, and some people divided this place into two big worlds, opposing each other forever, and internal consumption

Therefore, there is this scene now, not to mention immortal emperors, it is difficult for quasi-immortal emperors to appear, and those who appear are also corrupted by darkness.

However, Ye Qing is here, then all this should be over.

“Tast it, the gift I specially prepared for the Immortal Emperor!”

After Ye Qing’s voice fell, the halberd in his hand began to flash with dazzling light, and there was terrifying energy flowing on it.

This is the strongest ultimate move created by Ye Qing. Of course, this ultimate move is the strongest in the state where the shadow of the gods and demons is attached, but in the face of this huge mass of energy, the corpse Immortal Emperor is also He can’t resist, after all, he is no longer the Immortal Emperor at his peak.

How could it resist Ye Qing’s full-strength strike? This strike combines the power of the Dao, the power of the elements, the power of the Divine Wheel, and the various powerful means that Ye Qing has mastered, all contained in this one. hit

This blow has the fierceness of a real dragon, the savageness of a thousand rivers, the peerless attack of Lei Di, the mighty power of the horned ant, and the unpredictable nature of the mantis clan, etc. This blow is not an immortal character. unstoppable

Immortal Emperor Corpse didn’t back down, this was him, he never took a step back when facing three people, how could he be scared off by Ye Qing alone now?

However, in the next instant, when Ye Qing’s attack from the corpse touched together, the entire sky was dyed red, and even the black mist was temporarily shaken away, leaving only the incomparably powerful aura that rushed toward the face. , drown the whole person in it

This violent aura existed for a long time before it dissipated. When it dissipated, the corpse Immortal Emperor was no longer in a state of battle, but sat on the ground.

The black mist on his body has also dissipated, and this is Ye Qing’s original intention. The violent energy is more used to help the corpse emperor to remove the darkness. Otherwise, with the strength of that blow , enough to kill the corpse immortal emperor

Immortal Emperor Corpse and Ye Qing looked at each other and smiled.

“Hahaha, thank you, young man”

The Corpse Immortal Emperor opened his mouth to thank Ye Qing. Ye Qing also smiled and sat down next to the Corpse Immortal Emperor without any precaution.

“Senior, for the sake of Xianyu, I even risked my life. I just help the senior to get rid of it, no need to thank you”

“Well, neither humble nor arrogant, very good, don’t call me senior, it sounds uncomfortable, you still call me Lin Yun”

Immortal Emperor Corpse was very hearty, sitting there, looking at the other side of the world sea, although he couldn’t see it, he was still looking around, that used to be his hometown

“In the beginning, I went to the sky alone. At that time, I had just become an Immortal Emperor, and my heart was higher than the sky. At that time, let alone Immortal Emperors and Quasi Immortal Emperors, even the creatures in the Immortal King realm were few. Poor, I think I have enough strength to penetrate everything, but, I met three creatures of the same level of 3”

Immortal Emperor Corpse opened his mouth and told Ye Qing

“At that time, their three Immortal Emperors were absolute overlords above the gods. At that time, the gods were still very small, not so big, only one percent, or even one thousandth, so big, The three of them ruled across borders, and each one led a region, although there was some friction, but relatively, there was no big problem.”

Lin Yun sighed

“However, my appearance broke all of this. The originally stable situation, because of my appearance, began to have a derivative of the fourth force, and I was the strongest among the four.

So my power is growing! Until one day,”

When Lin Yun said this, there was light in his eyes, just like the rising sun.

“I created the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court soon became the strongest among the four emperor-level forces, but it was precisely because I grew up so fast that it attracted the joint targeting of the other three, and they began to hunt and kill. My heavenly general, someone even hunted my parents and children!”

Having said that, Lin Yun’s eyes were split open, his fists clenched tightly.

“In the end, the three of them stopped hiding and doing these shameful things, and started killing our disciples openly! Then the war began, and the three emperor-level forces besieged the heavenly court, which is bound to destroy the heavenly court, and the gods of the heavenly court will fight to their death. Fight, but there are too many people on the other side”

“Our brothers are getting fewer and fewer, more and more brothers have been killed, and some talented geniuses have been mercilessly bloodbathed by them, and I have also been dragged by the three great immortal emperors. From the sky, to the bottom of the sea, to the void, we fought for more than 800 years, and in more than 80 years, I have made great progress again.

“Although it’s more restrained, I’m not going to lose, but the three of them are ruthless and want to fight me to the death. After the war between us is over, the big war is over, and the heaven is destroyed. They were forced back here by the three of them.”

“At the cost of their lives, the three of them stripped away my primordial spirit, as well as my body, which were also decomposed by them, sealed separately, and then dragged into darkness, infiltrated my body, and used it to deal with our world. Serious!”

Ye Qing listened quietly. Lin Yun didn’t have long to live. When the darkness was removed from his body, his life was also removed. Now he is just breathing a sigh of relief.

“Emperor Lin Yun, I will help you fulfill your wishes. At that time, Heavenly Court will reappear in the sky and become the most powerful emperor-level force, and I will also become the strongest in the sky.”

“Hahaha, ok, ah ah ah ah”

Immortal Emperor Lin Yun heard Ye Qing’s words

Sheng laughed, but it affected the wound, causing him a lot of pain, laughing and coughing at the same time.

“Okay, if you have this heart, it means that you can do it. Only people can do this kind of thing. So, you have taken the first step. You can go very far. At least farther than me, and you, there will also be latecomers”

In the last moment, Immortal Lin Yun returned, but in the next moment, before the words were finished, Immortal Lin Yun’s last trace of wisdom was extinguished, and he no longer had any thoughts, only a body was left, and soon, the body also fluttered like powder.

This is a manifestation of persevering to the limit. Ye Qing stood up and sighed slightly. A generation of geniuses fell, and they fell in a place that no one knows about. But this is not a bad result for him.

Bound by darkness for endless years, the moment of liberation, but also lost life

Ye Qing didn’t stay any longer, and immediately returned to the Immortal Realm. He wanted to instruct No. 1 on the 1th, and No. 1 on the [-]th was also going to the heavens, but it was definitely not now. When Ye Qing got a firm foothold, No. [-] on the [-]th became a fairy. Queen, that’s the best time

At that time, with the strength of Ye Qing and No. 1 on the tenth, they will be enough to stir up a storm in the sky.

After returning to Xianyu, Ye Qing did not immediately go to No. 1, but chose to go to the depths of the no-man’s land. Ye Qing planned to open that world’s ban, so that the creatures in Xianyu could no longer be restricted. The world is rushing to recover to the point where it is second only to God

Now he is an immortal emperor, no longer a quasi-immortal emperor, so if he makes another move, Ye Qing has absolute certainty that he can break it. Stay, the dharma begins to grow bigger, we need to open up this passage

This move naturally aroused the vigilance of the Immortal Emperor in the famous mountain above the sky. The fluctuation of this level can clearly detect the Immortal Emperor level, which also means that there is another Immortal Emperor in the lower realm. But a big deal

He first shot, trying to suppress Ye Qing, but now Ye Qing is not something he can compete with, he is simply unable to match, and soon, waves of powerful energy fluctuations appear, that is, Mingshan is slowly withdrawn , at the same time, the energy generated by the destruction of the emperor’s prohibition

Soon, the Immortal Emperor found out that the opponent was invincible. Even if there was a restriction, he was still not the opponent’s opponent. When he was about to call in the manpower, it was too late, and the famous mountain had already been completely retired by Ye Qing. come out, and the previous prohibition will naturally cease to exist.

At the same time, Ye Qing also saw some sights above the heavens. It was the same place as the last time, but the people who appeared this time were something he had never seen before.

It should be an immortal emperor in the famous mountain, and soon, two more figures appeared, and they were also two immortal emperor-level characters.

“I didn’t expect that there is such a level of existence in the lower realm now. It’s time for us to prepare. If we let him enter the sky, it will cause immeasurable losses.”

One of them spoke, it was the immortal emperor in the famous mountain

“That’s right. Back then, the ancestors fought their lives to seal the world. If there is an Immortal Emperor like this, then this Immortal Emperor should be stronger!”

Another person said, with a hint of worry in his tone. They were all people who knew the truth of the incident, so they were afraid of it. That person was too strong back then.

“Hahaha, you’re still smart”

Ye Qing spoke in the lower realm, but his voice could reach the upper realm

“Master, I have it, God, wash your necks and wait for me, I’ll kill you right away!”

Ye Qing’s voice was like a big bell, echoing in the surrounding void, and the three immortal emperors immediately

Take action, block these voices, don’t let it spread

“Little thief, you can only show majesty from below, if you dare to come up, I will kill you!”

“Hmph, that’s good, do you dare to wait until the time when the registration number is up, the young master will kill your door, strip you of your skin, and throw you into the cesspool”

Ye Qing now seems to be a real troll, an out-and-out Zuan person, who is constantly breathing fragrance and attacking with mouth cannons, and in this case, mouth cannons can be said to be the most powerful one. an attack

“I’m from Taiyuan Academy, and I’m the great elder of the academy, Immortal Emperor Chiyuan! If you have the ability, you can come to the academy, and I’ll be waiting for you in the academy!”

“Remember, grandfather, I can’t change my surname if I’m not named! No. 1 on the [-]th is also!”

At the last moment, Ye Qing directly reported his number, but naturally he would not use his own name. At this time, No. 1 of the Backbone Man came on the field again and fought for Ye Qing, although he didn’t know it.

On the other side, he was instructing everyone to practice and sneezed several times. Number 1 rubbed his nose and kept mumbling in his mouth.

“I’m going, who is this, this, so, ah Qiu, I’m going, do you love me so much?”

After saying these words, Ye Qing walked away. Now if they want to seal it, it will be much harder. Let’s not say whether there is any… The Immortal Emperor is willing to sacrifice his life to seal a world. Even now they have no way to ban them.

Because Ye Qing forcibly became the Immortal Emperor, the level of the world where Immortal Domain is located has risen again. If you want to successfully ban again this time, it is not something that a little brother can do.

After coming out from the depths of the no-man’s land, Ye Qing found No. 1, and after instructing some things, he entered the secret room. Inside the secret room, he came to the prehistoric world through the world channel, and then returned to the fairyland through the world channel. Among them, it appeared directly at the end of the boundary sea, which was also a similar existence that Ye Qing had just discovered.

You can quickly reach the destination you want to reach, and Ye Qing doesn’t want to let other people know that he is gone, as long as Ye Qing is still “in”

Xianyu, then Xianyu will never be chaotic, even if Ye Qing is “retreat”

Ye Qing stood beside the chair, looked at the entrance of the hole, jumped up, rushed up, then took out his halberd, sat on top of the halberd, and began to float along the bloody river

And No. 1 on the [-]th, when Ye Qing left on the third day, announced that Ye Qing had retreated and would not be out again in a short period of time, unless something major happened, otherwise, Ye Qing would not appear.

Ye Qing had guessed before, going to the gods through the world channel, but there were no people above the gods in the chat group, so the channel to the gods could not be opened

Although he can’t go up, Ye can go down through the world channel. This is a better one. He can go back to Xianyu through the world channel. Even if there is really any trouble at that time, Ye Qing can also drive directly through the world channel. come back, it won’t be a big problem

In addition, there is still number 1 on the tenth, unless there is an immortal emperor, otherwise, there will be no problems.

Ye Qing floated along the halberd of the avenue for a whole month, and then came to the exit. After coming out through the river, it was a gloomy cave. There were many bats in it. This is the golden bat family. , the most bloodthirsty

With Ye Qing’s consciousness, Ye Qing can feel that there have been six immortal kings in the past few years, and in the deepest part, there are two powerful auras, which belong to the quasi-immortal emperor. I didn’t expect that I would encounter a race of this level just after I came to the gods.

Soon, several golden bats flew towards Ye Qing, and among them was a golden bat king at the level of an immortal king.

Feeling the aura getting closer and closer to him, Ye Qing didn’t panic at all. Although he could see a bit of strong hostility from it, it was normal.

Because any strong foreign aura, detected by the local Immortal King of this level, is a considerable hidden danger for them

He felt that the auras of the two quasi-immortal emperors were also a bit impetuous, presumably something major happened within them.

“Who dares to trespass into the territory of my golden bat clan?”

A loud voice came from a distance, roaring like thunder

Ye Qing restrained his breath to the maximum extent and lowered the mighty pressure of the Immortal Emperor to the level of a Quasi Immortal Emperor

“Passing through here, nothing else”

Ye Qing spoke slowly, not in a hurry, and seemed very calm, and in an instant, the few golden bats had already arrived in front of him.

An Immortal King-level leader led five golden bats, staring at Ye Qing with great vigilance.

“If you don’t have a pass token, you can’t pass from here. You should leave quickly, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude.”

The leader speaks first

Ye Qing was slightly amazed. When he first came here, he didn’t expect the atmosphere to be so tense.

“I must pass from here today, but I don’t have the token you mentioned.”

His attitude is also very strong, and he has no intention of retreating, which makes the golden bats on the opposite side more vigilant.

“You must be a spy sent by that monster clan, don’t even think about passing by us.”

For some reason, seeing Ye Qing’s strong attitude, the immortal king golden bat obviously raised a powerful anger, and the long sword in his hand came directly towards Ye Qing.

There was a strong killing intent on the long sword, and the fiery red breath shot up, illuminating the surroundings.

These king-level golden bats have strong killing intent, and their boosting effect is quite good, but an attack like his, in Ye Qing’s eyes, is ten times slower than the speed of the action.

“Little brother, I’ve already said it, I’m just borrowing a way, and I don’t have any other intentions to pass from here. If you have to do it, don’t blame me.”

Ye Qing flexibly avoided his attack while speaking in a leisurely manner, then hooked the corner of his mouth.

The right palm sticks out of the void, instantly condensing


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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