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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 189

The attack of the Immortal King also stagnated in an instant, as if being trapped, the wind in the entire space was still.

Ye Qing turned his head slowly, the smile on his face increased.

Then he stretched out his palm again and patted the latter lightly.


The golden bat at the level of the Immortal King was shot out abruptly, broke several trees before it stopped, and instantly dusted everywhere, but during the whole process, it seemed that there was no immortal power surging, so strange

In an instant, such a powerful destructive force and astonishing attack made the few golden bats on the side terrified.

“I didn’t mean anything else when I said it, I just wanted to pass by this place.”

Ye Qing didn’t kill him, he just wanted to repel this golden bat with awe-inspiring killing intent. He didn’t want to make trouble on other people’s territory.

Of course, in the eyes of these people, there is no way to see what tricks he used, that is because the level difference is too big

“Can I go now?”

Ye Qing patted the dust falling on his body

“You, don’t be too arrogant, even if you are a master sent by the monsters, it is impossible to leave this place unharmed today, although I can’t beat you, but our golden bat family is very united, let you today. Look at our true strength”

The golden bat that was slapped and flew out vomited blood, but still supported himself strongly

Then, he took out a flute from his arms and put it to his mouth and blew it, and a strange sound sounded.

Ye Qing sensitively felt that there were four immortal king-level auras around, spewing out, and they all rushed towards this place.

It seems that this guy is really summoning his companions. Thinking of this, he feels a little funny again, he is really not sent by some monster, he just wants to pass by

This is misunderstood, and there is a situation where there is still a group fight, but it is not good

“Little brother, as I said, I don’t know the monster you mentioned at all, I just want to pass by this place.”

Ye Qing smiled bitterly, although he said that he had limited understanding of the Jin Fu family, but looking at their appearance that they would rather die than give up, he really admired them.

“Don’t think about quibbling, but in a moment, the masters of our golden bat clan will arrive, and then you don’t even think about leaving.”

The voice fell, the surrounding branches began to rustle, and four black shadows instantly appeared around

Surrounding Ye Qing, one of the flaming figures was the first to speak out, “Ai, what’s the matter with you, let you find out who invaded, and actually summoned all four of us”

There was a bit of anger in this voice, as if blaming the man named Hajime

Then the golden bat who fought before, instantly got up and came to the back of the four, “This guy is too powerful, I can’t beat it”

“The other party doesn’t seem simple, but I can’t see through his breath at all. It should be stronger than us. Could it be some hidden master sent by the monster?”

The black figure opened his mouth

“A’er, don’t waste any more time, what a master, today the five of us will join forces to destroy him, they want to take advantage of our two golden bats, the quasi-immortal emperor, to exterminate their clan, and they have to see if they can eat us. ‘s ability”

Before, the red figure spoke again

Eh, Ye Qing looked at the five people in front of him, just from their conversation just now, it can be seen that he completely regards himself as an enemy

And this is the battle between the two races, the kind that never ends…

I sensed that the auras of the two quasi-immortal emperors were a little unstable before, they must be in the process of promotion, and the monster beast family should take this opportunity to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

The golden bat family is inherently aggressive, and if they want to take action at this time, it is necessary to suffer heavy losses.

Ye Qing shook his head, “I wasn’t sent by a monster clan, it was just a coincidence that I passed by here today.”

In the eyes of the other party, these explanations have become useless

“Stop talking nonsense, since you are here today, you will die.”

The five 55 Immortal Kings looked at each other, and then shot at the same time, and five splendid immortals spewed out instantly.

I saw five of them flying at the same time, causing a huge vortex, and the majestic energy turned the whole world into darkness.

This powerful aura is second only to the Quasi-immortal emperor, and it should be a secret technique passed down in their clan, but looking at the posture, it seems that something is missing, it should not be the ultimate

The fact that several immortal kings can have such a powerful combat power has really opened Ye Qing’s horizons.

However, in his eyes, such an attack could not cause any substantial damage to him at all.

“Suffer to death!”

Five fairy kings fused into a giant golden bat

The moment the wings flap, the wind blows

“Boom boom boom!”

Countless fireballs spewed out

He slammed towards Ye Qing, the latter was not in a hurry, pinched a technique, and avoided these attacks

He’s not fighting back now

The huge bat in the air, looking at the man below can easily dodge their attack, surprised and irritated at the same time

“He’s just provoking us. It’s really hateful. Don’t waste any more time. Xiao Liu’s side will definitely not be able to resist. We must end the battle as soon as possible. Be careful, this is a trick to keep the tiger away from the mountain. Don’t be deceived by him.”

After a few people communicated internally, the energy upgrade was once again raised to an extreme, ready to make the final blow

Different from the previous one, it used to be a group-wide attack, but this time the huge bat lingered in the air for a long time, instantly filling the space with energy, covering Ye Qing, leaving him nowhere to escape. This is ready to kill.

Ye Qing smiled and shook his head helplessly. He really didn’t expect that he would be regarded as an invading enemy, and this was too coincidental.

“I won’t hurt you”

He made a sound, although it was not big, but it clearly reached the ears of the five people

The latter also felt that he was talking big, but he didn’t know it at all. In his eyes, this attack was simply a drop in the bucket.

The bat gradually condensed a huge golden ball of light. Within a radius of ten kilometers, the irradiated creatures all felt dazzling and huge pain.

“Death to the Intruder”

The golden ball of light blasted out, tracking until Ye Qing

The corner of the latter’s mouth curled into a smile, and then he flew into the air, the golden ball followed him, the wind swept, Ye Qing raised his hands slowly, then closed his eyes, turned his hands over his chest, and instantly formed a dark circle. rune

An aura belonging to the absolute powerhouse and the coercion of death spewed out


Ye Qing slowly spit out a word, then suddenly opened his eyes, the rune pointed directly at the ball of light

The moment when the two came into contact with each other, caused a huge fluctuation. Unlike before, the five Immortal Kings were full of astonishment, all showing incredible expressions, even with death, fear of death. mean



Even though Ye Qing has restrained a bit of strength, the lethality caused by it is really not small.

There is no good land around here, the aftermath of the energy almost destroys this place

It was also at the moment when they collided with each other, Ye Qing pulled out a bit of strength to protect the few Immortal Kings, covering them in the energy shield, so that they would not be killed directly on the spot.

“You know this time, I wasn’t sent by the monsters you said at all, I was just passing through this place. Don’t stop me, I don’t have the token you said.”

Ye Qing patted his sleeve and shrugged helplessly, as if the destructive damage around him had nothing to do with him

The rest of the people stared at him in astonishment, and slowly came to their senses, “Could it be that we really recognized the wrong person?”

Several golden bats looked at each other, they didn’t even react, what happened just now, it felt like the world was shaken at that moment, the breath of death almost swallowed them up

What is the level that can be emitted, and they can clearly feel that this is just the tip of the iceberg of his strength

Quasi-immortal emperor powerhouse, “Aren’t you really sent by the monster clan?”

Hajime was the one with the most serious injuries, and he was also the most incredible one. He was slightly surprised, and his tone was not the same as before.

Ye Qing nodded, ignoring them and preparing to move on

Seeing his light-hearted appearance, the few people on the spot breathed a sigh of relief. It is best that he is not his own enemy. If he is, I really don’t know how to face such a powerful force. It’s terrifying. fearful

“Wait, wait a minute!”

Just when Ye Qing was about to disappear, the red figure from before suddenly spoke up.

There is a rush in the voice

Ye Qing slowed down

“Can you do us a favor? If it is successful, our golden bat clan will do our best to repay it.”

“Asan! Don’t act recklessly”

“Second brother! We have already seen his strength just now, and he did not use his full strength, which means that he did not intend to kill us. In this case, why can’t we ask him to go back and help? You know us current situation”

The golden bat called Asan looks a little rushed

“What he said makes sense, maybe this person really helped us and our situation would be different.”

Aichi also said

Ye Qing turned back, these golden bats wanted him to help their clan solve the crisis. According to his understanding, the golden bat clan is arrogant and bloodthirsty in battle. If they can turn to others for help, they must have suffered within the clan. chaos

“Why should I help you”

Ye Qing is not a nosy person, and he has no interest in other people’s affairs.

In this world, the only truth is the weak, and if you are not strong, you have to suffer the consequences

between races, and more

If you don’t have the ability to fight for hegemony, don’t ask others to help you

For them, it’s not, it’s forcing them to disappear from the world

“Our golden bat family was originally guarded in this mountain range, and we were in peace with each other, but just this year, a monster of unknown power suddenly came. They were a group of demons dancing wildly, and their strength was quite strong. Behind them, there is even more With the support of the Immortal Emperor, they just want to loot us and clean up all the original natives.”

Ah Yi struggled to speak, and then Asan continued, “They definitely have conspiracies, and we didn’t mean to let you in, but this time, the two leaders of our clan are being promoted.

It is very weak now, and most of the clan are young descendants, if they are attacked at this time.”

Hearing this, Ye Qing was attracted by the word Immortal Emperor. He did not expect that this simple battle between the two clans would actually involve the Immortal Emperor.

The Golden Bat and the others don’t hold much hope, but seeing the strength he showed just now, they still want to give it a try. If they can really get the help of this mysterious man, then they may have hope.

Although the opponent’s strength has several quasi-immortal emperors, at least it can delay the time.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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