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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 193

Ye Qing summed up his words and finally came to this conclusion


Shouwu and the two nodded, and a flash of enthusiasm flashed in their eyes, but the major forces in this kind of thing will definitely send the strongest, and they can’t match them, let alone the generals. it got it

Ye Qing listened. On the other side, he had already found Guan’s introduction on the system. Once you step into the Immortal Emperor level, you will have greater accomplishments in cultivation, and on the other hand, you will be close to the sky.

And the cultivation at this time, in addition to the body, the immortal method, the other is the cultivation of the soul, the soul is innate, if you want to strengthen, there are still very few opportunities from the outside world

This Heavenly Spirit Fruit is an item contained in the ancient book.

The level of soul cultivation is divided into nine levels. The Immortal Emperor itself is at least three levels of soul territory, and each level is divided into elementary, middle, and high levels.

Because of Ye Qing’s powerful system and cultivation all the way, his soul cultivation has stayed at the fourth-level primary level.

“It seems that it is necessary to fight for this thing.”

Ye Qing thought in his heart that getting this heavenly spirit fruit could at least raise one level, and that would be another trump card of his own.

Soul attack is an absolutely deadly weapon in battle

“You said that this thing will come out in three days, can there be specific news?”

Ye Qing asked

When the two heard him ask such a question, they all knew what he was thinking, and a bit of astonishment appeared on their faces.

“Is it possible that you are planning to snatch this thing?”

Shouwu opened his mouth in surprise

“Hehe, well said, the snipe and mussels fight, the fisherman wins, since we are not as powerful as them, then we will watch it quietly from the back, and it is best to shoot at the perfect moment.”

Ye Qing smiled lightly, and there were a few traces of cold killing intent in his eyes.

What he wants has not yet been obtained, and what he has worked hard to pursue in this life is the unattainable thing. It is not entirely by chance that he can reach this position step by step. enduring man

“I want to order this Heavenly Spirit Fruit”

Shouwu Chuanqiong and the two were startled, and then they both laughed

“Since your honor has this idea, then I will give you the map, which I auctioned many days ago.”

Saying that, Shouwu took out a roll of yellow kraft paper map from its own space.

Ye Qing took it over, opened it and browsed. The moment he touched him, the coldness and the strange touch on it predicted that this thing would be expensive.

It seems that it is not so easy to obtain. Shouwu can be given to him so easily, and he really intends to stand on his side.

Ye Qing smiled nonchalantly, “Thank you.”

With this map, he can move immediately


Ye Qing called out in his heart, and then the cold system voice sounded

“Hello host, what are your orders?”

“Well, I just want to ask if I can help people register an account, that is, let them join the chat group”

!, Ye Qing almost suddenly had such an idea in his mind, and then asked casually.

According to common sense, this method should also exist. After all, when I was a human in my last life, when I was on Earth, this kind of chat could be registered by myself.

Immediately afterwards, the system said again, “About the host’s question, I will give you the following answer”

“The current system does not support the registration function for the time being, but the speed can be upgraded. The system will be upgraded to the 30 version of the Daotianxia Reincarnation Devouring System, and then the registration function will be replaced.”

Frontal Ye Qing seems to be very surprised by the system’s answer

This system can still be upgraded, and judging from the name, the Dao World Reincarnation Devouring System is so domineering, it’s just like the plug-ins in the novel.

“May I ask if the host needs to upgrade the system?”

Just as Ye Qing smiled bitterly, the system’s voice sounded again, and then a page appeared in his mind.

Almost without hesitation, I clicked the confirmation

Now that you know how to play, why wait, maybe the system after the upgrade will be even better

“The host has confirmed to upgrade the system. The conditions for upgrading the system are 100 million points, as well as obtaining a favorability score of [-], Bing Linger, the sect master of the world.”

Well, why do you still need to complete the task, and three million points are robbing Ye Qing for a while, she knew that the system would not give him such a cheap thing for nothing

However, this function of helping registration is still good. Both Shouwu Chuanqiong and Shouwuchuanqiong have already stepped into the Immortal Emperor level. If they form a heavenly court in the future, they will be able to join the chat room, and they will surely feel more at ease, just like ten Be like No. 1 as your own powerful assistant

These three million points are not too difficult. You can do a few tasks by yourself, plus the benefits of the group members, you can save it. Then how does the sect master of the heavens say, “The host has chosen To take over the upgrade system task, please complete it within ten days, and penalties will be imposed for overdue

In addition, it is a warm reminder that the upgrade system may encounter risks, and black holes may appear, please be prepared for the host.”

The system’s voice slowly disappeared, but it echoed in Ye Qing’s ears, what mission did his mother choose? “Hey”

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Ye Qing sighed, this subtle movement was captured by Shouwu and Chuan Qiong beside him

“What’s the matter? If you want to get the Heaven-reaching Spirit Fruit, the two of us will help you when the time is right.”

Shouwu Si is to break the entanglement in his heart, bite the bullet and say this sentence

Because in the eyes of the two of them, the latter is worried about the heavenly spirit fruit.

“Haha, it’s okay to have your words.”

Ye Qing came back to his senses and then smiled.

“I have one more thing I want to ask you about. I don’t know if you know the gate of heaven above this god.”

Ye Qing thought about inquiring about the conditions first, and then asked them over and over again.

Shouwu was stunned and looked at Chuan Qiong

There was a bitter smile on the corner of the latter’s mouth, and then he said, “The gate of the world is above the gods, and it is also a big force, but it seems that it has not been so peaceful recently.”

Shouwu went on to say, “The sect master of Tianxiamen is named Bing Linger. Although she is a woman, her strength has reached the level of an immortal emperor. She has stabilized Tianxiamen for nearly ten million years by her own strength, but I don’t know where to start recently. A powerful force has emerged, and the Tiantianmen, which was originally located in the Northern Territory, has suffered a great threat.”

“The world in the Northern Territory is almost a single tree, but since that force infiltrated, it has been affected in many ways. Although it has not attacked directly, others have already noticed it.”

“That force is like a ghost. I heard that they hunted and killed many children of Tianxiamen in the dark. It is rumored that their organization has a name Beibingge, but it is said that it was destroyed as early as tens of millions of years ago. , I don’t know why it will reappear in the Northern Territory”

Ye Qing listened and had a certain understanding of this place.

In this case, it seems that the Northern Territory is also going to go.

Just being able to help Bing Linger at the right time, wouldn’t it be possible to increase her favorability soon?

“Haha, I would like to thank you two for your hospitality today, and I also thank you two for your unspoken affection. In the future, we will be in the same spirit.”

Ye Qing said with a smile

The other two echoed

“Three days later, we will set off at the same time. I will definitely get the neighboring country that reaches the sky, and then the benefits will inevitably come from you.”

“Okay, since you have spoken, then we will go with you”

Shouwu Chuanqiong agreed at once, and the two of them would also act accordingly.

“Hehe, these are two kinds of medicinal pills that can stabilize the immortal method, called Cuixian Pill, even if it is a generous gift to thank you two in advance.”

Ye Qing threw it out, the latter took it, a look of shock appeared on his face

“Can you tell what she is from?”

Ye Qing’s eyes stayed on the figure in the air

Shouwu Chuanqiong both looked at each other, “With his movement, it can be seen that it is not that simple.”

With the appearance of this figure, the battle scene that had intensified the fiery instantly became calm, because the icy aura on the woman’s body instantly filled the entire space.

“The two of us got the Tongtian Lingguo first. It’s ours over there. Who are you, you dare to break out suddenly, don’t you know our identities?”

Hu Tian naturally also felt the strength of the other party, but he didn’t want to let the duck he got into the air.

Brahma also came to his side at this moment, the two stood side by side, looking at the woman under the blue robe

“Give me the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, or I will die”

Under the blue robe, came a faint sound

The sound is crisp, but it is like a cold current

Such a big tone, without any courage, I’m afraid I really can’t say it

“Oh, you woman really doesn’t know how high the sky is, and you can’t stand in the way of the two of us.”

Before Hu Tian could finish speaking, the mysterious woman under the blue robe suddenly took a step forward, centering on the moment when her feet touched the space, energy ripples spread around in a circle, and exploded with a bang.

Hu Tian and the two dodged instantly

“Don’t entangle with her, find an opportunity to withdraw quickly”

After seeing the strength of the other party, the two of them did not intend to waste time here.

Although the three of them are at the level of Immortal Emperor, it is not that difficult to leave.

It was with this hope that they fought

“I said, give me what I want, or die”

The mysterious woman spoke up again, and there was already a bit of impatience in her tone.

As soon as the voice fell, she saw her palm stick out slightly, summoning a cold ice profound sword

“Ice Thorn”

A crisp sound sounded, and the long sword in his hand stabbed flexibly, and the sharpness could directly pierce through time and space.

very aggressive

“Lin Ying Ying Tian Palm!”

“The Palm of the Stone Mirror!”

Hu Tian and the two didn’t dare to delay at all, but they never thought about the number of shots the other party made. The speed was so fast, and the attack was so fierce when they came up. There was no business. It seems that this woman is really ruthless.

The ice penetrated the vacuum of the Bier people, and the attack launched by the latter also greeted them instantly, collided in the air, and exploded violently.

Some of the Immortal Kings who are close to each other have been affected.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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