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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 20

That stalwart figure in white clothes has been firmly imprinted in her heart and can’t be shaken away again.

“You have this opportunity, and your achievements in the future will far exceed mine!” Gu Yuan smiled proudly looking at his daughter with a strange expression.

“Perhaps, after the ancient emperor Tuoshe, you will become another fighting emperor in the Dou Qi continent for thousands of years!”

“I will work hard!”

Gu Xun’er squeezed her pink fist fiercely, but she didn’t want to be limited to the Dou Di. The Dou Di was her goal. Only in this way can she get closer to that figure, right?

“Your guards are not enough. Next, I will arrange a few more strong people to protect you!”

Gu Yuan said seriously.

Knowing that his daughter had such an opportunity, Gu Yuan felt more and more that his daughter’s guard was not strong enough.

The strength of a mere Douhuang is simply not enough.

“I’ll call a few fighting saints to protect you!”

“it is good!”

Gu Xun’er didn’t shirk either.


On the other side, the restricted area in the beginning.

“Is this the power of the gap? It’s similar to the manifestation of the power of space rules, but it can’t reach the level of rules. Although it is quite special, the level is not very high!”

Sitting cross-legged on a piece of bluestone, Ye Qing’s hand was surrounded by a ray of space power. This was the power between the gaps uploaded by Eight Cloud Purple, and Ye Qing had already deduced it almost.

This is a special power of space.

Being able to tear out space cracks and travel through space at a long distance is a good ability, but for Ye Qing, it is of no use.

At his level, abilities that are not even at the planet level are useless to him.

No, it can’t be completely useless.

Based on this, Ye Qing can deduce some stronger abilities.

For example, the power between the gaps, Ye Qing can completely deduce it to a higher level, and can travel around the planet in a single thought, even in the starry sky.

After all, even if it is Yakumo Zi, it is impossible to use the force of the gap to this extent.

“Just deduce it and upload it to the mall!”

Ye Qing whispered, and immediately began to deduce the higher level of the power between the gaps. Soon, in less than two seconds, the level of the power between the gaps was raised by a lot of levels, reaching the level of rules.

After the upgrade, Ye Qing uploaded it to the mall and marked it with [-] points.

This is the selling price.

As long as someone spends [-] points, they can buy this enhanced version of the power of the gap from the mall, and this is the permanent power of the gap. As long as you buy it, you can get the control gap like Yakumo Zi. capacity in between.

This is also a small discount for Ye Qing to group members.

“It’s time to go to the Eight Regions!”

After doing all this, Ye Qing stood up, with both hands on his back, looking at the distant land of the Eight Realms, there were traces of divine light flashing in his eyes, and a terrifying aura was looming.


Ye Qing said softly, the sound was not loud, but it spread throughout the restricted area.

“Master, what are your orders?”

A fairy light fell, the bright moon appeared, and looked at Ye Qing with admiration.

“I’m going to leave next time to see a fellow student, and the restricted area will be handed over to you!”

Ye Qing said lightly.

“Yes, sir!”

Mingyue respectfully said.


ps: Let me talk about it here, the protagonist will not be ignorant to the group members, nor will he send things without thinking, but a little help your favorite character, this should be no problem, right?Even if he became an Immortal Emperor, he didn’t see Number [-] being cold to his former companions, and Liu Shen, as Immortal King, was also very good to a stone village.

I won’t do things that are out of style, but it should be okay to be approachable.

Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] Coming to the village of God, the four forces of fear (third more)

The eight domains are vast and endless, each domain is hundreds of millions of miles wide, the territory is endless, and there are countless creatures.

The wasteland, one of the eight regions, is covered by the endless wasteland, with fierce beasts everywhere, ancient countries and thousands of ethnic groups.

“Is this a wasteland? It’s really desolate!”

Ye Qing came to this big area with his hands on his back. As far as he could see, there was a boundless wilderness. In addition, the concentration of spiritual energy was extremely low, which made him frown for a while.

Cultivating in such a land, the achievements are destined to not be too high.

Of course, it can also be better honed.

“Go directly to Shicun!”

Ye Qing muttered to himself, and then the divine sense swept away slightly, covering the entire vast wasteland, penetrating everything in an instant.

“Supreme Divine Treasure! Mountain Treasure!”

In an instant, Ye Qing captured two key things, which were one of the fortunes possessed by the Eight Domains.

Among them, the mountain treasures are the inheritance of the Supreme Palace.

On that piece of land, there are several ‘Xeon’ creatures fighting in the depths of the mountains, competing for mountain treasures. If the powerful fluctuations are not blocked, they are enough to sweep across the land of [-] miles and destroy everything.

It is the four Venerables in the original work.

“This is a plot in the battle for mountain treasures!”

Ye Qing said to himself, at this time, No. [-] was only about four years old, and it was still a long time before he really grew up. He had enough time to recover his strength, and it would not be too urgent.

“Well, Kamura seems to be in a little trouble!”

Eyes flickered slightly, Ye Qing had insight into the situation of the village of God, and couldn’t help showing a mysterious smile, and then stepped on the foot, and instantly crossed the endless land and came to the village of God.


The moment Ye Qing arrived, the charred willow tree at the entrance of Shencun Village seemed to notice it, the green wicker trembled slightly, and a powerful breath burst out involuntarily, causing an astonishing vision.

The rays of light filled the sky, the divine power was like the sea, and it almost drowned the entire divine village. The powerful aura shocked the originally menacing group of people, and they were a little frightened.

“Liu Shen, are you angry?!”

Under the willow tree, the little baby girl who was less than four years old raised her head and said crisply.

The rest of the Kamurai people were pleasantly surprised.

The enemy in front of them is really deceiving people too much. They want to steal their precious blood and art, and even wounded several old people in the clan. If they didn’t know that they were not opponents, they would all be desperate.

Seeing Liu Shen’s power now, his heart is excited, thinking that he is going to take action against the four major forces.

“What a powerful breath!”

“This is a big murderer!”

“It’s very likely to be the willow demon who is comparable to the clan master!”

The powerhouses of the four princely forces were all a little frightened. They were not weak powerhouses. They had felt the power of their own clan masters, but they didn’t seem to be as good as the willow tree in front of them.

“Uncle Jiao, kill this willow god!”

On a black flood dragon that was dozens of meters in size, a child of about five or six years old shouted, his face was full of arrogance.

Obviously, when he was young, he didn’t know how terrifying it was.


The black dragon hummed in a low voice, and the voice was full of fear. Not only that, but even the body of the dragon was trembling faintly, but it didn’t dare to move a little bit, as if it was being stared at by a peerless murderer.

“Uncle Jiao, what’s wrong with you? Hurry up!”

The child wondered, not understanding why the powerful black flood dragon didn’t move, but the black flood dragon was just trembling, not daring to move at all.

“Grandpa, what happened to the black Jiao?”

Not far away, two little girls carved in pink and jade asked the old man beside him suspiciously.

“do not speak!”

The old man whispered, his body trembled faintly, and he felt a palpitating depression, as if his heart was gripped, almost suffocating him.

At first, he thought it was the willow tree.

But now he faintly felt that there was a more terrifying big man coming.

“Liu Shen, what’s wrong with you?”

The little baby also asked crisply. With his keen sense, he could feel Liu Shen’s nervousness.

This made him wonder, could God Liu sense something?

Liu Shen was silent, the only wicker swaying, green light rippling, like a great enemy.

“Jiao Peng, come down!”

The strong man from Luofu Daze whispered, his voice was full of fear, and they also noticed that something was wrong.

“Uncle Cang, why are you afraid of this willow tree? With our strength, can’t we kill this willow tree?”

Jiao Peng was unwilling.

“say no more!”

The strong man of Luofu Daze roared.

“There is an unparalleled powerhouse coming!”

The old man in Yuntiangong whispered in a trembling voice. In his spiritual sense, he could sense the appearance of an incomparably great existence that could almost overwhelm the cosmos, so strong that he was in a trance.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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