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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 200

Coming to this world, in this jungle where the law of the weak is the law, Ye Qing wants to gain strength. Only with enough strength can he support him to live here, and only with strength can he protect the people who belong to him.

Therefore, it can even be said that he can move, but the person who moves can’t. This person has no other shortcomings, that is, the special guardian, “Nan Yanzhi, what the hell did you do? Why don’t you bring it up quickly?”

Nanlu roared, and then slapped the latter with a palm.

Taking advantage of the situation, Ye Qing sent his hand, and a dark purple soul force suddenly flew into the latter’s mind, and the figure spurted blood.

“Patriarch, Patriarch, I was wrong, save me”

Breathing in the fresh air, Nan Yanzhi dragged his body and crawled towards the old man in the main position as if he had caught a straw.

He doesn’t even have the courage to look at Ye Qing right now

It’s terrifying! It seemed that he had come to hell just now, and he was that… Shura, the devil who kills without blinking an eye

“Hurry up and tell the truth, what did you do to apologize to others, otherwise I can’t help you with this matter”

Nan Lu sighed. Today, this mysterious master must be given an explanation. Otherwise, he will have to pay the price for it.

Nan Yanzhi panicked, and there was no plan to admit it at first.

“I, this matter is all because of me, I originally wanted to take a little advantage, but I didn’t expect the two of them to be so persistent, so I accidentally caused this situation today.

I’m sorry, my lord, I’m sorry, I was wrong, I’m really sorry, I was wrong”

Nan Yanzhi covered his head with his hands, and his whole body trembled, as if he was stunned.

The power of the soul that belongs to Ye Qing is constantly eroding his consciousness

Kind of painful, like peeling skin cramps

Nan Lu looked at him like this and wanted to help, but because of Ye Qing’s strength, if he hadn’t acted just now, this person would have already died.

With a sigh, Nanlu said helplessly, “My lord, this matter is indeed the fault of the people in my house. Since this is the case, you can see that I will give you Ganoderma lucidum.”

Nan Lu’s tone was a little pleading, thinking that he is also a person with a head and face in this realm, and it is not easy to show such an expression today.

“He hit my guy and just wanted to pass by so easily”

“Look at what you are the head of the house, you are not at all competent, or I will discipline the person in this picture for you.”

Ye Qing raised her eyes, sneered, and then released the power of the killing god again. In an instant, red mist covered the entire hall.


The people present could not help but exclaim

Looking at the people who fell down, Nan Lu tried his best to resist, and on the other hand, he prayed again, “I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.”

“He’ll leave it to you, and let it be yours”

As the most powerful person in Nanfu, it is a bit difficult to resist his killing power, let alone those servants.

“I want him to die”

!,”Looks like it’s going to be a winner”

Ah Da’s eyes never escaped from the circle, and his sharp eyes exclaimed.

“Two strong breaths”

However, at this moment, Ye Qing frowned and looked at the sky again.

The powerful aura coming from two directions seemed to surprise him.

“I’m afraid it’s not over yet”

He spit out a word lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, just when he was going to continue watching the fun, a cold voice suddenly came to his mind.

“Ding, the Great Way World Reincarnation Devouring System will bind you the first task to the host, to conquer the ancient dragon.”

Gulong Ye Qing, while shocked, opened the introduction of Gu Long with his thoughts.

And the rows of words above did not disappoint him. This big guy is a giant beast in the ancient times. It can be said that he is the overlord in the World of Warcraft. Just pick one from his clan, and it is enough to match the human level. A quasi-immortal emperor to contend against, not to mention an old monster who cultivates, that is the powerhouse

As for the ancient dragon clan, they often entered the transformation period after cultivating for thousands of years, that is to say, the human-level Immortal Emperor

“No kidding, how can this ancient dragon be subdued?”

He also gave a wry smile, but he didn’t expect the system to give him an answer.

“This task is a bound task, it will take effect immediately once it is released and cannot be shied away from”

The system also added a few words and expressions at the end, Ye Qing felt itchy when he saw it.

“All right”

As time passed, just when the two sides were deadlocked, a thunder flashed in the sky.

Then a golden and curved figure appeared in the sky


The thunder sounded again, deafening

Of course, people don’t think it’s just a simple sound of thunder

What terrifying and powerful energy will it have that can cause the restlessness of the world

“Haha, let’s see how you hide today”

When Huo Qilin saw this scene, regardless of his injury, the energy burned again and instantly turned into a beast body.

“True Monarch Gu Long, I will trouble you this time.”

The fire unicorn hovered in the sky, moving towards the figure in the distance

A sound, and then saw a strange movement


The crooked figure soon appeared in people’s field of vision

“That! It’s a dragon!”


Exclamations rise and fall

I was really thinking about something, I didn’t expect it to appear so soon

Ye Qing shook his head helplessly. He could think about watching this lively scene by the side, but he didn’t expect that he would still have to do it himself.

The original stalemate was broken at the moment when the ancient dragon appeared again. This immortal emperor-level dragon was enough to destroy Hei Yao’s gang in an instant.

“Kill him, I will give you our clan’s inner alchemy”

The low roar of the fire unicorn contains anger

I don’t know where this rage comes from, but it’s real

Fire Pavilion, why only compete with the main building, this is a mystery


True Monarch Gu Long roared

Surrounded by auspicious clouds, it released golden light, and then swept to Obsidian.

“Not good! Run!”

the latter screams

But his injured body still needs to be supported by the elders next to him, how can he escape the fierce blow of this ancient dragon? Just when everyone thought that the battle was about to end, the cold voice sounded again, the black The space in front of Yao suddenly floated strangely, and then an old palm stretched out.

The old man’s palm grasped the golden light ball in an instant, and then squeezed it violently.

After that, the figure appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

“The ancient dragon clan is also here to intervene”

The old man was surrounded by a strange gray mist, a black robe shrouded his figure, only the shadowy eyes and the old palm could be seen.

At that moment, Ye Qing felt something different. He always felt that the aura on the old man’s body, where he had seen it before, but it was vague and could not be remembered.

Looks like things are getting interesting again

“I advise you not to interfere”

The ancient dragon fungus confided people’s words at the moment, this is not a strange thing, with his cultivation base, of course he already has the wisdom of human beings

“An ancient dragon who has just practiced for 130 years wants to challenge me. I advise you to practice for a while longer. Maybe there is still a chance for an old guy from your clan to come and talk to me.”

The old man’s tone was flat, as if he didn’t feel the pressure released by Gu Long at all.

Then the right foot suddenly took a step to the side, and the entire space was even shaken in an instant.

A domineering gray mist of energy swept past the latter, and the space it skipped seemed to be swallowed into nothingness, very strange.

The figure of the ancient dragon swept away quickly, and he was not angry at the provocation of the old man, but became vigilant.

“Lord of the main building, even if you come today, I will definitely take the lives of these little thieves”

The ancient dragon roared, the golden light on the instrument flourished, and the dragon’s whiskers grew instantly.

Such a weird and gorgeous side makes everyone sigh

!, At the moment when the power of the dark purple soul appeared, the soul fluctuations of the entire space fluctuated instantly.

The huge impact this caused made the injured Obsidian and others dizzy for a while.

“What a powerful soul power fluctuation, what exactly is this and who are you?”

True Monarch Gu Long was hovering in the sky, and he seemed to be very afraid of the power of the soul released from his hands, so he did not dare to approach.

“I can feel that your body has been banned, presumably your true strength is not at this level, if you want to recover, I can help you”

Ye Qing restrained his soul power, and then looked at the latter lightly

His fluttering words, passed into the ears of True Monarch Gu Long, made him almost jump on the spot.


He raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl, and countless energy attacks swept to the ground in an instant.

Such a huge reaction was after hearing the word “forbidden”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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