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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 205

In an instant, the Vermillion Bird, which was as tall as a building, immediately shrank to the size of an ordinary peacock, and its feathers became dull, but something seemed to be flickering under it.

Gu Long explained that as soon as Suzaku dies, the eggs he raised will appear under him, and they will break out of their shells in the future, symbolizing inheritance.

Ye Qing nodded, before slipping up Suzaku’s body, he absorbed a little energy in the bird’s heart with his hand, and drew out the purple inner alchemy of Suzaku. Gu Long looked at the inner alchemy of the ancient beast and swallowed his saliva.

It’s not for you, don’t be greedy

Ye Qing put away the inner alchemy, and then carefully picked it up… the bird’s egg on the ground

The egg is the size of a palm, the shell is also pink and purple, and there are dark lines floating on the top, and you can feel that a small life is about to be born inside.

At the same time, Xiao Bu’s voice also rang out, congratulations for completing the task, share!, Xuenai was only wrapped in a bathrobe, while chatting while wiping her wet hair with a towel, she was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Ye Qing

Her glamorous little face blushed instantly, she couldn’t help wrapping the front of the bathrobe tightly against you, why are you here? Ye Qing is not a decent gentleman, but he won’t take advantage of others’ danger, he turned to look at you I’m a little worried about what I said in the group, you should put on your clothes first

The rustling voice came from behind, Ye Qing actually didn’t have to turn his head to see what was going on in the whole room. Seeing this scene, although Ye Qing was already an Immortal Emperor, there was still a slight difference. some reactions

He quickly restrained himself, and heard Xuenai whispering behind him that I had changed

Looking back, Xue Nao was wearing a light blue nightdress with suspenders and her hair was draped over her shoulders. She looked like a private beauty. Thank you for coming to see me. Actually, I’m nothing.

Ye Qing saw that Xuenai had dark circles under her eyes, and that she had not filled out the wishes on the desk for a long time. She knew that she was still unwilling to do things she did not want to do, and she was born with stubbornness.

What you like to do is the most important, listen to your heart

Ye Qing opened her mouth to persuade her and you also said that your sister is very good, presumably she is more willing to be your father’s successor

Xuenuo lowered her head and said, so I don’t want to lose to her, but I don’t want to do this kind of work, isn’t it very contradictory to say so?

Ye Qing understands what Xuenai means because you don’t really want to do it, but to surpass your sister. It’s not happy at the beginning, so the process and the ending will not be happy either.

Xuenai didn’t answer for a while, she was also thinking about what Ye Qing said, indeed, she seemed to be chasing her sister’s footsteps all the time since she was a child, and she didn’t try hard once because she was really happy

So, at this crucial fork in the road, she is so confused.

Xuenai nodded heavily, with bright eyes, I knew that there was a knock on the door, and Yang Nai’s voice came in. Xuenuo, who are you talking to Xuenuo panicked suddenly, she saw the door handle twisting After a moment, he was so scared that he pulled Ye Qing up like he was hiding on the balcony.

Ye Qing thought it was funny, he reached out and touched Xuenai’s slightly wet hair, sent it back to his own world, and then sent a message to Xuenai.

After a while, Xuenai replied, “Yes, I will.”

Just now, if my sister sees it, she will tell my mother mercilessly

A message suddenly came from the group verification, Ye Qing hurriedly opened it, and saw that it was a group application sent by a passerby who had no sense of existence, he quickly agreed

Passers-by who do not have a sense of presence join the group

It’s not that Mary Su is a newcomer, it’s not that Mary Su has a newcomer so soon, have you come in? I’m really looking forward to it

The Lord of Four Seasons Flowers has another little fresh meat in the group, let me take a look at my family… I’m tired of seeing it, it’s not the master of monsters, it’s not the master of monsters, it’s not the master of monsters

The old man is a navy hero. Speaking of newcomers, I can’t wait to watch the new show. Crows drifted by, but no one spoke.

The Lord of Heaven, others have ignored you. Just in the middle of your chat, people are still bubbling up.

Although he knew that Mao Fu’s presence was very low, but even group chats could be ignored, Ye Qing was still a little speechless. Seeing that Marquis Vauban was a little impatient, he hurriedly voiced a reminder.

This time, everyone hurriedly went through the chat records, and saw passers-by who didn’t have a sense of existence sent messages weakly when they first joined the group.

Hello, passers-by who have no sense of existence

Everyone in the group is embarrassed, it’s not Mary Sue, a newcomer, she really lives up to her name

Passers-by who don’t have a sense of existence are used to it. Can this group get some knowledge of other worlds? After downloading, you can earn points, and the points can also be exchanged for rewards. The members of the group are all working hard to introduce the chat group. Ye Qing nodded with relief.

It’s not Mary Sue. I haven’t asked where you came from. The passerby without a sense of existence is just a simple ordinary person.

Ye Qing, who was diving, was not happy when Mao Fu said that.

Like Saitama, Shigeru is an invincible existence in the world to which he belongs, and people in that world will awaken superpowers, but Shigeru has countless superpowers, and no one is invincible.

Since the Lord of Heaven has joined our group, his fanfic must have also been uploaded. You can go and watch it.

The old man, the navy hero group leader reminded me that I was worried about being bored at sea, so let’s go to see this, the group members went to the file to watch the [-]% psionic energy, and saw that they had successfully gone out, Ye Qing felt in his heart. Still a little proud, he plans to invite Saitama-sensei in next time

A passerby without a sense of existence, I’m really just an ordinary person

No one replied to his words. After a few minutes, Mao Fu made a squatting expression in the corner of the wall.

The Lord of Heaven is fine, everyone has gone to see your affairs, and after reading it, you will definitely be pestering you to ask questions.

The passerby who has no sense of existence, did you invite me in? Think about it, Ye Qing is still not ready to reveal the fact that he can invite people, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles

The entry of the Lord of Heaven into the group should be reviewed by the system, right?

Absolutely correct, the man under the snow, I didn’t expect you to be younger than me

Yukinoshita was a little happy, this group is always a thousand-year-old old monster, she is an ordinary female high school student who is not even eighteen years old, and she is still a little guilty of staying here.

The Lord of Four Seasons Flowers originally thought that it was Xiao Xianrou, but it turned out to be an uncompromising little brother. Don’t worry, sister cover you and the group discussed around Mao Fu’s age, and then went to [-]% psionic energy. breath finished

The old man is a navy hero. I didn’t expect the real person to be invisible. Little brother, your super power is so powerful.

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita no spoilers, I just saw half of it

A few people started chatting around Mao Fu. Seeing that he had no friends in real life, the lonely Mao Fu gradually became active in this group. Ye Qing was still very happy.

He quit the chat group and returned to the Fire Pavilion with the things he got from Suzaku

Inside the Fire Pavilion, the four 44 people were discussing whether to go to the jungle and have a look. The noise when Suzaku and Ye Qing were fighting was so loud that several people were a little worried about Ye Qing’s safety.

It was not until Ye Qing came back that the big stone in their hearts fell. Also, Ye Qing’s strength is so strong, no matter how he thinks, he can’t think of any way to make Ye Qing fail.

The fire unicorn took the lead to go to the Immortal Emperor, and the sound was too loud. Could it be that Ye Qing did not hide the fact that you fought with the divine beast inside. He took out the Suzaku Inner Pill and the egg, but the divine beast Suzaku was too difficult to control. I killed it, took out the inner alchemy, and brought back the Suzaku egg by the way, ready to hatch by myself

It’s easy to say, a few people present breathed a sigh of relief, a very important reason why people in the northern region were afraid of the dense forest was that there were three 3 immortal emperors teaming up to kill the beast, but it was gone forever. return

After a month, their subordinates wondered how the three 3 Immortal Emperors were. As soon as they reached the gate of the dense forest, the heads of these three people fell directly from the sky, and they were dead.

It can make the three 3 Immortal Emperors so miserable, not to mention other people who were eager to try, so no one dares to go to that jungle

When Ye Qing came back, he also inspected this dense forest. There are many varieties and rich materials in it. It is no wonder that the Hell of Eight Doors and Suzaku chose to use the dense forest as their destination.

He clapped his hands and clapped everything. The obstacles in the interior have been removed, and the people can be informed that they can enter safely.

After saying this, he walked into the void and put the glowing Vermillion Bird Egg in the palm of his hand to examine it carefully.

He couldn’t see what was inside the Suzaku egg, he could only faintly feel that there was a life force squirming out of it, as if it was about to break out of the shell.

Cracks had appeared on the surface of the eggshell, and a strong purple light shone through the cracks. Gu Long ran out and leaned on Ye Qing’s arm and tutted twice. Xiaoxi couldn’t wait to figure it out.

The four mythical beasts are all mascots guarding one side. If one dies, it will cause disharmony between the four 44-corner force fields, which will lead to disasters.

In order to avoid this from happening, when the old mythical beast dies, the new mythical beast will immediately rise to the top, which is why the Suzaku egg cracks so quickly.

Ye Qing already wanted to see the little thing in here come out

Gu Long is not a person who likes to pick things up, so I didn’t remember much about it. It took a long time to come up with a way to inject some energy into it, make it stronger, and get out faster.

Ye Qing didn’t say a word, and shot two purple lights directly into the eggshell.

The sound of pecking the shell inside the egg became obvious immediately, and it was very fast, but he still couldn’t peck off the particularly thick shell. After thinking about it, Ye Qing added a few more threads to it.

This obviously worked a lot. The eggshell directly broke a hole, and a small bright yellow mouth was drilled out of it. Then the eggshell broke five and became bigger, and opened directly from the top.

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out from inside, and Ye Qing even felt that he heard some fairy music.

Gu Long couldn’t help but complain about this Suzaku, both old and young are so pompous. Ye Qing swung away the light that has been shining continuously. He thought that with such a big battle, a divine beast as powerful as the Suzaku before could emerge. , as a result, he was amused by the scene in front of him

I saw a bald quail-like bird standing beside the already dim Suzaku eggshell, probably not big enough for Ye Qing’s palm, with two wings firmly spread out, looking like a stinky fart.

Gu Long pushed Suzaku with his claws, and Suzaku finally couldn’t help protesting why you sounded milky, but it was indeed the voice of a female doll. Gu Long was frightened and quickly pulled back his claws. You are female. What kind of female, the bald quail raised its head high, the beast can choose the gender, but I think my father is very handsome, so I want to be a woman Ye Qing froze for a while, are you talking about me, the little bald quail is laborious Nodding my head, I was able to get out of the shell, thanks to the guidance of my father, so, you are my father. After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to start the signing of the enchantment before Ye Qing asked. Did Suzaku sign a contract? Ye Qing didn’t expect Little Suzaku to be so active. He was a little helpless. I’m not your father.

After that, the two went to sign the contract

Gu Long is so happy that the old immortal looked down on me before, but the descendants have less backbone than me. If he knew about it, he would have been pissed off even if he was not killed There is no emotion between them. I just feel indifferent when I hear this. I am a divine beast. It is normal to sign a contract with a human being. Besides, didn’t you also sign with your father? My dragon was choked, so I explained to me Unlike you, I signed the contract only after seeking a solution to the ban on me

Little Suzaku doesn’t take it seriously, isn’t it the same as me?

Ye Qing hurriedly stopped the fight between these two people. Little Suzaku, you can grow up in peace, just call me Immortal Emperor next time.

After he finished speaking, he took the two mythical beasts back, with a golden dragon on his arm, and another vermilion bird that was about to fly.

As soon as Ye Qing came out of the void, he saw the Huo Pavilion coaxing, and occasionally the sound of fighting came into his ears, and the air was full of traces of spellcasting.

He summoned a Fire Pavilion

The wound on his arm was healed, and then he asked what happened to Immortal. Lord Immortal Emperor Ye Qing did not release his coercion, but ordinary immortal cultivators couldn’t resist the majesty of his body at all, and his legs softened and knelt directly on the ground. Where did the rumors come from, saying that you have Suzaku Neidan on your body, so more and more sects came to them, saying that they wanted to ask you for medicine. Our pavilion master was afraid of disturbing your cleaning, so he kept them all in. Outside, but they thought it was the pavilion owner who hid you and Suzaku Neidan, so now they all come to the door, saying what to do for heaven

The so-called acting for the sky is to destroy the fire pavilion and then grab the Suzaku Inner Pill from his own hands. Seeing how this group of people dares to jump around in front of him, Ye Qing said that he still showed too little strength.

There is a smile on his lips, I want to see how they act for the sky

In an instant, Ye Qing came to the side of the fire unicorn. There was an immortal emperor and several immortal kings around the fire unicorn, looking like they were ready to make a move.

All sorts of anger were condensed in their hands, and the moment they saw Ye Qing, they all retracted.

Ye Qing glanced at these people with a smile, and the Suzaku Neidan was in my hands. I was only temporarily living in the Fire Pavilion. The Immortal Emperor Chen Feng, who was headed by your big reaction, stroked his beard with a fake expression on his face. lol no, we always wanted to visit you, but the fire pavilion master didn’t let us meet you. This time, we were worried about your safety, so we couldn’t help but come to the door

Seeing Ye Qing’s unpredictable expression, Chen Feng quickly added that seeing that you are fine now, we are relieved

Ye Qing smiled and I am not related to us, so what do you do when you are worried about my safety?

I didn’t expect Ye Qing to point out their thoughts in such a straightforward manner. Chen Feng’s face is a little bit unbearable. It is true that we are looking for you mainly for this matter. let’s

An animal’s inner alchemy, the higher the animal’s ability, the rarer and more precious the inner alchemy will be, not to mention the inner alchemy of this divine beast level. If he hadn’t known about Ye Qing’s cruel methods, Chen Feng would have wanted to send someone directly to grab it.

Therefore, he was going to give the ceremonies first and then the soldiers, and talk to this Ye Qing first. It would be better if he could buy the inner alchemy peacefully at a large price, but if Ye Qing refused to give it to him.

He, Chen Feng, can summon so many people, and he can’t believe that he can’t beat Ye Qing. Maybe he can get Ye Qing’s inner core by then, killing two birds with one stone.

Recommend, share!, Ye Qing could see Chen Feng’s thoughts at a glance. This person is hypocritical on the outside, but there is obvious greed in his eyes.


Ye Qing doesn’t care about his strength at all, but sooner or later he will leave the Northern Territory. If this causes trouble for the Fire Pavilion, with the brains and strength of the two Huo Pavilion father and son, they may not be able to settle it.

Ye Qing has an alienated smile on his face, but his tone is unbearable.

Ye Xiandi, you don’t know, we also have our own alliance in the Northern Territory, and there is also a special alchemy pavilion in the alliance.

Chen Feng’s smile is very flattering. Our alchemy pavilion is the best in the Northern Territory. If you give us the Suzaku Inner Pill, you will definitely be able to make a superb elixir.

He immediately added another sentence by then, all the major families in the alliance will have a share, and of course, the Fire Pavilion will definitely be indispensable.

Ye Qing smiled and there is only one pill of Vermilion Bird, I want to use it myself

The atmosphere between the two was tense, and the people brought by Chen Feng also looked at this side with a fierce look, but because they were afraid of Ye Qing’s strength, they didn’t do anything.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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