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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 207

Before the visitor could speak, the boy’s voice came in from a distance from outside, but his tone was very mature, and it sounded quite strange, “Emperor Ye Xiandi, don’t be impatient, I’m the one you call… the old poison”

The old poison Ye Qing frowned, this man came up to him on his own initiative, isn’t it the same as throwing himself into the net? As he walked over, he was followed by two huge creatures whose heads could no longer be seen, with barbed wire bound on their heads. It was visually estimated that they were three meters high.

The boy had an innocent smile on his face, and he jumped up and down when he walked, but he exuded a chill inexplicably, like a sinister little snake, hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity, and then giving you a fatal bite.

Looking down at the boy walking in front of him, Ye Qing could see at a glance that the boy’s body was the soul of an old man. As for the original soul, which lost its three souls, it hid in the corner timidly. The reason why it didn’t all disappear. , just to maintain the vitality of the body

The fire unicorn behind him has already involuntarily took a step back. Although this boy is only about the height of his shoulders, the coercion emanating from his body is extremely powerful, causing the awe in the fire unicorn to be hooked up, and he can’t even speak.

Huofeng has fought with the old poison for many years, and the moment he saw him, he just wanted to kill him directly, but Huofeng also knew that the old poison was only occupying other people’s bodies, and if the body was destroyed, more bodies would be destroyed. Occupy, worthless

He folded his arms around his chest and sneered mercilessly, “Obviously he is an immortal, and he uses the body of a child, so he is not afraid of defilement!”

“Lord Immortal Emperor pulled you back from the dying line, you should be very grateful to him”

The old poison smiled and was not angry, “I was not very good at my skills a few years ago, and I couldn’t kill you directly. It’s a pity.”

Which pot is not opened and which pot is raised, the most taboo thing in Huofeng’s heart is to be plotted against by the old poison. Seeing him mention it again, the strings in Huofeng’s mind suddenly snapped, “Why don’t we play again, and we will never die. !”

After he finished speaking, his hands were on fire, and he rushed straight towards the old poison. As a result, the two monsters behind the old poison who looked extremely cumbersome were faster and directly blocked the attack of the fire wind with their fleshly bodies.

A stench of burnt flesh came out, but the two monsters didn’t move, not even groaning. Ye Qing raised his eyes and looked at the old poison who was behind him, “Aren’t these two still awake?”

“As expected of the Immortal Emperor, this is all seen by you”

The old poison clapped his hands and motioned the two monsters to get out of the way. “They are the traitors of my ancient building. For the sake of punishment and for my great plan, they have become failed experiments.”

Huofeng looked at the two meat mountains in disbelief, “Immortal Emperor, you mean, they can still feel pain”


Ye Qing nodded. There was no abnormality in the nerves of the two of them. When they were hit by the fire wind just now, the soul in the depths also wailed, but the body was controlled by the old poison in some way, and it was impossible to vent it.

The fire unicorn was also shocked by the cruelty of the old poison, but the old poison was calm and calm, “It’s just a small punishment, but Emperor Ye Xian, you described the whole picture of my ancient building in detail, and also caused the elders of my ancient building to be completely maimed. why”

Ye Qing is naturally aware of the fate of the person who was broken by him. When he removed the illusionary world, he could feel that there was a weak spiritual force fighting against him, but it was too small and could be cracked in an instant.

His mental power is too domineering. Once attacked, it can leave permanent damage to the opponent’s spirit. He has no reservations about Ye Qing, the man in Gulou. When he wins, the opponent can only be an idiot in the future.

To be able to find the person who tampered with the world, the ancient building must have expended energy and material resources, but it was destroyed by Ye Qing all at once. It is no wonder that the old poison did not hide and sent it to the door. The old poison must be very angry at this time.

Ye Qing’s tone was indifferent, “If he dares to oppose me, he must be conscious.”

The old poison smiled, “Has Yexian Ancient Building made up his mind?”

The two confronted each other, and Ye Qing’s eyes flashed with obvious contempt, “You guys in the ancient building look down on yourself too much.”

This sentence successfully annoyed the old poison. With the use of his various sinister techniques, Gu Lou has grown to the point where everyone is afraid. Whenever he sees all kinds of powerful people being harmed by him without dignity, he will The pleasure in my heart will multiply

As a result, I was actually mocked by a small immortal emperor today, and the old poison’s eyes showed a trace of madness, like a poisonous snake spitting out a snake letter, “Emperor Ye is very true, our little ancient building can’t get into your magic eyes, Then these two beasts will be regarded as gifts from the ancient building for you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the two three-meter-high monsters behind him rushed towards Ye Qing. Ye Qing closed his eyes slightly. He could feel the despair of the people inside. ash

Ye Qing looked at Bai Hui in front of him with pity, but when he looked at the old poison, he returned to cruelty, “Why, do you want to use something like this to test my strength?”

He didn’t expect that the baby he had researched would be easily killed by Ye Qing. Rao was a man with countless knowledge, such as the old poison, and his face showed shock.

He really wanted to test Ye Qing’s strength, and even installed devices into two monsters to measure some of Ye Qing’s values, but the battle ended too quickly, and he didn’t even have time to capture it.

There was only a little boy left standing there, eager to try, “Old poison, although I know that you sly rabbit will burrow into other holes, I still can’t help but want to torture you first”

The little boy smiled innocently, “torture me, all the injuries I have suffered are reflected in this body, and the original soul will also help me bear the pain, you can give it a try”

Ye Qing knew what he said was true, otherwise even Ye Qing wanted to beat the old poison “Huo Feng, don’t go, this little boy is already pitiful enough”

“It’s still magnanimous, Lord Xiandi, but I still want to remind Lord Xiandi.”

The little boy’s voice was gloomy, “Even if you have obtained the blueprint of our ancient building, it will not be so easy if you want to get in. I have set up countless obstacles in it. please come”

Ye Qing touched her hair. He also knew something about Yukino’s family in the anime, and knew that Yukinoshita’s family were all strong women.

Yukinoshita didn’t dodge, but the depression on her face was much lighter, and her tone of voice was lighter. Then she finally took a vacation. I didn’t want to take the professional exams I didn’t like. My mother said that I wouldn’t take the college exams. Just arrange school and major for me

Then she has begun to tell me about the arranged majors for more than a month, and wants me to excel in university and enter the department arranged by them after graduation.

I’ve been staying at home to learn these things in advance, so I really don’t have the mood to talk in the group anymore. I’m sorry to make you worry.

After finishing speaking, she took the book she just read from the table and handed it to Ye Qing. This is what I have been learning this week. Because it is difficult to understand, I am still reading this one.

Ye Qing took it and looked at the cover. It was finance. He took the book and flipped through a few pages. He knew that this was not the kind of literature that Xuenai liked, and it was relatively boring.

He threw the book aside and looked into Xuenai’s eyes very seriously. Are you really willing to learn this? Xuenai wanted to tell him how difficult it was for him to learn this, but he didn’t expect Ye Qing to ask this, her eyes dimmed, shook his head

If I don’t like it, there’s nothing I can do. My mother never considers my opinion. My sister also took the opportunity to ridicule me. I can only work hard in this direction.

Ye Qing thought for a while, he suddenly took Xuenai’s hand, and then took her to the street

Xuenai was a little unsteady and screamed, what’s the matter, it was already eleven o’clock at night, and there was basically no one on the street except for some overtime workers who had just gotten off work.

These overtime workers were also very tired, so they just walked into the store that was still open, and even spoke in a low voice

Ye Qing also took Xuenai into an Oden restaurant, where a few office workers were sitting in twos and threes, eating the supper in front of them, looking unhappy

boss, let’s order

Ye Qing said a series of dish names in Japanese, and Xuenai listened to it, and there were actually all the things she liked to eat.

Xuenai smiled shyly

He looked at Xuenai, an immortal emperor who could easily destroy the universe, and looked like an ordinary person in front of Xuenai

He was affected by those fights in the Northern Territory, and his mood was actually a little tired. Seeing the interaction between Huo Qilin and Miao Yu, he naturally thought of being happy with Xuenai.

It was considered a little dodge, so he came here to play with Xuenuo

Xue Nao played with the small teacup in front of her with her hands and sighed. I am actually used to reading books by myself, but I am not used to reading books during this time.

It’s not that you’re used to it, it’s that you don’t like it

Ye Qing asked Xuenai to look into his eyes, I have a way to make your mother change her mind, but I don’t know if you can accept it

Hearing what he said, Xuenai’s eyes widened. How to make her change her mind? Ye Qing raised the corner of her mouth and smiled. I can directly change her memory.

Xue Nai quickly waved her hand no, then this is not my will, it is also equivalent to forcibly changing the mother’s will

Then implement the second plan

Ye Qing took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Xuenai. You moved out directly, then worked part-time by yourself, and applied for the exam, but only if you could get rid of Yang Nai’s influence on you.

Ye Qing knew that many of Xuenai’s decisions from childhood to adulthood were simply to follow Yang Nai. In her heart, Yang Nai has always been the most powerful sister in the world, so she always wanted to be the second Yang Nai.

But in fact, Yang is a bit of a cautious woman. She is also very aware of her influence on Xuenai, which often makes Xuenai feel pain.

It can be said that when choosing a major this time, Yang Nai did say something to Xu Nai, so Xu Nai insisted on working hard even though it was very painful.

Seeing that Ye Qing mentioned Yang Nai, Xuenai was very confused in my heart. I always wanted to get the approval of my sister, but I didn’t know how to get rid of her.

You can completely ignore what she says, she exists, and you can succeed

Ye Qing has to understand this, but Xuenai has to comprehend it herself, but you should talk about it after moving out.

He handed the card to Xuenai, you have to promise me that you can’t move back until things are successful

Xuenai hesitated for a while, but she still took the card and put it in her pocket. She took a deep breath. I know, I will definitely do it.

The oden master handed over the things the two of them wanted. Ye Qing no longer needed to eat. He kept watching Xuenai eating it elegantly, and he took a candid photo and posted it to the chat group.

This next stone stirs up thousands of waves, everyone knows that they are staying together now

It’s not Mary Sue, why did the group owner send Xuenai’s photo!, Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, I understand, Xuenai and the group owner are staying together now

It’s not Mary Su. This is not a show of affection, I really hate the Lord of Heaven, aren’t you worried about Xuenai’s safety? I’m just here to report your safety, don’t think too much

After he finished this sentence, he raised his head and glanced at Xuenuo next to him. Xuenai was eating the oden in the bowl attentively. Feeling the look in his eyes, he looked to his side curiously.

“Is there something on my face?”

Xuenai couldn’t help but took out her phone and wanted to take a picture of herself, but she felt that the fluctuations in the energy group were very strong.

Only then did she realize that she really hadn’t entered the group to talk to everyone for a long time, which caused so many people to worry about herself, and Lord Immortal Emperor was still busy to come to see her.

Xuenuo clicked into the chat group and flipped, and suddenly her face immediately turned red

The people inside were all teasing about the affair between her and the Immortal Emperor, and even the arrogant mother, Twinkle, who had always had eyes above the top, made fun of herself.

Xue Nai tapped on the screen of her mobile phone, but she didn’t know what to say to ease the embarrassment. She looked very cute with Oden chopsticks in her mouth.

Ye Qing didn’t need to look to the side to know that Xuenai must be watching the news in the chat group on the screen. He deliberately wanted to tease Xuenai and sent another message.

The Lord of Heaven, Xuenai will be shy

This time, Xuenai returned very quickly, two red clouds appeared on her face, and her subordinates typed quickly.

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita, I’m not shy, I just think your jokes are so boring

Didn’t Mary Su really think we were boring? She even added a sleazy expression, as if she had already seen through Yukino’s mind.

Xue Nai was puffed up, she looked at Ye Qing beside her coquettishly, and complained a little in her voice, “Why did the Immortal Emperor send my photos in the group, now they all misunderstood”

“They are all worried about your safety, use photos to prove it”

Xuenai has always had a noble and glamorous expression to outsiders. Only he can see these things, which makes Ye Qing quite satisfied.

What Ye Qing said was innocent, but Xuenai knew that he was full of bad water, so she argued, but continued to talk to these people in the group

Absolutely correct, Xuexia, don’t talk nonsense anymore, Lord Immortal Emperor is here to help me solve one of my concerns.

Absolutely right, Yukinoshita, I’m not worried now, and I will often bubble up in the group in the future.

It’s not that Mary Su can finally hear Miss Yukinoshita’s vicious tongue again, and she’s inexplicably looking forward to it. Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man you are

Actually looking forward to Xuenuo’s poisonous tongue

It’s not Mary Sue, don’t you want it

She angrily put her mobile phone in her pocket, ate all the oden left on the table, touched her stomach, I was full, let’s go back

“Well, I’ll take you home”

Ye Qing stood up and settled the bill, then took Xuenai out of the store together

It was already quiet outside, the two of them walked on the road and didn’t speak, just clasped their hands together, matching the neon street, making Ye Qing feel like he was in the sun.

Ye Qing sent Xuenai to the door of Xuenai’s house. From a distance, he saw Yang Nai standing at the door as if waiting for Xuenai. He concealed his figure.

Xuenai also saw Yang Nai, she hesitated and stopped, Ye Qing patted her shoulder “Come on, have confidence in yourself”

This sentence gave Xuenai great courage, Xuenai’s eyes immediately became firmer, and Chaoyang Nai walked over.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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