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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 208

Seeing that Xuenai was really confident when talking to Yang Nai, and she was no longer as guilty as before, Ye Qing was relieved.

He sent Xuenai a message and then told me how it turned out

Then Ye Qing returned to the Northern Territory again. He didn’t forget that there was still an ancient building that the owner had not done yet.

Xue Nai and Yang Nai expressed their intention to move out, and were taunted, but she did not flinch, but when her mother came to stop her, she showed her determination

Later, the family said that she was going to cut off her pocket money, but Ye Qing was already prepared, so Xuenai rented a house next to the university she wanted to take the exam, and concentrated on the upcoming university entrance exam for the Faculty of Literature.

After doing all this, Xuenai has the confidence to send a message to Ye Qing. Thank you, Immortal Emperor. My troubles have been resolved.

At this time, it was only two hours past the end of the Northern Territory. 2 Ye Qing was very relieved to see Xuenai say this. I believe that you will be able to do it. Then work hard towards your goal.

Xuenai’s heart is full of gratitude to Ye Qing, she is also very glad that she joined this chat group, clicked into the chat group and sent a big red envelope to express her joy

Recommend, share!, Ye Qing, who returned to the Northern Territory, saw this red envelope. After he opened it, he saw Huo Qilin came in, and his face was not very good. “Lord Xiandi, the owner of the ancient building has news. “

“what news”

Ye Qing looked at the fire unicorn

The fire unicorn spread out a map in front of Ye Qing, and pointed to the three 3 points that had been marked on it. “These three 3 points are the location of the ancient building branch. We have already sent someone to investigate, and it is true. , but this map was suddenly stuffed into our fire pavilion by a mysterious person, and it was initially suspected that the owner of the ancient building did it.”

Ye Qing stepped forward to look at the map, brushed his palm over it, and a wisp of gray smoke emerged from it, Ye Qing picked up a wisp, “The map should have been drawn by the master of the ancient building, but it wasn’t him who sent it. “

“Then Immortal Emperor, what do you mean by this person?”

Huo Qilin scratched his head, “It won’t be to provoke us publicly, just wait for us to come and invite you into the urn.”

“The owner of the ancient building is not so stupid, he must know who we will find out about this map.”

Ye Qing continued to refine the gray fog in the map, the gray fog became thicker and thicker, and then seemed to converge in the air, turning into a strange pattern

“This person is quite interesting, and he actually made a sound transmission array in it.”

Ye Qing chuckled lightly and input an energy that can unravel the formation, and the same voice that was on the city tower that day came out immediately.

The middle-aged man’s voice was very low, “I knew you would find out about my voice transmission, so I don’t need to say more about our relationship, since you hate me and the ancient building so much, then I can’t just sit back and let it go. You are wild”

“I’m at one of these three points on the map. If you really want to eradicate me, just come.”

There is only this simple sound transmission, but it still makes the fire unicorn on the side burn with anger. “This old man speaks in a strange tone and is so provocative. Immortal Emperor, we will follow his wishes and go directly to the door.”

Ye Qing’s expression was indifferent. He did not take the master of the ancient building in his eyes at all. He already had a general understanding of the strength of the ancient building. The master of the ancient building had also seen some strengths on the tower that day.

The ancient dragon on his arm was about to move. There was no victory or defeat in the last match. One person and one dragon were separated. Naturally, he wanted to have a fight with the owner of the ancient building.

Gu Long saw that Ye Qing didn’t intend to fight immediately, and turned directly into Ye Qing’s face, complaining, “Everyone has come to provoke you in front of you, so you shouldn’t fight”

Ye Qing shook his head, “What’s there to fight, now the ancient building’s vitality has been severely damaged, and the most important places have been destroyed and cannot be rebuilt again. The owner of the ancient building must hate us.”

“But he didn’t take the initiative to attack. Instead, he made a map to lure us over. I don’t know what he has in mind, and I don’t want to know. If the owner of the ancient building really wants revenge, please come to the door in person.”

He re-transmitted these words into the map, set up a more complex formation, and then transmitted the map back

Seeing that the map disappeared, Huo Qilin scratched his head, “Lord Immortal Emperor, are you retaliating?”

Ye Qing is indifferent: “It’s just to let him understand the rules”

The map was immediately sent to the main table of the ancient building. He took great pains to untie the sound transmission array, and then heard Ye Qing’s words.

The ancient building that I had built so hard was once destroyed, and the old poison with me was brutally killed, and my soul could never be reborn.

Now he wants to devour Ye Qing alive and return the fire pavilion a thousand times over.

The old poison narrowed his eyes and ripped the map to shreds

Ye Qing naturally felt the anger of the old poison from the torn map. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Huofeng who came, “Pay more attention to the vigilance around the Fire Pavilion these days, the owner of the ancient building will definitely not be reconciled. I want to come and put out the Fire Pavilion.”

Huofeng nodded, “I know, since we received the map, we have set up a formation nearby, and any abnormal energy fluctuations can be detected. Miao Yu also let us know the unique atmosphere of Gulou people.”

Ye Qing saw that there were two people behind Huofeng and asked him, “Where are you going?”

Huofeng sighed. The nearby villagers said that there are monsters in the sea, and the fishermen have not dared to go fishing for a long time, so they called Huoge to have a look.

“Monster beasts that need the Lord of Fire Pavilion” Ye Qing frowned

Huofeng sighed, “I originally thought it was the ordinary monster, so I just sent a few disciples there. Unexpectedly, the group of disciples was swallowed up in a flash, and the villagers who thought they were safe saw this. It’s even more frightening.”

He pointed at the two disciples behind him who were terrified.

!, Jiaolong was successfully beheaded, Ye Qing saw Gulong so tired, put Gulong into his arm, then grabbed Jiaolong’s dragon body, and lifted it up.

Because the dragon’s body was already dead, the light emitted from the whole body had disappeared. Ye Qing wanted to take out the dragon’s tendons before the dragon’s soul dissipated.

I saw that he was high above the Jiaolong, and the whole person was fused with the golden light of the ancient dragon, making him look noble and unattainable.

Ye Qing raised the dragon slaying knife in his hand, and there was golden blood dripping from the top of the head when he was beheading the dragon.

There were originally dark clouds in the sky, and the tornado rolled up waves in the air, but after merging with the golden blood of the dragon, it seemed to melt, revealing the originally clear sky.

The body of the dragon in the air was split in half, revealing the dragon’s heart and the long and thick dragon tendon.

The Jiaolong tendon is the place where the dragon’s power is the most pure. It is different from the black fire emitted by the dragon. It emits the same golden light as the ancient dragon, and a very pure flame flows on it.

The ancient dragon in his arm felt this breath and couldn’t help but jump out, but he was still in the form of a small dragon, and his speech was weak, “If I hadn’t fused the blood into it, this Jiaolong tendon would definitely be dead when the Jiaolong died. melted”

Ye Qing found it interesting when he saw his weak appearance, “So you voluntarily lost three hundred years of skill in order to integrate your blood into the protection of the dragon tendons.”

Gu Long immediately retorted, “Of course I want to use these skills to protect my precious Jiaolong tendons!”

Ye Qing ruthlessly dismantled Gu Long. Obviously, you are not as good as the dragon, and you almost never fought.

“After speaking, Ye Qing dived directly into the bottom of the sea to see that… the dragon head was still struggling on the bottom of the sea, looking like he was dying, Ye Qing directly opened the different space in the water and stuffed the dragon head directly into it.

The dragon marrow in the dragon’s head must still have room for use. It is a good choice to give it to the Fire Pavilion to increase their skill.

Out of the water, Huofeng and several other disciples waited by the shore, their eyes full of worship

Huofeng stepped forward gratefully, and said to Ye Qingshuang how stupid it is for me to come alone, with you, Immortal Emperor, maybe our line will be explained here.”

“It’s okay, I’m here this time with my own heart”

Ye Qing smiled indifferently, and put the corpse of the dragon in his different dimension. “I only need the tendons of the dragon, and bringing the rest back to the Fire Pavilion will help you increase your skills.”

Huofeng nodded “then write first”

Gu Long couldn’t wait to swallow the dragon tendon, he turned around next to Ye Qing, “Hurry up, hurry up!”

The sky has cleared up, and the waves on the beach have faded, revealing many fish, shrimp and crabs stranded on the shore. Huofeng is relieved that “these fishermen can start fishing tomorrow”

After speaking, several people were about to go back, but there were bursts of cheers from behind.

Ye Qing looked back and saw many ordinary people looking at the beach with surprise and excitement. Some people had fish baskets on their backs, picking up these fish on the ground, wanting to sell them at a good price as soon as possible.

Some people saw Ye Qing and his group stopped, ran up, and knelt down in front of them, and gave a big salute.

“Thank you pavilion master for helping us get rid of the monsters, great kindness and great virtue, we will not be enough to be cows and horses in our next life.”

Huofeng quickly squatted down and helped the fishermen who took the lead. He was a little embarrassed to see this group of people thanking him so much. After all, the main credit was Ye Qing.

“If you really want to thank me, you should thank this… Immortal Emperor beside me”

Huo Feng introduced Ye Qing next to him, “If it weren’t for him, the monster would not be so easy to deal with”

After listening to Huofeng’s words, the fishermen turned their knees in another direction to express their gratitude towards Ye Qing, “Thank you, Lord Xiandi, for helping us solve the monster beast. Ye Qing is grateful to this group of fishermen, and I am still a little satisfied. , he waved at the fishermen, “No need, the dragon is just making trouble.”

Tears filled the eyes of the fishermen, and they said their words of thanks one after another. They also took out the cloth bag they were holding in their hands, opened them, and handed them all to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing glanced at it, and the cloth bag was filled with some very common farm dishes, but it should be the most precious thing that these fishermen wanted to give away

“Thank you”

Ye Qing nodded, made a stroke from the air, and put all the things they sent in, “I accept it all”

Seeing that the gift they wanted to give disappeared directly into the air, these fishermen opened their eyes one after another, showing a very surprised expression “The Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor has cast a spell”

Huofeng nodded to the group of fishermen, “You can fish well for the rest of the time. If you have anything to do, tell me through senior brother.”

The Jiaolong tendon burst out with a burst of strong spiritual energy, trying to break free from Gu Long’s mouth, Gu Long was not to be outdone, and tried to swallow the Jiaolong tendon with all his strength.

The two-phase struggle, Gu Long’s dragon mouth has a few traces of blood flowing out, but the Jiaolong tendon still refuses to show weakness, only being bitten in half by Gu Long, and then struggling to break free

Gu Long let out a sullen roar in the air, directly shoved the Jiaolong tendon into his mouth, and then closed his mouth ruthlessly.

The Jiaolong tendon slammed wildly in his dragon’s mouth, knocking the dragon’s mouth out with a muffled sound. Gulong’s face showed pain, but the toughness of the dragon’s tendon stimulated his fighting spirit.

Gu Long’s whole body’s blood was surging into his mouth, and he made a burst of impulses, and even the restraint in the depths of his body was madly hit by this blood, as if he was about to break through.

The impact of the dragon tendon was slightly weaker, but Gu Long was not satisfied, he swallowed the dragon tendon into his throat violently, ignoring the crazy shaking of the dragon tendon, and almost choked him out of breath.

Gu Long only felt that the ability in the ban was about to spew out, but it was still a little worse. The Jiaolong tendon knocked out a lot of blood from Gulong’s throat, and the blood merged with the Jiaolong tendon, absorbing the power inside.

Ye Qing stood aside and watched Gu Long suffering, but he could clearly feel that Gu Long’s skill had indeed improved greatly, and the Jiaolong tendons were also repairing the damaged meridians of Gu Long’s forbidden conflict.

The ancient dragon was surging in the air, the Jiaolong tendon had been swallowed into his stomach, the soft abdomen was slammed hard from the inside, the ancient dragon roared, and he used all his strength to fuse with the Jiaolong tendon.

Even the spiritual energy in the world will be completely absorbed by the ancient dragon, Ye Qing added some more, watching the dragon’s tendons in the body of the ancient dragon jumping is not so powerful.

The Jiaolong tendons are attached with the last touch of Jiaolong’s consciousness. He doesn’t want to be swallowed, so he has a fierce struggle with the ancient dragon.

Now, it is the two consciousnesses that are thinking about changing each other, to see which one has the stronger will.

The result is already obvious, the Jiaolong tendons are slowly absorbed by the ancient dragon, the golden light on the ancient dragon’s body is getting more and more dazzling, and the aura of the Jiaolong has disappeared.

Gu Long hovered excitedly in the air, and the energy absorbed in his body was slowly dissolved, the restriction seemed to be broken in half, and a large amount of energy rushed out and spread to the limbs. Ye Qing looked at Gu Long and said, “absorbed. How is the dragon tendon?”

Hahahahaha Gu Xiao, he spewed a lot of golden flames in the air, celebrating that he had finally returned half of his power “I finally feel like I used to be”

Even the little Suzaku felt a little bit of Gu Long’s power reply, chatting around Gu Long like a blessing

Gu Long used his tail to tease the little Suzaku in front of him, “I have the fighting power in the past. When will this little Suzaku grow up, and now it’s still like a little chicken.”

Little Suzaku was very unconvinced, he straightened his chest hard, and patted his wings with few hairs, “When I grow up, I will definitely be a hundred times stronger than you!”

“just you”

Gu Long knocked the little Suzaku over to the ground with a tail, “You can’t beat me after cultivating for another five hundred years, so accept your fate early and don’t dream. Ye Qing watched the battle between these two mythical beasts, and he held his forehead helplessly, “Gu Long, your How’s the ban?”

Gu Long stopped talking nonsense, and directly spit out a ball of fire from his mouth to prove his strength, Ye Qing nodded, “I know, since half of it has been lifted, it is not far from being lifted completely.”

After saying that, Ye Qing released the void state. At this time, two days had passed from the outside world. The disciples guarding the courtyard saw Ye Qing coming out and ran to notify Miao Yu.

Miao Yu rushed over quickly. She didn’t look very happy, but she still asked about her Gu worm’s situation, “How does Gu Long feel?”

Gu Long returned to the size he had shrunk before. He recalled the situation just now. “It is indeed not as difficult to absorb as imagined, and the speed of repairing the meridians is much happier.”

Miao Yu nodded reluctantly. Ye Qing saw that she was the only one who came over and asked her, “Where are the Huofeng father and son?”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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