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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 210

It seems that these missing masters were all kidnapped by the ancient building to imprison their souls, and used by the owner of the ancient building.

Ye Qing couldn’t help but tease, “You’re so lucky, you didn’t have any trouble being followed by so many wronged souls.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha”

The owner of the ancient building didn’t seem to care that his fig leaf was taken off. He stretched out his two thin arms and laughed wildly, “It’s their honor that these people’s souls can be used by me, follow me, Just to thank me.”

The voices of the cursed souls became louder, but the owner of the ancient building turned a deaf ear, but was even more happy, as if enjoying these curses, making Ye Qing and Gu Long a little dumbfounded.

Gu Long’s voice was a little sighed, “Is this person fooled by the ghost, and now he is starting to deceive himself?”

Ye Qing shook his head as he looked at the grievances of the owner of the ancient building.

The owner of the ancient building was surrounded by ghosts, and the ghosts screamed beside him, and the fire unicorn saw a familiar figure inside, “This seems to be the senior brother of Jianzong. Some time ago, he said that he was missing, but he was killed by the ancient building. Grab and refine the soul”

The faces in the grievances have been distorted. This is the only manifestation of the soul after being tortured. The owner of the ancient building has been waving his hands constantly, as if he wants to wave these grievances away.

But this is his own sin, and he has no choice but to watch himself be swallowed up step by step

The black mist on the old man’s body is getting more and more, and even the skin of the promotion is falling down a little bit, revealing the bones that are already black. Now he is not like a human at all, but more like a demon.

Ye Qing looked at him with pity, “Is it worth it to use unscrupulous ways to enhance the power and make myself inhuman?”

I have no choice. The ancient master has turned into a pitch-black skeleton. The mouth under the skull is opened and closed, and a mad roar is emitted. You think everyone is like you. If I want to become stronger, I can only do this. Although his talent is also outstanding, it is only at the level of an ordinary person, far from those geniuses. Even when he saw Miao Yu, his heart was a little twisted, and he wanted to immediately refine Miao Yu’s soul for his own use.

The owner of the ancient building just wanted to suppress these so-called geniuses, to prove that even if he didn’t have such a high talent, he could rub these people on the ground.

When he was young, he was not valued by his master just because he was not talented enough. When he developed the ancient building to a certain level, the first thing he did was to kill the master and the so-called genius master! One of the recognized immortal cultivators is an ordinary person, but they all use their abilities to slap in the face of all those who don’t like them. How can it not be exciting! As a result, this group of people in front of him smashed his sweet dreams, Ye Qing, who was already an Immortal Emperor at such a young age, made him even more disgusted.

He just wants to step on Ye Qing on the bottom of his feet now, and doesn’t care about anything else! Ye Qing looked at the old building owner’s eyes red and ruthless, and knew at a glance what he was thinking, he shook his head regretfully ” Stop dreaming”

“Less nonsense”

The ancient master brought his wronged soul and slammed into Ye Qingzhi, all the power of the soul covered his body, which was particularly terrifying.

Ye Qing raised a hand and sent the wall directly to the owner of the ancient building. This wall of light carried an infinite pure fairy energy, and the soul of the owner of the ancient building couldn’t help crying.

Cracks appeared in the black bones of the owner of the ancient building. He roared and drank a bottle of potion. Those souls instantly stopped mourning and intensified again, igniting a raging black fire.

“You are forcing them to burn their souls”

Ye Qing frowned, he hurriedly forced the beast to stop what the owner of the ancient building was doing.

The owner of the ancient building was full of energy again, but was forcibly interrupted by Ye Qing. He charged towards Ye Qing with black flames all over his body, and the huge skull spread out behind him, as if he was about to swallow Ye Qing.

Ye Qing unfolded a spear in his hand and inserted it into his wide mouth when the skull flew towards him. Then he kicked the owner of the ancient building below and kicked him out.

The skeleton head instantly disappeared, and the owner of the ancient building fell to the ground and smashed a big hole. He instantly flew up and flew towards Ye Qing. When he was about to touch Ye Qing, he stretched his hands into the air, and countless small skeleton heads appeared, aggressively heading towards Ye Qing. Ye Qing bit it

Huo Qilin watched nervously from the side, seeing that Ye Qing didn’t seem to have expected this move by the owner of the ancient building, and shouted “Xiandi be careful!”

I saw Ye Qing’s figure was instantly engulfed by countless small skulls, and the breath disappeared at once, Huo Qilin’s eyes widened in disbelief.

The owner of the ancient building smiled up to the sky, he put his hands together, and threw a spiritual stone directly into the pile of skeletons that were gnawing away.

A chuckle came from the pile of skulls, the skulls dissipated in an instant, Ye Qing clapped his hands and walked out from inside, “Are you tickling me?”

The owner of the ancient building was bitten back, and the bones of his left arm instantly shattered, looking at Ye Qing in disbelief, I clearly felt that you had fallen into my trap.”

“I just want to see what kind of damage you can do with this trick.”

Ye Qing made a random move, and countless small skeletons appeared from behind him, “It’s just like a mosquito bite!”

After speaking, these skeletons ran towards the ancient building owner in the same way, and they looked more ferocious and faster. The ancient building owner did not expect that his tricks would be learned in an instant, and he quickly summoned a wall of black mist to block it.

With a scream, Ye Qing’s skulls instantly bit out a big hole in the black fog wall and drilled into the front of the ancient building owner, biting his whole body fiercely.

Recommend, share! These skeletons hide countless resentments. Originally, they were controlled by the owner of the ancient building and had no self-consciousness. They could only attack other people at the command of the owner of the ancient building. After being released by Ye Qing, he instantly woke up.

The skeletons have pinpointed the target, and they have pinpointed every inch of the exposed bones of the ancient building owner and bit down hard, but because of the ancient building owner’s protection, they can’t cause substantial damage.

The owner of the ancient building was itchy all over his body, but he couldn’t shake it off. He was bitten on his bones by the incorporeal skull, and he felt that his marrow could not wait to be sucked out by them.

“Ye Qing, you are really vicious”

His two bare eyes stared at Ye Qing fiercely, “You also use this trick, how is it different from me?”

Miao Yu, who was watching the battle, couldn’t help but sneer, “It’s just a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, it’s not as good as you!”

She has heard the name of the owner of the ancient building since she joined the ancient building. The old poison has always wanted her to be grateful to the owner. It was the owner who gave her a second life. The entire ancient building worshipped the owner like a cult. There will also be a worship day

Over time, although Miao Yu felt wrong about these things, she still accepted the customs of the ancient buildings. After all, she was rescued, and she would still be grateful.

But I didn’t expect that when I saw it today, the people in the ancient buildings believed in something that would turn themselves into a monster who would take their own lives in order to become stronger. It also killed countless people, making Miao Yu feel sick.

Gulou Sect Master looked in the direction of Miao Yu, and then laughed strangely, “If the first elder hadn’t said that you still have value, you would have thought that you would still be able to stand here and talk to me today, and your soul would have been captured by me. marked”

After he finished speaking, his eyes seemed to shoot a white light stab at Miao Yu, Miao Yu suddenly covered his chest and spurted a mouthful of blood, and the Vermillion Bird who had healed her flew forward immediately, with wings covering Miao Yu’s chest “Soul engraved, This has to be lifted by the master.”

Ye Qingfei turned towards Miao Yu, just to see what was inscribed deep in her soul. If the old poison hadn’t died, the blow just now would probably have directly caused Miao Yu’s soul to come out of her body.

Huo Qilin looked down at Miao Yu, who was in a trance, and was very anxious, “Immortal Emperor, what’s wrong with her?”

The owner of the ancient building took the opportunity to release the bondage, Ye Qing’s effort to save Miao Yu sneaked up on Ye Qing, but Ye Qing could sense the abnormal energy fluctuations behind him without even looking.

Ye Qing didn’t have time to pay attention to him at this time, he focused on Miao Yu in front of him, “The soul just suffered a heavy blow and almost went out of the body, I have to call her back”

When he was in the ancient main building, Ye Qing thought that the old poison was just putting a layer of shackles on people’s souls, so he didn’t pay attention.

The owner of the ancient building watched Ye Qing repair Miao Yu’s soul. He wanted to interrupt but found himself stuck in mid-air, his whole body fixed, unable to say a word.

Ye Qing repaired Miao Yu’s soul, but because of the trauma to her soul, Miao Yu fell into a deep sleep, and Huo Qilin quickly stopped her and picked her up, “Immortal Emperor, I’ll send her back to her room to rest.”

Seeing that the battle was over now, Ye Qing nodded and said to the owner of the ancient building behind him, “If you commit suicide now, you still have a chance to die.”

The soul of the owner of the ancient building has been fused with this sinful skeleton. When the skeleton is destroyed, he will no longer exist.

But if the owner of the ancient building chooses to die on his own, his soul and soul will fly away from his body to endure all kinds of hardships, and there is still a chance of life.

The shackles on the owner of the ancient building were lifted by Ye Qing, and he grinned, “I have to rebuild the ancient building, and I have to rely on your soul to repair my body.”

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Ye Qing again, and directly used his two arms as weapons to hit Ye Qing in the head. Ye Qing tugged his arm fiercely, the bones were broken by Qi Gen, and turned into powder in an instant, but the ancient building. The landlord has grown two more, but the color is more black

He entered, Ye Qing defended, the bones of the old building owner were replaced more frequently and became more fragile, Ye Qing kicked the skull of the ancient building owner, who would have guessed that his skull would grow back.

The skull of the owner of the ancient building was clearly recessed, and he knew nothing but was very proud, “I have become an immortal body.

want to kill my dream”

Ye Qing looked at him with a sad look, but a few shouts came from not far away, “Lordlord!”

The owner of the ancient building was instantly stiff. He looked back and saw that the elders flew over to support him. He wanted to make a rag to block his skeleton, but it was too late.

Those elders were stunned when they looked at this skeleton. They didn’t expect that the wise and martial master in their hearts would turn into this ghost-like appearance.

I still remember that someone was turned into a monster because he couldn’t hold his soul. The landlord said that the person was a waste, but now the landlord has become a skeleton.

!, These elders are a bit unacceptable, obviously being devoured by the soul is something that can only be done by waste, but the landlord in front of him has been clearly wrapped by the ghost, and his flesh has been swallowed clean.

The leading elder glanced between the owner of the ancient building and Ye Qing, looking at Ye Qing with a little fear

The owner of the ancient building saw that the group of subordinates who arrived did not help him, and couldn’t help roaring, “What do you mean, don’t hurry up and give me these elders who gritted their teeth but didn’t listen, most of them were originally The leader of a small gang was just merged into the ancient building. Originally, the image of the owner in their hearts was wise and powerful, but they didn’t expect it to become like a ghost.

One of them looked at the hysterical landlord and asked, “Lord, are you being attacked by your soul?”

The owner of the ancient building has never been able to face this problem, so he wrapped himself from head to toe with black gauze, but he didn’t expect that there would be a little scoundrel who dared to speak to him directly like this, and he lost his temper for a while.

He directly pierced the questioning elder’s chest with his bone hand, and pulled out the bloody heart, “If anyone says this again, this is the end.”

, a black skeleton holding a heart, the elders couldn’t help but take a step back, one of them directly showed a mirror standing in front of the ancient building owner, forcing him to recognize the truth “You have already been attacked by the soul. , I used to call my brother a waste, but I didn’t expect you to have today.”

The owner of the ancient building saw his ugly self in the mirror, he smashed the mirror with a palm, and then viciously pinched the head of the elder who spoke, “You are just as trash as your brother”

I wanted to come to support the landlord, but I didn’t expect the biggest devil to become the landlord. The remaining two elders started to fire directly at the landlord. The scepters in their hands joined together and shot a white light at the landlord of the ancient building.

The white light poured down from the head of the ancient building owner, and the ancient building owner immediately escaped in pain. It has the function of purifying the soul, as if it was burning the whole body of the ancient building owner.

I didn’t expect that I would still see an infighting, Ye Qing stood with his chest folded and watched the play, and saw the owner of the ancient building swayingly stood up, holding half a broken head and madly rushing Ye Qing.

“It’s all you, it’s all because if you don’t have you, it’s all bullshit. Sooner or later, my ancient building will become the overlord of the Northern Territory, but because you are all ruined”

He shouted nervously over and over again that this paragraph was resolved, and even Ye Qing was still free to sow discord, “The two elders you brought are thinking about what formation to use against you”

The two elders hid and drew a formation. The landlord saw that they were really going to betray him, and rushed directly to the two of you, you damn traitors, all traitors! It splashed the owner of the ancient building, and it also aggravated his sins more seriously.

The owner of the ancient building has already gone crazy. He didn’t notice that this formation was only used to deal with Ye Qing. He was on the verge of collapse, and he just wanted to kill Ye Qing.

But he couldn’t do anything about Ye Qing, Ye Qing played him like a monkey, kicked his skull to pieces, broke his hand bones, and then regrown more fragile bones “If I can, I really want to take you. as a toy”

Infinite humiliation seems to be deliberately tempting the owner of the ancient building to go crazy. open

While coping with his boring moves, Ye Qing said, “The original scenery has been reduced to such a situation, I feel sorry for you”

However, the owner of the ancient building can no longer understand what Ye Qing said, and his actions have gradually slowed down, starting from the arm, the whole person has slowly turned to ashes

The owner of the ancient building was attacked too fiercely, and he was about to disappear into dust with his soul, so Ye Qing didn’t do anything and watched him turn into dust.

In order to prevent the owner of the ancient building from escaping, he also deliberately tightened the connection between the soul of the owner of the ancient building and this skeleton, just waiting to see him die.

Huofeng stood by and watched this nemesis from the high-spirited at the beginning to the now a demented skeleton who can only attack. He didn’t know what it was like, “After he died, Gulou also lost a lot of elders, when the time comes Branches that are other gangs don’t know what to do with it.”

Ye Qing suggested, “Let’s see if any of the disciples have done anything wicked, and if not, bring in the Fire Pavilion.

He thought that the owner of the ancient building disappeared too slowly, and slapped him to ashes, then took out the flame bottle that held the old poison’s soul, and put the ashes in it.

From now on, let these two initiators suffer in it, never to be reborn

Recommend, share!, The soul of the old poison has been suffering from the flames, and he was roasted and lost all consciousness. He just wants to quickly end this torture, even if it is completely wiped out.

In addition to being tortured, the old poison occasionally sobered his consciousness that he only wanted his most trusted partner, the owner of the ancient building, and the other gang members to directly attack the fire pavilion, torture Ye Qing who had caused him so far, and then rescue him.

Today, he was finally put under the sun again. He thought that something had turned around, but he just threw some ashes from the mouth of the bottle.

He was about to curse Ye Qing who was throwing ashes inside, but suddenly he felt a familiar aura from the ashes. Although there was no other existence, the tacit understanding that had accompanied him for many years could not be erased.

The old poison caught a wisp of ashes with his hands in disbelief. He looked up and saw that Miao Yu was staring coldly through the mouth of the bottle.

Seeing the reaction of the old poison, Miao Yu knew that he had discovered that “it’s a pity that the soul of the owner of the ancient building has been consumed, and you can only live with a soul in it for eternity.”

“How is this possible for the owner”

The old poison turned pale with fright. Once these ashes came into contact with the real fire, they disappeared completely. He wanted to get a little more, but he only had a handful in his hand. “The landlord’s strength is far above everyone else, how could it be like this?”

He didn’t want to believe what Miao Yu said at all, but the ashes in his hand clearly told him that this was the wreckage of the owner of the ancient building

Miao Yu felt disgusting when she thought of how this old poison had planned on her before, and she understood a lot more about what she said, “If you don’t take the initiative to provoke, you will naturally not die so quickly. The owner of the ancient building wants to It’s ironic to get revenge, but kill yourself.”

The old poison’s face was sluggish, his only hope actually turned into a handful of ashes, wouldn’t that mean that his suffering from this fire would never end? Lord Immortal Emperor is that I have eyes but don’t know Mount Tai, I now regret having calculated others with this old man, I really know my mistake, please give me a treat.”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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