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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 211

The old poison was still thinking about the death of the owner of the ancient building one second ago, but the next second he immediately began to kneel and beg for mercy like a dead dog.

Now he says that instead.”

I’m just a mortal, those things that I was coerced by the old building owner to do before have nothing to do with me. Immortal Emperor’s old poisonous spirit has collapsed, and he began to spare no effort to clean up himself. I just do it, Immortal Emperor, I also know that I am wrong, please give me a happy death!”

Ye Qing stood aside and watched coldly, he was indifferent.

Huofeng took a step forward, “This old poison must have been burned insane. In my opinion, it’s better to show him like this to the people who are still alive in the ancient building. It will be more convenient for us to merge them.”

Hearing what he said, Ye Qing nodded, and directly entered this picture into the brains of every surviving Gulou Gang.

The old poison has absolutely no idea that he is being broadcast live now, he is holding his non-existent body forcefully, how humble his words are, and how humble he is, “I’m really wrong, I don’t want to refine the souls of those people at all. Really, it’s all the treacherous things that the owner of the ancient building forced me to do, Immortal Emperor, please give me a good time”

His mind and soul are locked in this small bottle every day and every night and suffer from burning. The pain has reached the limit, but there is no way to get rid of it. “I am so painful, I want to be wiped out, ask the Immortal Emperor to help me, I am It is not a pity for a sinner to die, I beg the Immortal Emperor to give me a way to die.”

The old poison wailed in pain. His performance was also seen in the minds of the living Gulou disciples. These people passively accepted such terrifying things, and they were all a little scared.

Even the ruthless Great Elder has been tortured into such a ghost. Why does the Fire Pavilion force them to see this? Is it to tell them what will happen to them next? Some disciples have already had this idea, they are afraid No, I even want to end myself first so as not to be reduced to the fate of the Great Elder

Ye Qing controlled their brains, so he naturally knew what the group was thinking. He used sound transmission to tell everyone, “You should review your own practices first. If there are any criminals, commit suicide now and I won’t hold you accountable. , If the means are innocent, welcome to join the Fire Pavilion”

One after another, many disciples were frightened by Ye Qing’s remarks. Most of them would use the taboo method to improve their strength. Most of them were greedy for life and fear of death. They were afraid that they would become an old poison, but they were even more afraid that they would die. , so I have been entangled and dare not commit suicide

Ye Qing knew everything these people did, so he calmly thought about it, ready to do it

!, Those who devoured their souls were frightened and wanted to run away, but were forced to stay in place.

Ye Qing found one of the senior brothers who had done the most sinful things, and directly pinched his head and splattered the blood of the people around him.

His soul was forcibly extracted in full view, and then stuffed into the same bottle as the old poison

The people around were terrified by the old poison’s fate. They didn’t expect that those who disobeyed Ye Qing’s orders would also suffer such torture. Some people took out their knives and committed suicide.

Ye Qing watched the group of people who had tortured others commit suicide without any change in his heart. He saw that there were still a few people who kept dragging their feet and dared not do it, and said, “Do you think you can hide from me?”

After he finished speaking, he directly lifted all the souls of these people and kneaded them into a ball, then tied them all together and burned them to ashes.

If the Northern Territory is not cleaned up, there will inevitably be more organizations similar to ancient buildings.

The soul pill developed by the old poison is used by many dignitaries. If the supply of these things is suddenly stopped, they will be dissatisfied. When the time comes, there will be a supply. Sooner or later, some profitable organizations will imitate the old poison again.

This is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Ye Qing naturally does not want these things to happen again in the Northern Territory, so what he does today is to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys.

Ye Qing’s iron-blooded tactics frightened everyone present, and he directly left those who had entanglements with the old poison.

The few remaining disciples who were not infected with these became more and more fortunate that they did not join forces with this group of people, and they were anxiously waiting for their end.

Huofeng saw that the remaining disciples were teleported to the hall of the Fire Pavilion, he coughed twice, and said solemnly to these people that you are welcome to join the Fire Pavilion.

“He explained all the rules and regulations of the Fire Pavilion to the people in front of him, and then sent his disciples to lead them to study.

The ancient building disappeared from the map and history of the Northern Territory in one day. Huofeng also clearly saw Ye Qing’s intention to do this today. He saw that everyone else had walked away, so he asked Ye Qing.

“Immortal Emperor, there must be more than a few people who have reached a cooperative relationship with the old poison in the northern region. At that time, some organizations will see business opportunities to continue to do such things that imprison the soul.”

Ye Qing nodded, “This is indeed a big business opportunity. I didn’t dare to grab business because my strength was too strong, but now that the ancient building has collapsed, many people must be jealous.”

If you want to completely wipe out this forbidden technique from the Northern Territory, now it is not enough to destroy an ancient building, you must completely establish an unspoken rule.

Huofeng continued to ask, “Then what should we do?”

Ye Qing waved his hand, “If you don’t change, these people will definitely not give up easily, and sooner or later they will be exposed.”

Sure enough, within two days, the fire unicorn brought a former ancient disciple to Ye Qing and threw it on the ground.

Huo Qilin stepped on the man’s head and sneered, “Being a traitor comes to my Huo Pavilion, I really think my Huo Pavilion is for charity”

Ye Qing didn’t even look at the people on the ground, he looked at Huo Qilin “found something”

Huo Qilin didn’t talk nonsense, and directly took out several high-grade spirit stones that were searched from this person. “The people in the spirit hall learned that he was a remnant of the ancient building and thought that he also understood the method of imprisoning the soul, so they wanted to bribe him. “

“This man was greedy for profit, he took over these spirit stones, and wanted to study this forbidden technique, and was caught by our Fire Pavilion disciples on the spot.”

Lingdian Ye Qing wrote down the name of the gang in his heart, “It seems that someone in the Lingdian took the so-called soul pill.”

He half-squatted down and looked at the ancient disciple who was pinned to the ground, “Is there anyone coming to see you these days?”

The Gulou disciple instantly remembered Ye Qing’s method of punishing those people, and he stared at Ye Qing’s face in horror, unable to speak.

Ye Qing didn’t speak. He was pressing this person with aura all over his body. He didn’t dare to lie at all and spit out the truth. “He, he, and the others came to me for seven days, but they haven’t come to me recently.”

“I didn’t come to see you”

Ye Qing’s heart was clear, he instructed Huo Qilin to “put him back and closely monitor the whereabouts of this person”

Although Huo Qilin was puzzled, he still agreed. He grabbed the Gulou disciple and dragged him outside, as if he would kill this person sooner or later.

Ye Qing already knew in his heart that the reason why Lingdian stopped coming to this ancient building disciple was just because he had found a way to replace it, and this method was very likely to be a new forbidden technique.

He decided to personally go to the spirit hall to find out who was cooperating with the old poison, and who was to replace the old poison.

Ye Qing investigated the matter about the spirit hall in his mind, and then passed it directly to the door of the spirit hall, and carefully checked the distribution of power inside.

Sure enough, very unusual

, Recommend, share!, Lingdian is just a small organization in the Northern Territory, but it has become more and more famous in recent years, and powerful people have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Ye Qing had only heard about the spirit hall, but when he came here today, he already knew why there were so many masters in the spirit hall.

The reason why Lingdian was so anxious, and even went directly to the Fire Pavilion to find the remaining Fire Pavilion disciples, was also because there were too many people who took soul pills.

If you are weak, it is equivalent to losing everything you have paid before. The Spirit Palace will naturally not allow such a thing to happen.

Ye Qing looked at the grievances here, his eyes were a little dignified, and he walked directly to the door

There were two disciples standing at the door, and when they saw a stranger walking towards them, they immediately reached out their hands vigilantly to stop “Who are you?”

Unexpectedly, the two disciples who guarded the gate were exposed to such forbidden techniques. Ye Qing’s disgust for the spiritual hall deepened a little, and he waved his hand and directly knocked the two away in front of him.

The Lingdian was provoked, and ten 10 Lingdian disciples flew out in an instant, trying to come over to subdue Ye Qing, but Ye Qing didn’t even look at these people.

The door of the main hall was already blocking the four elders. Ye Qing glanced at these four people. Although they looked the same as ordinary people, they were already haunted by wronged souls, but it was not the time to fight back.

Ye Qing stopped in front of the four of them, he looked at them coldly and didn’t speak.

The two elders at the front stopped Ye Qing with spears in both hands, with a sane look, “Illegal intrusion into our spiritual hall, even the Immortal Emperor can’t tolerate it”

The latter two also echoed, “Yes, since you broke in, you must be conscious.”

Ye Qing glanced at these people, and he said, “I just want to ask the Lord of the Spirit Palace, why did he send someone to sneak into the Fire Pavilion?”

I didn’t expect Ye Qing to directly mention this matter, the four elders looked at each other, and they looked at each other, as if they knew something.

One of the elders shook his head and said sternly, “We don’t know about this”

“I don’t know about it”

With a wave of Ye Qing, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the spirit hall.

One person, tied up with five flowers, was thrown directly in front of the four elders, writhing on the ground, not understanding at all why he was practicing the exercises one second before, and suffered such an innocent disaster the next second.

The four elders took a closer look at the people on the ground, and their expressions changed instantly.

This person is the person they sent to the Fire Disciple. He is well versed in illusion and disguise. It took even the Hall Master of the Spirit Hall to identify this person’s true identity.

One of the elders thought that this person betrayed the spirit hall. “Immortal Emperor, did you get the news in advance?”

His eyes shot a cold light, and his hands condensed into a knife, wanting to kill the traitor directly in front of him.

Ye Qing’s expression remained the same, “He has been to the Fire Pavilion, so he naturally has a unique aura.”

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand directly to the person, and the real fire logo of the Fire Pavilion was immediately revealed on the top of the head.

Only then did the four elders know that the spirit hall was being calculated.

One of them showed a hideous face, and he wanted to sneak up on Ye Qing. Ye Qing grabbed the elder’s wrist with one hand, folded it by 10, and directly pulled his arm down.

The screams sounded, and Ye Qing kicked the elder’s leg, forcing him to kneel directly on the ground.

The other three 3 elders saw their companions being so tortured by Ye Qing, they all launched an attack on Ye Qing, Ye Qing erected a protective shield beside him to isolate all attacks.

Ye Qing looked at the closed door of the main hall, and sneered, “Don’t you need the soul pill, why don’t you come out?”

At this time, an old voice suddenly came from inside, it sounded like pressing down and couldn’t wait, “Do you have a soul pill?”

The old poison is in my hands

“Ye Qing only left this sentence.

The palace master even asked about the soul pill without disguise, indicating that he was already in a hurry, Ye Qing was very curious about what he looked like now

The main hall opened a door slightly, and a black glove stretched out from it, “You guys stop first, please enter the main hall.”

Being forcibly interrupted, the four elders had to stop their hands that were still casting spells, and watched Ye Qing walk past them unwillingly to the door of the main hall.

The door of the main hall slowly opened, it was dark inside, and the chaotic aura of injustice came out from inside, causing Ye Qing to frown.

Ye Qing walked in slowly, he could see the scene clearly, there was a man who was wrapped in black cloth in the main seat, and it seemed that he had started to be attacked.

The aura of the ghost was very chaotic around the man, but he didn’t dare to speak out because of the pressure.

Ye Qing was a little surprised that he was so backlashed, and said, “Didn’t you already find a replacement, why are you in such a hurry?”

!, The person in the seat coughed twice, his voice was so old that he couldn’t even stand up, “Immortal Emperor, I know you should know these things very clearly, if it wasn’t very critical, I wouldn’t send someone to you. explore there”

Although the tone of his speech was very calm, there was still a sense of superiority. Obviously, the situation was equivalent to tearing his face from Tong Huo Pavilion, but he still felt at peace with each other.

Ye Qing chuckled, “It seems that you have no knowledge of what you have done, Hall Master?”

The hall master of the Spirit Hall stood up, he spread his arms, with a natural look on his face, “The weak are supposed to pave the way for the strong, isn’t it, and I’m an equal exchange, it’s fair.”

When Ye Qing heard him say this, he always felt that there were many flaws, but he was too lazy to refute, in this world only the winner is king, and fists are the last word

He smiled, “Your so-called equivalent exchange is to exchange resources for innocent souls, but the ancient buildings that can be provided have been destroyed by me and the Fire Pavilion, and the old poison has also been caught by me, what are you going to do?”

The voice of the hall master of the spirit hall was polite and hypocritical, “I naturally know that you can’t fight against you, the Immortal Emperor, so I want to use other methods to maintain my needs.”

“What’s the result?” Isn’t the result, Immortal Emperor, you asked knowingly?” The hall master of the Spirit Hall took off his black robe, and he was skinny and skinny, and the ghosts surrounded him, but he didn’t dare to approach

Ye Qing saw that he was very similar to the previous owner of the ancient building, and he already understood a lot. He directly took out a soul pill, “This is what you want.”

You, you still have “The voice of the hall master of the Spirit Palace immediately became excited, and rushed directly to snatch this soul pill.

This pill was made by Ye Qing with the soul of a Gulou disciple who had made a big mistake, but he was not prepared to say that he would also make a soul pill.

Ye Qing took the soul pills back and deliberately did not let the master of the spirit hall get “When I destroyed the ancient main building, I got the last batch of pills made by the old poison”

The two dry eyeballs of the hall master of the Spirit Hall burst out with greed, “Immortal Emperor, please make an offer, I want all the last batch.”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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