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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 214

It was very dark inside, and Bing Linger could indeed sense that her disciple was inside.

Bing Ling’er took back the ice sword, and tied the remaining three people with the phantom ice rope in her hand, and pulled forward fiercely, “Lead the way, let me in together!”

, Recommend, share! The remaining three were bound by Bing Ling’er’s ice rope. As long as they moved the rope, they would be tied even tighter. They didn’t dare to act rashly, so they had to keep following behind Bing Ling’er and go with her. go inside

The second disciple saw that she was in front of a gate, and hurriedly walked up to Bing Ling’er and said flatteringly, “If this gate is open to a meeting, it will trigger the mechanism inside, let me unlock the formation for you.”

Bing Ling’er glared at him, dragged him to the door with a rope, and kicked “Don’t play tricks for me”

“I, of course I don’t dare”

The second disciple touched the door with both hands, and his men showed two blood-colored rays of light, and then the door slowly opened, revealing the whole picture of the prison in the dungeon

The compass in Bing Ling’er’s hand felt more and more intense, and it even hummed in the air. Bing Ling’er reached out and took the compass down, her face turned cold, “What have you done to my disciple?”

The air pressure in the room dropped rapidly, so the eldest disciple and elder naturally knew what measures they would take for the captured people. They were afraid that Bing Linger would take anger at them, so they quickly opened their mouths to clear up, “This matter has nothing to do with us, please ask the sect master not to Blame us!”

“You are the same raccoon dog, no need to say more!”

Bing Ling’er held a long whip and slapped the second disciple fiercely, “Bring out the antidote first!”

The second disciple was severely beaten and fell to the ground. He was afraid that Bing Linger would attack him again, so he quickly got up from the ground, “The antidote, the antidote is not in my hands, I have to go to the elder to get it. But the elders have already”

He looked at Bing Ling’er tremblingly, meaning that Elder Liu was dead, and now he can’t get the antidote.

Bing Ling’er squinted and looked at the elder, “What about you?”

The elder waved his hand quickly, wanting to exonerate himself, “This, the medicines we use are all developed by ourselves. His medicine is more domineering than mine, and I have no antidote.”

The second disciple directly retorted, “Nonsense, the reason why our elder’s medicine strengthens the medicinal properties is that you mentioned it on the side, how could you not know!”

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Bing Linger had a headache, she pulled out her ice sword and wanted to kill again, Ye Qing showed her figure and said to Bing Linger, “I can solve it”

Seeing a big living person suddenly appearing in him, everyone in the field except Bing Linger was shocked. The elder thought that the defense of the medicine pavilion was very strong, but he directly let an invisible person in and went to the dungeon.

The elder looked very familiar to the person in front of him, but he couldn’t remember who it was. He tentatively said, “You, why do you know the medicine for our medicine pavilion?”

Ye Qing glanced at him and asked, “Why don’t you understand this medicine?”

Bing Ling’er’s face showed obvious surprise, she was happy to see Ye Qing still wearing the jade pendant she gave her, she walked up to Ye Qing, not as cold as before, “Lord Immortal Emperor, you really are here. !”

She said why she was able to do something to the people in front of her so easily, she thought it was her own illusion, but it turned out that Lord Immortal Emperor had been helping in secret! Now, the three people around him understood the identity of the mysterious man in front of him. That… Emperor Ye who destroyed the ancient building in one fell swoop! I heard that Immortal Ye is very taboo about the forbidden technique of refining the soul. When he appeared here, is it possible that he had to do the same to the ancient building, thinking of the tragic situation of the ancient building’s destruction , the elder couldn’t help but take a few steps back, he didn’t want to die silently

Ye Qing felt the fear of these people. Like a smiling tiger, he comforted them, “If I want to do something to the medicine pavilion, do you think you can still live to this day?”

These words didn’t have any consolation effect, instead they were nailed into the ears of several people like a threat. They were afraid that Ye Qing would kill them all if they didn’t like it, so they shook their heads in unison.

Only then did the eldest disciple understand why he always felt uneasy along the way, and he shivered and said, “Could it be that you came in with me?”

Ye Qing smiled “Yes”

The eldest disciple finally understands what it means to lead the wolf into the room. His mind is blank. Even if he does not die here today, he will definitely be killed by the pavilion master.

The elder glared at the eldest disciple angrily, and then asked Ye Qing, “Then why is the Immortal Emperor coming this time?”

He glanced at Bing Ling’er next to him, and he seemed to have some thoughts in his heart, and he quickly opened his mouth to suggest, “If it comes because of the disciples of the world, we will absolutely support the execution of such a monstrous crime. The person responsible for the incident is executed on the spot, so as to warn the world.”

Selling his master directly without blinking, Ye Qing didn’t know how to evaluate it. He shook his head, “I just came to investigate the disappearance case, and I happened to meet the master of the world.”

When Bing Ling’er heard this, there was a hint of unnoticeable loss in her eyes. She thought that Ye Qing had made a special trip to help when she got the news, but then she returned to the look of the ice-cold queen, “Hurry up and take me to find my disciples!”

!, The structure of the dungeon is similar to that of the first room. There are independent people detained on both sides, all of them are sluggish and lean against the wall, and they look like they have been drugged.

The second disciple untied the shackles on the prison, and Bing Linger immediately found the two disciples she was detained, a man and a woman. reaction

The second disciple saw that the female disciple was the one who originally planned to refine her soul, so she blocked all her skills one day in advance. Seeing that Bing Linger was probing the female disciple’s meridians, he was extremely nervous.

Bing Ling’er had a dark face, she gently lifted the female disciple up and squinted at the second disciple, “Why do you treat her like this?”

The second disciple didn’t know how to solve it. Bing Linger continued to ask, “I’ll ask you again, do you know how to save her?”

“I, I don’t know”

Before he could finish his words, Bing Ling’er’s long sword penetrated the second disciple’s chest. The second disciple stared wide-eyed as his heart was forcibly picked out, bright red blood spurted out, and he couldn’t rest his eyes.

Seeing how ruthless Bing Linger is, Ye Qing also admires it. In this era, a female streamer can take the position of the first sect master, and it really needs iron and blood to convince people.

The body of the second disciple began to freeze from the wound, and then it froze and shattered into ice cubes, which were scattered on the ground, staring at the remaining elders and the eldest disciple.

Bing Linger took a deep breath, pointed her ice sword at the two, and said indifferently, “How about you, do you know how to solve it?”

The eldest disciple waved his hands tremblingly. He was afraid that he would end up like the second disciple, but he really didn’t know how to cure the medicine. The eldest disciple looked at Ye Qing and pointed directly at Ye Qing in a panic, “Emperor Immortal, Emperor Immortal. Didn’t he say he would understand?”

“So what if the Immortal Emperor will solve it, the poison is from the people of your medicine pavilion”

Bing Ling’er approached the two in front of her, she was almost unable to restrain her anger, “This is your business”

Seeing that the ice sword was about to cross his neck, the elders and the eldest disciple were helpless. They thought they were just waiting to die, but the voice of the master of the Medicine Pavilion came in from outside.

The medicine pavilion master was also obviously very uncomfortable, and strode in, followed by a little medicine boy, “Is the world’s door master planning to vent his selfish desires in my medicine pavilion?”

“The pavilion is finally here”

Bing Linger, withdrew the ice sword, “I’m still trying to kill a few of your elders and a few disciples, so you will come forward”

Her words made her even more irritated, and the pavilion master threw his sleeves wide and pulled the elder and the eldest disciple behind him, and said righteously, “If there is any misunderstanding, you can find me to solve it, and directly enter the forbidden area of ​​my medicine pavilion and kill my disciple. What’s the matter!”

Bing Ling’er did not show weakness, “It was you who arrested my disciples in the world first, so why would you dare to ask me!”

The medicine pavilion master sneered, “It’s just a misunderstanding, none of your disciples suffered any harm, but you, the master of the clan, killed me, an elder, and a beloved disciple, what can you say?”

“What do you want to say?”

Bing Ling’er saw that the person opposite was still righteous, she directly took out her ice sword and placed it in front of her chest, her voice was sharp, “Since that’s the case, I don’t want to talk too much nonsense with you, see the truth under my hand!”

Seeing that Bing Linger was about to start, the Medicine Pavilion Master stepped back several steps, unfolded a protective shield in front of him, and made it clear that he would not fight, “Our Medicine Pavilion has always focused on refining medicines and making pills. Naturally you can’t fight the world, not to mention that you still have the Immortal Emperor to help, are you trying to bully the less with more?”

Ye Qing also took a step back from the good-hearted, he waved his hand, “Don’t worry, with the strength of the world’s sect master, I don’t need to take action”

Brightly looked down upon, the medicine pavilion’s forehead bulged with blue veins, and a layer of green light lingered on his hands, but he restrained himself not to take action “Sect master of the world, your two disciples, I can help with the antidote. , I don’t need to hold you accountable for killing one of my elders and one disciple, but you have to promise me a condition.”

This is the meaning of reconciliation. Bing Linger didn’t want to cause more trouble, she took back her ice sword and nodded, “What conditions do you say?”

The Master of the Medicine Pavilion glanced at Ye Qing behind Bing Linger, and a calculation flashed in his eyes, “Not only the Heavenly Sect, but also the Immortal Emperor, don’t attack me in the Medicine Pavilion in the future.”

“The Immortal Emperor has nothing to do with this matter, why do you want to pull him?”

Bing Ling’er frowned, “And your Medicine Pavilion’s actions are inherently unrighteous. If you want us to not intervene at all, do you want to change them?”

The Master of Medicine Pavilion snapped his fingers, and he seemed to have a lot of confidence in his words, “At that time, the ancient building was much worse than us, and I didn’t see the world intervening. Why do you want us to change it now?”

Many people from the medicine pavilion came in from the outside. They were holding some unknown things in their hands. If the people inside did not agree, they would rush in and try their best.

Recommend, share!, Ye Qing glanced at the marks on their bodies, they were basically people in the Medicine Pavilion, indicating that these people were called here by the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion, and the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion must have known about Bingling The arrival of the child, it has not appeared for a long time

Bing Linger’s actions against the elder disciple were just to force him to come out, but the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion watched his subordinates get killed before he called anyone. To put it bluntly, he was nothing but a hypocrite.

Seeing the group of people approaching her with malicious intentions, Bing Linger still stood there calmly, and she asked the Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion, “What are you bringing these people to think it will be useful to me?”

The medicine pavilion master stroked his beard, he shook his head, and his voice raised a little bit with a distressed look: “I don’t know why the world’s door master secretly came to my medicine pavilion to kill intentionally, since we can’t reach an agreement, then we can also You can only be rude, otherwise, everyone can ride on our heads and go wild!”

After hearing this impassioned statement, the people behind all raised their arms as if to agree. The elder in the lead took the lead and looked at Bing Linger, who was opposite, “How dare a little girl dare to be arrogant in our territory. , impatient to live!”

Bing Linger hates others to talk about her gender the most. Countless ice blades popped up between her fingers and threw them directly at the head elder, “Who the hell is impatient?”

The ice blade spiraled so fast in the air that it was about to be inserted into the elder’s artery. The Medicine Pavilion Master reached out to stop it. He didn’t expect Bing Ling’er to act directly. “It really doesn’t make sense at all.”

Bing Ling’er sneered, “What’s the reasoning with you rat generation!”


The Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion was extremely angry and laughed, he clapped his hands in the air, and waved his hand behind him, “It seems that I don’t need to say anything more to you, everyone sees what you do, and whoever takes the blame doesn’t need to. You can see if you ask!”

After speaking, two people behind them directly opened the cloth bag in their hands, and a burst of powder flew out from it, and then another two people blew gusts of wind in their hands, and the powder quickly blew towards Bing Linger and the others.

The white powder instantly enveloped all the people on the opposite side. This powder is a powerful ulcer medicine. As long as it is inhaled through the nose and mouth, the skin inside will immediately fester, and life is better than death.

It was a pity that it was completely useless to Bing Linger and the others, and she even took two sips on purpose, with a contemptuous expression, “This thing is still useful to ordinary people, what are you thinking about in the Medicine Pavilion?”

The person who sprayed out the medicine shook in disbelief, looked at the powder in his hand, and then looked at Bing Linger, who was completely undamaged.

Ye Qing chuckled lightly, as if naive. “I’m afraid you haven’t tried it with someone with real strength, so you mistakenly thought it would work.”

The remaining few people did not believe in evil, and they all took out some of the drugs they developed and wanted to use them on Bing Linger, and some of them simply took out their weapons and rushed over here, just wanting to bully the few inside. people

Bing Ling’er doesn’t take these trash fish in the slightest. As long as the strength of a single individual is not strong, what is the difference between ten, hundreds, and thousands! She replaced the ice sword with an ice bow, stood on the ground with both feet, and put the bow Pulling Man, he shot out the ice arrow in a heroic manner, and the ice arrow split into several small icicles in the air, which were inserted into different people. , the whole body freezes to death

The medicine pavilion master looked like he had expected, his hands were behind his back and he was still not ready to take action, but his voice sounded very sad, “You actually treat us medicine pavilion disciples like this, I see why the world gate master came to the door. Provocation, is to deliberately want to destroy the entire pavilion of my medicine pavilion!”

Bing Ling’er put away the ice bow when she saw that no one would continue to attack. She saw through the hypocrisy of the master of the medicine pavilion early in the morning.

“The sect master of the world, don’t deceive people too much!”

The old man who had been on the sidelines finally stood up. Ye Qing had noticed him before. He was already the power of the Immortal Emperor, but he didn’t make a single shot or open his mouth.

Ye Qing saw that the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion was like this, and the eight achievements were to provoke the fighting spirit of this old man, and the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion was also surprised when he saw him coming forward, but he still said, “Old senior, you are in my Medicine Pavilion only for the sake of old age, You don’t have to get involved in this.”

“Asheng, your father and I have known each other for a long time. Now that the medicine pavilion that your father has worked so hard to create is looked down upon, I can’t just sit back and ignore it.”

The old senior took a step forward, and a thousand-year-old wooden crutch appeared in his hand, and his momentum immediately became much sharper.

When the people around the Medicine Pavilion saw him make a move, their expressions were full of anticipation, and this old senior seemed to be really strong and experienced, so Bing Ling’er was not necessarily his opponent.

Ye Qing was about to remind Bing Linger, but then she thought that although Bing Linger was a woman, her fighting spirit was stronger than that of a man, so she also wanted to see how she would deal with it.

!, Bing Ling’er also felt the strong strength of the old man in front of her, she recognized the identity of the old man in front of her, and she looked puzzled, “You are, Senior Lingxuzi”

Lingxuzi has been in seclusion for decades, but he didn’t expect to be recognized by a junior, he still nodded and acknowledged his identity.”

That’s right, it’s me”

Bing Linger was a little puzzled. She heard her father say before that Lingxuzi is a person who clearly hates, but why is she here to favor Yaoge today, “Why do you interfere in Yaoge’s affairs?

“The former Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion is kind to me, and I have stayed here for more than [-] years, and I have long regarded this place as my final destination.”

Lingxuzi knocked on the crutches heavily, with a displeased expression on his face, “It’s you, a yellow-haired girl actually came to provoke her, is it really that there is no one in the medicine pavilion!”

“Senior, do you know what the Medicine Pavilion did?”

Bing Ling’er was a little anxious, she glanced at the master of the medicine pavilion and pointed at the person, “The medicine pavilion is doing things that are disrespectful to others. If you help, you are helping the emperor to abuse!”

“I think if I don’t help, I’m helping the tyrant!”

Lingxuzi’s crutch emitted a faint blue light, and attacked Bing Linger directly, “The sect master of the world will also do such a sneak attack at the door, it is really down!”

His crutches drew streaks of blue light in the air, which seemed to have opened up some small spaces, sucking the surrounding air in, as if to create a vacuum beside Bing Linger

Bing Ling’er’s ice sword collided with the crutches in the air, both of them injected their own energy into it, but Bing Ling’er was obviously weaker, and the moment the ice sword collided, a crack appeared immediately


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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