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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 215

Ling Xuzi was knocked back two steps, he nodded with satisfaction, “I didn’t expect you to be a little girl, but you are really capable, but if you want to win me, it’s still decades too early!”

He attacked Bing Linger again and again sharply, and the speed was so fast that even Ye Qing could see the double image, Bing Linger was beaten and had no chance to take the initiative to attack, so he could only fight back frantically, but gradually some powerless

The air beside Bing Ling’er was also absorbed by the small space drawn by the spirit. Her breathing gradually became larger, and it seemed that she could not support such a high-intensity fight.

The Medicine Pavilion Master’s eyes were grim, he knew that Lingxuzi would help, and he deliberately made that gesture just now. As long as Ye Qing didn’t make a move, Lingxuzi would be more than enough to beat Bing Linger. Now it’s up to Qing’s attitude.

However, Ye Qing didn’t seem to care about Bing Ling’er’s state at all, so the Medicine Pavilion Master felt relieved.

He was secretly rejoicing that he was able to cut off the Sect Master of the World Sect, but the door was smashed open, and all kinds of noisy voices came in. The Medicine Pavilion Master was alert, he grabbed a disciple who ran in and asked, “Why? Why is it so noisy outside?”

The disciple who ran in had an arm cut off, his eyes were full of horror, and he was panting, “No, the pavilion master, the dungeon, the people in the dungeon were all released, and they brought a lot of people here. The Medicine Pavilion has long since been lost, but we haven’t found it yet!”

“The people in the dungeon were released, and they brought a lot of people with them”

The medicine pavilion master almost fainted, he still wanted to ask, but the noise outside spread from far to near, directly to this side, and then suddenly surrounded the dungeon

He immediately understood what was going on, he looked at Ye Qing who was standing very leisurely by the side, gritted his teeth and asked, “Did you, did you let this group out and ask them to call someone here? of!”

Ye Qing smiled and nodded “Of course”

This time, the Medicine Pavilion Master finally tore off the mask of hypocrisy. He didn’t expect that he was being calculated so thoroughly, and he just found out! In the end, Ye Qing didn’t even bother to fight with people of this level. Ye Qing lightly tapped the Medicine Pavilion Master’s forehead and threw him to the door.

At the door, many people have already attacked in. They did not expect that their missing disciples or relatives were almost killed by the medicine pavilion, and they all rushed here to kill the medicine pavilion.

The Master of the Medicine Pavilion and some of the remaining disciples of the Medicine Pavilion were surrounded, and Lingxuzi also stopped fighting with Bing Linger to stand in front of the people of the Medicine Pavilion. He did not expect that the Medicine Pavilion would actually So able to make enemies, attract so many people

Lingxuzi blocked himself in front of him with a cane, he tried to reason, but no one wanted to hear it, the rest of the people took out many weapons and continued to fight with the people in the medicine pavilion, just wanting to kill this thousand knives. organization destroyed

The matter developed into this all of a sudden, the master of the medicine pavilion knew that the culprit was Ye Qing, and he wanted to attack Ye Qing, but was directly kicked by Ye Qing and was recommended by the crowd who came to besiege the medicine pavilion, share!, The people who came to attack the medicine pavilion have always been eyeing the master of the medicine pavilion, and the person who caused some evil consequences is this man.

The Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion stood in the middle of a group of people who hated him. Although he was a little flustered, he didn’t take this group of people seriously, because he knew very well the strength of himself and his opponent.

He glanced around the people who said they wanted to attack him, and suddenly felt a little funny. The Medicine Pavilion Master’s eyes were sharp, and at a glance, he touched a few people who seemed very guilty to him, and used energy to probe these people. Some people pointed out, “Obviously some people are still using the things I invented, why do they still have access to their faces today?”

This remark caused an uproar. Those people looked at me and I looked at you. They didn’t seem to dare to say that the person on the opposite side was in the same boat as the Master of the Medicine Pavilion. The Lord teased, maybe his purpose was to sow discord

The eldest disciple of Xuanyuan Pavilion at the forefront pointed his sword at the Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion.

That is, Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion, don’t bully people too much, do you really think that we people can abuse them arbitrarily?” “Ghost knows what you are talking about. If you had already found a hole and got into it, I would definitely not dare to do this. Shame on your face!”

Everyone scolded the Master of the Medicine Pavilion with every word and every word, and they all looked disdainful, and the Master of the Medicine Pavilion was not angry, he looked at the first disciple of Xuanyuan Pavilion, “Why, what do you think you guys are? Is Xuanyuan Pavilion all good things?”

My Xuanyuan Pavilion is a decent person up and down, and there are even people who have been poisoned by you. Anything that humiliates the sect’s style is also a matter of our cabinet, so you don’t need to worry about it.”

The medicine pavilion master sneered, his tone was sharp, “You never thought that your Xuanyuan pavilion disciple was caught by our medicine pavilion again and again. Why is it difficult to be a true pavilion disciple who neglected to take precautions? I don’t think so”

Xuanyuan Pavilion’s eldest disciple interrupted him, “No matter what, it shouldn’t be the reason for you to sow discord here.”

“Instigating dissension and talking nonsense to the Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion, he walked directly to a Xuanyuan Pavilion disciple who was trembling with a guilty conscience and wanted to escape, and glanced at this person from top to bottom, “Before you came here, you still took medicine?”

Being suddenly pointed out, the pale man took two steps back, he glanced at the suspicious eyes around him and waved his hands in a panic, and his words were a bit incoherent, “No, why do I eat that kind of food, you must not slander me. !”

Although the eldest disciple of Xuanyuan Pavilion did not understand why the Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion was looking for him, he still flew to this person. He put one hand on this person’s shoulder and wanted to give him some confidence. Thirteen disciples, you don’t have to worry, I know this person. lying

“I didn’t expect the thirteenth disciple to tremble even more. He didn’t even dare to look at the eldest disciple, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his speech was incoherent. “Don’t ask me, I really don’t know, I really don’t know”

The Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion looked at the disappointed senior disciple of Xuanyuan Pavilion. He was amused when he saw that the senior disciple was still unwilling to give up, and directly told a little secret of his own pill making.

He spread some fluorescent agent into the air, and the fluorescent agent directly absorbed the skin of the people present, sticking to their faces. , some of the fluorescent signs are about to fade, and some are still brand new

And the one on the face of the Thirteenth Disciple is brand new. At first glance, it was not long after it was engraved. The Master of the Medicine Pavilion pretended to be surprised and pointed at his face, “I think you are also very shy, this time to participate in this event, I deliberately swallowed two pills at home first.”

The master of the Medicine Pavilion said more, and the people present also understood what the fluorescence of these pills represented, nothing more than who took the medicines of the Medicine Pavilion, and the degree of depth also represented the length of the taking time.

The thirteenth disciple had already felt the disappointing gaze of the eldest disciple beside him, he didn’t dare to look at the eldest disciple, he was so cowardly that his heart collapsed, “I am inherently stupid, if I don’t find some Qimen remedies, how can I get it? keep myself, it’s not my fault”

“No matter how powerful you are, it’s not the reason why you secretly use such taboos.”

Unexpectedly, people were by his side, so he picked up the sword and wanted to clean up the door himself. “Since you have done this kind of thing, I think you must already have a result in your heart.”

The thirteenth disciple shook his head, neither did he nod. He was horrified when he saw the eldest disciple who was cleaning the door with medicine. He knelt down and hugged the eldest disciple’s leg, “I already knew I was wrong.”

!, The eldest disciple did not expect that the thirteenth disciple would make such a shameful act. He now feels that Xuanyuan Pavilion is like a joke in the eyes of other people, and is being watched and ridiculed by it.

He kicked the thirteen disciples’ hearts fiercely, and stepped up, “Tell me, are those missing disciples in our Xuanyuan Pavilion you did it?”

The thirteenth disciple’s eyes flickered, he hesitated and refused to speak. A Xuanyuan Pavilion disciple not far away also panicked. He turned around and wanted to sneak away, but he didn’t expect that Ye Qing would be watching every move here. found his move

Ye Qing thought that it would be better to add fuel to the flames, so he directly changed the position of the person who was about to escape, and changed it to the place directly opposite the Thirteen Disciples.

The two looked at each other, and the Thirteenth Disciple immediately showed surprise in his eyes. He didn’t care how anxious the person on the other side was or didn’t want to tell the matter himself, he pointed at the person on the opposite side and said, “And him, yes. He took me to do this job first, saying that it can improve my strength very well, so don’t be afraid to play in the ring competition.”

The eldest disciple of Xuanyuan Pavilion looked at the man in front of him who was shrinking and trying to escape. The humiliation in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he took out the immortal binding rope from his pocket and tied all the two traitors together.

His face has been completely lost just now, and he doesn’t even know that such a villain has appeared in his cabinet, and even because of this, he is as relieved as a fool, but it has caused such an end.

The eldest disciple put the two people who were bound into his treasure bag, he didn’t want to talk to the people watching the fun for a moment, he pointed at these people in front of him, his tone was very painful, “Your situation is definitely better than my Xuanyuan Pavilion. Not much better, laugh at me, then you won’t have time to laugh at yourselves”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t want to stay in this dirty place anymore and left directly in front of everyone’s eyes, while the others watched the artillery fire move away from the Xuanyuan Pavilion, and their hearts began to be afraid again, especially those with fluorescent pills on their faces Yes, what they have to face is the doubts of their own teachers

There was a commotion, and many people dragged the people around them to ask what was going on with the fluorescence on their faces. For a while, distrust and suspicion spread throughout the room, and no one was wondering what the reason for coming to the Medicine Pavilion was.

Ye Qing didn’t intervene, he just stood quietly looking at the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion, and saw that the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion was enjoying it. Ye Qing said thank you very much, let me know what kind of drug”

The Master of the Medicine Pavilion knew that the Medicine Pavilion would definitely be defeated by Ye. He was already a little crazy now. He just wanted to be dragged into the water as many schools as possible. Hearing Ye Qing’s words, his face turned red and white, and his unwillingness filled his heart.

He glared at Ye Qing fiercely

, I have provided you with so much information, why don’t you give more to the Medicine Pavilion?”

Ye Qing shook his head, “Those people are also caused by greed. So many people buy the things you made, but they are just taking advantage of their greed. Damn them, why don’t you?”

After he finished speaking, he ignored the gaze of the Master of Medicine Pavilion as if he was about to tear him apart, and continued to look at what was happening in front of him, only to see that there was an infighting inside, and the person with a fluorescent face refused to admit that he had done it. something, but it’s a sure thing

Bing Ling’er stood by and frowned, she was very dissatisfied with all this in her heart, “I didn’t expect that I just didn’t care about the rest of the Northern Territory for a while, and it has become like this?”

Everyone’s greed is clearly written on their faces, and it looks particularly ugly and terrifying. Many people in the sect will sacrifice others to improve their strength for the Northern Region Conference in a few days. sacrificed

Ye Qing asked her how the preparations for the Northern Territory Conference were. “Everything is prepared as in previous years.”

Bing Ling’er watched the group of people arguing, and slowly shook her head, “It’s just that I don’t know if there is any need to hold it.”

The Northern Territory Conference was originally intended to let more hardworking and high-strength young people come forward. This is a good opportunity, but looking at this situation this year, it is very likely that there will only be a dance of demons, which has violated the original intention of the Northern Territory Conference.

Ye Qing knew what Bing Linger was thinking about. She was afraid of burying the real talents. After thinking about it, Ye Qing patted Bing Linger on the shoulder and signaled that Bing Linger should not worry, “It’s okay, things have their own solutions. Now Aren’t these people on the road to destruction?”

The temperature of the man came from her shoulders, and Bing Ling’er’s face instantly turned red. She was a little shy and didn’t dare to look at Ye Qing, and nodded slightly, “Well, I know.”

I saw that the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion was alone and helpless. Some of the people he brought were also a little confused about the other sects arguing with each other in the Medicine Pavilion. The Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion wanted to escape, but all the way was blocked by Ye Qing. , forcing him to face the fact in front of him

His greed makes him seek his own death

Recommend, share!, Ye Qing finds it interesting to see the Master of the Medicine Pavilion standing in the midst of the noise but has nowhere to vent, and those people are already dissatisfied with the arguing, just talk about it, and even take out Arms ready to fight in the medicine pavilion, arguing with fists

The Master of the Medicine Pavilion finally couldn’t help it. He felt that things were going in a very absurd direction.

When everyone heard the words of the Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion, they all looked at him, and finally remembered the purpose of their trip. The old man in the lead stroked his beard and sneered, “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be like this today. how noisy”

“Because of me you really respect me”

The medicine pavilion’s body has become weird because of taking medicine all year round. He tore off the black cloak on his body, revealing his ugly body, “Everything is just because of your vanity and greed!”

This Northern Territory has done this kind of forbidden art. Since the ancient building was destroyed by the Fire Pavilion, it has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and I am the best in it, so I was singled out as a target.

“The old building owner looked at Ye Qing with intention, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, “Who knows what this person is thinking, maybe he is just jealous of me?”

Jealous of you, don’t think too highly of you

“Bing Ling’er retorted with a cold face, she knew that Ye Qing would never like this kind of thing. “It’s just for the sky.”

The Master of the Medicine Pavilion snorted, his deformed body became more and more slender, and his hands gradually turned into the shape of a sickle, “I think it’s just to satisfy one’s own selfish desires, first remove the ancient building and then remove the Medicine Pavilion, and then the time will come. There are only some small workshops left, so Fire Pavilion can do whatever it wants to do by then.”

, he saw that there were already people from the sect attacking him one after another, and his two sickle-shaped arms stretched and slashed directly at those people’s heads. His body had mutated, and his skin was extremely hard. There are only very slight marks on the surface of his skin.

The Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion laughed. He gave up his own body, and finally he could attack others unscrupulously. He didn’t have to hide in a dark room and do some dark commands. Countless blood tumors rolled under the skin, as if they were about to burst at any time

The sickle in the medicine pavilion master’s hand slaughtered all directions. One’s little disciple was completely unable to resist this offensive. His sickle had a familiar black mist on it. Once it penetrated the epidermis, it could follow the meridians and the brain. It was extremely domineering. Several disciples died of dantian explosions

Bing Ling’er looked at the tragic situation in front of her. She pulled out her ice sword and wanted to go up to fight with the master of the Medicine Pavilion, but was stopped by Ye Qing with one hand. Ye Qing shook her head at her, “Someone has already arrived.”

Ye Qing could feel the breaths of the two roads, the south and the north, flying towards his head, and it had a very similar feeling to the medicine pavilion. Eighty percent of the time it was the opponent who was also in the business of soul pills and wanted to stir up the flames.

The tongue in the mouth of the master of the Medicine Pavilion also began to stretch freely, and the top of it was full of barbs and stinky saliva. As long as it touched the human skin, it would emit a corrosive liquid. His tongue hooked on a person’s neck, and that person’s neck instantly dissolve, head identity, away

He has now lost his human consciousness and turned into a monster that burns the power of his soul rapidly, but the master of the medicine pavilion is still very complacent. “

The rest of the people did not dare to act rashly. The Pavilion Master of Medicine Pavilion turned his eyes to Ye Qing who had been standing beside him. His bloodshot eyes widened and he roared, “Why don’t you dare to hit me, you bastard, you what are you afraid of?”

The rest of the Medicine Pavilion watched their pavilion master turn into a monster, and they were still provoking Ye Qing without knowing how to live or die. An elder went up to persuade him for the sake of his old love, “Pavilion Lord, be more awake, this is an immortal.”

But before he could finish speaking, a sickle slashed over quickly, and the elder ducked quickly, but two sickles attacked one after another, as if he was intent on killing the elder.

Bing Ling’er hurriedly used the ice rope to fetch the elder over, “Doing your own hands, you’re already crazy”

“Yeah, I’m crazy, I’m crazy, hahahaha”

The Master of the Medicine Pavilion looked up to the sky and smiled, his smile was particularly gloomy. He dragged his two sickle arms and slashed straight in the direction of Ye Qing. The blood tumor on his body exploded like a blood bomb in the air. The two teams finally came, and this was the start

As soon as the two teams came over, they saw such a scene, and they were shocked on the spot.

Ye Qing fixed the Master of the Medicine Pavilion in the air with one hand, so that everyone could see the monster. The Master of the Medicine Pavilion poured out blood frantically, screaming in the air, and the whole person slowly turned into a mummified corpse. still alive

Ye Qing couldn’t take it any longer and killed him with a knife

!, The body of the Pavilion Master of the Medicine Pavilion was frantically spewing out thick pus and blood. His blood vessels were already like dry branches. After being cut open by Ye Qing with a knife, the whole body began to fall apart uncontrollably, and finally all fell out. on the ground

He has been able to condense the inner alchemy in his body, and the inner alchemy slowly rises in the air. The people next to him are all eyeing the inner alchemy, but because of Ye Qing’s presence, no one dares to step forward and do it.

Ye Qing summoned Suzaku out, and he pointed to the inner alchemy floating in the air, “This person’s inner alchemy will serve you as a snack.”

Suzaku let out a crisp cry in the sky, and then happily flew to the inner alchemy, hugged the inner alchemy with its small paws and ate it happily, Ye Qing felt Gu Long’s dissatisfaction, and he said to comfort “Next time I will give it to you. eat”

Everyone around was shocked when they saw that Ye Qing had actually summoned another divine beast, and there were traces of greed in their eyes. It was rumored that the divine beast in its heyday was as powerful as the Immortal Emperor. Who wouldn’t want to own one?

But because of Ye Qing, no one dared to step forward. If it was a divine beast owned by others, it might have been attacked long ago.

The dragons below were headless, and some of the Yaoge people stood aside in fear, fearing that Ye Qing would take anger at them.

The two couples who flew later also saw the tragic state of the Master of Medicine Pavilion. They stopped on the road and did not dare to move. They were hesitating whether they should turn their heads and fly back as if they didn’t see it, when they heard Ye Qing speak.

Ye Qing seemed to be really puzzled by their intention to come here, “Why did you people come here for no reason? Could it be that the medicine pavilion also plotted against your disciples?”

He pointed to another dungeon, “If you are also victimized by this cruel method, I have already avenged you. If there are any surviving disciples, please go there and find them.”

These people present looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to say. They are obviously people in the field of pharmacy and alchemy. They are definitely not here because their disciples were arrested, but just to see how the medicine pavilion is now and whether they need to make up for it.

Seeing that they didn’t move their legs, Ye Qing continued, “It’s better to say that what you are doing is like a medicine pavilion, and you take the initiative to come to your door to find death.”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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