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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 219

Ye Qing didn’t ask for a place to live, he complied, and then asked Bing Linger, “Tomorrow is the first day of the audition, right?”

Recommend, share!, Bing Linger nodded to Ye Qing, “Yes, the conference will officially start the preliminary round tomorrow, and I will go to instruct my disciples to conduct the final arena inspection to ensure the safety of the arena.”

Ye Qing can trust Bing Linger. Because the Northern Territory Competition is held every ten years, people from all over the Northern Territory will come to participate.

It is unknown how much commotion it will cause if you move some hands and feet on the ring in the preliminary round to disrupt the normal order.

Bing Ling’er’s expression was also a little solemn, “This year, because of the ancient building incident, there has been some turmoil on the mainland. I am afraid that some people want to take this opportunity to cause more trouble.”

Ye Qing comforted her, “No problem, I just checked for you, at least there are no abnormal energy fluctuations in the town”

Although some tiny energy gathering balls have been discovered, it is better to wait for Bing Linger to discover this level.

Although Bing Linger is a mature and stable person, she has not been in charge of Tianxiamen for less than five years.

Seeing that Ye Qing helped him eliminate potential dangers, Bing Ling’er breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m sorry to trouble you, Immortal Emperor, but I still have to be more vigilant, otherwise if something happens, I can’t bear it”

Seeing that Bing Linger didn’t relax because of this, Ye Qing was still a little relieved. Sure enough, Bing Linger’s people checked out some energy balls at night.

Some energy balls are distributed over the big family to absorb energy covertly, while others are used for surveillance, as if they want to inquire about some news.

In the middle of the night, Bing Ling’er was still dealing with these matters. She looked at the lists handed in by her disciples and instructed wearily, “We will focus on monitoring these sects in the next few days, so as not to make small moves behind the scenes.”

Ye Qing was idly wandering around the gate of the world. He wanted to know the topography of this place in person, and he saw Bing Linger who was still investigating.

He hid in the dark, and his fingertips shot a tiny white light into Bing Ling’er’s forehead. Bing Ling’er’s tired expression immediately relieved a lot.

Bing Linger felt that a gentle vein entered her whole body, and her lost energy immediately recovered. Bing Linger was delighted, and she looked around. There was no familiar figure, but she knew clearly in her heart. This power was injected into her by Ye Qing, and Bing Linger immediately became full of vitality again.

The preliminaries on the second day finally began. Lin dug out all five 55 contestants early in the morning and headed to the competition arena, while Huofeng and the other elders stayed at Tianxiamen.

Ye Qing didn’t want to attract attention, he told Huo Qilin in advance that he would walk around, but in fact he disguised himself as a little disciple with an ordinary face, ready to go to the preliminary round to see

The preliminary round was held on the floating plaza in front of the main building of Tianxiamen. You had to jump on it to participate. Some disciples of the small sects were even stuck at this level and could not participate.

The floating plaza is very huge, like a flat ground floating in the air. Everyone who enters the venue needs to hold the specific jade pendant issued the night before the Tianxiamen to pass the first gate.

Although Ye Qing didn’t have a jade pendant, he could easily pass through the gate. It was just that there were around [-] people in the floating square, and there was a floating piece of land on the square. Bing Linger and a group of judges were standing on it.

Time has passed, the gate on the square has been closed, Bing Linger is wearing a strong blue suit today, with a blue belt around her waist, which sets off her extremely hot body.

Her hair was tied into a ponytail, Ye Qing took a closer look and found that she was actually wearing a jade pendant that was the same as the jade pendant she gave her.

Bing Linger glanced around and saw that Huo Qilin was already waiting with five 55 members, but she did not see Ye Qing on the site of Huo Pavilion.

She was a little disappointed in her heart, but she still said to the people below, “Welcome everyone to participate in the [-]-year Northern Territory Conference. I am the owner of Tianxiamen, the organizer of this conference, and I will be responsible for the rest of the world together with everyone in Tianxiamen. “

“There are a total of 421 sects in this conference, and a total of [-] people [-] participated. However, due to other reasons, only [-] disciples were present. We will start our preliminary selection later.”

“The preliminary round is a one-on-one system, and the winning side will advance. Due to the large number of people, we will hold it in four days, with two competitions per day. As for those who compete, the draw will be held.”

This is the rule of the Northern Territory Conference. No one has any objection, and Bing Linger also threw a big ball in the air, and immediately flew out four hundred pieces of paper, with two hundred numbers on them. The same two Zhang is the opponent

The big ball has been set in advance so that people on the same team will not draw the same number, and after everyone gets the note, the name and martial art of their opponent will immediately appear on it, as well as the start date.

Fire Pavilion’s five people 5 also got the note. Miao Yu frowned at his opponent’s sect.

!,Chen Rong looked at the one on his note that he hadn’t heard of the mission but felt bored. He looked left and right, and asked everyone, “What are your opponents, have you… met those Peacock Pavilion people?”

Miao Yu rarely spoke, and she picked up the note in her hand, “Playing against the Peacock Pavilion Kong Le”

Chen Rong glanced at Miao Yu in surprise, and then looked at the note in her hand, “I didn’t expect that Miao Yu was really nothing, so don’t worry, if Tang Guo said it”

Tang Guo slapped the head fiercely and looked at Chen Rong angrily, “What do you mean, your strength is not bad, okay?”

Chen Rong touched his head and smiled, “It’s not a joke, but Miao Yu must beat up the Peacock Pavilion people for them, so that they can get out of anger.”

Miao Yu nodded lightly, and she clenched the note in her hand. When Kong Hua mocked Ye Qing before, she already wanted to do it. Ye Qing was her savior, and she would not allow anyone to slander like this.

Huo Qilin read it one by one, and they were going to meet the candidates. Except for Chen Xiu and Miao Yu’s opponents, the well-known sect disciples, all three of them were small sects.

“Although according to common sense, Xiaomen can’t send any powerful disciples, but don’t take it lightly”

Fire unicorn said to five 55 people seriously

Ye Qing silently stood by and observed all this. He has already seen it. If there is no accident, the five people in the Fire Pavilion will win.

The five 55 disciples all nodded solemnly, they understood that they had honors on their shoulders, and even Chen Rong, who had always been a little rude, promised with a stern face, “Master, rest assured, the apprentice will not lose face.”

Huo Qilin wanted to tell these people something, but a disgusting breath came over, accompanied by arrogant laughter “Hahahahaha”

, a few people looked over there, and saw Kong Hua leading a coquettish man in Peacock Pavilion clothes towards this side, and the two of them had the same contempt in their eyes.

Kong Hua glanced inside the Huoge people and said, “Who is Miao Yu here?”

Miao Yu walked out with a dull expression, “Kong Hua looked at Miao Yu up and down, and his contempt became more and more profound. She came to participate in this kind of competition, and she was not afraid of dying here.”

Miao Yu clenched her hands gradually. She didn’t speak, she just looked at the two of them in silence. Seeing that Miao Yu didn’t respond, the man behind Kong Hua finally couldn’t wait to speak. The saliva is dripping

This person is Miao Yu’s opponent, Kong Le, and Kong Le looked at Miao Yu, “I didn’t expect that today’s opponent, for the sake of a woman, would definitely pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and show mercy.”

I see someone looking at Miao so candidly

Rain, the fire unicorn wants to beat people’s mood soaring, but he still holds back, if he hits people, he will definitely be criticized

Miao Yu still had a calm expression on her face. She watched the two people in front of her become increasingly anxious, and then glanced at the stage, “The game is about to start, what can I say on stage?”

Miao Yu didn’t seem to be angry, but Ye Qing saw the burning flame in Miao Yu’s eyes, and he had already remembered this person named Kong Le in a moment of silence.

In the four-day preliminary round, Miao Yu and Tang Guo played on the first day, Chen Xiu and Chen Rong on the second and third day respectively, and Li Tianqi on the last day.

On the stage, Bing Linger saw that everyone knew who her opponent was, and she stretched out a hand in the air, and the middle of the platform under her feet began to split, and then two pieces floated.

There are three seats next to the two tables, the therapist and the two Tiantianmen elders, which are set up to prevent human lives and judgment results during the game.

Bing Ling’er had already left the stage, replaced by two female disciples in cheongsam, who stood on one platform on each side, and announced at the same time, “The first day of the preliminary round, officially begins!”

One pair after another went up to the challenge, and ten winners were quickly identified. Most of them came from the famous school, but there were also a few disciples from the small school.

Soon it was Tang Guo’s turn to play. She played against a middle-aged man who had never heard of the martial art. The middle-aged man used a sword and fought back and forth with Tang Guo.


After a few rounds, it was finally Miao Yu’s turn to confront Kong Le. The two jumped onto the platform. Kong Le still had a sullen expression on his face, and seeing Miao Yu’s indifferent expression made him even more excited. Maybe you can still be merciful,”

Before Kong Le’s words were finished, Miao Yu’s whip went straight to

Knocked on the forehead, Kong Le dragged his fat body and almost didn’t dodge, but he was hit by the tail of the whip, and he groaned in pain.

I didn’t expect that Miao Yu would suddenly take action, but the whip came down again.

Recommend, share!, Kong Le roared at Miao Yu while dodging, “Why did you suddenly shoot? This sneak attack is too despicable!”

The whip in Miao Yu’s hand didn’t stop, and lightning bolts followed Kong Le’s pace frantically from the air. The whip was so fast that only an afterimage was left in the air. Her words were cold, “The battle has already started the moment she stepped on the stage, and she didn’t pay attention. !”

Kong Le was already fat, and when he was chased by Miao Yu, it was like a fat pig. There were already a lot of welt marks on his body, but he didn’t have any major problems with each other.

After finally getting used to it, Kong Le put a protective cover around his body and quickly took out a big axe. Unexpectedly, Kong Le’s ability was also thunder and lightning. The big axe changed into a purple light like Miao Yu’s whip, and it came back to Miao Yu.

The battles were quite boring before, but there was a sudden thunder and lightning that attracted the attention of many people. Another audience in the arena came to this end, and even today, there were no fighters and began to watch the show.

Kong Le saw that there were so many people around, and the pressure in his heart increased. After all, he was now the master disciple of the Peacock Pavilion. If he were to lose here, he could imagine what kind of anger Kong Hua would be like.

Miao Yu saw that the man on the other side was still distracted while fighting, a trace of unhappiness crossed her heart, and her hand became even sharper, and the whip made a burst of thunder and lightning like barbs. A layer of flesh and blood, Kong Le screamed in pain

Kong Le didn’t give in too much. The axe carried layers of lightning. Although it didn’t cut Miao Yu’s body, it burned Miao Yu’s clothes. With Miao Yu, a layer of flesh was also burned, but Miao Yu didn’t change his face and continued. aggressively attacking

Finally, the winner was decided, Kong Le had too many injuries on his body, Miao

The rain penetrated through the wound with electric current, which strongly stimulated Kong Le’s whole body inside the body. Kong Le’s meridians seemed to be severely shocked by electric shock. The whole person trembled violently, and his mind was no longer awake. Eyes rolled, mouth drooling


The therapist hurried forward to help Kong Le heal, but Miao Yu didn’t stop. She intensified the electric current into Kong Le’s body.


Attacking Kong Le’s brain directly, if he goes further, he can directly turn Kong Le into a dementia

Miao Yu knew that if she really turned Kong Le into dementia, the Peacock Pavilion and Huoge Liangzi would be officially formed. She tried her best to restrain her anger, and when the elder wanted to stop her, Miao Yu stopped in time and stood up. lost

The therapist hurriedly stepped forward to help Kong Le treat, Miao Yu stood aside and looked indifferently at “Have you won?”

The elder on the side nodded to her, and handed the jade pendant to Miao Yu, and then Hu asked her, “Is this right just now?”

If it is intentional, the elders can completely suspect that Miao Yu has murderous tendencies. After the protection against her opponents, they can directly let Miao Yu end at this level.

Miao Yu paused for a while, then shook her head without showing any emotion, “I suspect that I still have the ability to fight back, so I just paralyzed my whole body with an electric current, it doesn’t make any sense.”

It makes sense to explain to 99. Miao Yu won the game and then went off the court. Tang Guo ran up excitedly, she cheered, “Miao Yu is too powerful, it’s a pity I can’t kill this person, I was worried that I would be unable to restrain myself just now. Woolen cloth”

Chen Rong also nodded, and patted Miao Yu’s shoulder cheerfully, “It’s a pity that I didn’t kill that grandson, but I’ll have to lie in bed for at least a few months, hahaha”

Kong Le’s meridians have been loosened by the electricity, and Kong Le’s whole body is no longer able to move. He can only use precious medicinal materials to slowly wait for recovery. This is Miao Yu’s torture method.

On the other hand, Kong Hua was so angry that he didn’t expect that his eldest apprentice would lose, and he would lose so ugly in the hands of a woman. When he walked up to Kong Hua, Kong Hua was already in the therapist’s hands.

wake up

When Kong Hua woke up, he slapped him with a backhand, “Waste, how could you be tortured like this by a woman!”

Kong Le could understand Kong Hua’s words and felt pain, but the muscles and meridians all over his body were weak, he couldn’t speak or move at all. He kept his mouth open, saliva gushing out from the corners of his mouth, like a dementia.

Kong Hua was disgusted and took two steps back.

Afterwards, Kong Hua left the stage without any reluctance. He looked at the Fire Pavilion and saw that these people were really happy to talk and laugh. Kong Hua thought that Bing Linger had been chasing that man, and felt even more in his heart. The blood is rushing

After taking a look, this man was not there, which means that this man was still in the gate of the world and did not come to participate in the Northern Territory Conference. The anger in Kong Hua’s heart had been held back for a long time and he could not express it, and the figure of the man flashed in his mind. Decided to get this revenge back

The first day of the preliminaries came to an end soon, Huo Qilin brought five 55 disciples back and saw what Ye Qing and Huo Feng were discussing.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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