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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 224

Several people in the Fire Pavilion quickly took the paper that fell from the sky and looked for their name from above. After reading it, they all shouted excitedly. Even Tang Guo with the lowest score was ranked twenty-seventh, and all members of the Fire Pavilion entered the third place. round game

Chen Rong ranked ninth, proudly walked to the ninth place in front of the great disciple of Tianxiamen, the big disciple of Tianxiamen had a calm expression, coughed twice, and did not look down from the first place.

Chen Rong glanced suspiciously, then lowered his head and started to read from the opening of the piece of paper. Just after two glances, he understood what the great disciple of Tianxiamen meant. He smacked this man on the shoulder and it really did! It turned out that the great disciple of Tianxiamen won the The first place in the World of Warcraft standings is a good result, and the lowest score in the world is also fifteenth, it can be said that the world is very proud.

There are more than [-] people who did not enter the top [-], either looking sad or unwilling, but this matter has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed, so they have to leave here under the guidance of the disciples

Bing Linger first asked the remaining hundred disciples to return to the Tianxiamen. In the Tianxiamen lobby, she started to talk. The next three days will take a break, and then they will start the third round of 99, and this round of competition We will no longer close the venue, and the spectator is not only related to the game, but anyone who wants to watch the game can come.

This means that in the third game, the crowd will be mixed, and there will only be more things that Tianxiamen need to guard against, but this will also inform the outstanding players.

The people below became even more excited when they knew that more people would come to see them. After all, they selected [-] people from more than [-] people, and they all had confidence in their own strength.

After seeing that everyone had no worries, Bing Linger started to talk about the third round of the competition system. This round will let the players challenge themselves two by two. Please confirm who your opponents are in the first two days. If you don’t find your opponent, the third Days will be allocated

When I heard this competition system, there was an uproar, because if you can choose your opponent, the strong can choose the weak, so you can easily win, but most of the weak

The situation will only choose the weaker, so it is difficult to choose a truly suitable opponent. It is more likely that the strong will be against the strong, and the weak will be against the weak.

Tang Guo raised her own question, then please, are there any restrictions on the sect? Bing Linger smiled at Tang Guo. Naturally, there are no restrictions. If the sects want to compete with each other, they can

Chen Xiu bumped into Tang Guo, and didn’t understand why she asked such a question. Do you want to pick the people here to fight? Tang Guo looked around, and she whispered to a few curious people in Huoge, didn’t they notice, Are there some teams here who have long been angry with their teammates? Maybe they are accumulating in the forest?

Chen Rong suddenly realized, he clicked twice. Tang Guo didn’t expect such a person. If you ask this, you will add fuel to the fire. It’s amazing.

Hearing Tang Guo say this, the Fire Pavilion disciples all looked around, and saw that there should be a problem with the distribution of inner alchemy. Some sect insiders already disliked each other, and there was no communication throughout the whole process.

Chen Rong looked like a good show, “It would be interesting if there was really a struggle within the sect, not to mention that there are outsiders who can come and watch, and I don’t know how to evaluate it”

Seeing that these people were already watching the excitement, Miao Yu couldn’t help reminding them, “Don’t forget that you also have to choose your opponents. If you really want to let Tianxiamen help you choose, you won’t know your opponent’s virtue.”

Mentioning this Tang Guo was a little troubled, she pouted, “I don’t know who I can turn to as an opponent, and I don’t even know what his disciple’s abilities are.”

She looked around the arena and saw that everyone was a little confused, but a woman suddenly walked up to Tang Guo and said, “Let’s fight”

The woman looked arrogant, which made Tang Guo a little unhappy.

“I saw it in the forest, but I was fighting monsters at that time, so I probably didn’t notice it.”

The woman, snorted coldly, and flipped her hair, “Ye Zi, the daughter of the owner of Penglai Island, has similar abilities, so I want to challenge”

Tang Guo was taken aback, and then readily replied, “Okay, why don’t you go and try it first, otherwise it’s not very good after seeing it.”

Both of them were very straightforward, and they immediately went to the martial arts field. The people in Huoge were envious when they saw Tang Guo pairing up so quickly.

“Tang Guo has already found an opponent, so we have to work harder!”

Chen Xiu stood up and walked towards the martial arts field.

Bing Ling’er made it easier for everyone to find their opponents faster. Ten blocks and ten martial arts fields were opened in the original square. The disciples could go in and leave images of their own abilities, so that they could contact their opponents easily.

Miao Yu was very concerned about Ye Qing’s disappearance, but she just searched the paper for a long time and couldn’t find the school and pseudonym that Ye Qing reported before.

She asked the disciples of Tianxiamen, only to find that this person has already been in the preliminary competition.

The matter has already been eliminated, so Miao Yu has been entangled in this matter for the past two days, and even ignored the matter of choosing an opponent. It was only on the third day when he was assembled that he was reminded by the disciples of the Fire Pavilion.

Chen Rong’s opponent chose Tianxiamen’s great disciple, and the three of them also chose opponents of comparable strength, only Miao Yu was left.

Bing Linger saw that all one hundred disciples had already

When we arrive, we will begin to explain which disciples are left on the list.

In addition, Bing Linger is only eight 8s, all of them are really weak and have strange abilities. No one wants to choose the weak, and those with strange abilities cannot understand them, and no one dares to choose.

Bing Linger continued to read according to the ranking and told Miao Yu.”

Since I didn’t choose my opponent, let’s draw lots.

“As a result of the lottery, Miao Yu’s opponent is a woman with fog ability. This woman seems to be the master of the sect and looks extremely mysterious, so even if she has shown her face in the martial arts field, no one dares to choose.

Ye Qing has been on the sidelines, and after seeing the result, he couldn’t help but have some interest.”

I have also read about this woman. It seems that Miao Yu has indeed encountered a difficult opponent.

“Fire unicorn scratched his head”

I heard that this person, the sect master of the Wuyin sect, is best at using illusions, and it is not simple to participate in the competition. Be careful in the next competition.


Bing Linger has already asked her, she will take care of her in the next few days

“Ye Qing’s expression darkened a bit. In the past few days, a large number of people have poured into this small town at the foot of Tianxiamen Mountain, and the aura inside is also changing.

There are already many unidentified and powerful people who have come in. If they don’t take care of them, they may have an accident during the game.

And the opponents have also been clearly divided, Bing Linger nodded with satisfaction, “It seems that there is no opportunistic thing happening, then the competition will start tomorrow, this time there is only one venue, and the competition time will be five days!”

“Five days, does that mean only ten games a day?”

The audience was a little surprised

Bing Linger continued, “That’s right, I believe that ten games a day should be enough for everyone to decide the winner. The stadium will be in the center of Tianxia Town at the foot of the mountain. Please come and gather at that time.”

After announcing these things, Bing Ling’er was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She has been urgently investigating Tianxia Town for the past few days, but the abilities of the disciples are still limited.

Yu Binglinger asked some people she trusts to help look at it, among them Ye Qing

In fact, although Bing Linger had some selfishness in looking for Ye Qing, she paid more to the world. When she saw Ye Qing standing there, she hurried over.

Bing Linger looked at Ye Qing, she looked at Ye Qingzheng with her eyes closed as if she was searching for something, and whispered, “The Immortal Emperor should have noticed something.”

Ye Qing opened his eyes and just drew a map of the distribution of some people in Tianxia Town in his mind, and nodded when he heard Bing Linger’s words, “There are indeed many experts who came to Tianxia Town, but I don’t know what they will do, so I still don’t know what to do. Just wait and see.”

I talked to Bing Linger about what I would focus on observing, and then I was going to move to another place to continue my work.

Ye Qing returned to the forest of Houshan Mountain. Because Xuanwu had just woken up, he needed a steady stream of magic beasts to replenish himself.

Xuanwu turned into a prototype and began to devour, Ye Qing also crossed his legs and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He closed his eyes and meditated, thinking that he hadn’t entered the chat group for a long time, and Yu clicked into it.

However, I found that there was a lot of noise in the chat group. From the day before yesterday, I said that I was looking for myself, and there were many people Aite, but Ye Qing never joined the group, so I didn’t see it.

The situation was urgent, and I didn’t have so much time to check the cause and effect, so Yu spoke directly in the group.

What happened to the Lord of Heaven? We are so anxious to find it. Immortal Emperor Mary Su finally appeared. It seems that something bad has happened to Niang Twinkle. Please go and see! At this time, it should be during the Holy Grail War, and it is very likely that Niang Twinkle is being beaten, so there will be an accident.

After thinking about it, Ye Qing is going to tell everyone in the group to persuade them to relax.

The Lord of Heaven should be fine, the world of Niang Twinkle is now 9


The plot is progressing, according to Niangjing doing those things, being beaten is also 9



Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, but it’s not like the Immortal Emperor, because something happened to the world over there, so we will call! Ye Qing frowned when he saw this sentence, and then began to listen to the people in the group who had experienced the past few days and began to talk to the end. what happened

It turns out that Bubble Girl Twinkle has not been talking in the group for a long time, and she is eager to find the Immortal Emperor, and also posted a few videos that look extremely distorted, as if the whole world is soaked in a sea of ​​fire

Niang’s glittering face appears from time to time, she looks desperate, completely different from her previous impossibility

In her last few words, she asked the group members to find Ye Qing as soon as possible, because only Ye Qing can save that…Breaking the world, there has been no news since then, and it has been like this for five days

It’s not that after Mary Sue finished talking about the matter, she was very worried and didn’t know what happened to Niang Twinkle now. Judging by the situation, she was already very bad on her side.

The members of the group were also very worried, the whole group was shrouded in gloom, and no one came out to joke.

One week on the Lord of Heaven’s side is equivalent to one day here, so in fact, the passage of time doesn’t take long. The mother’s ability is strong, and nothing will happen. Everyone, don’t be too pessimistic.

Absolutely correct, Xue Shixia, the troublesome Immortal Emperor must rush over as soon as possible, Niang Twinkle seems to be in a very wrong situation

After Ye Qing told them that he was relieved, he immediately activated the group ability, and was about to teleport the world to Dingdongmu City, and then directly passed through the past.

As soon as he landed in Fuyuki City, he frowned in horror at the tragic situation in front of him. Originally, there was a sea of ​​fire in Fuyuki City, and the highest point seemed to be a volcano erupting.

The volcano stands at the top of Fuyuki City, and countless magma erupts from it. The magma pours into Fuyuki City along the hillside. The ground of Fuyuki City is divided into two parts.

A part of the building has been submerged by the speech, and it is full of ashes and smoke. The other floor is still intact. At the junction of the two floors, there are some servants and masters standing.

The seven 7 Servants actually worked together to release energy towards the barrier, and the Master did not flinch, they were all fighting against the surging magma.

Ye Qing flew to the side of Niang Twinkle, and also stretched out a hand to inject energy into the barrier. The barrier light was flickering, but because of this energy injection, it immediately brightened.

Niang Twinkle breathed a sigh of relief, she looked in the direction where the energy came from, but saw an unexpected figure “Immortal Emperor!”


Ye Qing continued to inject energy into the enchantment, only to see that the enchantment actually advanced a few steps forward, and the original magma invaded the ground and evolved a little

Several of them also saw the change, and they all looked towards Ye Qing. They saw a strange man helping out, and they were all confused.

Arturia stabbed her sword forward a little further, and looked at Niang Twinkle with tears in her eyes, “Who is this person?”

We have recruited foreign aid, don’t worry, this catastrophe will definitely get through! “Seeing that Niang Twinkle’s state has changed from despair to what it is now, everyone looked at Ye Qing with curiosity, and continued to ask “Where did it come from?”

Niang Twinkle summoned more treasures of the king, “You don’t need to ask more, just know that the strength can’t even keep up with a hundred!”

Seeing that Niang Twinkle was reluctant to say it and didn’t ask, but they were shocked. After all, Niang Twinkle is a very arrogant and arrogant adult, and she is very powerful.

To actually be able to make Niang Zhuan say a hundred words, she can’t compare to such words, how terrifying is the strength of the incoming person?

And Ye Qing did stabilize the barrier as soon as he got here, and even increased the energy of the barrier, allowing the barrier to move forward at a slight speed, so that it would not end up being swallowed up by the magma.

Niang Twink naturally also felt that her own strength was greatly strengthened. The big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground, and she admired and said to Ye Qing, “Immortal Emperor, I didn’t expect you to come. It’s the right decision to ask for help in the group, Immortal Emperor, thank you”

“Need not”

Niang Twinkle didn’t ask for help, Ye Qing knew that Fuyuki City was in trouble and would hurry over there. After all, the series likes works very much.

Ask Niang Twinkle, “What’s going on? Seeing that everyone is complete, it’s not like this disaster was caused by the Holy Grail War”

If the Holy Grail War has already begun, people cannot be so complete, then there must be a reason, but such a turmoil can actually make the Servants helpless. “This matter is related to the Holy Grail War. At the beginning of the Holy Grail War, as soon as we were summoned by the Master, we felt that something was wrong, but no Servant suggested it.”

“Later Kotomine Kirei suddenly sensed a powerful force emerging from Fuyuki City, and then wanted to investigate, but never returned.”

“Then a huge volcano appeared out of thin air in Fuyuki City, and before everyone could react, it erupted unreasonably, and it looked like a magic loop, and they couldn’t suppress it at all”

“The volcanic eruption was too fast and violent. The Tohsaka family united with major families to rescue the citizens of Fuyuki City, but they were unsuccessful. It took a long time to save a quarter of Fuyuki City.”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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