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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 225

Niang Twinkle’s mood is a little down, she has experienced those lessons, and her heart is also aroused by King Xian. Seeing this kind of tragic situation has empathy for ordinary people, so it’s a little uncomfortable.

“Kotomine Kirei finally came back. It seems that this volcano is related to the Holy Grail, but he fainted after speaking, and the details are unknown.”

After explaining everything clearly, Ye Qing probably understood it too. He separated out a ray of divine sense to explore the volcano, and found that the volcano does have a strong Holy Grail aura.

The volcano also felt that someone was testing it, and saw that it spit out thick black smoke again, and then a large jet of magma violently rushed towards the crowd.

This time, the amount was very large. Three-quarters of the buildings below two floors in Fuyuki City were instantly turned into ashes, and there was a powerful magic loop inside. Medusa’s magic power was attacked, and it flew to the ground with a scream.

Tohsaka Rin hurriedly stepped forward to rescue, Emiya Shirou also watched nervously at the ejected magma, “Be careful!”

Ye Qing took a deep breath, and both hands pointed at the magma and emitted a red light. I saw that the red light was actually facing the magma. Although this light was small, it did not lose any heat from the magma.

Red light

Wrapped up this magma, and then split into different strands, rushing all the way to the source of the magma along the magic loop inside the magma.

The magma was also impacted by red light and turned into different small strands, the strength was much weaker, and everyone felt relieved.

Emiya drew the bow and aimed at the barrier, and when the magma rushed up, he shot out the sword with magic power.

The barrier was still intact, much better than the situation where he had to retreat as soon as he attacked. Wei Gong let out the tightness in his chest, and calmly said to Ye Qing, “Thank you for your help.”

Ye Qing stared at the front, “No thanks”

I have already collected my energy from the barrier, and I just injected a very strong energy into it. It should not be a problem to hold the barrier for an hour.

And Ye Qing broke into the magma and the red light also climbed along the magic loop, until it came to the front of the volcano and finally jumped, and got the information that the red light flew to Ye Qing at the speed of light.

Ye Qing grabbed the red light with one hand, closed his eyes and began to perceive the atmosphere inside the volcano. The volcano has a very obvious Holy Grail smell, but it is not a Holy Grail, and the volcano is obviously natural, and it is not due to any external force.

Then there is only one possibility based on these circumstances. The Holy Grail moved a large volcano from nowhere and placed it in Fuyuki City, and also forced people to erupt, and used magic power related to the Holy Grail during the eruption.

He has been vying for the Holy Grail for generations to be safe, but this time it started to do such things. The specific breath of the Holy Grail was buried under the volcano. If you want to understand it, you can only go deep into the volcano.

After thinking about it, Ye Qing continued to reinforce the barrier, and then patted Niang Shing on the back shoulder, and saw that a clear magic circuit emerged on Niang Shing’s back, and Niang Shing instantly felt that her body was full of power.

She looked at Ye Qing in surprise, but found that Ye Qing actually cut a hole in the barrier, and then flew towards the magma, and then

disappeared in a blaze

Everyone present was shocked. Cú Chulainn took back his spear and asked Niang Jian in disbelief, “Who did this bring? Are you going to die?”

“Miscellaneous repairers, don’t say that about the Immortal Emperor!”

If it wasn’t for the reinforcement of the barrier, Niang Twinkle turned around and wanted to send a treasure of the king to Cu Chulainn: “I must go to solve the volcano, everyone wait!”

This volcano contains infinite magic power, and even Arturia and Niang Twinkle can’t go any further, but Ye Qing rushed in without hesitation, which opened everyone’s eyes.

Ye Qing was surrounded by a layer of transparent white light, all the white light that came in contact with this layer of enchantment evaporated directly, Ye Qing also went all the way unobstructed, and immediately came to the crater

The crater is full of engravings. If it is forcibly sealed now, it will only lead to the collapse of the mountain, which will lead to more serious disasters. The only way to solve the problem is to go deep and destroy the Holy Grail fragments.

The white light around his body became even more dazzling, Ye Qing jumped in from the crater without hesitation.

The volcano seemed to sense the intrusion of outsiders, and the magma that had calmed down a little bit erupted again.

The magma impact seemed to want to drive away the outsider Ye Qing, but several red lights condensed in front of Ye Qing. The moment the red light was inserted into the magma, the magma was immediately diverted, and some even lost their strength instantly.

Ye Qing followed the twisting stone wall to the bottom of the volcanic valley. There was no magma here, and it looked very quiet.

And a shining shard is lying not far away, and there are magic engravings on the ground in a radius of ten miles.

Ye Qing threw something at random into the place where the debris circle came out. When he saw the thing, it evaporated instantly, and not even the ashes remained.

At the same time, Ye Qing found a strange sign

I always feel that there is nothing here other than the Holy Grail Fragment, maybe even a child, always looking here

Ye Qing frowned, still a little unfamiliar with the world’s abilities, Yu didn’t rashly startled the snake, but only asked, “Is there anyone here?”

Unexpectedly, a crisp voice sounded “big brother, here”

This voice sounded a little timid, but the Holy Grail fragment started to riot after hearing this voice, and the magic power on the magic engraving began to flow faster and faster.

Ye Qing guessed that because of the child’s voice, he quickly sensed where the child was, and saw that the magic power on the ground also turned into a braid, as if he wanted to arrest people.

The whip reached the back of a tree, and Ye Qing rushed in front of it and picked up the little girl behind the tree.

The whip fluttered in the air, and immediately changed direction and threw it towards the little girl again, Ye Qing directly waved to cut the magic loop of the whip on the ground.

Looking at the shivering little girl in her arms, “Who will attack the Holy Grail Fragments?”

The little girl hesitated and refused to speak, but Ye Qing’s eyes were too sharp, forcing her to speak, “Just the Holy Grail”

“Holy Grail”

Ye Qing looked at the little girl from head to toe, “But the Holy Grail fragment is there”

Seeing that Ye Qing didn’t believe her, the little girl quickly waved her hand, “No, the Holy Grail fragment is right there, but it is also the Holy Grail!”

After a pause, the little girl looked at Ye Qing with some frustration and some anticipation, “Can you believe it and won’t tell him the secret?”

Ye Qing laughed dumbly, “Don’t worry, I’m not from this world, so no one can listen if I want to tell others.”

“Not of this world”

The little girl is a little fuzzy “Okay, don’t look like a bad guy, choose to believe”

Then, the little girl told Ye Qing the secret about the Holy Grail in intermittent explanation.

It turns out that the Holy Grail that each generation of Holy Grail War is fighting for is actually a different Holy Grail. When the Holy Grail of the previous generation is used up, it will start self-destruction, and its power will be passed on to the Holy Grail of the next generation.

The next generation of the Holy Grail appears in the form of a human child at the beginning of its growth. It is not until the previous generation of Holy Grail is destroyed that there will be enough energy to become the Holy Grail, and then the Holy Grail War will officially start.

However, the previous generation of the Holy Grail is not willing to self-destruct, it still wants to continue to be contested, and wants to kill the Holy Grail of this generation of children who are still young

No matter what, if your obsession is too deep, you will be enchanted. Every generation of the Holy Grail is destroyed, but the previous generation of Holy Grail wants to resist

The Holy Grail of the previous generation knew that it was about to be destroyed, but it still used its remaining magic power to hunt down the Holy Grail of Children until its final obsession before it was destroyed.

In the previous generation of Holy Grail explosion, four pieces of Holy Grail were divided, and the Holy Grail of Children was hunted in different places. Although the Holy Grail of Children was not powerful, it also conquered two pieces of Holy Grail.

The remaining two pieces of the Holy Grail were distributed in Fuyuki City. The children returned to Fuyuki City with the intention of capturing these two pieces and absorbing energy into the real Holy Grail.

Who would have thought that these two pieces were merged into one, and a huge volcano was moved in to destroy Fuyuki City, so that the Holy Grail War could not be started. It was too selfish.


Ye Qing did not speak, the idea of ​​the Holy Grail Fragment can indeed be completed. After all, the Holy Grail power, even heroic spirits cannot stop it

The little girl lowered her head, “I knew I might not win two pieces, but I still wanted to find a chance, so I sneaked in, but I never got a chance.”

Seeing the child’s Holy Grail so depressed, Ye Qing couldn’t help but reached out and touched its head, “Don’t worry, the Holy Grail fragments will definitely be subdued.”

Ye Qing sensed the little girl’s strength and felt a little embarrassed after confirming that she was telling the truth, but she didn’t expect even the Holy Grail to be greedy now.

After the Holy Grail Fragment smelled the little girl’s breath, it became more and more manic, and its magic marks on the ground no longer mainly attacked the ground, but turned into violent whips and lashed at the little girl.

It’s a pity that this power is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Qing. He stretched out his hand and smashed all these whips, and then stood on the Holy Grail Fragment Magic Loop.

The little girl widened her eyes and shouted, “Don’t go!”

But Ye Qing stood on it not only well, but also directly kicked the magic loop of blue light on the ground with his foot and broke it.

The magic loop immediately dimmed, and the eruption of magma from the top also quickly slowed down, and the Holy Grail fragment slowly expressed surprise, “How, how is it possible!”

Every magician in the magic loop is proud of his skills. It can be said that if the magician does not remove the magic loop by himself, then no one can start the magic loop. If there is, it is easy to be attacked.

As a result, the man in front of him not only did not use any spells, but only rubbed his feet to break the magic loop of the Holy Grail. What a terrifying ability. Ye Qing kicked another magic loop with one foot, looking at the fragments of the Holy Grail, it looked like he was about to resist. I took a small bag and turned the pieces in, only to see that the loop on the ground disappeared immediately.

The little girl’s eyes widened, she could feel the magic power of the Holy Grail fragment, and she was no longer around. “Is this resolved?”

“Just two pieces of 2”

Ye Qing smiled and touched the little girl’s head for the last time, then handed the small bag to the little girl

The moment the little girl touched the bag, the Holy Grail shards flew out and stopped in front of her forehead.

Afterwards, both the chalice fragment and the little girl emitted a burst of golden light. After the golden light slowly faded away, the little girl disappeared, replaced by a huge chalice, exuding a solemn holy light.

Ye Qing saw the Holy Grail for the first time and thought it was quite interesting, but this Holy Grail only stayed here for a while, and then disappeared immediately.

Ye Qing knew that it was waiting for the seven Servants and the Master to snatch him

Seeing that the magic loop has disappeared, knowing that this volcanic magma will not erupt again, Yu Fei flew out of the volcano, and saw that it was so

The volcano has returned to its original state, but some plants on the mountain have been completely scalded to death. It will take a long time to restore the original ecological environment.

The few heroic spirits saw that the sky was gradually returning to clarity, and there was no new magma coming in. After realizing that Ye Qing had solved these matters, they canceled the enchantment and flew towards Ye Qing.

Niang Twinkle had that indomitable and arrogant look, she folded her arms in front of her chest and stopped on a burned-out tree stump.

Although Tohsaka Rin was arrogant, he even walked up to Ye Qing to thank you, “Thank you for helping Fuyuki City solve this crisis”

The rest of the people also came over to express their gratitude in their own way. Seeing the anime characters standing in front of him and thanking him, Ye Qing said in his heart that it was impossible to be unhappy.

He tried his best to suppress his expression, and calmly said to the people in front of him, “It’s all right, it’s just a small matter within my power.”

Emiya Shirou smiled heartily at Ye Qing. He didn’t know how to thank Ye Qing. After Yu whispered to Artoria for advice, he walked over to Ye Qing.

I’m sorry to scratch Ye Qing. I’ve also watched the anime about cooking at Shirou Emiya’s house. I was curious about the taste before, but now I’ve been invited by myself.


Ye Qing smiled and nodded to Emiya Shirou

Niang Huan originally wanted to ridicule Emiya Shirou, but she didn’t expect Ye Qing to agree so readily. She wanted to see the Immortal Emperor a few more times, but she reluctantly walked up to a few people.

Seeing Mother Shining approaching, Emiya Shirou asked her curiously, “Is there anything else?”

“Aren’t we going to discuss the follow-up work in Fuyuki City?”

Niang is full of arrogance

Emiya Shirou thought for a while, then nodded to Niang Shining, “Naturally we have to discuss, restoring Fuyuki City to the big project it used to be, and people can’t come back if they lose their lives.”

The expression is a little sad, after all

The place where Shirou Yaemiya Shiro grew up in Fuyuki City has been destroyed by three-quarters, which makes my heart very sad.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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