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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 23

In the great wilderness, countless powerhouses who saw this scene exclaimed, full of shock, especially those powerhouses of the princely level, who were even more frightened in their hearts.

Such a terrifying aura, even if it is sacred, is far from it.

Is this a hidden ancient power? !


In the depths of the mountains, there was a terrifying roar roaring, and four powerful creatures were fighting here. The powerful fluctuations almost destroyed the vast mountains and rivers.

If two of the creatures hadn’t blocked the world with their precious bones, I’m afraid that these [-] miles of mountains and rivers would be destroyed.

Even so, the terrifying fluctuations still shattered more than one vast mountain range, causing terrifying destruction.

If no one stops it, the battle will continue for several days.

But this fight is pointless.


A huge hand that covered the sky came in, which was thousands of miles huge, and pressed down on the four-headed creatures.


“who is it!”

“Is this a god?!”

The four creatures roared in fright, feeling a terrifying threat, and they all tried to fight, but it was of no use. The fetish that radiated light was also taken away.

The big hand returned, and at the same time brought the four venerables.

The four powerful Venerables, the supreme beings enough to shock the wasteland, were easily suppressed in this way.


ps: I’m asking for flowers. There are still more than [-] flowers missing, and it’s only [-]. Please vote for it!

Qingming recharge event, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: April 4th to April 4th)

Chapter [-] Squeeze the Venerable to death, raise a Suzaku as a pet (first more)

The Great Wilderness shook.

A huge hand that is tens of thousands of miles in size penetrated into the depths of the mountain range, raised his hand and grabbed the four supreme beings, as simple as pinching a chicken.

All the creatures who saw this scene were shocked to the extreme, and countless beasts were even more terrified, trembling to the ground, not daring to make the slightest sound.

That is the venerable mountain of the gods.

It is the strongest existence inhabiting the ancient sacred mountain. Any one that walks out of the sacred mountain is enough to shake the wasteland and push one side horizontally. Even the ancient country must be treated with caution.

This is a true invincible creature.

In a sacred age, His Holiness is invincible.

But now, a big hand that covers the sky appears, as if an unparalleled god king took action and raised his hand to suppress the four venerables. This shocking scene is firmly imprinted on the hearts of the wild creatures and cannot be erased.

In the village of God, many villagers were exclaiming, looking at the big hand that covered the sky with shock, and their eyes were full of awe.


The big hand returned, and the terrifying momentum was astonishing, but it was well controlled by Ye Qing and did not reveal a trace of power, otherwise, let alone this village, the entire wasteland would be wiped out directly.

Because Ye Qing is really too strong, even if he is obsessed with his body, he can be comparable to a supreme true immortal, or even a stronger unparalleled powerhouse. He can destroy the vast universe in a single thought. His power is enough to destroy the entire eight states. .


Ye Qing opened his right hand, and in the white palm, there were four creatures roaring and struggling. The body is ferocious, there are tens of thousands of miles in size, and there is a Qiongqi.

These four are all pure-blooded creatures, the blood in their bodies is very pure, and the realm is not low, even in the realm of Venerable, I am afraid that there are not many opponents.

These four venerables are all in Ye Qing’s palm. Except for Suzaku, each of them shows a terrifying real body that can cover the sky, but they are still trapped in Ye Qing’s palm and can’t escape at all.

This is the world in the palm of your hand.

A world manifested in the palm of the hand, which can imprison the sky and lock the earth, suppressing all living beings.

At his peak, Ye Qing could even control a vast world to suppress his opponents.

Even if it is just obsessed with the body now, and only a wisp of power is used, it is not the mere Venerable who can escape.

“Good… it’s amazing!”

Ten was stunned to see all this.

This is the real unparalleled powerhouse.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, he suppressed the four supreme beings.

Only God Liu is not surprised, the four venerable beings are very terrifying in the eyes of creatures in the wilderness, they are supreme beings, but in the eyes of existences like them, they are just children who are just stepping on the path of cultivation, and they are nothing at all.

“Who are you?!”

“I am the venerable of the mountain, you dare to take action against me, aren’t you afraid of the mountain’s revenge?!”

In the palm of the world, Tiantianque and Qiongqi roared one after another, with fear and panic. Obviously they panicked, but they still held on, wanting to move out of the mountain, making Ye Qing jealous.

The other two creatures, Suzaku and Zhu Yan, were very calm and struggled a little, because they knew how terrifying the powerhouse was who could raise their hands to suppress them.

At least a god.

In the face of such ancient powers that are comparable to their ancestors, they have no ability to resist, even if they move out of the forces behind them.

“To shut up!”

Ye Qing said lightly, stretched out his hand and pinched the huge swallowing bird in his hand.

This is a very bizarre scene. The swallowing bird with a size of tens of thousands of miles is pinched by two small fingers. This kind of inversion in size makes people feel horrified at first glance.

“What are you doing!”

The swallowing bird roared, his eyes were full of fear, and the powerful power continued to erupt, but it did not shake a bit.

Ye Qing didn’t say anything, but with a slight squeeze, he squeezed the swallowing bird to death, and at the same time raised his hand and threw it, causing it to fall in front of Liu Shen.

“This swallowing bird is given to you. After swallowing its flesh and blood essence, you should regain a lot of strength!”

The current Liushen is at the juncture of recovery and urgently needs all kinds of energy. Similar to pure-blooded beasts, it is one of the best tonics.

“it is good!”

Willow God did not shirk, and the tender willow branches pierced out in an instant, which was harder than divine iron. In an instant, it pierced through the body of the swallowing bird and began to absorb the essence of its body.

In a short while, the swallowing sparrow was devoured ninety percent of the time, and the whole body was absorbed, and the branches of the willow god became more and more green, and new shoots began to appear on the charred trunk.

This scene made the villagers watching not far away swallow their saliva, full of shock.

“This is the legendary swallowing bird!”

“The real Xeon creature can be compared to the Pixiu, the heavenly beast of the Golden Winged Dapeng!”

“Such a powerful beast, the white-clothed lord actually killed it!”

A group of villagers were discussing, their tone was full of awe, it was too shocking that the swallowing bird, who was invincible in their eyes, was just crushed to death.

Lord in white, this is their name for Ye Qing.


Next, Ye Qing pinched Qiongqi to death and threw it to Liu Shen, leaving only Suzaku and Zhu Yan, who were only the tenth friends in the original book, and their character was not bad, so Ye Qing Keep them, and plan to use them to guard the gate of the village of God.

Well, alternatively, it’s okay to keep a Suzaku as a pet!

“Little Suzaku, are you interested in being my pet!”

Thinking like this, Ye Qing looked at Suzaku in the palm of his hand and smiled slightly.

However, this smile, in Suzaku’s eyes, was even more terrifying than the devil.


Chapter [-]: One of the Strongest Sword Techniques in Ancient and Modern Times (Second)

Suzaku shivered.

The palm-sized body looks very petite and beautiful, but it has a powerful strength that is not weaker than the swallowing sparrow. Just a cough can shatter a prince’s territory and destroy tens of thousands of miles of land.

But now this mighty Suzaku can only shiver, full of fear.

Seeing Tiantianque and Qiongqi being pinched to death with his own eyes, it is impossible to say that he is not afraid, but he is a powerhouse of the same level.

However, when he heard that Ye Qing wanted to take it as a pet, its eyes turned slightly, and it was a little moved.

Although as a Venerable, it is still a Suzaku, and it is a shame to be kept as a pet, but it also depends on the object. If it is an ordinary strong person, even if it is sacred, it is not qualified to accept it as a pet.

After all, its ancestors were also a generation of gods.

But the one in front of him is different. From his point of view, his strength is simply terrifying to the extreme. At least he is a god, and it may even be an ancient power, or an old monster from the ancient times.

It doesn’t seem like a shame to be kept as a pet by such an existence!

“I am willing!”

Thinking like this, Suzaku rolled her eyes and looked up at Ye Qing. The crisp, crisp voice of a little girl was very pleasant.

“it is good!”

Ye Qing smiled slightly, his mind moved, and released Suzaku, the Suzaku who was released didn’t dare to think, and obediently flew to Ye Qing’s shoulder, rubbing against him affectionately.

“Little Red!”

When No. [-] saw Suzaku, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise that he clearly recognized Suzaku.

“Stinky brat, don’t call me Xiaohong!”

Suzaku looked at No. [-] viciously, with a dissatisfied tone.

It was the dignified Venerable Suzaku, the sacrificial spirit of the Fire Nation, and was actually called Xiaohong by a little kid.

“My God, that little red bird the size of a slap looks like a vermillion bird!!”

“That is the little red bird who fought against the golden creature with an iron rod before, we have met before!”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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