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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 231

Qiuyue was hit hard on her stomach, but she was grabbed by Bing Linger and couldn’t get out. She could only squat on the ground to cover her stomach. Her internal organs were aching like fire, making her speechless.

Seeing that Qiuyue was obsessed, Ye Qing had no more to persuade her, frowned, and walked in front of Qiuyue

Saying “there is no cure”

Qiuyue trembled and climbed up, seeing Ye Qing looking down at her, the whole person was as majestic as the emperor of heaven, causing Qiuyue to have a lot of fear from the bottom of her heart

She opened her mouth to say something, but the tears fell directly, and she felt aggrieved.”

We always speak ill of Penglai Island, don’t you think about the mood of these people from Penglai Island!”

Wake up, Penglai Island has done such evil things, and you have to suffer when you are scolded! “The people below immediately refuted it, and the crowd was enthusiastic”

not to mention

This island owner is also a direct beneficiary, what’s wrong with it

“Bing Ling’er watched Wuwu cry Qiuyue and told her patiently”

At that time, the mother was carrying thirty lives on her shoulders. After seeing her suicide at that time, the head of the front door did not let her sect be held accountable. In terms of grievances, these innocent victims, family members, friends and teachers, are they not wronged?”

“Qiuyue was choked for a while and stopped crying.

But she still doesn’t want to believe it.”

But the people of Penglai Island are also innocent, why should we directly scold Penglai Island “”

When the mother is doing this, she should take into account the entire Penglai Island she represents

“Bing Ling’er continued.”

And the reason for doing these things, do you take Penglai Island seriously? If you consider the reputation of Penglai Island, you will not do it in Tianxia Town.

Stupid things like putting poison gas on the head!” Deputy Island Master 9


His face was full of panic, and he was afraid that Tianxiamen would investigate the matter, “This matter was not discouraged, please blame it on”

The two elders also hurriedly stood up, “We are not responsible for letting the island owner do this thing”

Ye Qing looked at the three elders to Qiuyue, and she already knew how Qiuyue’s stubborn character developed in her heart.

His eyes were cold, “A few of you said that you want to take the blame on yourself, isn’t there a problem with Qiuyue?”

After hearing this, Qiuyue hurriedly retorted, “It’s just revenge for these rude people. They also know that they will be punished for doing something wrong. Is it wrong to punish them too!”

Ye Qing took it up.”

But there are more down here, don’t you even know about this matter?” “Yes, we just found out about this matter, why should we put poisonous smoke on us!”

“I don’t know if there is any harm to the body. Fortunately, Tianxiamen found out in time, otherwise it will not end with Penglai Island!”

This incident made everyone more deeply conflicted with Penglai Island, and they all wanted to have an explanation with Penglai Island. Everyone collapsed on the ground and surrounded Qiuyue, looking at her with bad eyes.

Qiuyue grew up on Penglai Island with the stars in the arms of the moon since she was a child. Where did she endure this kind of battle? For a while, she wanted to be rude, but she didn’t dare.

The deputy island owner saw that Qiuyue was surrounded and wanted to rush in, but was stopped by Ye Qing. “She is already an island owner, and this matter can only be handled by herself.”

“All affairs on the island are handled by the island, and the island owner is still young and doesn’t understand anything!”

Ye Qing saw that the two elders and disciples of Penglai Island were all serious and waiting, and his eyes were sharp, “What, do you want to do it?”

The elders are not polite”

The island owner is in trouble, these people should go in and help!” Several people fought each other and Qiuyue stood up trembling, so Bing Linger separated her from the crowd to avoid being beaten by the crowd.

Seeing that the situation on Qiuyue’s side was critical, the deputy island owner didn’t care to continue arguing with Ye Qing, and suddenly a crackling ball of lightning appeared in his hand aimed at Ye Qing.”

If you still block it, don’t blame it for being rude!”

For a time, the deputy island owner was surrounded by a layer of lightning, and many things were attracted to the past, and even some ordinary people watching the fun felt a dangerous atmosphere

The deputy island owner just wanted to make a quick decision. An electric knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Ye Qing with one.

But this speed was no different from a snail in Ye Qing’s eyes. When the electric saber was about to hit him, he flicked sideways.

It stopped when it cut down a sturdy tree, and the electric knife touched

At the moment of the trunk, the whole tree seemed to have been directly hacked, and it turned into black charcoal in an instant.

Seeing that Ye Qing actually escaped, the deputy island owner felt even more anxious. The daughter finally knew her father’s identity. At this time, she should go to rescue her daughter in distress.

Two electric knives appeared in the hands of the deputy island owner, jumped gently into the air, and then disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Ye Qing smiled slightly at an invisible place, “The practice of blindfolding is good”

Afterwards, he tapped directly towards it, and saw a figure standing stiffly in mid-air appearing instantly.

But the deputy island owner was in a turbulent heart at this time. He was extremely confident in his own blindfolding, and before he was invisible, he even sprinkled a potion to hide his breath.

But the man in front of him directly saw through where he was, and in an instant he fixed his body shape. At this time, the deputy island owner was exposed to everyone’s eyes, and the two electric knives were still in his hands. but completely unable to move

Qiuyue also clearly saw the embarrassment of the deputy island owner at this time. She forced herself to get up and shouted at Ye Qing, “Put the deputy island owner down, what is it!”

As soon as these words came out, the voice of scolding Qiuyue increased again, Ye Qing directly ignored Qiuyue and looked up at the deputy island owner with panic in his eyes, “Just sit there and reflect on yourself.”

Both the owner of the island and the deputy owner of the island were attacked like this, and the remaining disciples and elders of Penglai Island could no longer bear it. They also pulled out their weapons and soldiers and wanted to save people

Perhaps because Ye Qing is not a well-known person, his strength is weaker than that of Bing Linger. The two elders actually attacked Bing Linger, and the remaining three disciples wanted to contain Ye Qing.

At this time, the disciples of the Fire Pavilion were watching the battle, and the sharp-eyed Chen Rong immediately saw the previous… malicious attack on Tang Guoren, “Isn’t that the one… [-]!”

Chen Xiu can’t control his revenge for Tang Guo.”

It’s not yet the Immortal Emperor’s turn to take action, let’s go!”

The four 44 disciples rushed ahead of Ye Qing and came to the front of the three 3 Penglai Island disciples. Miao Yu took out his whip and threw it down in the air, making a clear sound of breaking through the air.

Her face was grim, “Rivals!”

The seven people scuffled together, and Bing Linger was not alone. When the elders of Tiantianmen saw that the elders of the other side dared to attack their own sect masters, they also fought with the other two.

For a time, the sky changed, and all kinds of powerful forces collided. Even the sky changed greatly. Lightning fell from the sky, and flames emerged.

Qiuyue didn’t expect such a serious situation to be caused. She was already a little helpless. In the past, everything was left to the deputy island owner and the elders to decide. At this time, her mind went blank.

Bing Linger looked down at Qiuyue, who was sitting on the ground, and sighed helplessly, “If something like this happened in Tianxia Town, how can Penglai Island make up for it?”

, I don’t know, go and ask the deputy island owner, what about the deputy island owner? “Qiuyue looked around in a panic, she wanted to find the deputy island owner to solve the problem, but the deputy island owner was still given by Ye Qing in the sky at this time.

The deputy island owner’s face turned blue at this time. He didn’t expect Penglai Island to lose face this time, and he was so ugly. All the reasons were due to Qiuyue, and he couldn’t help but feel some complaints in his heart.

The Fire Pavilion disciple and the Penglai Island disciple also calculated the result. Four to three, the Penglai Island disciple still lost.

On the other side, the four elders are still fighting, and watching the battle is getting bigger and bigger, Bing Ling’er transmits a voice to Ye Qing.”

Immortal Emperor, look at the real master and deputy island master of Penglai Island, let’s put it down first

“Ye Qing listened to Bing Ling’er’s words and shot a white light from his fingertips into the body of the deputy island owner, the deputy island owner straightened up and fell down.

Bing Linger hurriedly slowed down the descent speed so as not to fall into trouble, and then asked.”

Do you want the situation to stop now?”


“The deputy island owner took a cold look and asked Qiuyue for help with his eyes on the ground.”

At the same time, we called the elders to truce and stop fighting.


You may not be held accountable for disturbing the Northern Territory Conference, but there is a condition

“Bing Ling’er doesn’t bother, she’s about to say it.”

We Penglai Island will never be allowed to step into the territory under the jurisdiction of Tianxiamen from now on.

“The deputy island owner has lost face and doesn’t want to appear again.”


“The two of them agreed, and they both greeted their people to stop, Bing Linger was also pulled away by the deputy island owner, and almost all the people on Penglai Island were injured, and they looked very miserable.

Bing Ling’er took a deep breath and resisted the urge to kill the people in front of her. She was about to say let her go, but the onlookers were unhappy.

We originally came to see the Northern Territory Conference, but inexplicably knew that we had been poisoned. Today, we joined in the fun and were severely scolded. Who can take this anger.

The owner of Penglai Island is so reckless, is there no punishment for Penglai Island!”

The Tianxiamen can govern the world’s sects on behalf of the world, but now the island owner of Penglai Island is seriously derelict, and the Tianxiamen doesn’t care about it “”

Hurry up and let this dead woman go down, Penglai Island has to be returned to her, it’s really not as good as a third-rate sect!” Several people in Penglai Island turned blue, and the deputy island owner’s lips trembled twice, not knowing what to say. Qiuyue was rescued, and when she heard someone scolding her, she wanted to fight back, but the vice island owner glared at her.

Qiuyue immediately felt aggrieved, she pouted.”

We have nothing to do with the internal affairs of Penglai Island!” Bing Linger took a deep breath, she had selectively ignored Qiuyue’s words, and asked the deputy island owner, “What do you think after hearing these words?”

Qiuyue’s performance today has really lost face to Penglai Island, and the deputy island owner has already regretted why she used Qiuyue to be such a stubborn and willful temper.

Qiuyue held the deputy island master’s hand, and before she could speak, she directly replied, “What do you think, I promise to let them go and hurry up”

As a result, the deputy island lord pushed Qiuyue away, as if he had finally made up his mind, and bent down to Bing Linger, “Please take in the island lords for a while and teach her how to be a good master of the sect!”

Everyone was shocked when this remark came out, even Ye Qing was a little surprised. It was obvious that he was tit-for-tat just now, but now this deputy island owner actually wants the world’s gate owner to help teach himself the island owner. The deputy island owner sighed deeply, “No. Constraining the main line of the island has caused things to develop to this point. It is a big mistake, and now I have no ability to correct it. I also ask the sect master of the world for help.


What the deputy island owner is saying, do you also think it’s wrong!” Looking at the bowed waist deputy island owner, Qiuyue stomped her feet in anger.

Bing Ling’er was stunned for a moment, and then said slowly.”

Aren’t you afraid that Qiuyue will suffer any damage if she stays here? “The deputy island owner shook his head.”

I believe that the sect master must be a gentleman, and naturally he will not do this.

“Qiuyue sees that the deputy island owner is determined to stay in the world, she is not angry. “Why can you stay here, only the island owner, order them to return to Penglai Island!”

However, the two elders next to them did not do anything, and they also realized that they were too spoiled for Qiuyue. If Qiuyue could not grow up, Penglai Island would be destroyed sooner or later.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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