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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 233

When Qiuyue took advantage of Bing Linger’s gap, she couldn’t help but praised, “It’s really amazing, it’s definitely not possible in exchange.”

“These are only basic affairs to be dealt with every day, but the deputy island owner has already helped them deal with them, so they have not made progress.”

Bing Linger picked out some unimportant things and began to give Qiuyue an example.

After talking for a long time, Bing Linger looked up at the sky. The match was about to start, she instructed Qiuyue, “Just stand here and don’t leave. If you are caught walking around, be careful.”

Bing Linger was born with a cool and glamorous aura, Qiuyue did not dare to resist and quickly nodded in agreement.

After Bing Linger left, Qiuyue sat on the spot bored and started to think about what happened yesterday. She was angry and powerless, but Ye Qing suddenly flashed in her mind.

Qiuyue looked at it all up and down, left and right, and saw that she was thinking about someone standing on the roof, as if she was meditating.

Ye Qing is indeed sitting cross-legged, but he is not meditating, but is investigating the whereabouts of the god-level weapon, the meniscus blade

According to what Bing Ling’er said and Ye Qing’s own perception, the god-level weapon meniscus will appear three days after the end of the Northern Territory Conference, and the breath is already full, and many sects have already learned the news

The crescent blade does not belong to this world, but

I don’t know why, but it appeared here five hundred years ago, and was captured by the Martial Saint at that time.

But Wu Sheng eventually went into trouble and fell into a situation of being surrounded and suppressed by various sects, while the crescent moon blade disappeared inexplicably after Wu Sheng’s death.

This time, the appearance of the crescent blade was also detected in Yudingzhen. Ye Qing was sitting on the roof to find out the specific and location of the crescent blade.

Originally, I didn’t want to get involved in matters related to the crescent moon blade. After all, its strength is already strong enough. In the eyes of the world, it is regarded as an invincible weapon, but in Ye Qing’s eyes it is no different from an ordinary sword.

As a result, the chat group system was suddenly excited after learning about the crescent blade, and directly issued a task to Ye Qing

The task of conquering the crescent blade and submitting it to the chat group can activate a new function of 99 in a chat group and expand the number of members in the chat group

Although Ye Qing didn’t want to let this cheating system get any benefits, the rewards were really sweet, and Ye Qing still accepted the task.

I just drew a map of fish calming down in my mind, but Ye Qing had to be distracted by the shouting in his ears.

Ye Qing opened her eyes impatiently and saw that… Qiuyue was standing at the bottom of the house and kept shouting to herself on the house.”

Immortal Emperor, can Immortal Emperor hear the words, Immortal Emperor wakes up! “Seeing that Ye Qing has opened her eyes to look at herself, Qiuyue is even more excited, and her voice is several times louder”

Was the Immortal Emperor meditating just now? Did you… Excuse me!””

will get

“Ye Qing answered her ruthlessly”

What’s the matter? “Qiuyue didn’t expect Ye Qing to be so straightforward, she was embarrassed to scratch her face”

I just wanted to talk and talk, nothing else, I just wanted to come up to find it, but was stopped by the barrier

“Ye Qing is not used to being disturbed while thinking, so he drew a circle around him and was able to isolate everything. Who would have thought that Qiuyue’s voice could be so aggressive, and it actually penetrated the barrier.

It seems that the next enchantment cannot be set

So casual, Ye Qing reflected in his heart.

answer coldly”

something happens now

, please leave if there is nothing urgent

“Who knows that Qiuyue didn’t take this seriously at all, she even stepped forward and poked the transparent barrier, looking like she was aggrieved.”

Since Immortal Emperor

When you wake up, open the barrier, it’s tiring to talk at your throat

“Ye Qing didn’t want to bother with a woman, she snapped her fingers, and as soon as the barrier was untied, Qiuyue went directly to the roof and sat next to her.

Qiuyue propped her chin in her hands and stared at Ye Qing with her big eyes.”

True Immortal Emperor? You still say that her name is the same as Immortal Emperor, but yesterday it seemed to be hidden from view, could it be true Immortal Emperor? “Looking at her sweet and cute look now, Ye Qing can hardly compare her to yesterday’s… crazy look right. number one

Ye Qing didn’t want to deal with Qiuyue anymore, nodded lightly and flew downstairs, and then prepared to change the place to continue to detect the trail of the meniscus

Who knew that Qiuyue jumped down after seeing Ye Qing flying down. Ye Qing had just discovered that Qiuyue’s dantian was sealed by Bing Linger. If she jumped like this, she might fall into an accident

Ye Qing pointed a finger, Qiuyue’s figure immediately slowed down when she landed, and then she stood on the ground.

Qiuyue smiled and jumped in front of Ye Qing again.”

Thank you Immortal Emperor, but if you don’t call him Immortal Emperor, what can you call him? “Everyone respectfully calls himself Immortal Emperor, but I didn’t expect this person to ask such words, Ye Qing was speechless.”

Call it Immortal


Oh, okay

“Qiuyue nodded sadly, and then wanted to grab Ye Qingyi’s corner.”

Which sect “Ye Qing hid quietly to the side, letting Qiuyue catch it”

Did not join any sect

“Qiuyue withdrew her hand, she glanced at Ye Qing as if complaining, and then asked again”

Then do you want to join Penglai Island? Penglai Island has no Immortal Emperor yet. If you join, you can be the deputy island owner! “Seeing that Ye Qing didn’t answer, Qiuyue continued to add it.”

It’s okay to remove the other deputy island owner, and make it unique! “Ye Qing is quite speechless”

I already have my own organization, it is inconvenient to join its sect


Ah, didn’t you say that you didn’t join any sect? “Qiuyue is a little confused”

Could it be that the master of a sect has run out of patience, Ye Qing was about to disappear, but saw Bing Linger flying straight towards her head, and she seemed to have murderous aura on her body.

Bing Linger fell in front of the two of them, she asked Qiuyue coldly, “Don’t stand there, why did you run to the Immortal Emperor?”

Qiuyue immediately retorted, “Just a little distance and don’t move, come here to learn the Penglai Island owner and prisoner!”

“Small skill, but irritating kung fu is top-notch”

Bing Linger was too lazy to talk to her, she saw Ye Qing with a black face and immediately understood, “Immortal Emperor, Qiuyue should have been spoiled by Penglai Island since she was a child, please forgive me if she contradicts her.”

“Any crime to help, and nothing to do”

Qiuyue felt a little upset when she saw Bing Linger like this, “I just came to chat with the Immortal Emperor.”

Bing Ling’er glared at her, “The Immortal Emperor has a lot of business, don’t disturb it.”

Qiuyue was very dissatisfied with Bing Linger’s discipline. In her heart, she had the same status as Bing Linger. It’s completely different, although it still looks arrogant, but it has a little daughter’s style

Qiuyue bumped Bing Linger beside her with her shoulder, and suddenly said loudly, “You won’t love Immortal Emperor!”

The secret and careful thoughts in her heart were suddenly broken by Qiuyue, and Bing Linger instantly stared at Qiuyue with wide eyes in disbelief, “What are you talking about!”

Then she immediately looked at Ye Qing again.”

Immortal Emperor, I’m sorry, Qiuyue is talking nonsense

“As if Ye Qing didn’t hear Qiuyue’s words, her expression was as calm as ever, and she nodded to Bing Ling’er.”


“Seeing that Ye Qing’s reaction was so calm, Bing Ling’er was actually a little hurt in her heart. She also pretended not to care and smiled. “Immortal Emperor, I’ll want to talk about the crescent blade later.”

“What happened to the crescent blade?”

Although Qiuyue is not in charge of affairs, she has heard of the famous crescent moon.

Bing Ling’er sighed, “The crescent blade is about to be born, is it possible that you don’t know?”

“What, the crescent blade is about to be born”

Qiuyue was shocked, and then

I suddenly remembered that the deputy island owner seemed to have told me one day before.

Qiuyue looked at the two of them and looked at herself like an idiot. She finally realized how incompetent she was as the island owner, “Not all schools will compete.”

No one answered her, Qiuyue was frustrated and hunchbacked, “I know, then I have to put it back first”

Bing Linger pulled the cotton thread to signal Qiuyue to come closer to her, and then cruelly broke Qiuyue’s fantasy “I have asked in advance, and the deputy island lords said it’s fine to stay by your side.”

Qiuyue rolled her eyes, “Hey, it’s too strange for the island owner of Penglai Island to follow the Tianxiamen team to grab the crescent moon blade, aren’t you afraid of being a traitor?”

At once”

Bing Linger didn’t want to say more, she felt that Qiuyue was looking down on her.

Seeing that she really had to stay at Tianxiamen for a long time, Qiuyue felt a little hopeless, she looked at Ye Qing who was standing beside her, “What about the Immortal Emperor, will the Immortal Emperor go together?”


“Are you going with Tianxiamen too?”

Ye Qing shook his head, “No, when the game is over, I will go back to the south.


The south, where is it in the south?” Qiuyue didn’t expect Ye Qing to be so far away, she asked.

However, Bing Linger didn’t want Qiuyue to continue talking to Ye Qing, she directly pulled Qiuyue behind her and smiled at Ye Qing.”

they go first

“Looking at these two women bickering and leaving, Ye Qing can finally continue to look for the crescent blade.


It is felt that the crescent moon blade is in the center of Yuding Township, and there is a very strong soul power surrounding this treasured sword. If people in this world get it, their strength will definitely increase a lot.

Now the soul power protects this… meniscus blade, if it is forcibly taken out, the soul power will directly tear the meniscus blade to shreds, and then turn into scrap metal


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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