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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 234

It seems that the crescent blade can only be taken out at that time, but many sects have already predicted the specific time of the crescent blade, so it will definitely be confronted with many people.

Although Ye Qing only wanted to deal with these matters in a low-key manner, he still had no idea about the ability of chat groups.

build on these

It seems that I can only fight with this group of people, and then grab the meniscus blade

Apart from what happened on Penglai Island, the third round was fairly quiet. Although players were injured one after another, they were not too serious.

Huoge Li Changqi was also eliminated in this round. He watched the remaining three 3-disciple games with Tang Guo, and Tiantianmen also eliminated one.

The fourth round and the fifth round, at the end of the competition, only six people were left to decide the top three, and then the three of them scuffled to choose the final champion.

This journey has not only tested the strength of the disciples, but also tested their xinxing and brains. In the next few rounds, people who are interested in the Northern Territory Conference basically came to watch, and everyone knows the outstanding players.

Miao Yu broke into the top six directly. She was originally the image in the heart of people who had an impression of her… Destroying her own family of murderers, but her performance made everyone admire her.

Tianxiamen also has two in the top six, and this only one has two people in the gang

Bing Linger was very proud of this, she even announced it at the opening of the penultimate competition, and specially asked Ye Qing to be the judge.

Although most people do not know Ye Qing’s identity, they were shocked when they heard that Ye Qing was the youngest immortal emperor in the legend.

“Why don’t you talk about this Immortal Emperor and his mystery? How come he came to be a judge at the Northern Territory Conference?” However, not many people care about such remarks. After all, Ye Qing does not participate in the competition, and everyone cares more about the performance of the contestants.

In this round, Miao Yu narrowly lost to the Great Disciple of the World Sect, and the final three winners were finally determined.

The once-in-a-decade Northern Territory Conference finally ended. The poisonous smoke incident made Bing Linger more vigilant. Although she was tired a lot, it also ruled out many people with evil thoughts.

Just like this, it ended without any risk. Bing Linger specially held a party on the last day of the Northern Territory Conference to celebrate the end of the conference.

Many disciples of Tianxiamen and members of the sect participated, and the party was held on the prairie next to Tianxia Town, which was very lively.

Ye Qing stood by and quietly tasted the special milk wine on the prairie. Although he no longer needed to eat, but because he wanted to know the reason for the taste of prairie food, he was finally able to taste it today, so he also brought a bowl

After Bing Linger talked and praised some people from the sect, she searched everywhere for Ye Qing’s figure, and finally found it in a place where there were not many people.

She hid her breath from behind and walked behind Ye Qing, but Ye Qing had already noticed it, and she was too lazy to expose it.

“Immortal Emperor, why are you drinking secretly here?”

Bing Linger patted Ye Qing on the shoulder and smiled at Ye Qing

At this moment, Bing Ling’er seemed to be no longer as strict as the Sect Master of Daylight, just like a little girl who was a little more mature.

Ye Qing nodded to Bing Linger, “The milk wine here is pretty good.”

It was the first time that Bing Linger heard Ye Qing say such words, and Yu beckoned to the nomads beside her, “Bring me a bowl of milk wine too.”

When the herdsmen saw that the sect master did not dare to neglect, they hurriedly brought the milk wine to Bing Linger. Bing Linger took it and took a sip, and then praised, “It’s really good.”

The milk wine has a very strong milk taste in the entrance, which dilutes the alcohol taste a lot, and only brings some malt wine after drinking it in the stomach


After taking a sip, Bing Ling’er couldn’t help but take a few sips. The bowl quickly bottomed out, and she handed the bowl to the herdsmen beside her, “One more bowl.”

Seeing Bing Ling’er drinking so fast, Ye Qing couldn’t help but remind, “Although it doesn’t taste much, this wine is still very strong.

“Bing Ling’er took two more mouthfuls and asked the herdsmen to fill herself with another bowl”

Only ordinary people can get drunk, but you can learn martial arts from a young age, and you won’t be tempted by mere wine!” Seeing that Bing Linger, who has always been stable, actually said such a thing, Ye Qing is basically sure that Bing Linger has been mediocre by her mouth. wine bewitched

The herdsmen continued to hand the milk wine to Bing Linger, Bing Linger took it and poured a sip into her mouth, but she did not taste the milk wine, instead it was like strong tea.

She glanced at the bowl in confusion, then looked at Ye Qing again, “Immortal Emperor, won’t you change the wine?”

Ye Qing hummed, “It’s not good to drink too much.”

“What’s wrong, as the saying goes, drink alcohol to relieve anxiety, I really want to try this feeling”

Taking advantage of the wine’s strength, Bing Ling’er revealed her long-standing feelings

Bing Linger has been showing a very strict style to the outside world since she went to the door that day four years ago. When a woman becomes the biggest door owner of the Northern Territory, there will naturally be a lot of attention, so Bing Linger must not relax in the slightest.

But she is no more than a normal woman, she always has a vulnerable side, but in order not to be looked down upon by others, she has never shown it.

Seeing Bing Linger doing this for the first time, Ye Qing patiently listened to her ramble about her experiences from childhood to adulthood, and listened to how she changed from a crying girl when she was scolded to such a ruthless helper.

At the end, Bing Linger asked Ye Qing with a drunken eye.”

Do you also feel unkind and cruel? “Ye Qing shook his head”

a good gatekeeper


But they all say that

“Bing Linger’s eyes were slightly red, she slowly approached Ye Qing, and then hugged her hands”

Thanks for the comfort

“Ye Qing was stunned for a moment, seeing that Bing Linger was about to cry, she stretched out her hand and hugged Bing Linger back and patted it twice, “It’s okay to do it.

“Bing Linger was crying silently on Ye Qing’s chest. The Northern Territory Conference has put pressure on Bing Linger for so many days and it has reached its peak, but Bing Linger has never expressed it.

I don’t know how long she cried, but then Bing Linger stopped abruptly, she looked up at Ye Qing as if it had never happened.”

Thank you Xiandi



“Ye Qing saw that Bing Ling’er had recovered, so she wondered what to do.


Push Bing Ling’er away quietly

As a result, Bing Ling’er was like wine emboldened, she leaned in front of Ye Qing, suddenly raised her head and looked at Ye Qing with her eyes full of water, her face blushed, as if she wanted to say something.

Bing Linger opened her mouth to say something, but Ye Qing pulled her arms away one step ahead of her and took a step back.

“Immortal Emperor, Mingming!”

Bing Linger knew that Ye Qing was avoiding herself again, she wanted to ask Ye Qing, but Ye Qing only shook her head at her silently.

Ye Qing doesn’t want to reject Bing Linger directly, it’s not that kind of… stallion, since she has no idea about Bing Linger now, she can’t let herself agree to Bing Linger

The attitude was enough to explain what, Bing Linger knew that Ye Qing just wanted to keep herself from being so embarrassed, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, “I see, Immortal Emperor, if something happens in the future

, can you still find it?”

Ye Qing hesitated for a moment, and then agreed, “If I need something, I will definitely help.”

There is no need to look for the subtext of this sentence, but Bing Linger smiled and said to Ye Qing, “Understood” as if she didn’t understand it.

The two returned to the crowd again, and Bing Linger returned to her previous arrogant and serious appearance. “The Northern Territory Conference will officially end in half an hour. Let’s remember those strong disciples who left their names in the conference.”

Seeing Bing Linger talking above, Ye Qing replied to the flaming unicorn, “Go back early tomorrow morning”

The fire unicorn slammed the palm of the hand. Although a few elders were left in the fire pavilion to help take care of them, they still wanted to see 9


Check out “I think so too, the sooner the better!”

Just like that, Huo Qilin didn’t care about a few disciples and wanted to play more here, so he forcibly called a few disciples back.

Finally back to the Fire Pavilion

Although Miao Yu was the best and only entered the top six, both Huoge people and Huofeng were very happy.

A celebration banquet was held in the Fire Pavilion. Huofeng happily patted Miao Yu’s shoulder and praised loudly, “A true hero is a young man. I thought that I was only in the top [-] when I participated in the Northern Territory Conference. Miao Yu is really amazing!”

Just after praising Miao Yu, Huofeng walked over to Ye Qing who was watching on the sidelines again, with gratitude on his face, “And we have to thank the Immortal Emperor even more for discovering Miao Yu, a good seedling, to our Huo Pavilion!”

The voice just fell, Fire Pavilion

The disciples who participated in the celebration feast stood up and bowed to Ye Qing, “Thank you Immortal Emperor!”

The people of Huoge are relatively tigers, so Ye Qing felt a little uncomfortable in such a big battle. Ye Qing raised his eyebrows and waved to everyone, “Go out first”

Ye Qing walked to the garden outside the Fire Pavilion, and Huo Qilin also followed and asked Ye Qing, “Immortal Emperor, must know about the crescent moon blade.”


Ye Qing made no secret of “the crescent blade is bound to win”

Although there are no high-level people in the Fire Pavilion who need the crescent blade, after all, this god-level weapon, if it falls into the hands of its sect, will also increase its combat power.

At the level of Ye Qing, others would not need the crescent blade, so Huo Qilin wanted to invite Ye Qing to help the town, but he didn’t expect Ye Qing to actually need it.

Huo Qilin asked curiously, “Could it be this… the crescent moon blade is so easy to use, even the Immortal Emperor?”

Ye Qing smiled and shook his head, “Of course you don’t need it, but there are other uses for the crescent blade.”

“Can I ask what’s the use?”

Seeing that Ye Qing didn’t answer, Huo Qilin hurriedly added, “It’s fine if you don’t say anything, don’t be curious!”

In fact, it is a good thing that the weapon of the crescent moon blade falls in Ye Qing’s hands. Although it does not belong to the Fire Pavilion, it does not belong to any sect either.

Moreover, Ye Qing would not easily attack the Fire Pavilion, so it was the best way to let Ye Qing get the weapon.

Huo Qilin touched his chin, smiled heartily, and said aloud to Ye Qing.”

Understood, if Immortal Emperor really needs this… Crescent Moon Blade, we can’t compete with Huoge, why don’t we help you! “Seeing that Ye Qing didn’t answer, continue talking.”

He will definitely bring his disciples to Yu Dingzhen. Yu Dingzhen not only has a crescent blade, but also has the largest auction venue in the Northern Territory Conference.


The largest auction house of the Northern Region Conference “Ye Qing has become interested

Seeing Ye Qing like this, Huo Qilin immediately told Ye Qing what he knew about these things.”

Due to the geographical reasons of Yuding Town, the Jiutian Auction House was established there. This auction house has the largest and oldest rare treasures in the entire Northern Territory. Eighty percent of Yuding Town’s economy is provided by this auction house.

“In Ye Qing’s mind map, Yuding Town is bordered by an endless sea. There are often some treasures brought by various merchants, and most of them are exchanged in Yuding Town.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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