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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 236

Seeing that the slit is higher, the skirt is actually short above the knee. “Tonight’s auction will be held in three hours, please be on time.”

Knowing that the Jiutian Super Auction is about to start, I am the happiest to return the fire Qilin “I know, I will be there on time!”

The maid sent a few small black stones mixed with gold to a few people, and put them in a small cloth bag.”

At that time, please show up with a cloth bag, and we will have someone responsible for it

“The service here is all first-class and first-class, and Chen Rong looks at the maid Bai Huahua’s thighs and almost has a nosebleed. Where has he seen such an exciting scene?

The folding fan also changed into a thinner silk cheongsam, her figure was faintly revealed, and she appeared at the door

Chen Rong only felt a heat flow from his nose, he quickly blocked it with his hands, turned around and stopped looking at these women.

How do you all feel?” The folding fan’s voice was very soft, as if it was going to be crisp to the bone, and then she threw a wink at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing walked towards the folding fan knowingly, but Tang Guo’s exaggerated voice sounded behind him.”

It turns out that the Immortal Emperor likes this type, so he would be more in line with the Immortal Emperor’s mind like the sect master of the world!” Hearing the surroundings, he suddenly realized, the folding fan burst out laughing, but Ye Qing’s face darkened a few degrees.

Too lazy to refute, I went to the first floor with the folding fan and asked about the folding fan”

How did the owners react?”

After learning that Ye Qing was actually an Immortal Emperor, the folding fan no longer took the initiative to move like before, only the tone was a little frivolous, “I didn’t say anything, just told me to see you quickly”

“Take it with you”

Ye Qing took the initiative to ignore the last tilde of the folding fan’s words

The folding fan took Ye Qing to the innermost room on the first floor, and then slowly opened the door, his tone suddenly became serious, “The thinking and words of the owners are a little different from ordinary people. If there is any conflict, please look at Haihan.”

Ye Qing naturally understands what the so-called differences are, and doesn’t care to say “it’s okay, let’s go first”

I saw that I pushed the door open, and I saw that all the houses that were still dark immediately lit up, and in the middle sat a thin-looking man.

When the man saw Ye Qing coming in, his heart jumped with joy, he snapped his fingers and hummed, and when he came up, he put his arms around Ye Qing’s shoulders, “Brother, how do you know the meaning of these two words, could it be?”

Ye Qing nodded “”

“Finally, I finally found and walked through with someone, God is not deceiving!”

This man hugged Ye Qing and burst into tears, slamming Ye Qing’s back in excitement.

Ye Qing was frightened by the person in front of him, but there was a surprise in his heart, “Brother, don’t be so excited.”

The auction house owner took a deep breath, and then released Ye Qing… With snot and tears, he looked like a college student, “I don’t know how boring it is to be here, and I can’t even go out to this piece of land!”

“What can’t go out”

Ye Qing wondered, “Can I only stay in this auction venue?”

The owner clenched his fists and looked up at the sky, with a look of grief and indignation, “As far as the place within ten kilometers of this auction hall, there is like a layer of transparent barrier around it, and everyone can enter and exit!”

Ye Qing expressed doubts about this sentence. If there is any enchantment blocking it, he should feel it immediately.

I tried it, but I didn’t feel any enchantment, Ye Qing frowned.”

This enchantment seems to be only perceptible


Yes, I asked a lot of people, and they all said there was no feeling

“The owner sighed”

I don’t know how depressing it is to stay here, how much restraint

“The field owner seems to have the same ability as the Immortal King, but if he goes up, he seems to be blocked. Ye Qing asked curiously.”

how to get here””

A thunder struck, and when I opened my eyes, I was in front of this house.

“The owner was excited when he said this, as if he had finally found a confidant, “I don’t know how miserable it is. After staying here for more than ten years, I can only be in such a small place!”

Crackling told Ye Qing about his own experience, and Ye Qing also admired this person a little bit.

It turned out that the owner was wearing it inexplicably, and the fixed energy in the body was the Immortal King, and it has never improved for so many years.

This splendid auction house was established later. It was originally a small dilapidated house with only one floor, and even Yu Dingzhen was very dilapidated.

The owner of the farm, Yu Dingzhen, was the first immortal king, so the people in the town admired it very much. The folk customs here are very simple because they are far away from the center of the northern region.

Each and everyone of Yu wanted to have a position and lead a big business. It happened that Yuding often had a variety of treasures flowing in. After the owner understood the specific situation of the Northern Territory, he prepared to set up the auction hall.

The owner learned to manage when he was in college, and the right time and place are suitable for people. The auction house has become more and more famous under the agent of the owner. In just a few years, it has become the No. [-] auction house in the Northern Territory.

And the owner can also have time to start doing things he likes according to his own mind, such as wearing cheongsam for beautiful girls

After hearing this, Ye Qing raised his forehead, “Actually, it’s good enough.”

“It’s so good, I can only stay here for more than ten years, no matter how fun it is, I’m tired of it”

The owner was angry and hammered the table “and I don’t know why, everything about modern times can only be stored in my own mind, and I can’t reveal it at all”

“like elevators and faucets”

The owner nodded, “Yes, in fact, the auction house has developed to this level and is very satisfied. I wanted to develop its business, so I decided to use energy instead of electricity.”

“The result is tragic, I can’t teach the principles to others, and they don’t understand it at all. Can a normal person understand how to make it without seeing this?”

Ye Qing is actually a little bit puzzled about this matter. With such novelties as elevators and faucets, if they appear, it is very likely to cause a sensation.

But it was the first time I saw it in this auction, and although everyone was surprised, everyone discussed the composition of this thing in detail.

Now that I think about it, there are some counter-fields

As Ye Qing, he should know everything

He is omnipotent, but he can’t detect anything even within a ten-mile radius. Ye Qing seems to have hit a wall, but he feels that he has noticed something.

The owner waved his hand, his face full of helplessness, “I heard that after becoming the Immortal King.

It’s still hard to die, and I can only continue to stay in this auction to see what’s new.”

Ye Qingchao nodded, “Brother, it’s great to be able to develop the auction house to the largest in the Northern Territory, don’t be too discouraged, maybe you’ll be able to go out one day.”

“But I’m very happy, don’t worry”

The owner smiled and stretched out a hand, “My name is Wang Yan, what is my brother’s name?”

Both of them are modern people, there is no need to make some false names, Ye Qing took Wang Yan’s hand back and “called Ye Qing”

Wang Yan stepped forward and hooked up with Ye Qing. He was only in his twenties and 20s when he passed by, and now he is only in his early thirties. He is very young and has a very young mentality.

“Ah, but there is another purpose”

Ye Qing smiled at Wang Yan, “Don’t you want to come out with a magic weapon called the crescent moon blade?”

“Oh, this thing”

Wang Yan

Naturally aware of everything Yu Dingzheng, he looked at Ye Qing, “This is a bit tricky to deal with. Recently, there are no people here who can’t come to this auction, so I bought the crescent moon blade. I heard from the folding fan that there are a lot of great people here.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are serious or not, it is already inevitable to face the crescent blade.”

Ye Qing’s eyes are calm, “Relax”

Seeing Ye Qing’s expression, Wang Yan understood a little bit in his heart, and laughed, “That’s fine, after all, I’m from the same place, I really can’t bear to have an accident!”

The two talked about some things in the past and modern times, and found that although they came from different eras, they were not far from each other.

Wang Yanchao was very speculative and asked Ye Qing, “Which school?”

Ye Qing doesn’t actually belong to this world, but the fewer people who know about this, the better, and he’s ready to fool the past.”

Didn’t join any sect, but is currently in Fire Pavilion



“Wang Yan didn’t ask, and was about to say something, when the door was knocked.

The fan’s tone sounds unexpectedly serious, but it’s still as charming as ever.”

Owner, today’s auction has been sorted out, please take a look

“Ye Qing stood up”

then go first

“Wang Yan looks unhappy”

I have to deal with the auction house first, and I’ll chat with you next time.

“After speaking, let Folding Fan come in, and Folding Fan sees that Ye Qing is still here, “Is it possible to disturb the chat between the two of you?”

With a cold face, Wang Yan waved to the folding fan, “It’s okay, bring the auction materials.”

Watching Ye Qing leave the back, thinking that the folding fan had just called out his name, he couldn’t help but ask the folding fan, “What was the name of the Immortal Emperor just now?”

“Because the people in the Fire Pavilion are all called Immortal Emperors, and they seem to be hidden.”

The folding fan handed a thick stack of materials to Wang Yan

Wang Yan took over the information and looked through it carefully. Although there are many rare treasures auctioned at Jiutian Auction, they cannot auction illegal items, so they will go through many audits before finally reaching Wang Yan’s hands.

The folding fan stood aside and lowered her head, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Sure enough, we turned to the last page, Wang Yan frowned and looked at the folding fan.”

Don’t talk about He Auction, do you want to ban it?”

But this rule has not been announced to the public, and it will not start until next month.

“The folding fan replied quickly, with obvious embarrassment on her face”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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