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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 24

“This is a descendant of Suzaku, maybe not the real Suzaku, but the bloodline is also very pure.”

In the distance, a group of villagers from the village of God were discussing, and when they saw Suzaku, they all exclaimed.

“Xiaohong is a good name, you can call it this name in the future!” Ye Qing smiled slightly, and said with some wickedness.

“Ah! Yes!”

Xiaohong was shocked and wanted to refuse, but when she saw Ye Qing’s calm eyes, she felt cowardly and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Ye Qing was not persecuting it anymore, and the name was just a whim.

“Zhu Yan, are you willing to be the guardian of the village of God!”

Ye Qing looked at Zhu Yan, who was the only one left, and said lightly.

If the other party is unwilling, he doesn’t mind forcibly enslaving it and then using it to guard the gate of the village.

Zhu Yan, who is a Venerable Realm, is not qualified to guard the door for him, but it is more than enough to be the guardian of a divine village.

“I am willing!”

In the world in the palm of his hand, Zhu Yan touched his head and showed a simple and honest expression. This is Zhu Yan, a kind of divine ape.

Seeing his agreement, Ye Qing also released him and dispersed the world in his palm.

The reappearing Zhu Yan turned into a one-foot-sized golden ape, and did not manifest the tens of thousands of miles of Zhu Yan’s real body, otherwise the small village of God would definitely be wiped out in an instant.

Zhu Yan, who turned into a golden ape, glanced at the corpses of the two Venerables next to him, and was full of awe for Ye Qing.

These are the two Venerables, they are not weaker than them, and they were crushed to death like this, and even the essence of flesh and blood was swallowed up, so it shouldn’t be too scary.

“No. [-], this Zhu Yan will be the guardian of the village of God in the future. If you are in danger, you can ask him to take action!” Ye Qing looked at No. [-], pointed at Zhu Yan, and instructed.

“You can also deal with the two beasts over there. You should be able to extract some true blood. Their precious bones have not been broken. You can use this to obtain their treasures.”

Hearing this, not only No. [-], but even Zhu Yan and Xiaohong, and even the villagers in the distance gasped and became jealous.

This is the flesh and blood of the two great sages, how amazing is this?It is enough to raise the villagers of the God Village collectively to a higher level. Even if it is a top Taoist lineage like the God Mountain and the Ancient Kingdom, it is impossible to eat a pure-blooded Venerable. That is impossible.

In addition to the flesh and blood of the two great sages, their precious bones are also the most precious treasures.

This kind of heaven-level treasure art, no matter where it is, it is the top supernatural power. Even if it is an ancient country, there are only two or three kinds that can be compared, enough to be the supernatural power of the country.

But now, Kamurai possessed two national treasure techniques in one breath, and even venerables like Xiaohong and Zhu Yan were jealous for a while.

“Go and deal with it!”

After instructing the villagers of God Village to drag down the bodies of the two big beasts, Ye Qing looked at the mountain treasure placed aside, which was a cube-shaped treasure bone.

“Shan Bao!”

The two venerables also looked over, their eyes straightened for a while.

That is the source of their endless shopping, the supreme treasure they compete for.

“What is this!”

Liu Shen asked, she could clearly feel Ye Qing’s attention.

This made her very surprised. The eight regions in the mere area actually have something that immortal kings like Ye Qing value?

“This is an unparalleled inheritance, and it has one of the strongest swordsmanships in ancient and modern times!”

Ye Qing said cautiously.


ps: New January, ask for flowers and monthly tickets

Recommend a friend’s book, Comprehensive Manga: A Herrscher of the Sky at the beginning, integrating the world view, magically changing Bengsanhe Tomorrow’s Ark, I recommend Bengsanhe Ark readers to take a look, if not, I don’t say it

Chapter [-]: The Six Paths of Reincarnation

One of the strongest swordsmanships in ancient and modern times? !

Liu Shen was moved, as strong as Ye Qing and other immortal kings said so, how strong it should be, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the ten evil methods, or even stronger.

Such magical powers, even she yearns for it and hopes to get it.

Xiaohong and Zhu Yan on the side were even more fiery and excited, wanting to see this unparalleled inheritance.

Especially Zhu Yan, jumping up and down, very anxious.

If it hadn’t known Ye Qing’s horror, it would have wanted to go up and grab it.

“Don’t worry!”

Seeing the anxious look of everyone, Ye Qing smiled lightly, rubbed the treasured bones in his hands, and immediately used six kinds of treasures, each of which was a top-level treasure.


The treasure bone was brilliant and dazzling, and then with a click, one side of it was opened, revealing the scene inside the treasure bone.

The space magic tool looks small, but the space inside is very large, like a small world, solid and immortal. In the small world, there are several pieces of animal skins, with mottled bloodstains, showing the atmosphere of vicissitudes.

Ye Qing raised his hand and took out a few animal skins.

Seeing this, Zhu Yan rushed over quickly, looking impatient.

“Stinky monkey, don’t approach my master casually!”

But before it could get close, Xiaohong, who was standing on Ye Qing’s shoulder, flew up, blocking Zhu Yan in front of him, looking like a protector.

This made Zhu Yan very helpless, but he didn’t dare to argue with her, so he could only stare at Ye Qing.

“Just some gadgets, here are you!”

Seeing this, Ye Qing chuckled lightly, took away two of the animal skins, and threw the rest to the two of them.

This is the inheritance of the Supreme Palace.

Although powerful, it can be called unparalleled, but there are only two kinds that can really enter Ye Qing’s eyes, one is the Six Paths Reincarnation Heavenly Art, and the other is one of the strongest swordsmanship in ancient and modern times.

Although other magic and treasure arts are good, they are only heaven-level treasure arts, which means nothing to him.

“Hey, it’s all heaven-level treasures!”

Xiaohong and Zhu Yan immediately scrambled to look at the animal skins. When they saw the treasures and exercises recorded above, they couldn’t help but gasp, their hearts filled with shock.

All of these methods are heaven-level methods, and they are all flawless methods. There are Bifang, Luanniao, Zhenya, etc. There are more than ten kinds.

There is no doubt that this is a world-shattering divine treasure, enough to cause a big melee between the eight domains.

In this world, which Taoist lineage can have so many Heavenly Rank Dafa?

Not to mention the Eight Domains, even if it is the Dao Lineage of the Upper Realm, I am afraid there are not many.

“There are so many treasures, all of which are stronger than the scorpion method!”

Number [-] also leaned over, and said with a greedy expression, this is not to say that the Suanya method is not as good as them, but the Suanya method is incomplete, not a real treasure art, naturally inferior.

“Your realm is too low. For the time being, you only need to fully understand the Sushen Law. If you pursue other methods too much, it will not benefit you!” On the side, Liu Shen warned, for fear that No. [-] would go astray.

“Liu Shen, I understand!”

No. [-] nodded heavily.

“What is this method, fellow Daoist?”

Liu Shen asked again, seeing the two animal skins in Ye Qing’s hands, she asked curiously.

Could it be that this is one of the strongest sword techniques in ancient and modern times?

But why have two.

“This is one of the strongest heavenly arts in Xiangu, the six-path reincarnation heavenly arts!” Ye Qing showed the animal skin scroll in his hand.

“The Six Paths Reincarnation Heavenly Art, this is an ancient and invincible Heavenly Art, the Tao is friendly and lucky!”

Hearing this, Ye Qing smiled without saying a word, there is no luck, it all depends on his prophet’s advantage.

At the same time, Ye Qing opened another animal skin scroll, which recorded the scorpion method, but it was very blurry and could hardly be seen clearly.


In an instant, a world-shattering sword intent rushed into the night, the terror was boundless, the gods blocked the killing gods, and they were tyrannical to the extreme.

At this moment, not only Xiaohong and the others were frightened, but even Liu Shen’s expression changed.

This power is too strong, it is almost comparable to the Supreme Realm.

Sword qi burst out and rushed out from the animal skin roll. If this force was swept out, the entire Eight Regions would be swept away in an instant.


Ye Qing raised his hand and pointed, all the sword qi was suppressed, and when he raised his hand, it was shattered, and disappeared into invisible form.

This sword energy, which was almost comparable to the Supreme Realm, was turned into invisible.

When the sword energy dissipated, the original animal skin scroll also disappeared, leaving behind a silver metal page with avenue lines on it, complicated symbols, and sharp sword intent, as if there were countless world-shattering gods. General sword.

“This is the grass word sword art!”

Ye Qing picked up the silver metal page and said lightly.

This is one of the strongest swordsmanships in ancient and modern times. It can be traced back to a very distant era. In the immortal era of the last era, it was mastered by the nine-leaf sword grass among the ten murderers. king.

“What an unparalleled sword art!”

Liu Shen sighed, and he could sense the terribleness of the grass-character sword art.

This is the supreme sword art that immortal kings all yearn for.

Even the master of the restricted area, although he has mastered many great arts, has never possessed the three major swordsmanship.

This time, Ye Qing had mastered the Sword Art of the Grass Character.

In the future, he will also gather the remaining two and gather the three strongest swordsmanships.


The thirty-ninth chapter evolution reincarnation, nine-leaf sword grass (fourth more)



I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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