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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 28

It’s not the monster idler who received the short video.

The oldest and strongest godslayer received a short video.

Tony didn’t want to be the richest man and received short videos.

Xilin No. [-] in the world received the short video.

The guardian of China received the short video.

In just a short time, everyone received the short video, even Ye Qing was no exception, and wanted to relive the god of death.

For a while, the chat group fell silent, apparently watching the plot video.

But it didn’t take long for the silence to be broken.

The first leader of the Soul Society: “@It’s not Mary Su, Miss Manager, why is there only a short story? Aizen Sou Yusuke, why should you betray Soul Society!?”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai’s heart was full of shock, and he was shocked by that small video.

After receiving the short video, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai saw a shocking scene. He was known as the strongest god of death in a thousand years, and he, who was equal to the history of the soul world, was lying on the ground covered in burns.

And the very kind, well-liked in the thirteenth division, known as the good old man, Aizen Soyousuke, looked down at him condescendingly, with the calmness of a winner.

At the end of the video, at the expense of his left arm, he used the ninety-six and one-knife cremation to hit Aizen. As of this, the plot has ended.

But Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai knew that a man who could push him to that level would not be able to die just because of a mere breach, even if it was a breach of No. [-].

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “Is that person Mr. Yamamoto? I always feel so pitiful! My whole body is burnt!”

The oldest and strongest god-killer: “This is the fate of a warrior, but the old man admires his will to fight. At that level, he can even destroy one of his arms to launch an attack. The newcomer who is known as the strongest god of death, old man. Acknowledge your strength!”

It’s not a monster idler: “Aiya, that level of attack is really terrible, if we try hard, it will be quite a headache!”

Guardian of Shenzhou: “Very powerful attack, it seems that the old man is also a very strong person, God of Death! Although it is not the God of Death I imagined, it is well-deserved!”

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “After all, he is the strongest god of death for thousands of years, and he is equivalent to the history of the Soul Soul Realm. It is normal to have such strength!”

The old man is a naval hero: “Hahaha, that terrifying flame is far stronger than Akainu’s magma attack!”

The ancient emperor daughter: “Although it is not as powerful as I imagined, it is not bad!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world: “It’s barely okay, but compared to the messenger of God, it’s still far behind!”

“I want to express my thoughts too!”

Looking at the comments in the group, Tony Stark wanted to cry without tears. He also watched the video and wanted to express his thoughts!

But now he’s been banned, he can only be an outsider, watching other people chat.

This feeling.

Made him extremely uncomfortable.

It’s not Mary Su: “Master Yamamoto, you should know what equivalent exchange is! I can’t just give you such an important thing for free!”

Not Mary Sue: “The other two newcomers, if you want to know about your future, just upload something useful!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “By the way, you don’t have to send a red envelope, just upload it to the group and share it!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “? The always stingy manager is so generous this time??”

Yukinoshita Yukino expressed shock.

She didn’t forget the look of Miss Manager when she first joined the group. Whether it was Yakumo Zi, Marquis of Woban, Tony Stark, or even her, she was extorted a lot of things.

But because it’s an equivalent exchange, they don’t care.

But this time, Lin Xi was so generous to share it with everyone? ?

Not a monster idler: “Oh, is this the sun coming out of the west?”

The oldest and strongest godslayer: “The old man is also a little surprised!”

The old man is a naval hero: “+1”

Guardian of Shenzhou: “Lin Xi is not so stingy!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “Hey, hey, you guys are slandering. How can a beautiful girl with both talent and beauty like Miss Ben be so stingy!”

Lin Xi was a little unhappy. She used to be so stingy. Naturally, it was because her strength was weak and she urgently needed to increase her strength. Now that her strength was strong, she naturally didn’t need to be so stingy.

Rather be generous.

Besides, this opportunity was given to her by Ye Qing, and she was embarrassed to take it for herself, so she might as well announce it and share it with the group members!

“Equivalent exchange…”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai pondered, and then made a decision.

Ding, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai uploaded the Dao of Ghosts Daquan.

Ding, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai uploaded the spiritual power cultivation method.

Ding, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai uploaded Shunpo’s training method and advanced skills.

The number one leader in the Soul Society: “Miss Administrator, is this enough? If it’s not enough, the old master can only pass on some more one-time attack methods!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “It’s barely enough for you!”


Chapter [-]: The pimped Lin Xi, the witch who delivered it to her door for free (Part [-])

“It’s a pity that there is no flow!”

Lin Xi sighed with some pity, if there is anything that is most precious in Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai, it will only be a fire.

This is the strongest and oldest flame-type soul-killing knife in the soul-dead world, with the most terrifying destructive power.

In its state of solution, it has a terrifying high temperature of [-] million degrees, which is comparable to the core temperature of the sun. Just standing still can slowly destroy the world.

Of course, this is not to say that Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has reached the surface level under the liberation state. This is impossible, but it is just the characteristics of its Soul Chopping Blade.

But even so, it is enough to show the power of the fire.

Lin Xi is very envious. If she can get it, her combat power will be improved by another level. Unfortunately, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has no idea of ​​uploading it at all.

This also made Lin Xi give up the idea of ​​continuing to squeeze.

The most precious Zanpakutō could not be obtained, so other things were not of great value to her.

It’s not Mary Sue: “Everyone, you can all receive these items, you don’t need to be polite to me!”

Ding, the oldest and strongest godslayer has received…

Soon, everyone received the items uploaded by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, and even Ye Qing chose to receive them and wanted to refer to them.

The first person in the Soul Society: “Miss Administrator, you can send the rest of the story video to this old man!”

Not Mary Sue: “Yes!”

Ding, it wasn’t Mary Sue who uploaded the complete “Grim Reaper”.

Soon, a very large file was uploaded to the chat group by Lin Xi, and everyone clicked to receive it, but they didn’t watch it for the first time.

Only Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai plunged into the world of plot videos for the first time and started the road to make up.

It’s not Mary Su: “@The Miko who guards the jade of the four souls, @Sirin is the number one in the world, two newcomers, do you want to know your future? Just pay a small price!”

The witch who guards the Jade of the Four Souls: “But I don’t have the precious secrets like Mr. Yamamoto, I’m afraid I can’t give you what you want!”

Unlike local tyrants like Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, Kikyo is a powerful witch, but she relies more on talent, and she does not have many spells.

After all, the shrine where she came from is just an ordinary shrine, and there is nothing too precious to inherit.

It’s not Mary Su: “I don’t need you to give me any precious secrets, you just need to promise me not to fall in love with that half-demon Inuyasha!”

It’s not Mary Su: “By the way, you still have to be the exclusive witch for the Immortal King, who is countless times greater than the gods and becomes his exclusive witch. You may be able to use the power of the Immortal Lord, End the troubled world of youkai!”

In Lin Xi’s opinion, the source of all tragedies of Kikyo is because he fell in love with the half-demon Inuyasha. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with Inuyasha, but because of this love, it is a doomed tragedy.

It is because of falling in love with Inuyasha that Kikyo’s spiritual power will quickly deplete, and the powerful heart will become slender and sensitive, no longer as sharp and decisive as before.

It is precisely because of this that Kikyo was attacked by Naraku and suffered incurable serious injuries, and finally died with hatred.

Moreover, even without Naraku’s intervention, Kikyo finally got his wish to use the jade of the four souls to turn Inuyasha into an ordinary person and live together, will they be able to do as they wish?

Kikyo, who lost his spiritual power, and Inuyasha, who lost his half-demon body, can really survive in the era of the Warring States?

Will the swarming monsters and robbers really let them go because of the disappearance of the Four Soul Jade?

Just think about it and know it’s impossible.

It’s an endless cycle doomed to tragedy.

That’s why Lin Xi wanted to stop Kikyo from falling in love with Inuyasha.

As for why she had to pull Ye Qing off, in her opinion, being able to serve a great existence like Ye Qing was a great luck in itself.

It’s not Mary Su: “Cough, Lord Immortal King, this matter is an unreasonable proposition, please forgive me for being reckless, but Kikyo sauce’s future is very miserable, please help her!”

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “…”

Ye Qing was speechless, is this pimping himself?

It’s not that he hates it, he just feels a little weird when a beautiful girl finds a girl for him.

After all, the exclusive witch, in the era of the Warring States period, was already equivalent to dedicating oneself to the gods, and only belonged to the gods forever.

The Miko who guards the Jade of the Four Souls: “!!!”

The witch who guards the Jade of the Four Souls: “Miss Administrator, I don’t know any Inuyasha, and I won’t fall in love with him, but it’s not a good thing to serve the Immortal King!”

The witch who guards the Jade of the Four Souls: “I’m just an ordinary guardian witch, and I may not be worthy of the Immortal King!”

She doesn’t care about serving Ye Qing. After all, there is no god in the shrine in Maple Village. She is a masterless witch herself, and she is lucky to be a witch with a powerful god. matter.

What she really cares about is Ye Qing’s opinion.

After learning about the details of the chat group, she realized how great an existence like Ye Qing is, whose personality is far beyond the so-called gods, even Amaterasu.

Such an existence would really like an ordinary witch like her?

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “I don’t mind one more witch!”

Ye Qing understands Kikyo very well. Not only is she beautiful, powerful and kind, but she is also very talented. How could he refuse such an excellent witch who took the initiative to send her to her door.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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