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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 30

In fact, Lin Xi had just suspected that she had been manipulated by humans, and even dared to call the Immortal King in the early days.

Thinking about it now, Lin Xi was afraid for a while, and naturally didn’t dare to do it again.

It’s not Mary Sue: “I just want Xilin to give up the idea of ​​destroying mankind!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world: “Impossible! I will never forget the pain that those people caused me, I will never give up destroying mankind, and the Valkyrie of Destiny, aren’t they amazing? Hahaha, then I will destroy the human beings they protect, and I will avenge them!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “…”

Guardian of China: “It seems that Miss Xilin has been hurt a lot!”

Chiyuan sighed. As a fusion warrior of the previous era, she naturally knew the hatred and fear of human beings for Honkai, and how many inhuman experiments humans have done in order to fight Honkai.

Celine, perhaps the victim of the experiment.

It’s not Mary Sue: “You can take revenge, but you don’t have to involve the entire human race, right? In the final analysis, it is the destiny that takes you as an experiment, not the human beings. What you should really hate is the destiny!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “And when it comes to humans, are you human too? Your mother and your friends are humans too? Do you want to deny humans? Deny your mother and friends?”

Xilin No. [-] in the world: “…”

Xi Lin was stunned for a moment. She really hadn’t thought about this question. How could Xi Lin, who was full of revenge, think so much. Now that she had Lin Xi’s guidance, she began to hesitate.

At this time, Xilin hadn’t really abandoned human emotions, and hadn’t become a true Herrscher, and there was still salvation.

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “@西林天一#, the chat group spans the endless world and possesses all kinds of incredible abilities. As long as you stay in the chat group for a long time, you will one day gain extremely powerful power and even resurrect your mother. and friends!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world: “Really?”

Celine couldn’t believe it.

Resurrection of the dead, even if it is to become a Herrscher, it is impossible to do so.

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “I am the Immortal King!”

In this regard, Ye Qing only had four simple words, but he had an unparalleled aura, which made Xi Lin feel at ease involuntarily.

Yes, how could the Immortal King deceive her.

Xilin No. [-] in the world: “Okay! I believe the words of the Immortal King and give up destroying mankind, but I will never let go of those who hurt me!”

After hesitating for a long time, in the end, Xi Lin still believed in Ye Qing, gave up the idea of ​​destroying human beings, and only planned to kill the first evil.

In this regard, even Chi Yuan has no opinion.

Those who do evil will eventually have to pay for their evil deeds, no matter what reason he has.


ps: Sorry for the late update today!

Some people in the comment area said that the protagonist is not dignified enough. Well, I will pay attention to this in the future. QAQ

Chapter [-] Is Niang Twinkle in Danger?Want to come to the moon world (second more)

It’s not Mary Sue: “Sirin, believe me, you who give up destroying mankind will see a better future!”

Ding, it was not Mary Su who uploaded the comic version of “The Second Collapse”.

Xilin No. [-] in the world: “Hmph, I don’t need your reminder!”

Xilin No. [-] in the world received “The Second Collapse”

Not a monster idler: “We are very interested in Miss Xilin’s future!”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita: “I’m curious too!”

The rest of the people also accepted the comics one after another, and then, like Xilin, plunged into the comics together.

It’s not Mary Su: “Lord Immortal King, don’t you read it?”

Seeing that Ye Qing didn’t receive the comics, Lin Xi was a little curious, but thinking of what Ye Qing said before, she felt relieved.

For the Immortal Kings, their futures have long been seen through.

This is the super boss of the fantasy world, squeezing the universe and seeing through the future is just a matter of snapping your fingers.

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “No need, Xilin’s future has already been revealed in my eyes!”

The implication is that he has seen through the future of Xilin.

It’s not Mary Su: “As expected of the Immortal King, you can see through the future at a glance!”

The owner of the restricted area: “I can’t see through everyone’s future, this is not a means to boast!”

At the very least, Ye Qing can’t deduce a strong person at the level of immortality.

As for the underworld, it is still possible to see through it.

Not Mary Sue: “That’s great too!”

It’s not Mary Su: “By the way, Lord Immortal King, I want to apologize to you!”

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “Why?”

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows and suddenly thought of what happened just now. Is this an apology for the Kikyo thing?

It’s not Mary Sue: “I just made decisions for you without your consent. This is really arrogant. I apologize to you, please forgive me!”

The owner of the restricted area: “As members of the same group, we should help each other… But, there will be no next time!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “I see, I owe you a favor this time!”

The owner of the restricted area: “It doesn’t have to be like this, this time you did it to help Kikyo, and I also gained a witch, the result is not bad for me!”

It’s not Mary Sue: “Please, please don’t reject this favor, or I’ll be restless!”

The Lord of the Restricted Area: “…Okay!”

It’s not Mary Su: “Thank you, Lord Xianwang, long live Lord Xianwang!”

this girl!

Ye Qing couldn’t help laughing, but he also understood the psychological pressure of the other party.

Although Lin Xi’s previous intentions were good, he also offended him, the Immortal King, and it is only natural that he is so eager to get his forgiveness now.


The oldest queen of the group is in danger. As the master, are you willing to help?

At this moment, an icy mechanical sound sounded, causing Ye Qing to be slightly startled, a little stunned.

Niang Twinkle is in danger?

how can that be.

In the four battles, is there anyone who can threaten Niang Twinkle?

The current Niang Twinkle is not the second flash in the original book. Not only has it been strengthened by the crystal of aura, but she has also seen the plot. With the advantage of foresight, it is almost impossible to overturn the car.

But looking at it now… it seems to be a rollover?

“Is it the butterfly effect? ​​Or is there an accident?”

Ye Qing whispered, a little puzzled.

If you want Niang Twinkle to be in danger, either the singularity or the powerhouse of the Lost Belt, or the ancestors of the dead disciples, etc., and the strongest ones.

For example, the Mercury spider.

“Go and have a look, it’s my servant anyway, and not everyone can move!” Ye Qing opened her eyes, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and then she stood up.

“Ye Qing, what happened?!”

Aside, Liu Shen, who noticed Ye Qing’s change, asked.

“I have something to do, I may need to leave for a while!” Ye Qing looked at Liu Shen and said softly.

“is it serious?”

Liu Shen asked, and dozens of wicker twigs were flying, filled with a crystal green light.

In the past six months, with Ye Qing’s help, Liu Shen’s strength recovered much faster than the original.

“It’s just a small matter!”

Ye Qing said flatly, this is indeed a trivial matter.

Not to mention the small four battles, even if the entire Xingyue world adds up, it is nothing to him, and it can be destroyed with a flip.

“So, then I wish you all the best!”

Liu Shen said softly.


Ye Qing nodded, looked at Number [-] who was celebrating with everyone, and called him over.

“Master will leave for a while, and the future cultivation is up to you!”

“Remember, you are my disciple, no matter what enemy you encounter, even if the background is sky-high, you don’t need to be afraid, just hit me hard, and I will help you carry any danger!”


Looking at the number ten in front of him, Ye Qing ordered.

“Master, I understand!”

No. [-] nodded heavily, with a sparkling light in his eyes, as if he was reluctant to leave Ye Qing.

“It’s not like I’m not coming back!”

Seeing him like this, Ye Qing said angrily, and couldn’t help reaching out and rubbing his hair, giving the future Huangtian Emperor a slap in the head.

“This jade talisman is for you. If you encounter an enemy that you cannot fight against, just crush it!”

Ye Qing handed No. [-] a jade talisman, which contains a ray of Ye Qing’s spiritual thoughts. Once activated, it can manifest an incarnation of Ye Qing. Although it is only a trivial ray of power, it is enough to sweep away. All enemies under the Supreme Realm.

Even if the upper bound giants come, they can directly blow up.

“Thank you, master!”

No. [-]’s eyes lit up, and his face was full of joy.

With this jade talisman, he is not afraid of encountering the sniping of the old monster. He is not afraid of the arrogance of his peers, he is confident to push it horizontally, and he is afraid that the strong men of the older generation will shamelessly deal with it.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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