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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 32

“Don’t you think that we can deal with that monster alone? Don’t think about it, even if we gather our strength, it is impossible to deal with it!”

Niang Twinkle pointed to the monster the size of a city, and said in a calm tone.

“Then why did you…”

The Conqueror King was startled, then frowned, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Niang Twinkle waving.

“As a king, I am a great hero of the human epic, how can we allow such monsters to wreak havoc on the land of human beings? This is the king’s territory!”

“Even if it is not an opponent, this king will fight to the end!”

“King of Conqueror, this king needs your strength!”

Niang Twinkle stood up, said impassively, that fearless courage, even the conquering king, Alexander, was shocked at this moment.

“Hahaha! Since the King of Heroes is so invited, the King has to obey!”

Conquer Wang Haomai laughed.

“Feed the elixir to your Master, and let him use the Command Spell to improve your strength!” Niang Twink said in disgust, and then looked at a few people not far away.

There are three in total.

A silver-haired young woman, a blond knight, is exactly Alice Phil and Saber, that is, the Saber group!

The other is Baraerker, who has been silent, like a hell knight.

“Hey, you guys, have you heard what this king said? Let’s join forces!”

Looking at them calmly, the mother said lightly.

“Among the current Seven Horsemen, apart from the caster who retired early and the lancer who did not appear, there are only three of you and me left. If you want to fight against this kind of monster, the power of the Servant is essential. , your decision!”

Hearing this, Saber frowned slightly, glanced at Irisviel with a distorted face beside him, and said solemnly.

“It’s okay for us to join forces, but you must also give Ellie that elixir!”

Irisviel, who is also her master, just glanced at Cthulhu just now, and ended up in the same fate, but Irisviel’s magic ability is stronger, so she can persist, but it won’t last long. .

“no problem!”

With that said, Niang Twink threw another bottle to Saber!

“What about you? Baraerker, I know you have self-awareness. If you agree, I can temporarily forgive you for your rudeness before!” Niang Twinkle looked at Baraerker, who had been silent all the time. This is the one present except her. the strongest.

“it is good!”

From the pitch-black helmet, there was a low voice, and the gender could not be discerned.

“In this way, our three cavalry servants can join forces to fight against the enemy!”

“Although it can’t be an opponent, at least it can be a bit more heroic!”

The girl said calmly.


Chapter [-] The strongest attack, the world about to be destroyed? (fifth more)

“Everyone, can you let me have a kick too?!”

At this moment, a low voice came. I don’t know when, on the roof far away from everyone, a red figure stood there, with sharp eyes like eagles, looking at Niangjing and the others flatly. .

When the eyes swept across Niang Twinkle, there was a hint of confusion in the eyes of this red figure, and then it quickly dissipated and returned to plain.

“It turned out to be Alaya’s guardian, why, Alaya asked you to die?!”

Seeing the person coming, Niang Twinkle’s eyes flashed with disgust, as if she knew the identity of the person who came, but she did not refuse.

Obviously, the stronger the alliance is now, the better.

Although Niang Twinkle is arrogant, she is not stupid, and she will not waste the battle power delivered to her door in vain.

The guardian is also a kind of heroic spirit, but unlike the heroic spirit, he cannot control his own destiny independently, and can only be driven by Alaya, unable to resist.

“There’s no way, the boss has an order and I have to come!”

The red Servant shrugged and said lazily. That sloppy attitude made Saber, who had an old-fashioned and serious character, frown a little, but he didn’t open his mouth to correct it.

Now is not the time for their infighting.

“King of Heroes, do you know what kind of monster that is?”

At this moment, Saber, who was holding the holy sword, suddenly asked.

“Monster? No, that’s not a monster, that’s a god!” Niang Twinkle sneered.


Saber showed a stunned look.

“Why, you show such a stupid attitude because of your superficial knowledge! You are really stupid!” Niang Twinkle sarcastically said mercilessly.

“Gilgamesh! You!”

Saber was a little annoyed, and was about to argue, but was pulled by Irisviel.

“Saber, it’s still mainly about dealing with that monster!”

Irisviel said in a low voice, after taking Mother Twink’s elixir, she also dispelled the madness, and now she has basically recovered.

“King of Heroes, now is the time for us to join forces, can you put away your arrogant attitude? Do I have a grudge against you and make you target me like this?”

Saber took a deep breath and said solemnly.

“That is the god named Cthulhu, the ruler of the old days, the god of aliens, the greatest fear of mankind!” Niang Twinkle did not respond to Saber’s question, but explained herself.

“That’s a god, not a monster!”

“Of course, for us now, that is a monster. When that monster wakes up, the entire human world will be destroyed, even this planet…”

Speaking of this, Niang Twinkle sneered and didn’t go on, but everyone knew it.

Such a terrifying monster.

Once it is rampant, not only the human world, but even the earth will be destroyed.

“Let’s join forces and launch our strongest attack!!”

Niang Ding said lightly, and then she raised her right hand, golden ripples appeared, and a strangely shaped weapon appeared.

This is a weapon composed of a golden ornate gauntlet and a three-lobed cylindrical blade. It does not look like a sword at all, exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Deviance sword!

The full name is the star of the development of heaven and earth deviation.

Since the last battle with Ye Qing, this sword has been taken out again.

“it is good!”

Saber said solemnly, raising the holy sword in his hands high, and the bright golden light began to shine.


The real name of the holy sword was liberated, and the dragon factor in the body was also running wildly, and the boiling magic was surging, as if a real red dragon burst out at this moment, pouring into the holy sword in his hand.

In an instant, a sacred beam of light was cut out, turned into a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the ground, tore the sea, and blasted towards Cthulhu.

“ea, wake up!”

At the same moment, Niang Twinkle held up the Deviance Sword, fully liberating the power of this ex-level anti-world Noble Phantasm.

The Deviance Sword quickly spun up.

The three-lobed cylindrical blade spun, and the scarlet light ripped apart the sky and the earth, setting off a boundless gust of wind, affecting dozens of kilometers of space, and the space was cut open.

The space cracked and the wind howled. At this moment, ea’s power reached an extreme, several times stronger than when he fought against Ye Qing.

The scarlet light shone on the sky and the earth, accompanied by a terrifying tearing power, turned into a terrifying scarlet beam, and blasted towards Cthulhu together with Saber.

“Shine on the spear of doom!”

The black knight, the knight named Baraerker, raised the holy spear in his hand.

At the moment of liberation, the black gust of wind spun wildly, and the terrifying magic power surged. Its powerful momentum even surpassed Saber’s holy sword and was second only to Niang Twinkle’s stray sword.

The reason why they can’t compare is not because of the Noble Phantasm, but because Niang Twinkle’s strength is stronger.

But even so, that terrifying power shocked everyone, only Niang Twinkle gave her a dull look, not seeming surprised by this power.

“—Pseudo Spiral Sword!”

At the same moment, the red guardian also released his Noble Phantasm, turning it into a scarlet beam, forming a whole with everyone’s attack, and its power instantly doubled.

Only the King of Conqueror played soy sauce with a serious face.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to shoot, but that he doesn’t have the same long-range light cannon as other Servants, so he can only watch the play tragically.

“Hey, lancer, you say, can they win?”

On the other side, in a mansion, the pure white girl showed an innocent smile and asked the spearman on the side.

The man was silent.

“You can’t win, my eyes have already seen the future!”

“These servants will die, this city will be destroyed, this boring world…”

“Destroy too!”

“This is the future that I, the princess of the root, Sajo Aige saw!”

The princess of the root, Sha Tiao Aige opened her hands and said with a bright smile, full of innocence.

At the same moment, the joint attack of everyone also hit Cthulhu.


ps: Chapter [-] is a bit late, but I still offer it.I hope that the book review area will be calm when discussing the settings, and the author will not take sides, and will not deliberately add some torn systems, such as Honghuang, so everyone should be calm when discussing.

Chapter [-]: The Power of Cthulhu, the Smashed Fuyuki City (First Update)

ps:saber diagram


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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